953 resultados para Laitinen, Lea: Auli Hakulinen : Lukemisto
Työn kehityksen kohteena toimii CIRB 500i –robottisolu, jonka sisällä työskentelee korkeaan tuotantokapasiteettiin kehitetty näköjärjestelmällä ohjattu sähköservomanipulaattori. Kokonaisuutena ajatellen työ tekee servotekniikan osalta poikkileikkauksen CIRB 500i –robottisolun matkasta prototyypistä tuotteeksi erilaisine kehitysvaiheineen. Työn alkutaipaleella perehdytään pitkälle pelkkään teoriaan nojautuen mitä on servotekniikka, miten se toimii ja kuinka se viritetään. Tämän jälkeen edellä opitut teoriat konkretisoidaan CIRB 500i –robottisoluun ja siinä käytettävään servotekniikkaan. Robottisolun komponenttien ja laitteistojen tullessa tutuiksi mietitään ja kehitetään kuinka robottisolusta saataisiin entistä kehittyneempi ja käytännöllisempi teknillisestä näkökulmasta katsoen kuitenkaan valmistamisen kustannustehokkuutta unohtamatta. Loppupuolella analysoidaan miten edellä tehdyt kehitystoimenpiteet ovat vaikuttaneet robottisolun toimintaan ja valmistamiseen. Lopuksi sovelletaan teoriaosuuden virityskeinoja servojen virittämiseen käytännössä ja analysoidaan saavutettuja kehittämistyön tuloksia. Lisäksi tehdään katsaus CIRB 500i –robottisolun tulevaisuuden näkymiin.
Lower extremity peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is associated with decreased functional status, diminished quality of life (QoL), amputation, myocardial infarction, stroke, and death. Nevertheless, public awareness of PAD as a morbid and mortal disease is low. The aim of this study was to assess the incidence of major lower extremity amputation due to PAD, the extent of reamputations, and survival after major lower extremity amputation (LEA) in a population based PAD patient cohort. Furthermore, the aim was to assess the functional capacity in patients with LEA, and the QoL after lower extremity revascularization and major amputation. All 210 amputees due to PAD in 1998–2002 and all 519 revascularized patients in 1998–2003 were explored. 59 amputees alive in 2004 were interviewed using a structured questionnaire of QoL. Two of each amputee age-, gender- and domicile-matched controls filled in and returned postal self-administered QoL questionnaire as well as 231 revascularized PAD patients (the amount of these patients who engaged themselves to the study), and one control person for each patient completed postal self-administered QoL questionnaire. The incidence rate of major LEA was 24.1/100 000 person-years and it was considerably high during the years studied. The one-month mortality rate was 21%, 52% at one-year, and the overall mortality rate was 80%. When comparing the one-year mortality risk of amputees, LEAs were associated with a 7.4-fold annual mortality risk compared with the reference population in Turku. Twenty-two patients (10%) had ipsilateral transversions from BK to AK amputation. Fifty patients (24%) ended up with a contralateral major LEA within two to four amputation operations. Three bilateral amputations were performed at the first major LEA operation. Of the 51 survivors returning home after their first major LEA, 36 (71%) received a prosthesis; (16/36, 44%) and were able to walk both in- and outdoors. Of the 68 patients who were discharged to institutional care, three (4%) had a prosthesis one year after LEA. Both amputees and revascularized patients had poor physical functioning and significantly more depressive symptoms than their controls. Depressive symptoms were more common in the institutionalized amputees than the home-dwelling amputees. The surviving amputees and their controls had similar life satisfaction. The amputees felt themselves satisfied and contented, whether or not they lived in long-term care or at home. PAD patients who had undergone revascularizations had poorer QoL than their controls. The revascularized patients’ responses on their perceived physical functioning gave an impression that these patients are in a declining life cycle and that revascularizations, even when successful, may not be sufficient to improve the overall function. It is possible that addressing rehabilitation issues earlier in the care may produce a more positive functional outcome. Depressive symptoms should be recognized and thoroughly considered at the same time the patients are recovering from their revascularization operation. Also primary care should develop proper follow-up, and community organizations should have exercise groups for those who are able to return home, since they very often live alone. In rehabilitation programs we should consider not only physical disability assessment but also QoL.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kartoittaa case-yrityksen vakiintuneet projektijohtamiseen liittyvät prosessit ja selvittää miten projektipäälliköt ja -koordinaattorit näkevät projektijohtamisen menestystekijät. Projektijohtamiseen liittyvän kirjallisuuden perusteella koostettiin projektijohtamisen optimiprosessi ja prosessivaiheittain listattiin myös eri menestystekijöitä. Tätä kuvausta verrattiin case-yrityksen projektijohtamisen prosessiin ja koettuihin menestystekijöihin, ja näiden pohjalta pohdittiin case-yrityksen projektijohtamisen prosessin parantamista. Projektijohtamisen prosessin lähes kaikissa vaiheissa löytyi tekijöitä, jotka ovat osatekijöitä projektin menestyksen kannalta. Yksi keskeisimpiä havaintoja oli projektin tarvelähtöisyyden merkitys projektin onnistumisessa ja projektitiimin sitoutumisessa. Kumppaneiden sitoutuminen yhtenä tärkeänä tekijänä nousi myös esille. Tutkimuksen tuloksena syntyi myös mekanismi kohdennettujen projekti-ideoiden keräämiseen hajautetussa ympäristössä.
The oxygen cutting is a thermal cutting process, in which metal is heated locally up to its ignition temperature and burnt off by oxygen blast. Oxygen cutting can be used to remove upset metal of a hollow bar occurred due to solid-state welding process. The main goal of this research was to establish a connection between oxygen blasts and mass of metal removed and relate findings to production to suggest improvements to the current process. This master´s thesis describes the designing and building of a test rig for oxygen blowing measurements. It also contains all executed tests and test results, which were carried out. There are different cutting parameters which were studied as well as their effect on cutting process. The oxygen cutting process, used in solid-state welding process, can be improved by the test results.
Saksalaisen radioaseman tuottama ei-kaupallinen levy.
Soitinnus: lauluääni, piano.