823 resultados para Ley del 90-10


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the addition of surfactants sodium stearoyl lactate (SSL) and sucrose ester (SE) on the functional properties of films produced with polysaccharides mixtures (methylcellulose/glucomannan/pectin in 1/4/1 ratio, respectively) and gelatin. The films were produced by the casting method and characterized for their water vapor permeability (WVP), mechanical (tensile strength and elongation to break point), morphological and optical properties. Films with low WVP were obtained with surfactants. Addition of SE to the films with polysaccharide/gelatin ratio of 90/10 showed improved mechanical properties. Films presented smooth surfaces with micro voids and lumpiness, depending on the surfactant tested. Surfactants increased the opacity of the films by a factor of 1-3%. All film properties were dependent on the surfactant affinity for the biopolymer matrix. SE presented more affinity for biopolymer matrix containing high polysaccharide proportion, and SSL presented more affinity for polymer matrix containing high gelatin proportion. The addition of surfactants decreased the water vapor permeability of the films, increasing their hydrophobic character.


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Five Mbo I (Mbo-A, Mbo-M, Mbo-C(1), Mbo-C(2) and Mbo-C(3)) and Hinf I (Hinf-1 to Hinf-5) patterns were observed in Apis mellifera samples after restriction of a 485 bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome-b (cyt-b) gene. Associating the cyt-b Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) pattern of each sample to its respective previously established COI-COII (Dra I sites) pattern, five restriction patterns (Mbo-C(1), Mbo-C(2), Mbo-C(3), Hinf-1 and Hinf-4) were observed in samples of maternal origin associated to the evolutionary branch C. No deletions or insertions were observed and the nucleotide substitution rate was estimated at 5.4%. Higher nucleotide diversity was observed among the branch C-haplotypes when compared with A and M lineages. Further studies are needed to confirm if the cyt-b + COI-COII haplotypes help to assign certain phylogeographic patterns to the branch C and to clarify phylogenetic relationships among A. mellifera subspecies.


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A time efficient optical model is proposed for GATE simulation of a LYSO scintillation matrix coupled to a photomultiplier. The purpose is to avoid the excessively long computation time when activating the optical processes in GATE. The usefulness of the model is demonstrated by comparing the simulated and experimental energy spectra obtained with the dual planar head equipment for dosimetry with a positron emission tomograph ( DoPET). The procedure to apply the model is divided in two steps. Firstly, a simplified simulation of a single crystal element of DoPET is used to fit an analytic function that models the optical attenuation inside the crystal. In a second step, the model is employed to calculate the influence of this attenuation in the energy registered by the tomograph. The use of the proposed optical model is around three orders of magnitude faster than a GATE simulation with optical processes enabled. A good agreement was found between the experimental and simulated data using the optical model. The results indicate that optical interactions inside the crystal elements play an important role on the energy resolution and induce a considerable degradation of the spectra information acquired by DoPET. Finally, the same approach employed by the proposed optical model could be useful to simulate a scintillation matrix coupled to a photomultiplier using single or dual readout scheme.


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Lycopodiopsis derbyi Renault was analyzed on the basis of compressed silicified stems from four Guadalupian outcrops of the Parana Basin (Corumbatai Formation) in the State of Sao Paulo, Southern Brazil. Dichotomous stems have been recorded, and three different branch regions related to apoxogenesis are described. The most proximal region has larger, clearly rhomboidal leaf cushions, with protruding upper edges; the intermediate transitional region also has rhombic leaf cushions, but they are smaller and less elongated than the lower in the same axis; finally, the most distal region reveals only incipient cushions, with inconspicuous infrafoliar bladders; interspersed microphylls were still attached. A well preserved branch representative of this most distal region was sectioned; it has a siphonostelic cylinder similar to that previously described for L derbyi. The cortex, however, shows new traits, such as a short portion of elongated cells between the periderm and the external cortex (or leaf cushion tissue). The stems were apparently silicified prior to their final burial but were probably not transported for long distances. Their final burial may have taken place during storm events, which were common during the deposition of the Corumbatai Formation. These stems are commonly deformed due to compression, mainly because the internal cortical portions rapidly decayed prior to silicification due to their thin-walled tissue, and are therefore not preserved. The common alkalinity of a shallow marine environment such as that in which the Corumbatai Formation was deposited, should mobilize the silica and favors petrifaction. Based on the new data, an emended diagnosis is proposed and a modification of the identification key published by Thomas and Meyen in 1984 for Upper Paleozoic Lycopsida is suggested. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Let G be a finite group and ZG its integral group ring. We show that if alpha is a nontrivial bicyclic unit of ZG, then there are bicyclic units beta and gamma of different types, such that and are non-abelian free groups. In the case when G is non-abelian of order coprime to 6 we prove the existence of a bicyclic unit u and a Bass cyclic unit v in ZG, such that < u(m), v > is a free non-abelian group for all sufficiently large positive integers m.


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Marciniak and Sehgal showed that if u is a non-trivial bicyclic unit of an integral group ring then there is a bicyclic unit v such that u and v generate a non-abelian free group. A similar result does not hold for Bass cyclic units of infinite order based on non-central elements as some of them have finite order modulo the center. We prove a theorem that suggests that this is the only limitation to obtain a non-abelian free group from a given Bass cyclic unit. More precisely, we prove that if u is a Bass cyclic unit of an integral group ring ZG of a solvable and finite group G, such that u has infinite order modulo the center of U(ZG) and it is based on an element of prime order, then there is a non-abelian free group generated by a power of u and a power of a unit in ZG which is either a Bass cyclic unit or a bicyclic unit.


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Tendo em vista o controle da porosidade da matriz polimérica de micropartículas constituídas por blendas de poli(hidroxibutirato-co-hidroxivalerato) [P(HBHV)] e de poli- ε-caprolactona (PCL), o presente trabalho objetivou verificar a possibilidade de controle da liberação de fármacos associados a esses sistemas. Foram preparadas micropartículas constituídas de blendas de P(HBHV):PCL nas proporções de 100:0, 90:10 e 80:20 (m/m) pelo método de emulsificação/evaporação de solvente, variandose o volume de fase orgânica. Os modelos de fármacos utilizados foram a dexametasona e o acetato de dexametasona. As micropartículas obtidas apresentaram rendimento e eficiência de encapsulação satisfatória, entretanto, através de análises por microscopia óptica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura foi evidenciada a ocorrência de cristais de fármaco não encapsulado. Os diâmetros de partícula permaneceram em torno de 100 a 200 μm e variaram em função do volume de fase orgânica. A área superficial foi afetada pelo percentual de PCL na blenda e pela presença de cristais do fármaco nas formulações. A análise térmica das amostras demonstrou que o processo de obtenção alterou a estrutura cristalina do P(HBHV) e que a encapsulação dos fármacos levou à variação da sua temperatura de transição vítrea e cristalinidade. Os perfis de dissolução da dexametasona a partir das micropartículas apresentaram ajustes adequados ao modelo monoexponencial e foram semelhantes aos perfis apresentados pelo fármaco não encapsulado. Nas formulações contendo acetato de dexametasona houve liberação sustentada do fármaco por até 250 horas quando associado aos sistemas e a modelagem matemática indicou ajuste dos perfis ao modelo biexponencial. Evidenciou-se um aumento nos valores das constantes de liberação dos fármacos conforme o acréscimo do conteúdo de PCL na blenda.


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Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da inclusão de aditivos químicos na ensilagem de resíduos (entrecasca) da produção de palmito pupunha (Bactris gasipaes, Kunth). Utilizaram-se silos experimentais (baldes de 20 litros) providos de aparatos para determinação gravimétrica de perdas por gases e efluentes. Os tratamentos aplicados foram: controle (sem aditivos); ureia (1% da MV) e cal virgem (1% da MV). Decorridos 70 dias de armazenagem, os silos foram pesados, abertos e amostrados. As perdas por efluentes e gases aumentaram com a aplicação de cal virgem na ensilagem. As perdas totais de MS foram de 15,1; 14,4 e 26,6% nas silagens controle, ureia e cal, respectivamente. em todas as silagens, houve redução no teor de FDN e elevação da fração FDA, o que indica desaparecimento da fração hemicelulose. A relação cálcio:fósforo aumentou substancialmente com a adição de cal virgem, de 4,1:1 na silagem controle para 15,6:1 na silagem com cal. O resíduo da extração do palmito pupunha pode ser classificado como alimento de média qualidade e alto teor de umidade. Os aditivos aplicados na ensilagem não são efetivos em reduzir as perdas fermentativas no processo de conservação.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os atributos físicos e químicos de substratos com diferentes doses de biossólido (BIO) e de casca de arroz carbonizada (CAC), com vistas em obter um meio de crescimento adequado para o desenvolvimento de mudas. Desta forma, utilizando biossólido proveniente da SABESP, estação de Franca (SP), estabeleceu-se um ensaio com os seguintes tratamentos (proporções BIO/CAC): 100/0, 90/10, 80/20, 70/30, 60/40, 50/50, 40/60, 30/70, 20/80, 10/90 e 0/100, os quais foram comparados ao substrato comercial Multiplant®. Foram realizadas análises para determinação dos atributos físicos, como: densidade aparente do substrato, macro e microporosidade, porosidade total, capacidade máxima de retenção de água, e dos atributos químicos dos substratos, como: teores totais de macro e micronutrientes, pH, relação C/N e condutividade elétrica. Com a elevação da dose de BIO no substrato houve aumento da densidade e do percentual de microporos e, conseqüentemente, da capacidade de retenção de água. O BIO apresentou teores razoáveis de nutrientes com destaque para N e P, mas baixos teores de K. Não foram detectados teores de metais pesados superiores aos limites estabelecidos pela Legislação Brasileira no biossólido usado. Comparando-se os valores considerados adequados para o desenvolvimento de mudas encontrados na literatura com os obtidos neste trabalho, encaixaram-se na faixa adequada os substratos cujas doses de biossólido variaram de 30 a 60 %. Nenhum substrato testado, incluindo o do tratamento com substrato comercial, apresentou valores ideais em todas as propriedades estudadas.


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Thin films of blend made up of castor oil-based polyurethane (PU) and polyaniline (PANI) were obtained by casting. The molecular mobility was studied using dielectric spectroscopy and thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC) for blends with two different compositions (90/10, 80/20) and the results were compared with PU pure. The peak located around -60 degrees C in TSDC thermograms of PU/PANI blend has dipolar behavior and might be attributed to the change in the molecular chain due to the interaction between isocyanate and the solvent. Vogel-Fulcher Tammann fits was performed on the observed relaxation and the result shows a alpha-relaxation-like. (c) 2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The study of polymer blends has been an alternative method in the search field of new materials for obtaining materials with improved properties. In this work blends of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) doped with titanium dioxide (TiO2) were studied. The PEO is a polymer semicrystalline structure varying between, 70 and 84% crystallinity, while the PMMA exhibits behavior amorphous in their structure. The use of TiO2 is related to corrosion-resistant of titanium as well as good heat transfer and other characteristics. The study of these polymer blends doped TiO2 gives the properties junction organic (polymer) and inorganic (oxide) which leads to modification of the properties of the resultant material. The blends were doped TiO2 (POE/PMMA/TiO2) in different proportions of the PMMA with the PEO and TiO2 fixed. The ratios were: 90/10/0,1; 85/15/0, 1; 80/20/0,1, 75/25/0,1 and 70/30/0,1. The resulting material was obtained in powder form and being characterized by Fourier Transformed Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). The infrared spectra (IR) for the blends in different ratios showed a band at 1744 cm-1, characteristic of the C=O stretching, which increases in intensity with increasing PMMA composition, while in the spectrum of pure PEO this band is absent. This may suggest that the interaction is occurring between the polymers. In the micrographs of the blends also observed change in their surfaces with variation of the composition of PMMA, contributing to the change of the electrical properties of the material. The EIS data showed that the material exhibited conductivity of the order of 10-6 S.cm-1. The blend in the ratio B2(85/15/0, 1) showed better conductivity, σ = 1.56 x 10-6 S.cm-1. It was observed that the diffusion coefficient for the blends, B5(70/30/0, 1) was the largest, 1.07 x 10-6 m2.s-1. The XRD data showing that, with the variation in the composition of the PMMA blend crystallinity of the material is decreased reaching a minimum B3(80/20/0,1), and then increases again. Thermal analysis suggests that blends made from the material obtained can be applied at room temperature


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Topics of research related to energy and environment have significantly grown in recent years, with the need of its own energy as hydrogen. More particularly, numerous researches have been focused on hydrogen as energy vector. The main portion of hydrogen is presently obtained by reforming of methane or light hydrocarbons (steam, oxy, dry or auto reforming). During the methane steam reforming process the formation of CO2 undesirable (the main contributor to the greenhouse effect) is observed. Thus, an oxide material (sorbent) can be used to capture the CO2 generated during the process and simultaneously shifting the equilibrium of water gas shift towards thermodynamically more favorable production of pure hydrogen. The aim of this study is to develop a material with dual function (catalyst/sorbent) in the reaction of steam reforming of methane. CaO is well known as CO2 sorbent due to its high efficiency in reactions of carbonation and easy regeneration through calcination. However the kinetic of carbonation decreases quickly with time and carbonation/calcination cycles. A calcium aluminate (Ca12Al14O33) should be used to avoid sintering and increase the stability of CaO sorbents for several cycles. Nickel, the industrial catalyst choice for steam reforming has been added to the support from different manners. These bi-functional materials (sorbent/catalyst) in different molar ratios CaO.Ca12Al14O33 (48:52, 65:35, 75:25, 90:10) were prepared by different synthesis methodologies, among them, especially the method of microwave assisted self-combustion. Synthesis, structure and catalytic performances of Ni- CaO.Ca12Al14O33 synthesized by the novel method (microwave assisted selfcombustion) proposed in this work has not being reported yet in literature. The results indicate that CO2 capture time depends both on the CaO excess and on operating conditions (eg., temperature and H2O/CH4 ratio). To be efficient for CO2 sorption, temperature of steam reforming needs to be lower than 700 °C. An optimized percentage corresponding to 75% of CaO and a ratio H2O/CH4 = 1 provides the most promising results since a smaller amount of water avoids competition between water and CO2 to form carbonate and hydroxide. If this competition is most effective (H2O/CH4 = 3) and would have a smaller amount of CaO available for absorption possibly due to the formation of Ca(OH)2. Therefore, the capture time was higher (16h) for the ratio H2O/CH4 = 1 than H2O/CH4 = 3 (7h) using as catalyst one prepared by impregnating the support obtained by microwave assisted self-combustion. Therefore, it was demonstrated that, with these catalysts, the CO2 sorption on CaO modifies the balance of the water gas-shift reaction. Consequently, steam reforming of CH4 is optimized, producing pure H2, complete conversion of methane and negligible concentration of CO2 and CO during the time of capture even at low temperature (650 °C). This validates the concept of the sorption of CO2 together with methane steam reforming


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)