897 resultados para Laparoscopia Assistida


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Os objetivos deste trabalho foram confirmar a herança da resistência da PI 459025 (Rpp4) à ferrugem-asiática-da-soja e identificar marcadores moleculares do tipo RAPD, ligados a este gene de resistência, em populações de soja. Pelo cruzamento dos genitores contrastantes PI 459025 x Coodetec 208 obteve-se uma população, cujas populações das gerações F2 e F2:3 foram artificialmente infectadas e avaliadas quanto à reação ao fungo Phakopsora pachyrhizi, pelo tipo de lesão (RB - resistente e TAN - suscetível). Com os resultados da avaliação fenotípica, dois bulks foram obtidos com DNA de plantas homozigóticas resistentes e suscetíveis, respectivamente, pela análise de bulks segregantes. de 600 iniciadores RAPD aleatórios, foram identificados três com fragmentos polimórficos entre os bulks e parentais contrastantes quanto à resistência. Pela análise do qui-quadrado, confirmaram-se: a herança monogênica, com dominância completa quanto à resistência ao patógeno, e a segregação 3:1 para a presença de banda dos três marcadores. Os três marcadores são ligados respectivamente a 5,1, 6,3 e 14,7 cM de distância do loco de resistência, em fase de repulsão no grupo de ligação G, o que foi confirmado pela utilização do marcador microssatélite Satt288. Estes marcadores são promissores na seleção assistida para resistência à ferrugem-asiática-da-soja.


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Environmental Laws and Regulations to dump wastewater are increasingly relevant and, together with pressure from environmentalists, provide awareness of academics in search of solutions. In Brazil, federal law, through Resolution No. 357 of 17/03/05 of the National Environmental Council - CONAMA, in Article 24 deals with the disposal of these effluents. Water pollution with heavy metals is concern because of the difficulty of the treatment and removal from the environment. Copper, for example, is a metallic element and in the form of salt is very soluble in water which dificults its removal. In this context, this study aims to evaluate the extraction of copper with acrylamide polymers through the process of assisted flocculation followed by filtration. Therefore, we used acrylamide polymers, produced by SNF Floerger, with varying degrees of ionicity which is the parameter examined on the extraction of copper. We used the FA polymers FA 920 SH, AH 912 SH, AN 905 SH, AN 910 SH, AN 923 SH, AN 945 SH, AN 956 SH and AN 977 SH, which have anionicities different from each other and growing in that order. The parameters temperature, pH, concentration of the copper solution and stirring speed are fixed. The polymer solution was added to a solution of 200 ppm copper, varying the concentration of polymer. After stirring, an assisted flocculation occurred followed by filtration of the effluent. The filtrate was analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometer and the percentage removal of copper ranged from 63 % to 97 %, noting that polymers with higher ionic charge were responsible for the highest percentage of copper extraction. The results of this study showed that these polymers can be applied in the treatment of wastewaters containing metals such as copper


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Situated on Applied Linguistics (PENNYCOOK, 1998; MOITA LOPES, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2009), this thesis, which is inscribed in a qualitative-interpretative approach of a critical analysis perspective , lies on the speech of social responsibility and the way like that is employed in seeking for legitimacy and prestige within the neopentecostal brazilian religious field, more specifically of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. The general goal of this research is t reflect upon the speech on social responsibility and the rethoric of selfpromotion of the Universal Church through the role of social actors in the making of his her identities, materialized in the newspaper Folha Universal. In order to achieve that, we have conjugated, in this research, social and discursive analysis. On the linguistic-discursive approach, the research is based on the Critical Analysis of Discourse (ACD), specially in Fairclough (2001, 2003, 2006), a proposal that provides theoretical-methodological tools to investigate the language beyond the linguistic structures , that is, the discourse, social practices in which it occurs and more ample structures. Theoretical assumptions were also used of Sistemico-Functional Linguistics(LSF), matching with categories of the Transitivity System of Halliday (1994, 2004), of the forms of representation of social actors in the socioeconomic perspective by Van Leeuwen (1997, 2008) and of the Appraisal system by Martin and White (2005). As we develop the argumentation on thesobre social role of religion in this thesis, we make use of the authors such as Freston (1994), Oro (1997, 2003), Campos (1996, 1999), Mariano (1999), Meneses (2008), among several ones. We have also used a series of concepts and categories coming from the field of communication and marketing on the business social responsability and social marketing . In this area, we take as references the contributions of Bueno (2003), Fossá and Sartoretto (2003) and Zenone (2006). The corpus of the work is framed by news taken at the newspaper Folha Universal, in which are given the social responsibility actions of the church . The timeframe used was on the editions of 2010 thru 2012. Results found at he analysis of the News lead to semantic features of Assessment of Affection, Judgment and Appreciation, many times followed by Gradation, and the Attribution, one of the subsystems of the Attachment, are evidence of positive assessments for the Universal Church and its agents and make up rethorical elements which provide structure for the discourse of the Universal Church at the newspaper Folha Universal consisted of its image (style) of social responsibility . Results show that the most frequente social actors of the discourse are, on one hand, the Universal Church itself and its volunteers, famous (actors, actresses, presenters), politicians and authorities, on the other hand, the population which was helped by the Church social projects . The first group seems to be Always activated, however the second one, most of the time rather passive. These are also represented by assimilation in most of the occurrences, however the other ones by individualization and nomination entitled by honorification, except for the volunteers that are represented either as an individual, or as a group


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Introduction: Radical prostatectomy surgery is the best treatment currently adopted by detecting prostate cancer. The urinary incontinence is one more common and difficult to treat postoperative complications, which causes a negative impact on quality of life of the individual prostatectomy . The surface electrical nerve stimulation involves the transmission of electrical impulses from an external stimulator for peripheral nerve through surface electrodes attached to skin. It is an easy and efficient technique, widely used for pain relief, rehabilitation and muscle strengthening. Objective: To analyze the effect of T10-L2 percutaneous electrical stimulation, in individuals with urinary incontinence who underwent radical prostatectomy by the laparoscopic technique. Methods: Six patients had previously undergone radical prostatectomy were submitted to 20 sections of surface electrical stimulation with frequency of 4 Hz, pulse width of 1ms during 20 minutes. All subjects fillid a quality of life - International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire- Short FormI - ICIQ-SF questionnaire evaluating. Results: Results showed reduction in the use of the number of pads, number of leaks before and after treatment, and reduced voiding frequency and consequent improvement in quality of life. No side effects were reported. Conclusion: Percutanous electrical stimulation in T10-L2 may be an effective technique to treat urinary incontinence (UI) after radical prostatectomy video laparoscopy


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Culturally, childbearing is understood as a situation that subjects will experience at some point in their lives, especially people who are married or have a similar affectionate relationship. Thus, to realize the inability to meet such a fate seems to be a natural cultural trigger of suffering, frustration and feelings of inadequacy and helplessness. Specifically for men, infertility is closely related to loss of masculinity, virility. He fails in his role as a male. This study sought to understand the impact that infertility have on the existence of a man who receives such a diagnosis, both in self-image as in their marital, sexual and professional roles. This study sets up as a hermeneutic phenomenological research based on the ideas of the philosopher Martin Heidegger. Participants were seven heterosexual, married and infertile men. Two interviews were conducted. The analysis of the material included both the material of the narratives, as the affectation of the researcher when interacting with the participants and their narratives, through phenomenological-hermeneutic interpretation. The results corroborate the literature that states the difficulty of the men, immersed in a context that defines them as virile, powerful and invulnerable to worry about issues related to health and disease. The possibility of any condition that impairs the reproductive capacity exceeds the acceptable limits of daily life for these men, not being recognized as a model of masculinity present in the condition in which they recognize. This leads to questions about their masculinity, role in the marital relationship and their existence. Thus, to recognize themselves as infertile surpass a medical diagnosis and is associated with the construction of meaning for their existence from the approximation with the infertility condition, which helps in redirecting their choices, restoring the project to be self and allowing further recognition as men. In the marital relationship, doing what they can to ensure, theirs happiness. Through these actions, they remain playing the role of family provider, showing that they are able to protect their wives and taking in assisted reproduction or adoption of children viable alternatives to fulfill the desire to leave a legacy and give a child to their wives and to society. Another result observed, refers to the ontological condition of care that characterizes the human being. The ways in which men are treated socially demonstrates a type of care that focuses on the development of characteristics such as strength, virility and determination but does not allow them to cope with the suffering of emotionally difficult situations, such as the diagnosis of infertility. At the end, the study gives rise to reflections on the need to provide a 12 space for men and their expressions of suffering, as well as to recognize their ability to overcome the painful and difficult situations


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This study aims to identify the relation between adolescents in conflict with the penal law, who were convicted to assisted freedom (a socio-educative measure applied by the Juvenile Justice system as a sanction to adolescent offenders), and the school. The research was developed in the Community-based Assisted Freedom Program of Pastoral do Menor , in Fortaleza (capital city of Ceará State, Brazil). The study has engaged 21 adolescents, eight program professionals, three members of the Center for Defense of Child Rights in Ceará, five teachers and eight school principals and education managers from the schools attended by the adolescents in the neighborhoods of Pirambu, Tancredo Neves, Jardim Iracema e Bom Jardim. It intends, based on dialectical and historical method, to define the investigated adolescents as persons with a very singular insertion into the social structures of neoliberal capitalism. Their adolescence is subject to consumerism appeals, to the limits imposed by these appeals and to perverse ways of insertion in the system, such as criminalization, segregation and marginalization. It reveals that the school attended by the adolescents reproduces such conditions of insertion. At the same time, these conditions are elements of identity, by which the adolescents are characterized.


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Orthoferrites AFeO3 (A = rare earth) are an important class of perovskite oxides that exhibit weak ferromagnetism. These materials find numerous applications as chemical sensors, cathodes for fuel cells and catalysis, which make them interesting from the standpoint of science and technology. Their structural, electrical and magnetic properties are dependent on many factors such as the preparation method, heat treatment conditions, chemical composition and replacement of cations in sites A and/or B. In this paper, LaFe1-xMnxO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) orthoferrites-type was prepared by Pechini method and Microwave-assisted combustion reaction in order to evaluate the influence of synthesis route on the formation of oxide, as well as the effect of parcial replacement of iron by manganese and heat treatment on the magnetic properties. The precursor powders were calcined at 700°C, 900°C, 1100°C and 1300°C for 4 hours and they were characterized by the techniques: Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X ray diffraction (XRD), Refinement by Rietveld method, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Reduction temperature programmed (RTP) and Magnetic hysteresis measurements performed at room temperature. According to the XRD patterns, the formation of perovskite phase with orthorhombic structure was observed for the systems where 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5 and rhombohedral for x = 1. The results also showed a decrease of lattice parameters with the parcial replacement of iron by manganese and consequently a reduction in cell volume. The hysteresis curves exhibited weak ferromagnetism for the systems prepared by both synthesis methods. However, a dependence of magnetization as a function of dopant content was observed for samples produced by Pechini method. As for the systems prepared by combustion reaction, it was found that the secondary phases exert a strong influence on the magnetic behavior


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Topics of research related to energy and environment have significantly grown in recent years, with the need of its own energy as hydrogen. More particularly, numerous researches have been focused on hydrogen as energy vector. The main portion of hydrogen is presently obtained by reforming of methane or light hydrocarbons (steam, oxy, dry or auto reforming). During the methane steam reforming process the formation of CO2 undesirable (the main contributor to the greenhouse effect) is observed. Thus, an oxide material (sorbent) can be used to capture the CO2 generated during the process and simultaneously shifting the equilibrium of water gas shift towards thermodynamically more favorable production of pure hydrogen. The aim of this study is to develop a material with dual function (catalyst/sorbent) in the reaction of steam reforming of methane. CaO is well known as CO2 sorbent due to its high efficiency in reactions of carbonation and easy regeneration through calcination. However the kinetic of carbonation decreases quickly with time and carbonation/calcination cycles. A calcium aluminate (Ca12Al14O33) should be used to avoid sintering and increase the stability of CaO sorbents for several cycles. Nickel, the industrial catalyst choice for steam reforming has been added to the support from different manners. These bi-functional materials (sorbent/catalyst) in different molar ratios CaO.Ca12Al14O33 (48:52, 65:35, 75:25, 90:10) were prepared by different synthesis methodologies, among them, especially the method of microwave assisted self-combustion. Synthesis, structure and catalytic performances of Ni- CaO.Ca12Al14O33 synthesized by the novel method (microwave assisted selfcombustion) proposed in this work has not being reported yet in literature. The results indicate that CO2 capture time depends both on the CaO excess and on operating conditions (eg., temperature and H2O/CH4 ratio). To be efficient for CO2 sorption, temperature of steam reforming needs to be lower than 700 °C. An optimized percentage corresponding to 75% of CaO and a ratio H2O/CH4 = 1 provides the most promising results since a smaller amount of water avoids competition between water and CO2 to form carbonate and hydroxide. If this competition is most effective (H2O/CH4 = 3) and would have a smaller amount of CaO available for absorption possibly due to the formation of Ca(OH)2. Therefore, the capture time was higher (16h) for the ratio H2O/CH4 = 1 than H2O/CH4 = 3 (7h) using as catalyst one prepared by impregnating the support obtained by microwave assisted self-combustion. Therefore, it was demonstrated that, with these catalysts, the CO2 sorption on CaO modifies the balance of the water gas-shift reaction. Consequently, steam reforming of CH4 is optimized, producing pure H2, complete conversion of methane and negligible concentration of CO2 and CO during the time of capture even at low temperature (650 °C). This validates the concept of the sorption of CO2 together with methane steam reforming


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The ferrite composition Ni1 - xCoxFe2O4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.75) were obtained by the method of microwave assisted synthesis and had their structural and magnetic properties evaluated due to the effect of the substitution of Ni by Co. The compounds were prepared: according to the concept of chemical propellants and heated in the microwave oven with power 7000kw. The synthesized material was characterized by absorption spectroscopy in the infrared (FTIR), Xray diffraction (XRD) using the Rietveld refinement, specific surface area (BET) , scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with aid of energy dispersive analysis (EDS) and magnetic measurements (MAV). The results obtained from these techniques confirmed the feasibility of the method of synthesis employed to obtain the desired spinel structure, the ferrite, nickel ferrite as for nickel doped with cobalt. The results from XRD refinement ally showed the formation of secondary phases concerning stages α - Fe2O3, FeO, (FeCo)O e Ni0. On the other hand, there is an increase in crystallite size with the increase of cobalt in systems, resulting in an increased crystallinity. The results showed that the BET systems showed a reduction in specific surface area with the increase of cobalt and from the SEM, the formation of irregular porous blocks and that the concentration of cobalt decreased the agglomerative state of the system. The magnetic ferrites studied showed different characteristics according to the amount of dopant used, ranging from a very soft magnetic material (easy magnetization and demagnetization ) - for the system without cobalt - a magnetic material with a little stiffer behavior - for systems containing cobalt. The values of the coercive field increased with the increasing growth of cobalt, and the values of saturation magnetization and remanence increased up to x = 0,25 and then reduced. The different magnetic characteristics presented by the systems according to the amount of dopant used, allows the use of these materials as intermediates magnetic


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The processing of heavy oil produced in Brazil is an emergency action and a strategic plan to obtain self-sufficiency and economic surpluses. Seen in these terms, it is indispensable to invest in research to obtain new catalysts for obtaining light fraction of hydrocarbons from heavy fractions of petroleum. This dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy reports the materials preparation that combine the high catalytic activity of zeolites with the greater accessibility of the mesoporosity, more particularly the HZSM-5/MCM-41 hybrid, done by synthesis processes with less environmental impact than conventional ones. Innovative methodologies were developed for the synthesis of micro-mesoporous hybrid material by dual templating mechanism and from crystalline zeolitic aluminosilicate in the absence of organic template. The synthesis of hybrid with pore bimodal distribution took place from one-single organic directing agent aimed to eliminate the use of organic templates, acids of any kind or organic solvents like templating agent of crystalline zeolitic aluminosilicate together with temperature-programmed microwave-assisted, making the experimental procedures of preparation most practical and easy, with good reproducibility and low cost. The study about crystalline zeolitic aluminosilicate in the absence of organic template, especially MFI type, is based on use of H2O and Na+ cation playing a structural directing role in place of an organic template. Advanced characterization techniques such as X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Highresolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM), Adsorption of N2 and CO2, kinetic studies by Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Pyrolysis coupled to Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (Pyrolysis-GC/MS) were employed in order to evaluate the synthesized materials. Achieve the proposed objectives, has made available a set of new methodologies for the synthesis of zeolite and hybrid micro-mesoporous material, these suitable for catalytic pyrolysis of heavy oils aimed at producing light fraction


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OBJETIVO: Verificar a proporção de pacientes com baciloscopia negativa no pré-operatório e que apresentaram TB ativa na peça cirúrgica. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de pacientes com diagnóstico histopatológico de TB ativa ou sequelar e operados entre os anos de 2003 e 2006 em um hospital universitário. Foram pesquisados antecedentes e aspectos clínicos relativos à doença, pesquisa de bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes (BAAR), tipo de cirurgia realizada e exame histopatológico da peça cirúrgica. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 43 pacientes, com média de idade de 44 ± 19 anos, sendo 27 do sexo masculino. Apresentavam história prévia de TB com tratamento adequado 28 pacientes, e 15 não referiam antecedentes para TB. O principal motivo da procura pelo serviço foi infecção de repetição, seguida por achados em exames de imagem. Dos 43 pacientes, foi pesquisado BAAR no pré-operatório em 35: 32 apresentaram resultados negativos e 3, resultados positivos. Dos 35 pacientes pesquisados, 26 apresentavam diagnóstico histopatológico de TB ativa e 9 de TB sequelar na peça cirúrgica; os outros 8 também foram diagnosticados com TB sequelar. A proporção de TB ativa em doentes com baciloscopia negativa foi de 72% (23/32), e o de baciloscopia negativa em TB ativa foi de 88% (23/26), sendo a pesquisa de BAAR positiva somente em 11,5% (3/26). CONCLUSÕES: A baciloscopia direta tem rendimento muito baixo, e muitos pacientes mesmo já tratados podem permanecer com TB em atividade com baciloscopia negativa. A TB ativa pode ser confundida com infecções secundárias ou com câncer.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o desempenho da análise de imagem digital na estimativa da área acometida pelas úlceras crônicas dos membros inferiores. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo em que foram mensuradas úlceras empregando o método planimétrico clássico, utilizando desenho dos seus contornos em filme plástico transparente, medida sua área posteriormente por folha milimetrada. Esses valores foram utilizados como padrão para a comparação com a estimativa de área pelas fotografias digitais padronizadas das úlceras e dos desenhos das mesmas em filme plástico. Para criar um referencial de conversão dos pixels em milímetros, foi empregado um adesivo com tamanho conhecido, adjacente à úlcera. RESULTADOS: foram avaliadas 42 lesões em 20 pacientes portadores de úlceras crônicas de membros inferiores. As áreas das úlceras variaram de 0,24 a 101,65cm². Observou-se forte correlação entre as medidas planimétricas e as fotos das úlceras (R²=0,86 p<0,01), porém a correlação das medidas planimétricas com as fotos digitais dos desenhos das úlceras foi ainda maior (R²=0,99 p<0,01). CONCLUSÃO: A fotografia digital padronizada revelou-se método rápido, preciso e não-invasivo capaz de estimar a área afetada por úlceras. A avaliação das medidas fotográficas dos contornos das úlceras deve ser preferida em relação à análise de sua fotografia direta.


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Objetivos: avaliar a correlação entre os aspectos laparoscópicos e os achados histológicos estromais incluindo, a profundidade da lesão endometriótica peritoneal, e na relação com a teoria evolutiva da endometriose. Métodos: foram selecionadas para o estudo 67 pacientes submetidas à laparoscopia por algia pélvica, infertilidade, tumor anexial e outras indicações. A avaliação laparoscópica baseou-se no aspecto visual do implante suspeito de endometriose peritoneal, o qual foi biopsiado. de acordo com o aspecto laparoscópico, as lesões foram agrupadas em: grupo V - lesões vermelhas, grupo N - lesões negras e grupo B - lesões brancas. Os parâmetros histológicos estudados foram: profundidade da lesão, presença de hemossiderina no estroma, vascularização estromal e presença de fibrose no estroma. Resultados: a profundidade da lesão mostrou diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos de estudo. As lesões vermelhas mostraram-se superficiais em 100% dos casos. As lesões negras apresentaram-se superficiais em 55,6%, intermediárias em 38,9% e profundas em 5,5%. As lesões brancas mostraram-se superficiais em 28%, intermediárias em 68% e profundas em 4%. A presença de hemossiderina no estroma se mostrou equivalente nos 3 grupos. A presença de vasos no estroma da lesão endometriótica, que foi classificada de I a III de acordo com a quantidade, demonstrou diferenças significantes entre os 3 grupos, sendo que a vascularização exuberante (grau III) esteve presente em 60% das lesões vermelhas e em 10% das lesões brancas. A presença de tecido fibrótico na lesão endometriótica apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significantes nos 3 grupos de estudo, sendo mais freqüente no grupo B (lesões brancas), com 70,6%. Conclusão: as variáveis analisadas nos diferentes grupos de estudo demostraram diferença significantes entre os grupos, reforçando a teoria evolutiva da endometriose peritoneal.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a posição do supercílio em diferentes idades, utilizando medidas angulares. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados indivíduos com idade de 4 a 6 anos (Grupo de crianças) e igual ou superior a 50 anos (Grupo de idosos), separados em faixas etárias, avaliando-se a posição do supercílio por meio de imagens digitais, utilizando medidas angulares. As imagens foram tomadas em posição primária do olhar, utilizando filmadora Sony Lithium, e posteriormente transferidas para computador MacIntosh G4 e processadas pelo programa NIH 1,58. Os parâmetros analisados foram: ângulo interno, externo e vertical da cauda do supercílio. As comparações foram entre sexos, faixas etárias e lateralidade. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística. RESULTADOS: A comparação das medidas angulares mostrou que houve diferença significativa na posição da cauda do supercílio entre os grupos estudados quando comparados dentro do grupo com faixa etária semelhante. Porém, comparando-se crianças e adultos, houve diferença em todos os tipos de ângulos estudados. CONCLUSÕES: A posição do supercílio avaliada por medidas angulares mostrou diferenças entre crianças e idosos, revelando associação positiva com a idade.


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OBJETIVO: Quantificar, usando o sistema de imagem digital, medidas palpebrais antes e após a cirurgia de blefaroplastia superior. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 18 pálpebras de 9 pacientes atendidas no HC da FMB - UNESP, com idade entre 40 a 75 anos, do sexo feminino, portadoras de dermatocálase. Foram obtidas fotografias das pacientes antes e após 60 dias da blefaroplastia da pálpebra superior. As imagens foram transferidas para um computador e analisadas pelo programa Scion Image Frame Grabber. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: a altura da fenda palpebral em posição primária do olhar, altura do sulco palpebral superior e o ângulo palpebral lateral antes e depois de 60 dias da realização da cirurgia de blefaroplastia superior. RESULTADOS: Após a cirurgia, houve aumento da altura da fenda palpebral e do sulco palpebral superior. Contudo, o ângulo palpebral lateral não se alterou. CONCLUSÃO: A posição palpebral se altera após a blefaroplastia e o processamento de imagens digitais possibilita quantificar estas alterações, mensurando os resultados obtidos com a cirurgia.