969 resultados para Isoxazolo[4,3-c]quinoline


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El crucero se realizó desde la Caleta La Cruz, Tumbes, a Los Palos, Tacna, del 20 de marzo al 07 de mayo de 1998. La Temperatura Superficial del Mar alcanzó un valor mínimo de 16,4° C frente a Atico - Chala y un valor máximo de 30,1 °C a 50 mn frente a Máncora. Las condiciones oceanográficas frente a la costa peruana mostraron la más alta anomalía térmica (+8,3 °C) a 80 mn al suroeste de Punta Falsa; la anomalía más baja (-1,4 °C) ocurrió a 60 mn fuera de Punta Mendieta - Punta Doña María. Se determinaron tres áreas con condiciones diferentes: la primera entre Puerto Pizarro y Pimentel con condiciones cálidas, similares a las observadas en febrero-marzo de 1998; la segunda, entre Pimentel y Pisco con condiciones ligeramente cálidas y que presentaron un ligero descenso de la anomalías térmicas respecto a meses previos; y, la tercera, entre Pisco e Ilo, con condiciones próximas a lo normal, luego de un moderado descenso de las anomalías (aproximadamente 2,5 °C) respecto a febrero. Al norte de Pimentel predominaron Aguas Ecuatoriales Superficiales; al sur de Pacasmayo, Aguas Subtropicales Superficiales; Aguas Costeras Frías fueron observadas principalmente en núcleos litorales a lo largo del área ubicada al sur de Pisco, asociada a focos de afloramiento, así mismo resaltan áreas próximas a la costa con bajas salinidades, debido a la abundante descarga de los ríos adyacentes a estas zonas. A nivel subsuperficial fue notoria la presencia de Aguas Subantárticas fuera de las 40 mn en las zonas de San Juan e Ilo.


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BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) has become an important diagnostic imaging modality in cardiovascular medicine. However, insufficient image quality may compromise its diagnostic accuracy. We aimed to describe and validate standardized criteria to evaluate a) cine steady-state free precession (SSFP), b) late gadolinium enhancement (LGE), and c) stress first-pass perfusion images. These criteria will serve for quality assessment in the setting of the Euro-CMR registry. METHODS: Thirty-five qualitative criteria were defined (scores 0-3) with lower scores indicating better image quality. In addition, quantitative parameters were measured yielding 2 additional quality criteria, i.e. signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of non-infarcted myocardium (as a measure of correct signal nulling of healthy myocardium) for LGE and % signal increase during contrast medium first-pass for perfusion images. These qualitative and quantitative criteria were assessed in a total of 90 patients (60 patients scanned at our own institution at 1.5T (n=30) and 3T (n=30) and in 30 patients randomly chosen from the Euro-CMR registry examined at 1.5T). Analyses were performed by 2 SCMR level-3 experts, 1 trained study nurse, and 1 trained medical student. RESULTS: The global quality score was 6.7±4.6 (n=90, mean of 4 observers, maximum possible score 64), range 6.4-6.9 (p=0.76 between observers). It ranged from 4.0-4.3 for 1.5T (p=0.96 between observers), from 5.9-6.9 for 3T (p=0.33 between observers), and from 8.6-10.3 for the Euro-CMR cases (p=0.40 between observers). The inter- (n=4) and intra-observer (n=2) agreement for the global quality score, i.e. the percentage of assignments to the same quality tertile ranged from 80% to 88% and from 90% to 98%, respectively. The agreement for the quantitative assessment for LGE images (scores 0-2 for SNR <2, 2-5, >5, respectively) ranged from 78-84% for the entire population, and 70-93% at 1.5T, 64-88% at 3T, and 72-90% for the Euro-CMR cases. The agreement for perfusion images (scores 0-2 for %SI increase >200%, 100%-200%,<100%, respectively) ranged from 81-91% for the entire population, and 76-100% at 1.5T, 67-96% at 3T, and 62-90% for the Euro-CMR registry cases. The intra-class correlation coefficient for the global quality score was 0.83. CONCLUSIONS: The described criteria for the assessment of CMR image quality are robust with a good inter- and intra-observer agreement. Further research is needed to define the impact of image quality on the diagnostic and prognostic yield of CMR studies.


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Oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of well-preserved mammoth teeth from the Middle Wurmian (40-70 ka) peat layer of Niederweningen, the most important mammoth site in Switzerland, were analysed to reconstruct Late Pleistocene palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental conditions. Drinking water (delta(18)O values of approximately -12.3 +/- 0.9 parts per thousand were calculated front oxygen isotope compositions of mammoth tooth enamel apatite using a species-specific calibration for modern elephants. These delta(18)O(H2O) values reflect the mean oxygen isotope composition of the palaeo-precipitation and are similar to those directly measured for fate Pleistocene groundwater from aquifers in northern Switzerland and southern Germany. Using a present-day delta(18)O(H2)o-precipitation-air temperature relation for Switzerland, a mean annual air temperature (MAT) of around 4.3 +/- 2.1 degrees C can be calculated for the Middle Wurmian at this site. This MAT is in good agreement with palaeotemperature estimates on the basis of Middle Wurmian groundwater recharge temperatures and beetle assemblages. Hence, the climatic conditions in this region were around 4 degrees C cooler during the Middle Wurmian interstadial phase, around 45-50ka BP, than they are today. During this period the mammoths from Niederweningen lived in an open tundra-like, C(3) plant-dominated environment as indicated by enamel (delta(13)C values of -11.5 +/- 0.3 parts per thousand and pollen and macroplant fossils found in the embedding peat. The low variability of enamel delta(13)C and delta(18)O values from different mammoth teeth reflects similar environmental conditions and supports a relatively small time frame for the fossil assemblage. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.


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Treatment effects over 2 years of teriparatide vs. ibandronate in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis were compared using lumbar spine bone mineral density (BMD) and trabecular bone score (TBS). Teriparatide induced larger increases in BMD and TBS compared to ibandronate, suggesting a more pronounced effect on bone microarchitecture of the bone anabolic drug. INTRODUCTION: The trabecular bone score (TBS) is an index of bone microarchitecture, independent of bone mineral density (BMD), calculated from anteroposterior spine dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans. The potential role of TBS for monitoring treatment response with bone-active substances is not established. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of recombinant human 1-34 parathyroid hormone (teriparatide) and the bisphosphonate ibandronate (IBN), on lumbar spine (LS) BMD and TBS in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. METHODS: Two patient groups with matched age, body mass index (BMI), and baseline LS BMD, treated with either daily subcutaneous teriparatide (N = 65) or quarterly intravenous IBN (N = 122) during 2 years and with available LS BMD measurements at baseline and 2 years after treatment initiation were compared. RESULTS: Baseline characteristics (overall mean ± SD) were similar between groups in terms of age 67.9 ± 7.4 years, body mass index 23.8 ± 3.8 kg/m(2), BMD L1-L4 0.741 ± 0.100 g/cm(2), and TBS 1.208 ± 0.100. Over 24 months, teriparatide induced a significantly larger increase in LS BMD and TBS than IBN (+7.6 % ± 6.3 vs. +2.9 % ± 3.3 and +4.3 % ± 6.6 vs. +0.3 % ± 4.1, respectively; P < 0.0001 for both). LS BMD and TBS were only weakly correlated at baseline (r (2) = 0.04) with no correlation between the changes in BMD and TBS over 24 months. CONCLUSIONS: In postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, a 2-year treatment with teriparatide led to a significantly larger increase in LS BMD and TBS than IBN, suggesting that teriparatide had more pronounced effects on bone microarchitecture than IBN.


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El Crucero BIC Humboldt 0209 se realizó del 8 al 27 de setiembre entre Huarmey y Puerto Pizarro. Las observaciones más importantes fueron: (1) recuperación de las condiciones frías al sur de 5°S, con ATSM por encima de lo normal, principalmente entre 4°-5°S (+3 °C), debido al desplazamiento hacia el sur del frente ecuatorial; (2) mayor presencia de las aguas costeras frías (ACF) asociadas al afloramiento, que dio lugar al retiro parcial de las aguas subtropicales superficiales (ASS), que estuvieron próximas a la costa en meses anteriores, y al repliegue de la Extensión Sur de la Corriente de Cromwell (ESCC); (3) ascenso de isoter-mas subsuperficiales, que en los cruceros 0205 y 0208 se hallaron profundizadas; (4) reactivación de zonas de afloramiento, aunque no muy marcadas, frente a Casma, Chicama, Punta Falsa y Paita.


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Este crucero oceanográfico 0409-10, se realizó entre el 24 setiembre y 7 octubre 2004; abarcó el área entre Punta Caballas (15°S) y Paita (5°S), hasta 190 mn de la costa. El objetivo era conocer las características del ambiente marino y establecer sus relaciones con un probable evento cálido. Las observaciones más importantes fueron: (1) ondas Kelvin, ya registradas en el invierno, motivaron proyección de aguas ecuatoriales superficiales hacia el sur y suroeste, entre los 5-7,5°S, provocando condiciones ligeramente cálidas en la zona oceánica, con un pequeño núcleo de anomalía térmica de +2,3 °C en la zona costera de Paita; (2) al sur de los 6°S (Punta La Negra) dentro de las 100 mn hubo anomalías térmicas próximas a lo normal; (3) el afloramiento costero se desarrolló moderadamente en el área de estudio en una franja de 10 a 25 mn de la costa, excepto en la zona frente a Paita; (4) las aguas subtropicales superficiales (ASS) se ubicaron fuera de las 50 mn entre 9-12°S, por fuera de las 160 mn al norte de esa latitud y a 25 mn de Pucusana, alcanzando 90 m de profundidad frente a Chimbote; (5) la isoterma de 15 °C se registró entre 11 a 100 m, con mayor profundidad frente a Chimbote, por fuera de 100 mn, mostrando que los flujos predominantes provinieron del sur; (6) la Extensión Sur de la Corriente de Cromwell (ESCC) mostró profundización de la isoterma de 14 °C y no con la de 15 °C como es normal; (7) vientos predominantes del SE con 4 a 7 m/s fueron característicos durante el crucero, excepto frente a Paita, Chicama y de regreso al Callao donde se registraron velocidades entre 7 a 11 m/s.


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El Crucero 0709-10 se realizó a bordo del barco oceanográfico español Miguel Oliver, del 14 de setiembre al 10 de octubre 2007 de Chimbote (9°S) a Punta Sal (4°S). El ambiente frío, manifiesto desde marzo 2007, alcanzó en octubre las máximas anomalías negativas (>3 °C) entre los 4 y 5°S. El evento frío estuvo relacionado directamente con los vientos Alisios del SE (4 a 15 m/s), que dio lugar a la intensificación del afloramiento y al transporte de estas aguas hacia el nor-oeste por la Corriente Costera. En la superficie marina, entre Pimentel y el sur de Talara, se acentuaron las condiciones frías (14 y 15 °C) y las bajas concentraciones de oxígeno (2 a 4 mL/L), mientras que baja salinidad de las aguas tropicales superficiales (ATS) se registraron al norte de Cabo Blanco. La proyección de las aguas costeras frías mantuvo replegados en el norte a la Extensión Sur de la Corriente de Cromwell y su fauna acompañante, aunque frente a Paita se mostró un débil repunte de esta corriente por la ligera profundización de la isoterma de 13 °C y de la isohalina de 34,9 ups. En la columna de agua se registró un máximo de 21,95 °C en superficie y 2,53 °C a 1780 m de profundidad; la salinidad se mostró muy homogénea por debajo de los 500 m (34,65 - 34,55 ups). El oxígeno disuelto, a profundidades entre 60 y 500 m presentó concentraciones <0,5 mL/L; entre 500 a 1000 m se incrementó hasta 1,05 mL/L, y a 1780 m de profundidad se registró el máximo de 2,30 mL/L.


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BACKGROUND: A concentrate for bicarbonate haemodialysis acidified with citrate instead of acetate has been marketed in recent years. The small amount of citrate used (one-fifth of the concentration adopted in regional anticoagulation) protects against intradialyser clotting while minimally affecting the calcium concentration. The aim of this study was to compare the impact of citrate- and acetate-based dialysates on systemic haemodynamics, coagulation, acid-base status, calcium balance and dialysis efficiency. METHODS: In 25 patients who underwent a total of 375 dialysis sessions, an acetate dialysate (A) was compared with a citrate dialysate with (C+) or without (C) calcium supplementation (0.25 mmol/L) in a randomised single-blind cross-over study. Systemic haemodynamics were evaluated using pulse-wave analysis. Coagulation, acid-base status, calcium balance and dialysis efficiency were assessed using standard biochemical markers. RESULTS: Patients receiving the citrate dialysate had significantly lower systolic blood pressure (BP) (-4.3 mmHg, p < 0.01) and peripheral resistances (PR) (-51 dyne.sec.cm-5, p < 0.001) while stroke volume was not increased. In hypertensive patients there was a substantial reduction in BP (-7.8 mmHg, p < 0.01). With the C+ dialysate the BP gap was less pronounced but the reduction in PR was even greater (-226 dyne.sec.cm-5, p < 0.001). Analyses of the fluctuations in PR and of subjective tolerance suggested improved haemodynamic stability with the citrate dialysate. Furthermore, an increase in pre-dialysis bicarbonate and a decrease in pre-dialysis BUN, post-dialysis phosphate and ionised calcium were noted. Systemic coagulation activation was not influenced by citrate. CONCLUSION: The positive impact on dialysis efficiency, acid-base status and haemodynamics, as well as the subjective tolerance, together indicate that citrate dialysate can significantly contribute to improving haemodialysis in selected patients.


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Realizou-se o presente estudo com amostras da camada superficial (0-20 cm) de onze solos de várzea de diferentes regiões do estado de Minas Gerais, visando quantificar a adsorção de fósforo em solos de várzeas drenadas, sujeitas a ciclos alternados de umedecimento e secagem, bem como avaliar a influência de alguns atributos do solo sobre esta adsorção. Amostras da fração TFSA (2 g) foram mantidas em contato, mediante agitação por 12 horas, com soluções de CaCl2 0,01 mol L-1 (40 mL), contendo 0, 25, 50, 100 e 200 mg L-1 de P. O fósforo foi analisado posteriormente no sobrenadante para determinação da quantidade adsorvida. Após isto, descartou-se o sobrenadante para mais 12 h de agitação com solução de CaCl2 0,01 mol L-1, visando determinar a quantidade dessorvida. Os valores de adsorção encontrados foram ajustados à isoterma de Langmuir para avaliar a capacidade máxima de adsorção de fósforo (CMAF), tendo sido estimado ainda o índice tampão de P (ITP) a partir do valor do coeficiente b1 das equações de 2º grau ajustadas entre o P adsorvido e o P dessorvido nas diferentes concentrações de P adicionado. Os valores encontrados para a CMAF situaram-se entre 476 e 3.961 mg kg-1 de P no solo, tendo oito solos apresentado capacidade de adsorção de P muito alta (> 1.000 mg kg-1). Os valores de ITP situaram-se entre 4,3 e 129. A CMAF correlacionou-se positivamente com a relação Fe o/Fe d, teor de matéria orgânica e acidez potencial e negativamente com o teor de Fe d e com a saturação por bases do solo. O ITP correlacionou-se positivamente com a acidez potencial e negativamente com a saturação por bases do solo. Os resultados deste estudo revelaram que: (a) solos de várzeas drenadas podem adsorver grandes quantidades de fósforo, dos quais a maioria apresenta capacidade máxima de adsorção de fósforo enquadrada nas classes alta (500 a 1.000 mg kg-1) e muito alta (> 1.000 mg kg-1); (b) solos de várzea com maiores valores de capacidade máxima de adsorção de fósforo e índice tampão de P apresentam menor dessorção percentual desse nutriente para a solução do solo; (c) o atributo que se correlaciona mais diretamente com a capacidade máxima de adsorção e o índice tampão de fósforo dos solos de várzea estudados é a acidez potencial.


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Diet composition, in particular fat intake, has been suggested to be a risk factor for obesity in humans. Several mechanisms may contribute to explain the impact of fat intake on fat gain. One factor may be the low thermogenesis induced by a mixed meal rich in fat. In a group of 11 girls (10.1 +/- 0.3 yr), 6 obese (body mass index, 25.6 +/- 0.6 kg/m(2)), and 5 nonobese (body mass index, 19 +/- 1.6 kg/m(2)), we tested the hypothesis that a mixed meal rich in fat can elicit energy saving compared with an isocaloric and isoproteic meal rich in carbohydrate. The postabsorptive resting energy expenditure and the thermic effect of a meal (TEM) after a low fat (LF; 20% fat, 68% carbohydrate, and 12% protein) or an isocaloric (2500 kJ or 600 Cal) and isoproteic high fat (HF; 48% fat, 40% carbohydrate, and 12% protein) meal were measured by indirect calorimetry. Each girl repeated the test with a different, randomly assigned menu (HF or LF) 1 week after the first test. TEM, expressed as a percentage of energy intake was significantly higher after a LF meal than after a HF meal (6.5 +/- 0.7% vs. 4.3 +/- 0.4%; P < 0.01). The postprandial respiratory quotient (RQ) was significantly higher after a LF meal than after a HF meal (0.86 +/- 0.013 vs. 0.83 +/- 0.014; P < 0.001). The HF low carbohydrate meal induced a significantly lower increase in carbohydrate oxidation than the LF meal (20.3 +/- 6.2 vs. 61.3 +/- 7.8 mg/min; P < 0.001). On the contrary, fat oxidation was significantly higher after a HF meal than after a LF meal (-1.3 +/- 2.4 vs. -15.1 +/- 3.6 mg/min; P < 0.01). However, the postprandial fat storage was 8-fold higher after a HF meal than after a LF meal (17.2 +/- 1.7 vs. 1.9 +/- 1.8 g; P < 0.001). These results suggest that a high fat meal is able to induce lower thermogenesis and a higher positive fat balance than an isocaloric and isoproteic low fat meal. Therefore, diet composition per se must be taken into account among the various risk factors that induce obesity in children.


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La prospección para evaluar la biología y pesquería de Coryphaena hippurus perico o dorado, se efectuó del 10 de febrero al 1 de marzo 2010, a bordo del BIC Imarpe V. El área de extracción fue de 4°59’32,8’’ a 10°15’20,1’’S y de 79°55’16,2’’ a 84°35’04,2’’W; la captura total fue 1.500,5 kg. La CPUE varió de 0,9 a 18,2 kg/Nº Anzuelos/1000*hora efectiva de pesca. Se encontró alta selección interespecífi ca del espinel superfi cial, al capturar 87,8% de perico y 8 especies de peces, tortugas y cefalópodos. El rango de tallas para hembras fue 79 - 141 cm de LT, en machos fue 100 - 157 cm LT. El factor de condición de Fulton en machos varió de 0,30 a 0,46 y en hembras de 0,32 a 0,40. Se determinó para hembras: L∞=148,92 cm, tasa de crecimiento anual (K) 1,081, se estimó t0 = -0,076 años, el Índice de performance Ǿ= 4,38; para machos, estos parámetros fueron L∞=169,75 cm, tasa de crecimiento anual (K) de 0,893, t0 = -0,115, índice de performance Ǿ= 4,40. La curva de crecimiento en talla para hembras, indica que a un año de edad la LT es 102,4 cm y en machos 107 cm. El máximo crecimiento en peso para hembras y machos fue a 1,5 años de vida. El Índice gonadosomático (IGS) fl uctuó de 3,2 a 4,6 mostrando comportamiento heterogéneo. La proporción sexual fue de 2:1 favorable a las hembras. La fecundidad parcial fue de 324.416 ovocitos por tanda de desove. La fecundidad relativa fue 56 ovocitos/ gramo de peso corporal. El tipo de alimento fue peces, cefalópodos y crustáceos con dominancia de Exocoetus volitans (%IRI = 31,6), Argonauta spp. (%IRI = 26,4) mostrando variaciones según zonas y tallas. El consumo de alimento fue 472,7 g/ind./día correspondiente a 7,4% de su peso corporal, presentando fl uctuaciones con respecto a la talla; alimentándose en horas de la mañana, con un máximo entre las 8:00 y 9:59 horas. Se encontraron 5.762 parásitos, identifi cándose 8 especies en cuatro taxas. La prevalencia parasitaria indica que Tentacularia coryphaenae y Bathycotyle coryphaenae alcanzan el 100%, seguido por Hysterothylacium sp. 62% y Caligus coryphaenae 46%. El mayor número de parásitos se encontró en el estómago. Los peces entre 96–100 cm de LT son los más parasitados. La mayor incidencia parasitaria se encontró en la zona norte, en el tramo Paita-Salaverry. Los registros de temperatura en la columna de agua fueron de 12,7 a 27,3 °C y las ATSM de 0,2 a 4,1 °C. Por el frente oceánico se observaron comportamientos térmicos cálidos asociados a las masas de Aguas Ecuatoriales Superfi ciales y Aguas Subtropicales Superfi ciales y por la zona costera se localizaron Aguas Costeras Frías tanto en Chimbote como en Chicama con temperaturas próximas a 22,0 °C. La concentración de oxígeno disuelto superfi cial se presentó favorable para el perico.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe the epidemiology of chromosomal and non-chromosomal cases of atrioventricular septal defects in Europe. METHODS: Data were obtained from EUROCAT, a European network of population-based registries collecting data on congenital anomalies. Data from 13 registries for the period 2000-2008 were included. RESULTS: There was a total of 993 cases of atrioventricular septal defects, with a total prevalence of 5.3 per 10,000 births (95% confidence interval 4.1 to 6.5). Of the total cases, 250 were isolated cardiac lesions, 583 were chromosomal cases, 79 had multiple anomalies, 58 had heterotaxia sequence, and 23 had a monogenic syndrome. The total prevalence of chromosomal cases was 3.1 per 10,000 (95% confidence interval 1.9 to 4.3), with a large variation between registers. Of the 993 cases, 639 cases were live births, 45 were stillbirths, and 309 were terminations of pregnancy owing to foetal anomaly. Among the groups, additional associated cardiac anomalies were most frequent in heterotaxia cases (38%) and least frequent in chromosomal cases (8%). Coarctation of the aorta was the most common associated cardiac defect. The 1-week survival rate for live births was 94%. CONCLUSION: Of all cases, three-quarters were associated with other anomalies, both chromosomal and non-chromosomal. For infants with atrioventricular septal defects and no chromosomal anomalies, cardiac defects were often more complex compared with infants with atrioventricular septal defects and a chromosomal anomaly. Clinical outcomes for atrioventricular septal defects varied between regions. The proportion of termination of pregnancy for foetal anomaly was higher for cases with multiple anomalies, chromosomal anomalies, and heterotaxia sequence.


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BACKGROUND: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is associated with pulmonary hypertension and death. Administration of nitric oxide (NO) alone remains ineffective in CDH cases. We investigated in near full-term lambs with and without CDH the role of guanylate cyclase (GC), the enzyme activated by NO in increasing cyclic 3'-5'-guanylosine monophosphate, and the role of phosphodiesterase (PDE) 5, the enzyme-degrading cyclic 3'-5'-guanylosine monophosphate. METHODS: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia was surgically created in fetal lambs at 85 days of gestation. Pulmonary hemodynamics were assessed by means of pressure and blood flow catheters (135 days). In vitro, we tested drugs on rings of isolated pulmonary vessels. RESULTS: In vivo, sodium nitroprusside, a direct NO donor, and methyl-2(4-aminophenyl)-1,2-dihydro-1-oxo-7-(2-pyridinylmethoxy)-4-(3,4,5 trimethoxyphenyl)-3-isoquinoline carboxylate sulfate (T-1032) and Zaprinast, both PDE 5 blockers, reduced pulmonary vascular resistance in CDH and non-CDH animals. The activation of GC by sodium nitroprusside and the inhibition of PDE 5 by T-1032 were less effective in CDH animals. In vitro, the stimulation of GC by 3(5'hydroxymethyl-2'furyl)-1-benzyl indazole (YC-1) (a benzyl indazole derivative) and the inhibition of PDE 5 by T-1032 were less effective in pulmonary vascular rings from CDH animals. The YC-1-induced vasodilation in rings from CDH animals was higher when associated with the PDE 5 inhibitor T-1032. CONCLUSIONS: Guanylate cyclase and PDE 5 play a role in controlling pulmonary vascular tone in fetal lambs with or without CDH. Both enzymes seem to be impaired in fetal lambs with CDH.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate preretinal partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) gradients before and after experimental pars plana vitrectomy. METHODS: Arteriolar, venous, and intervascular preretinal PO2 gradients were recorded in 7 minipigs during slow withdrawal of oxygen-sensitive microelectrodes (10-μm tip diameter) from the vitreoretinal interface to 2 mm into the vitreous cavity. Recordings were repeated after pars plana vitrectomy and balanced salt solution (BSS) intraocular perfusion. RESULTS: Arteriolar, venous, and intervascular preretinal PO2 at the vitreoretinal interface were 62.3 ± 13.8, 22.5 ± 3.3, and 17.0 ± 7.5 mmHg, respectively, before vitrectomy; 97.7 ± 19.9, 40.0 ± 21.9, and 56.3 ± 28.4 mmHg, respectively, immediately after vitrectomy; and 59.0 ± 27.4, 25.2 ± 3.0, and 21.5 ± 4.5 mmHg, respectively, 2½ hours after interruption of BSS perfusion. PO2 2 mm from the vitreoretinal interface was 28.4 ± 3.6 mmHg before vitrectomy; 151.8 ± 4.5 mmHg immediately after vitrectomy; and 34.8 ± 4.1 mmHg 2½ hours after interruption of BSS perfusion. PO2 gradients were still present after vitrectomy, with the same patterns as before vitrectomy. CONCLUSION: Preretinal PO2 gradients are not eliminated after pars plana vitrectomy. During BSS perfusion, vitreous cavity PO2 is very high. Interruption of BSS perfusion evokes progressive equilibration of vitreous cavity PO2 with concomitant progressive return of preretinal PO2 gradients to their previtrectomy patterns. This indicates that preretinal diffusion of oxygen is not altered after vitrectomy. The beneficial effect of vitrectomy in ischemic retinal diseases or macular edema may be related to other mechanisms, such as increased oxygen convection currents or removal of growth factors and cytokines secreted in the vitreous.