932 resultados para KEEP CLEAR Pavement Markings


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Compaction control using lightweight deflectometers (LWD) is currently being evaluated in several states and countries and fully implemented for pavement construction quality assurance (QA) by a few. Broader implementation has been hampered by the lack of a widely recognized standard for interpreting the load and deflection data obtained during construction QA testing. More specifically, reliable and practical procedures are required for relating these measurements to the fundamental material property—modulus—used in pavement design. This study presents a unique set of data and analyses for three different LWDs on a large-scale controlled-condition experiment. Three 4.5x4.5 m2 test pits were designed and constructed at target moisture and density conditions simulating acceptable and unacceptable construction quality. LWD testing was performed on the constructed layers along with static plate loading testing, conventional nuclear gauge moisture-density testing, and non-nuclear gravimetric and volumetric water content measurements. Additional material was collected for routine and exploratory tests in the laboratory. These included grain size distributions, soil classification, moisture-density relations, resilient modulus testing at optimum and field conditions, and an advanced experiment of LWD testing on top of the Proctor compaction mold. This unique large-scale controlled-condition experiment provides an excellent high quality resource of data that can be used by future researchers to find a rigorous, theoretically sound, and straightforward technique for standardizing LWD determination of modulus and construction QA for unbound pavement materials.


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Introdução e objectivos - O número de casos com reincidência de infecções póstratamento endodôntico, resultantes de uma incompleta desinfecção dos canais radiculares ainda é significativo e requer aperfeiçoamento. A complexidade do sistema de canais radiculares constitui o principal obstáculo à instrumentação e desinfecção dos mesmos em toda a sua extensão. A irrigação é um passo chave durante a instrumentação que possibilita a limpeza e desinfecção dos canais radiculares e através da qual, as bactérias, toxinas e os seus bio-produtos são eliminados. Este trabalho tem como objectivo descrever as várias técnicas de irrigação actualmente em uso na prática clínica. Materiais e métodos – Para elaboração deste trabalho de revisão foi efectuada uma pesquisa bibliográfica nos motores de busca: PubMed e Science Direct, utilizando como palavras-chave “endodontic irrigation”, “endodontic irrigants” e “sodium hypochloride”. Foram incluídos artigos desde 1915 a 2016 e a pesquisa foi realizada nos meses de Abril a Junho de 2016. Desenvolvimento - Um irrigante endodôntico deve responder a um conjunto de requisitos, entre os quais a eficácia na desinfecção total e definitiva dos canais radiculares, a eliminação da smear layer, deve ser não-antigénico, não tóxico e não carcinogénico e preservar a função do dente. O irrigante mais utilizado é o hipoclorito de sódio, mas alternativas têm sido amplamente utilizadas, tais como clorexidina, ácido etilenodiaminotetra-acético, e irrigantes combinados, tais como uma mistura de tetraciclina, um ácido e um detergente (MTAD), o Hypoclean® e o QMix®. Conlusão - Embora o NaOCl seja a solução que mais se aproxime do irrigante perfeito, a sua toxicidade representa um risco para o paciente e as suas limitações enquanto desinfectante são factores a considerar. A conjugação do NaOCl com outros irrigantes, bem como a formulação dos irrigantes compostos, tem vindo a melhorar a eficiência dos tratamentos endodônticos. No entanto, justifica-se o permanente investimento científico nesta área para que se reduza para níveis esporádicos os casos de reinfecção.


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Suomi luopui puolueettomuuspolitiikasta turvallisuuspoliittisena linjanaan kun se liittyi Euroopan unioniin ennen kaikkea turvallisuussyistä. Vaikka Suomi on EU-jäsenyyden myötä poliittisesti liittoutunut ja vaikka se on jatkuvasti laajentanut ja syventänyt yhteistyötään NATOn kanssa, Suomi on yhä sotilaallisesti liittoutumaton valtio. Suomen turvallisuuspoliittinen toimintaympäristö on ollut poikkeuksellisen vakaa kylmän sodan jälkeen ennen kaikkea siksi, että maailman voimakkain suurvalta Yhdysvallat on yhä sotilaallisesti läsnä Euroopassa ja Euroopan integraatio on jatkunut ja syventynyt. Suomi on sitonut nykyisen turvallisuuspoliittisen linjansa turvallisuusympäristönsä pysyvyyteen. Viime vuosina NATOn laajentuminen entisen Neuvostoliiton alueelle on voimistanut läntisten suurvaltojen ja Venäjän välistä valtakamppailua ja turvallisuuskilpailua Suomen lähialueella. Viimeistään Ukrainan konflikti on tehnyt ajankohtaiseksi myös kysymyksen Suomen sotilaallisesta liittoutumisesta. Tässä artikkeliteoksessa turvallisuuspolitiikan asiantuntijat analysoivat keskeisimpien ulkoisten toimijoiden – EU:n, Ruotsin, Viron, Venäjän, Yhdysvaltojen ja NATOn – merkitystä Suomen turvallisuuspoliittisen toimintaympäristön vakaudelle ja Suomen turvallisuudelle sekä pohtivat, onko Suomen syytä muuttaa nykyistä turvallisuuspoliittista linjaansa turvallisuusympäristössä tapahtuneiden muutosten vuoksi. Kirjoittajat myös arvioivat Suomen mahdolliseen sotilaalliseen liittoutumiseen liittyviä etuja ja haittoja verrattuna nykyiseen turvallisuuspoliittiseen ratkaisuun. Teoksen kirjoittajien toisistaan poikkeavat näkemykset Suomen turvallisuuspoliittisen toimintaympäristön vakaudesta, NATOn laajentumisen vaikutuksista Itämeren alueella, Venäjän valtapolitiikasta ja sen Suomelle muodostaman sotilaallisen uhan voimakkuudesta, NATOn pelotteen uskottavuudesta ja Yhdysvaltojen sitoutumisesta liittolaistensa puolustamiseen sekä Suomen NATO-jäsenyyden eduista ja haitoista valaisevat laajasti kysymystä Suomen turvallisuudesta ja turvallisuuspoliittisesta ratkaisusta. Suomelle sen geopoliittinen asema Venäjälle strategisesti elintärkeiden Kuolan alueen ja Pietari–Moskova-ydinalueen välittömässä läheisyydessä on ongelmallinen maan turvallisuuden kannalta. Suurvalta Venäjä onkin edelleen keskeisin Suomen turvallisuuteen ja turvallisuuspoliittiseen ratkaisuun vaikuttava ulkoinen toimija. Neuvostoliiton hajoamisen jälkeen Suomella on ollut ainutlaatuinen mahdollisuus liittoutua Yhdysvaltojen kanssa NATO-jäsenyyden myötä Venäjän potentiaalista sotilaallista uhkaa vastaan. Toisaalta Suomella ei kuitenkaan ole ollut pakottavaa tarvetta siihen, koska se on välillisesti hyötynyt Yhdysvaltojen suurstrategiasta Euroopassa ja koska Venäjän valtapolitiikka on kohdistunut ennen kaikkea entisen Neuvostoliiton alueelle. Vaikka Ukrainan konflikti onkin lisännyt poliittista ja sotilaallista jännitettä Itämeren alueella, tämän teoksen perusteella on kuitenkin mahdotonta antaa yksiselitteistä vastausta siihen, pitäisikö Suomen sen turvallisuuspoliittisessa toimintaympäristössä tapahtuneen muutoksen seurauksena liittyä NATOn jäseneksi vai ei. Halutessaan Suomi voi siis edelleen jatkaa nykyisellä turvallisuuspoliittisella linjallaan sotilaallisesti liittoutumattomana valtiona, mutta samalla sen täytyy kuitenkin pitää myös sotilaallinen liittoutuminen avoimena turvallisuuspoliittisena vaihtoehtona tulevaisuudessa.


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This document describes the kinds of items accepted for recycling at Lexington County recycling centers.


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Urban paving is of paramount importance for a city, both socioeconomic and in quality of life. The urban flooring not different so-called road surface are constituted by a set of horizontal layers, overlaid on the ground, which have the main function of supporting the actions induced by the vehicle redistributing the stresses transmitted to the ground. Soils are important materials for the execution of paving, mainly because they are part of the basic structure of the floor and mostly be available in abundance, with a very low cost, however, their properties usually do not meet the requirements necessary to perform the floor. The soil stabilization for the implementation of urban pavement bases and sub-bases is an increasingly important aspect in the current situation, because always there is the concern with the environment, and there is now the clear awareness that every effort should be made to minimize the effects caused by the exploitation of deposits and deposition of material. In this sense this work presents the effects of adding different proportions of lime to stabilize a sedimentary soil sample from the urban area of the city of Curitiba. It selected a sample quantity of soil in the region to study the stabilization insertion of hydrated lime type (CHIII) powder. The two variables in the study are related to the content of lime mixed with the soil at 0% percentages of 3%, 6%, 8% and 16%, and cure times at which these mixtures were subjected to (0, 7, 14, 28 and 56 days). The tested mixtures were prepared from dosages defined by two methods: one checking the chemical behavior of the samples by means of changes in pH values, and the second analyzing the mechanical behavior through the RCS values. It has been found that the chemical stability analyzed by addition of lime, provided an average increase of RCS in most soil samples studied, because of some physical and chemical characteristics thereof. For mixtures with 6%, 8% and 16% of lime after 28 days of curing, the average RCS was 0,57 MPa, 1,06 MPa and 2,37 MPa, respectively, for the normal proctor, and as for intermediate proctor, in the same curing time and on the same percentages RCS results were 0,54 MPa, 1,04 MPa and 2,71 MPa, respectively. In global terms, the soil-lime mixtures studied showed acceptable behavior by law to use as layers of sub-base. However, only the mixture with 16% of lime, at 28 days, is recommended for use on floors bases. Even so, the mixtures studied constitute a good alternative economic and socio-environmental.


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This thesis deals with quantifying the resilience of a network of pavements. Calculations were carried out by modeling network performance under a set of possible damage-meteorological scenarios with known probability of occurrence. Resilience evaluation was performed a priori while accounting for optimal preparedness decisions and additional response actions that can be taken under each of the scenarios. Unlike the common assumption that the pre-event condition of all system components is uniform, fixed, and pristine, component condition evolution was incorporated herein. For this purpose, the health of the individual system components immediately prior to hazard event impact, under all considered scenarios, was associated with a serviceability rating. This rating was projected to reflect both natural deterioration and any intermittent improvements due to maintenance. The scheme was demonstrated for a hypothetical case study involving Laguardia Airport. Results show that resilience can be impacted by the condition of the infrastructure elements, their natural deterioration processes, and prevailing maintenance plans. The findings imply that, in general, upper bound values are reported in ordinary resilience work, and that including evolving component conditions is of value.


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Traditionally, densities of newly built roadways are checked by direct sampling (cores) or by nuclear density gauge measurements. For roadway engineers, density of asphalt pavement surfaces is essential to determine pavement quality. Unfortunately, field measurements of density by direct sampling or by nuclear measurement are slow processes. Therefore, I have explored the use of rapidly-deployed ground penetrating radar (GPR) as an alternative means of determining pavement quality. The dielectric constant of pavement surface may be a substructure parameter that correlates with pavement density, and can be used as a proxy when density of asphalt is not known from nuclear or destructive methods. The dielectric constant of the asphalt can be determined using ground penetrating radar (GPR). In order to use GPR for evaluation of road surface quality, the relationship between dielectric constants of asphalt and their densities must be established. Field measurements of GPR were taken at four highway sites in Houghton and Keweenaw Counties, Michigan, where density values were also obtained using nuclear methods in the field. Laboratory studies involved asphalt samples taken from the field sites and samples created in the laboratory. These were tested in various ways, including, density, thickness, and time domain reflectometry (TDR). In the field, GPR data was acquired using a 1000 MHz air-launched unit and a ground-coupled unit at 200 and 500 MHz. The equipment used was owned and operated by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and available for this study for a total of four days during summer 2005 and spring 2006. The analysis of the reflected waveforms included “routine” processing for velocity using commercial software and direct evaluation of reflection coefficients to determine a dielectric constant. The dielectric constants computed from velocities do not agree well with those obtained from reflection coefficients. Perhaps due to the limited range of asphalt types studied, no correlation between density and dielectric constant was evident. Laboratory measurements were taken with samples removed from the field and samples created for this study. Samples from the field were studied using TDR, in order to obtain dielectric constant directly, and these correlated well with the estimates made from reflection coefficients. Samples created in the laboratory were measured using 1000 MHz air-launched GPR, and 400 MHz ground-coupled GPR, each under both wet and dry conditions. On the basis of these observations, I conclude that dielectric constant of asphalt can be reliably measured from waveform amplitude analysis of GJPR data, based on the consistent agreement with that obtained in the laboratory using TDR. Because of the uniformity of asphalts studied here, any correlation between dielectric constant and density is not yet apparent.


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Bulk electric waste plastics were recycled and reduced in size into plastic chips before pulverization or cryogenic grinding into powders. Two major types of electronic waste plastics were used in this investigation: acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and high impact polystyrene (HIPS). This research investigation utilized two approaches for incorporating electronic waste plastics into asphalt pavement materials. The first approach was blending and integrating recycled and processed electronic waste powders directly into asphalt mixtures and binders; and the second approach was to chemically treat recycled and processed electronic waste powders with hydro-peroxide before blending into asphalt mixtures and binders. The chemical treatment of electronic waste (e-waste) powders was intended to strengthen molecular bonding between e-waste plastics and asphalt binders for improved low and high temperature performance. Superpave asphalt binder and mixture testing techniques were conducted to determine the rheological and mechanical performance of the e-waste modified asphalt binders and mixtures. This investigation included a limited emissions-performance assessment to compare electronic waste modified asphalt pavement mixture emissions using SimaPro and performance using MEPDG software. Carbon dioxide emissions for e-waste modified pavement mixtures were compared with conventional asphalt pavement mixtures using SimaPro. MEPDG analysis was used to determine rutting potential between the various e-waste modified pavement mixtures and the control asphalt mixture. The results from this investigation showed the following: treating the electronic waste plastics delayed the onset of tertiary flow for electronic waste mixtures, electronic waste mixtures showed some improvement in dynamic modulus results at low temperatures versus the control mixture, and tensile strength ratio values for treated e-waste asphalt mixtures were improved versus the control mixture.


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Vehicle fuel consumption and emission are two important effectiveness measurements of sustainable transportation development. Pavement plays an essential role in goals of fuel economy improvement and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction. The main objective of this dissertation study is to experimentally investigate the effect of pavement-vehicle interaction (PVI) on vehicle fuel consumption under highway driving conditions. The goal is to provide a better understanding on the role of pavement in the green transportation initiates. Four study phases are carried out. The first phase involves a preliminary field investigation to detect the fuel consumption differences between paired flexible-rigid pavement sections with repeat measurements. The second phase continues the field investigation by a more detailed and comprehensive experimental design and independently investigates the effect of pavement type on vehicle fuel consumption. The third study phase calibrates the HDM-IV fuel consumption model with data collected in the second field phase. The purpose is to understand how pavement deflection affects vehicle fuel consumption from a mechanistic approach. The last phase applies the calibrated HDM-IV model to Florida’s interstate network and estimates the total annual fuel consumption and CO2 emissions on different scenarios. The potential annual fuel savings and emission reductions are derived based on the estimation results. Statistical results from the two field studies both show fuel savings on rigid pavement compared to flexible pavement with the test conditions specified. The savings derived from the first phase are 2.50% for the passenger car at 112km/h, and 4.04% for 18-wheel tractor-trailer at 93km/h. The savings resulted from the second phase are 2.25% and 2.22% for passenger car at 93km/h and 112km/h, and 3.57% and 3.15% for the 6-wheel medium-duty truck at 89km/h and 105km/h. All savings are statistically significant at 95% Confidence Level (C.L.). From the calibrated HDM-IV model, one unit of pavement deflection (1mm) on flexible pavement can cause an excess fuel consumption by 0.234-0.311 L/100km for the passenger car and by 1.123-1.277 L/100km for the truck. The effect is more evident at lower highway speed than at higher highway speed. From the network level estimation, approximately 40 million gallons of fuel (combined gasoline and diesel) and 0.39 million tons of CO2 emission can be saved/reduced annually if all Florida’s interstate flexible pavement are converted to rigid pavement with the same roughness levels. Moreover, each 1-mile of flexible-rigid conversion can result in a reduction of 29 thousand gallons of fuel and 258 tons of CO2 emission yearly.


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Transparent thin films can now be site-selectively patterned and positioned on surface using mask-defined electrodeposition of one oxide and overcoating with a different solution-processed oxide, followed by thermal annealing. Annealing allows an interdiffusion process to create a new oxide that is entirely transparent. A primary electrodeposited oxide can be patterned and the secondary oxide coated over the entire substrate to form high color contrast coplanar thin film tertiary oxide. The authors also detail the phase formation and chemical state of the oxide and how the nature of the electrodeposited layer and the overlayer influence the optical clearing of the patterned oxide film.


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Maintenance of transport infrastructure assets is widely advocated as the key in minimizing current and future costs of the transportation network. While effective maintenance decisions are often a result of engineering skills and practical knowledge, efficient decisions must also account for the net result over an asset's life-cycle. One essential aspect in the long term perspective of transport infrastructure maintenance is to proactively estimate maintenance needs. In dealing with immediate maintenance actions, support tools that can prioritize potential maintenance candidates are important to obtain an efficient maintenance strategy. This dissertation consists of five individual research papers presenting a microdata analysis approach to transport infrastructure maintenance. Microdata analysis is a multidisciplinary field in which large quantities of data is collected, analyzed, and interpreted to improve decision-making. Increased access to transport infrastructure data enables a deeper understanding of causal effects and a possibility to make predictions of future outcomes. The microdata analysis approach covers the complete process from data collection to actual decisions and is therefore well suited for the task of improving efficiency in transport infrastructure maintenance. Statistical modeling was the selected analysis method in this dissertation and provided solutions to the different problems presented in each of the five papers. In Paper I, a time-to-event model was used to estimate remaining road pavement lifetimes in Sweden. In Paper II, an extension of the model in Paper I assessed the impact of latent variables on road lifetimes; displaying the sections in a road network that are weaker due to e.g. subsoil conditions or undetected heavy traffic. The study in Paper III incorporated a probabilistic parametric distribution as a representation of road lifetimes into an equation for the marginal cost of road wear. Differentiated road wear marginal costs for heavy and light vehicles are an important information basis for decisions regarding vehicle miles traveled (VMT) taxation policies. In Paper IV, a distribution based clustering method was used to distinguish between road segments that are deteriorating and road segments that have a stationary road condition. Within railway networks, temporary speed restrictions are often imposed because of maintenance and must be addressed in order to keep punctuality. The study in Paper V evaluated the empirical effect on running time of speed restrictions on a Norwegian railway line using a generalized linear mixed model.