888 resultados para Industrial buildings -- Energy consumption
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ
The study aimed to evaluate energy indicators of a new production system of yellow passion fruit in Marilia-SP. Analyzed the inputs of the biological energy, fossil and industrial and output energy in the form of fruits produced per unit area as well as five energy indicators. The input energy amounted 155,810.13MJ ha(-1). Chemical fertilizers and pesticides accounted for 71% and 24% of indirect energy industry, respectively. The activity generated per cycle / ha, 587.700.00MJ, and cultural productivity 0.19MJ kg(-1). The efficiency culture was 3.77. The cultural energy net totaled 431,889.87MJ ha(-1). The energy efficiency (4.17) and energy balance (550,312.91MJ ha(-1)) was favorable. It was concluded that the direct energy consumption from fossil fuels, even though significant, yet permits the production of the fruit of an environmentally sustainable manner. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides were the most representative of indirect energy industry due to the intensification of fertilization as a means of disease prevention.
The discussions about the energy rationalization are gaining more and more space on the everyday of engineers and other professionals in the field of energy. A greater focus is being tied to commercial buildings, because they are one of the biggest responsible for the high energetic expenditure according to the National Energetic Balance, especially by the use of air conditioners for the people’s thermal comfort. Such finding made INMETRO to develop a building labeling procedure through th National Program of Electric Energy Conservation in Buildings; by means of this systematic, the built areas are classified by levels that go from A(the best) to E(the worst), taking into account envelopment, illumination system and air conditioning. A bonus process based on water rationalization, use of renewable energy sources, cogeneration systems or technical innovations, allows the classification to be changed up to one level. A study made exactly on a commercial building, the building of Foundation for Technological and Scientific Development located inside of the College of Engineering of Guaratinguetá, sought to identify technical/economic alternatives for the building certification and appealed to the bonus based on water rationalization. The present study is based on analysis of deploying a cogeneration system formed by internal combustion engine and an absorption refrigeration system as bonus alternative, so that the costs are analyzed regarding energy consumption and use of the motor. With the calculations and results, the viability of the building to receive a bonus from INMETRO through its National Program for Energy Conservation in Buildings is studied and concluded from this study whether or not you can get a better level of energy efficiency for the building in question... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The adhesives used in the production of engineered boards have been object of study over the years in order to improve the properties of the boards with less energy consumption, lower production costs and reduced environmental impact. In addition to that, process variables may affect the properties of the board. The present study aimed to characterize sheets of plywood, manufactured with two types of adhesives, under two different pressing conditions. The adhesives used for the study were Phenol-formaldehyde and Polyurethane castor oil based. The pressure of pressing was varied in a range from 75 to 160 Bar, in order to verify how they influence the physical and mechanical properties of the board. The tests performed resulted in a conclusion that shows that the moister content of the veneers interferes on the physical and mechanical tests. In general, boards produced with polyurethane resin showed superior physical and mechanical results; although the ones produced with phenol formaldehyde at a pressure of 75 Bar had always equal or higher values, compared to what is found in literature
This paper presents a study on the labeling Procel Build, an action plan for energy efficiency in buildings which aims to build the foundations necessary to rationalize energy consumption in buildings in Brazil (PROCEL, 2009a, p. 5), ie Procel builds aims to ensure the construction of the building that has a low energy expenditure, but still provide a comfortable environment. In this research, it is also shown how the labels are obtained, which may be general or partial. The reader will find further explanation of the three aspects of a building, and they Envelopment, Lighting system and Air Conditioning System Finally, we present the advantages and challenges of system builds procel, showing the need for greater investment and disclosure of elements that contribute to the implementation of sustainable buildings in Brazil
Nowadays, the biggest part of the world's energy supply comes from fossil fuels and nuclear. However, the current need of the society for the preservation of the environment and wise use of natural resources, has favored the search for alternative energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency. In this new scenario, companies are beginning to mobilize in order to adapt its facilities to renewable energy. Solar, with its immense potential, not really exploited yet, can be very useful for companies that want to beat their sustainability goals. Given these facts, the aim is to evaluate the economic viability of introducing a solar water heater which uses a colorless PET bottle as one of its components in a plant. The hot water generated will heat the air of a paint booth and a warm house, reducing energy consumption, since they are heated by electric heaters
Solar energy can be considered the largest source of energy available on earth and has attracted in recent decades, attention and interest for its rational use. The use of energy sources in a sustainable manner is essential to the survival of future generations, due to the scarcity of natural resources and their exploitation in a disorderly way. Studies related to the applications of renewable sources becomes then relevant, given its great importance as regards the conscious use of resources provided by nature, with the least possible impact on it. The present study presents an evaluation of generation potential and feasibility of implementing a solar photovoltaic connected to the grid and connected to the roofs of some buildings of the Faculty of Engineering of Guaratinguetá - FEG, to supply the demand of electric energy consumption on campus and attempting to inject a possible surplus power generation in local power grid, increasing network capacity and reducing peak loads
In the industries of wood processing (sawmills), where timber is sawn in equipment such as band saws, circular saws, trowel, thicknessers, among others, that mechanically transform this resource and use of electric motors, which are not unusually poorly scaled working or overloaded, often a factor that is not found in these industries and has fundamental importance in the production process is energy efficiency that is achieved by both technological innovation and through all the practices and policies that aim to lower energy consumption, lowering energy costs and increasing the amount of energy offered no change in generation. For both during the design of an electrical installation, both overall and in various sectors of the installation, investigations are necessary, considerations and uses of variables and factors that put into practice the theme of energy efficiency. Therefore, in this paper, these factors were calculated and analyzed for a wood processing industry (sawmill) in the municipality of Taquarivaí - SP, namely: active power, power factor, demand factor and load factor. Where they were small in relation to the literature, these events that occur when devices are connected at the same time and due to the conditions of processing the wood, where the engines have large variations in electricity consumption during the unfolding of the same, due to efforts with the load and idle moments between each machining operation in the equipment
The research shows that increasing the consumption of energy by households is growing rapidly and without adequate planning, due to population growth and therefore an increase in energy consumption. With the current concerns of sustainability and energy efficiency by industry, there is the need to prove to population that there are many ways to incorporate sustainable practices to their daily lives, starting from by their own residence. The quality certification of the energy efficiency level in residential buildings, shows how one can influence and improve housing issues on sustainable actions as rooted in our country
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
This study evaluated a nonlinear programming excel workbook PPFR (http://www.fmva.unesp.br/ppfr) for determining the optimum nutrient density and maximize margins. Two experiments were conducted with 240 one-day-old female chicks and 240 one-day-old male chicks distributed in 48 pens (10 chicks per pen, 4 replicates) in a completely randomized design. The treatments include the average price history (2009s and 2010s) for broiler increased and decreased by 25% or 50% (5 treatments to nonlinear feed formulation) and 1 linear feed formulation. Body gain, feed intake, feed conversion were measured at 21, 42 and 56 d of age. Chicks had ad libitum access to feed and water in floor pens with wood shavings as litter. The bio-economic Energy Conversion [BEC= (Total energy intake*Feed weighted cost per kg)/ (Weight gain*kg live chicken cost)] was more sensitive for measuring the bio-economic performance for broilers, and especially with better magnitude. This allowed a better assessment of profitability, the rate of growth and not just energy consumption, the production of broilers, by incorporating energy consumption, allowing for more sensitivity to the new index (BEC). The BEC was demonstrated that the principle of nonlinear formulation minimizes losses significantly (P<0.05), especially under unfavorable conditions the price of chicken in the market. Thus, when considering that a diet of energy supply shows up as the most expensive item of a formulation, it should compose necessarily the formula proposed for a bio-economic index. Thus, there is need to evaluate more accurately, not only the ingredients of a ration, but the impact of nutrients on the stability of a solution, mainly due to the energy requirement. This strategy promotes better accuracy for decision making under conditions of uncertainty, to find alternative post-formulation. From the above, both weight gain and feed conversion, as traditional performance indicators, cannot finalize or predict a performance evaluation of an economic system creating increasingly intense and competitive. Thus, the energy concentration of the diet becomes more important definition to feed formulator, by directly impact profit activity by interactions with the density of nutrients. This allowed a better evaluation of profitability, the rate of energy performance for broilers, by incorporating the energy consumption formula, allowing more sensitivity to the new index (BEC). These data show that nonlinear feed formulation is a toll to offer new opportunities for poultry production to improved profitability.
The objective of this work was the analysis of the energetic ethanol production systems using as source of carbohydrates, manioc, sugar cane and maize crops. The searches were carried from the field in the Paranapanema River Valley, state of Sao Paulo in the operations of cultivation and industrial processing of raw materials for analysis. The expenditure of energy concerning the agricultural part was made by the energy consumption of stage production of one hectare of sugar cane, cassava and corn, tillage and planting procedure, inputs, driving the crop, harvest, transport industry and energy draining. The expenditure of energy referring to the part was made by the industry energy consumption of stage processing of one tonne of sugar cane, cassava and corn, in the operations of disintegration / milling, hydrolysis / treatment of the broth, fermentation, distillation and maintenance of equipment. Under the system of agronomic production of raw materials, manioc presented an energy expenditure below that of sugar cane and maize (9,528.33 MJ ha-1; 14,370.90 MJ ha-1 and 15,633.83 MJ ha-1, respectively). For the ethanol produced, the operations of cultivation has consumed 1.54 MJ l-1 with manioc; MJ 1.99 l-1 with sugar cane, and 7.9 MJ l-1 with the corn. In the industrial processing of a ton of raw material, sugar cane presented an energy cost less than the cassava and maize (1,641.56 MJ t-1; 2,208.28 MJ t-1 and MJ 3,882.39 t-1, Respectively), however, showed a higher cost than when they related to ethanol produced (19.38 MJ l-1; 11.76 MJ l-1 and 11.76 MJ l-1, respectively). In the final energy balance for each megajoules of energy invested in sugar cane were required 1.09 MJ (9%), for each megajoules of energy invested in manioc were required 1.76 MJ (76%) and for each megajoules energy invested in maize were required 1.19 MJ (19%). Overall, it appears that the manioc consumes less energy than sugar cane and corn crops in the process of agribusiness obtaining ethanol.
Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV
The study evaluated the energy balance of the yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims) production system in the region of Marilia-SP. There were analyzed the "inputs" of energy originated from biological, fossil, and industrial sources, and the "output" of energy in the form of fruits produced per unit area, as well as five energy indicators. The phytotechnical indices considered were: planting in February (seedling in tubes), production cycle: 18 months, and yield: 20 t/ha. The input energy totaled 173,707.86 MJ/ha. The most representative items corresponded to industrial indirect energy (38%) and to biological (34%). Chemical fertilizers and pesticides accounted for 65% and 31% of indirect energy industry, respectively. The activity generated 391,800.00 MJ per cycle/ha, and the culture productivity, 0.12 MJ/kg. The efficiency of the culture was 2.26. The net cultural energy totaled 218,092.15 MJ/ha. The energy balance was positive (126,050.23 MJ/ha). Energy efficiency was favorable, with a value of 3.64. The direct power consumption of fossil origin is significant in the system evaluated, but it still allows the production of the yellow passion fruit in an environmentally sustainable way.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG