955 resultados para Johnson, Andrew, 1808-1875.
Denna studie har som syfte att undersöka förmyndarskap i Trosa stadsförsamling på slutet av 1800-talet. Det material som använts för att uppnå detta syfte består av förmyndarskapsprotokoll från Trosa rådstugerätt och magistrat mellan 1875-1891, samt förmyndarskapsförteckningar för samma period. Resultatet visar att antalet omyndiga vilka förordnats förmyndare sjönk stadigt från undersökningsperiodens början mot dess slut. Resultatet visar också på att änkor tydligt betroddes att vara förmyndare åt sina egna barn under perioden. När det gäller förmyndarna så visar undersökningsresultatet på att det var en klar social skiktning i valet av förmyndare. Detta ter sig på två sätt. När rådstugerätten utsåg förmyndare utan rekommendation så valdes till mycket stor del förmyndare från övre samhällsklasser och när det inkom rekommendation angående förmyndare till rätten så rekommenderades och utsågs till förmyndare oftast män ur samma samhällsklass eller liknande yrkesgrupp. Ett tredje noterbart resultat angående förmyndarna var att det endast i ett fåtal fall utsågs förmyndare som var släkt med myndlingen. Detta visar att det var yrkesrelationer och andra informella samband människor emellan som var viktiga i valet av förmyndare snarare än släktskap.
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka elevernas sociala bakgrund på Elementarläroverket för flickor i Falun under tidsperioden 1875-1948. De källor som ligger till grund för undersökningen består av noteringar om fädernas yrke hämtade ur matriklar från flickskolans arkiv. Uppsatsen ämnar också undersöka hur undervisningsplanen såg ut och vilka flickor som, när möjlighet fanns, tog sig vidare till gymnasium eller vilka som fick avsluta sin utbildning för att återvända hem. Kartläggningen över flickornas sociala bakgrunder undersöks över tid för att se om någon förändring skett i den sociala rekryteringen. Resultatet visar att eleverna vid flickskolan främst kom från samhällets mellersta skikt något som i undersökningen benämns som Socialgrupp 2. Undersökningen visade även att flickornas fäder i första hand utövade yrken inom yrkeskategorin tjänstemän på mellannivå. När det kommer till vilka flickor som läste vidare på gymnasium var det i första hand flickor ur samhällets högsta skikt, Socialgrupp 1 som tog sig vidare till högre utbildning. De elever som avbröt sina studier förändrades över tid och varierade också med social bakgrund.
Otto Klitogord (left) is depicted awarding the Hon. Andrew Clauson (right) with membership in TPS - June 26, 1952. Otto Klitgord was the first president of the New York City College of Technology. He was named director of the New York State Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences when it was formed in the 1946 and became president in the 1950s when the administration was reorganized. Klitgord served until 1960, making his tenure as president the longest in City Tech's history.
Vol. 7; Sept. 1988; 109 p. b&w, color photographs TOC: Life at LaGuardia…2 / Activities and Events…17 / Faculty and Staff…33 / Activities at LaGuardia…49 / Graduation…71 Yearbook Committee Credits: Faculty Advisor, Vincent Banrey; Project Director, Catherine Whan; Editors: Alexandra Gomez, Juan Jimenez, GloryAnn Torres; Asst. Editor, Kenny Rosa; LAYOUT: Vincent Banrey, Marino "Tito" Cabrera, Shirley Chance, George Condors, Milton Ferreira, Maria Flores, Alexandra Gomez, Ana Lisa Gonzalez, Bernadette Henry, Juan Jimenez, Alejandro Meneses, Richard Provost, Kenny Rosa, Maria Sanchez, GloryAnn Torres, Catherine Whan, Alan O. Young; PHOTOGRAPHY: Peter Abbate, Sandra Acres, Young Baek Choi, Randy Fader Smith, Milton Ferriera, Alexandra Gomez, Juan Jimenez, Seymour Lerman, Chuck Lindsey, Victoria Pamias, Richard Provost, Alan Scribner, Frank Tocco, GloryAnn Torres, Catherine Whan. ART: Jose Marti (Cover Design and Division Pages); Martin Carrichner, Jose Marti (Endsheet Design), Arnold Escalera, Jacqui Fernandez, Richard Massey, Alejandro Meneses; WRITING: Anthony Archer, Alexandra Bastidas, Joie Fadde, Alexandra Gomez, Ana Lisa Gonzalez, Doreen Hansen, Bernadette Henry, Sarah Hudson, Juan Jimenez, Donna Libert, Cathy Passiglia, Jody Pincus, Richard Provost, Kenny Rosa, Maria Sanchez, Alan Scribner, Christiana Sommerville, GloryAnn Torres, Catherine Whan, Alan O. Young; SPECIAL THANKS: Blanca Arbito, Classic Studios, Edward Hollins, Umoja Kwanguvu, Kelly Johnson and the LaGuardia Archives, Andrew Saluga and Recreation Staff, Ted Schiffman of Taylor Publishing.
Este trabalho analisa o desenvolvimento socioeconômico do município de Caxias do Sul durante os primeiros 35 anos de existência, desde que surgiu como colônia do governo imperial. Ocorreu nessa localidade acelerado incremento das atividades econômicas, surgindo um mercado local, ao mesmo tempo em que Caxias inseria-se no círculo mercantil regional. O período coincide com o momento de constituição do capitalismo no Rio Grande do Sul. A pesquisa revelou que a produção não agrícola de Caxias era essencialmente artesanal até 1910, com unidades produtivas pouco diferenciadas e situadas em grande medida no meio rural. O comércio, não só de bens de consumo como também de terras, proporcionava as melhores oportunidades de enriquecimento. A alternativa de diversificar atividades, comerciais e de subsistência, favoreceu o estabelecimento de milhares de imigrantes, porém, a formação socioeconômica se caracterizou por profundas desigualdades que expulsaram, desde o início da colonização, grande número de imigrantes sem condições de se fixarem na colônia.
Trata da reorganização do espaço público/civil através de novos posicionamentos dos diferentes agentes da realidade socioeconômicas. Debate a necessidade da conscientização das possibilidades de sinergia na atuação conjunta entre os setores público, privado e terceiro setor. Enfoca, através de ilustrações e estudo de caso, o importante e estratégico papel que a empresa assume como protagonista social. Analisa impactos e conseqüências dessa atuação.
Knowledge of the environmental factors influence on the spatial-temporal variation of fishes is important to fisheries management and conservation. Thus, the aim of this work was to analyze the influence of the abiotical factors on the spatial-temporal distribution of Paralonchurus brasiliensis (Pisces, Sciaenidae) caught by-catch with the shrimp fishing of Ubatuba and Caraguatatuba regions, north coast of São Paulo State. The fishes were captured every month from January to December 2002. Samples were collected by otter trawl at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35m depths. The temperatures (surface and bottom), salinities (surface and bottom), sediment features and organic matters were verified for each depth. During all period of the study 12.642 specimens of P. brasiliensis were captured at Ubatuba and 17.166 at Caraguatatuba, which totalized the biomass of 267 for the first and 339kg for the other region. The females outnumbered males in fish population. The greatest values of biomass and number of individuals were registered at the summer and autumn seasons, while the lowest values were observed at the winter and spring seasons. The greatest abundances were found from 15 to 25m depth. In this study, it was verified that P. brasiliensis is a coastal waters associate species. The spatialtemporal distribution of P. brasiliensis is affected by intrusion of SACW and depth for the coastal region and by depth and sediment in sheltered areas such as Caraguatatuba
The present study has as objective to explaining about the origins of the mathematical logic. This has its beginning attributed to the autodidactic English mathematician George Boole (1815-1864), especially because his books The Mathematical Analysis of Logic (1847) and An Investigation of the Laws of Thought (1854) are recognized as the inaugural works of the referred branch. However, surprisingly, in the same time another mathematician called Augutus of Morgan (1806-1871) it also published a book, entitled Formal Logic (1847), in defense of the mathematic logic. Even so, times later on this same century, another work named Elements of Logic (1875) it appeared evidencing the Aristotelian logic with Richard Whately (1787-1863), considered the better Aristotelian logical of that time. This way, our research, permeated by the history of the mathematics, it intends to study the logic produced by these submerged personages in the golden age of the mathematics (19th century) to we compare the valid systems in referred period and we clarify the origins of the mathematical logic. For that we looked for to delineate the panorama historical wrapper of this study. We described, shortly, biographical considerations about these three representatives of the logic of the 19th century formed an alliance with the exhibition of their point of view as for the logic to the light of the works mentioned above. In this sense, we aspirated to present considerations about what effective Aristotelian´s logic existed in the period of Boole and De Morgan comparing it with the new emerging logic (the mathematical logic). Besides of this, before the textual analysis of the works mentioned above, we still looked for to confront the systems of Boole and De Morgan for we arrive to the reason because the Boole´s system was considered better and more efficient. Separate of this preponderance we longed to study the flaws verified in the logical system of Boole front to their contemporaries' production, verifying, for example, if they repeated or not. We concluded that the origins of the mathematical logic is in the works of logic of George Boole, because, in them, has the presentation of a new logic, matematizada for the laws of the thought similar to the one of the arithmetic, while De Morgan, in your work, expand the Aristotelian logic, but it was still arrested to her
A partir du XVIe siècle, le Brésil surgit comme l'un des éléments centraux du surgissement d'un ordre économique et social dans lequel le navire apparaît comme un espace de luttes et de contradictions entre gouvernements, commandants et marins. Nous examinerons ici le processus de prolétarisation, au Brésil au cours de la premier moitié du XIXe siècle, qui a transformé en main d' uvre de travail maritime des indiens, des petits agriculteurs, des noirs libres et des esclaves.
Ce travail est un étude de cas qui analyse la construction litéraire du paysage du « Sertão» du Ceará entre la fin du siècle XIX et le début du siècle XX. Pour cela, quelques oeuvre simbole de la production litéraire du Ceará ont été sélectionnés, comme les textes qui suivent: O sertanejo (1875), de José Martiniano de Alencar; Os retirantes (1879), de José Carlos do Patrocínio; A fome (1890), de Rodolfo Marcos Teófilo; Luzia-Homem (1903), de Domingos Olímpio Braga Cavalcanti; Terra de sol: natureza e costumes do Norte (1912), de Gustavo Dodt Barroso et finalement, Aves de arribação (1914), de Antônio Sales. Ces oeuvres non seulement prend la nature comme personage, elles représentent aussi trois moments de la production litéraire du Ceará : romantique, réaliste et naturaliste. A invenção da Terra da Luz se rapporte à l idée d une littérature qui fait remarquer le paysage diurne du Sertão du Ceará, élaborée par ces hommes des lettres dans ses discours formidables, beaux et des matériaux qui viennent de ses rapports avec le monde naturel. Pour réaliser une tel entreprise, les idées de Edmund Burke et Gaston Bachelard se sont constitués en référence de cet étude. Et cette réflexion sur la description, la rêverie et l imagination marchent côte-à-côte au discours de ces littéreurs qui ont construits un espace simbolique spécifique : le sertão du Ceará. Comme ça, quelques thèmes deviennent canonique à la forme de penser, représenter et imaginer l espace du sertão du Ceará. De cette manière, le paysage est beaucoup plus que la contemplation, une fois qu elle est liée aussi à la rêverie poétique, à la mémoire et l imagination. C est de là l invention du paysage, car ces littéreurs n ont pas l accès au paysage purement naturel parce que ses perceptions et sensibilitées sur le monde du sertão ont été historiquement, c est-à-dire, dans un certain temps et espace