994 resultados para Industrial association


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OBJECTIVES: This study analyzes the results of the arterial switch operation for transposition of the great arteries in member institutions of the European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association. METHODS: The records of 613 patients who underwent primary arterial switch operations in each of 19 participating institutions in the period from January 1998 through December 2000 were reviewed retrospectively. RESULTS: A ventricular septal defect was present in 186 (30%) patients. Coronary anatomy was type A in 69% of the patients, and aortic arch pathology was present in 20% of patients with ventricular septal defect. Rashkind septostomy was performed in 75% of the patients, and 69% received prostaglandin. There were 37 hospital deaths (operative mortality, 6%), 13 (3%) for patients with an intact ventricular septum and 24 (13%) for those with a ventricular septal defect (P < .001). In 36% delayed sternal closure was performed, 8% required peritoneal dialysis, and 2% required mechanical circulatory support. Median ventilation time was 58 hours, and intensive care and hospital stay were 6 and 14 days, respectively. Although of various preoperative risk factors the presence of a ventricular septal defect, arch pathology, and coronary anomalies were univariate predictors of operative mortality, only the presence of a ventricular septal defect approached statistical significance (P = .06) on multivariable analysis. Of various operative parameters, aortic crossclamp time and delayed sternal closure were also univariate predictors; however, only the latter was an independent statistically significant predictor of death. CONCLUSIONS: Results of the procedure in European centers are compatible with those in the literature. The presence of a ventricular septal defect is the clinically most important preoperative risk factor for operative death, approaching statistical significance on multivariable analysis.


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OBJECTIVE: Since most centers' experience with Ebstein anomaly is limited, we sought to analyze the collective experience of participating institutions of the European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association with surgery for this rare malformation. METHODS: The records of all 150 patients (median age 6.4 years) who underwent surgery for Ebstein anomaly in the 13 participating Association centers between January 1992 and January 2005 were reviewed retrospectively. Patients with congenitally corrected transposition were excluded. RESULTS: Most patients (81%) had Ebstein disease type B or C and significant functional impairment (61% in New York Heart Association class III or IV) and 16% had prior operations. Surgical procedures (n = 179) included valve replacement (n = 60, 33.5%), valve repair (n = 49, 27.3%), 1(1/2) ventricle repair (n = 46, 25.6%), palliative shunt (n = 13, 7.26%), and other complex procedures (n = 11, 6.14%). There were 20 hospital deaths (operative mortality 13.3%) after valve replacement in 5 patients, valve repair in 3, 1(1/2) ventricle repair in 7, palliative procedures in 3, and miscellaneous procedures in 2. Younger age and palliative procedures were univariate risk factors for operative death, but only age was an independent predictor on multivariable analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Most patients coming to surgery presented in childhood and were significantly symptomatic. More than half underwent valve replacement or repair, but a considerable proportion had severe disease necessitating 1(1/2) ventricle repair or palliative procedures. Operative mortality did not differ significantly among repair, replacement, and 1(1/2) ventricle repair but was associated with palliative procedures for severe disease early in life, young age being the only independent predictor of operative death.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Museologia


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Esta dissertação descreve o levantamento da gestão de uma unidade fabril no âmbito do engarrafamento de águas, para a implementação de um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental (SGA) recorrendo á Norma NP EN ISO 14001:2012 tendo como objetivo proporcionar a melhoria contínua dos processos implementados na empresa bem como todos os benefícios que este referencial pressupõe. Foi realizada, numa primeira fase, uma auditoria diagnóstico com uma visita á fabrica no âmbito da implementação da ISO 14001, e posteriormente realizado todo o trabalho de aplicação ao referencial. Este trabalho consistiu a abordagem a todos os requisitos da norma ISO 14001 com principal foco na fase de Planeamento de um SGA, procurando-se responder essencialmente ao requisito 4.3 da referida norma. Procedeu-se á identificação das atividades da empresa (entradas e saídas), dos aspetos ambientais associados (respetiva significância) e levantamento dos requisitos legais aplicáveis (obrigações). Os restantes requisitos foram abordados e fez-se uma sugestão para o seu cumprimento, para além de que muitos já se encontram em cumprimento por compatibilidade com a norma ISO 9001 da qual a empresa já se encontra certificada. Esta dissertação pretende discutir e apresentar propostas para a implementação do SGA, possíveis vantagens daí decorrentes e as barreiras a ultrapassar (aspetos ambientais significativos) de maneiras a por em prática os requisitos do referencial normativo que venha a ser adotado. Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica destas temáticas e, ainda que estas medidas propostas não tenham sido implementadas, assim que implementadas esperam-se ganhos na economia de recursos como também outros benefícios descritos ao longo da dissertação que permita, com implementação do SGA não só enquanto estratégia, ser inovadora e competitiva.


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BACKGROUND: Lichen planus is an idiopathic inflammatory disease of the skin and mucous membranes. Although the etiology is not established, it has been associated with autoimmune diseases, viral infections, drugs and dental restoration materials. However, the association with inflammatory bowel disease has been very rarely reported in the literature. CASE REPORT: A 19-year-old female patient presented with annular lesions on her upper body and limbs, with a sharply defined border and non-atrophic skin in the center. The lesions were hyperpigmented and had been stable for over one year. The histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of annular lichen planus. She had weight loss, occasional diarrhea, and a severe anemia. The investigation of these symptoms led to the diagnosis of Crohn disease and a sickle cell trait. Therapy with systemic corticosteroids and mesalazine controlled the intestinal disease, with concomitant improvement of the skin lesions. CONCLUSIONS: As lichen planus can be associated with other immunological disorders, the association with inflammatory bowel disease should be considered in the evaluation of the patient.


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During a health survey in a primary school from the district of Carabayllo (North of Lima, Peru), 200 schoolchildren (96 male and 104 female between five to 12 years old) were randomly selected and divided in two groups (as positive or negative group), according to the serologic result of the Toxocara ELISA test from a total population of 646 schoolchildren. All children were analyzed by hematologic tests to determinate the frequency of eosinophilia and leukocytosis. Additionally, all clinical and epidemiological data were also analyzed to determine their association with toxocariasis. From group of children with positive serology, 40% had some type of eosinophilia in contrast to 19% of children with negative serology, and their association was statistically significant (OR = 2.84, p < 0.001). From all signs and symptoms evaluated, only 'dry cough' was more frequent and statistically significant in the positive serology group (OR = 2.79, p < 0.001). Almost all risk factors evaluated were highly frequent and statistically associated to the positive serology. In conclusion, the presence of eosinophilia and the risk factors evaluated in this population were frequently associated to human toxocariasis.


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Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is the most common viral infection after transplantation. Valganciclovir (VGC) is established for prophylaxis and treatment of CMV infections, but leukopenia which appears in 10% to 13% (severe in 4.9%) is the principal side effect. We have recently noted an increased incidence of leukopenia and severe neutropenia among our renal transplant patients and thought to identify the associated factors. We conducted a retrospective analysis of all kidney transplantations performed between January 2005 and December 2006. All patients received mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), tacrolimus, and steroids. VGC was used for targeted prophylaxis and preemptive therapy of CMV infection, with doses adjusted to renal function. Of the 64 patients undergoing renal transplantation 13 (20.3%) developed leukopenia within 3 +/- 2 months after transplantation with severe neutropenia in 5 (7.8%). All patients were on MMF and VGC (VGC 605 +/- 296 mg/d). Leukopenia was significantly associated with simultaneous liver-kidney transplantation and with second kidney transplantations (P < .01). The incidence of leukopenia was higher among patients under VGC since day 1 of transplantation (P = .008) with maximal incidence observed among patients prescribed 900 mg/d as opposed to those on lower doses (P < .01). There was no increase in CMV infection among patients with a low dose of VGC. No patient developed clinical CMV disease. In conclusion, VGC prophylaxis was associated with an increased frequency of leukopenia on MMF-tacrolimus treated patients or regimens. Low-dose VGC for CMV prophylaxis appeared to be as effective as high-dose treatment, and associated less frequently with leukopenia and neutropenia.


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In South Brazil the circulation of two HIV-1 subtypes with different characteristics represents an important scenario for the study of the impact of HIV-1 diversity on the evolution of the HIV-1 epidemic and AIDS disease. HIV-1 B, the predominant variant in industrialized countries and HIV-1 C, the most prevalent subtype in areas with rapid epidemic growth, are implicated in most infections. We evaluated blood samples from 128 antiretroviral (ARV) naïve patients recruited at entry to the largest HIV outpatient service in Porto Alegre. Based on partial pol region sequencing, HIV-1 C was observed in 29%, HIV-1 B in 22.6% and, the recently identified CRF31_BC, in 23.4% of 128 volunteers. Other variants were HIV-1 F in 10% and other mosaics in 5.5%. In order to evaluate the association of socio-behavioral characteristics and HIV-1 subtypes, interviews and laboratory evaluation were performed at entry. Our data suggest an established epidemic of the three major variants, without any evidence of partitioning in either of the subgroups analyzed. However, anal sex practices were associated with subtype B, which could indicate a greater transmissibility of non-B variants by vaginal intercourse. This study provides baseline information for epidemiologic surveillance of the changes of the molecular characteristics of HIV-1 epidemics in this region.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial


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Chromoblastomycosis is a chronic human melanized fungi infection of the subcutaneous tissue caused by traumatic inoculation of a specific group of dematiaceous fungi through the skin, often found in barefooted agricultural workers, in tropical and subtropical climate countries. We report the case of a male patient presenting a slow-growing pruriginous lesion on the limbs for 20 years, mistreated over that time, which was diagnosed and successfully treated as chromoblastomycosis. Besides the prevalence of this disease, treatment is still a clinical challenge.


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As empresas no século XXI têm necessidade de reduzir os seus custos de manutenção para serem competitivas num mercado cada vez mais global, implementando a Manutenção Lean no setor diretamente responsável pela Manutenção e também estender a toda a organização. Este trabalho foi realizado no âmbito do estágio efetuado na empresa Lameirinho, empresa líder de Têxtil-Lar, localizada na zona de Guimarães e que possui um Departamento de Manutenção onde a fiabilidade e disponibilidade dos equipamentos é um aspeto importante bem como a sua manutenção a custos reduzidos. Assim, tendo como objetivo a melhoria do Departamento de Manutenção da empresa Lameirinho foi efetuada uma auditoria de Manutenção Lean com o intuito de determinar o estado atual, foram identificados problemas e oportunidades de melhoria bem como foram apresentadas soluções para os mesmos. Os benefícios que se obtêm com a implementação das soluções são, entre outros: melhor planeamento das intervenções de Manutenção com alocação no momento necessário dos recursos humanos e a disponibilização de peças assim como as intervenções de manutenção serem efetuadas quando a Produção menos necessita do equipamento produtivo; redução e eliminação das intervenções de Manutenção Corretiva de Emergência; redução dos custos de Manutenção na globalidade da empresa através dos benefícios obtidos e com impacto direto nos resultados económicos da empresa.


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Esta dissertação foi realizada em colaboração com o grupo empresarial Monteiro, Ribas e teve como principais objetivos efetuar uma avaliação das melhores técnicas disponíveis relativas à refrigeração industrial e às emissões resultantes da armazenagem. O primeiro objetivo teve como alvo todas as instalações da Monteiro, Ribas enquanto que o segundo objetivo se debruçou sobre Monteiro, Ribas, Embalagens Flexíveis, S.A.. Para cumprir estes objetivos, inicialmente efetuou-se um levantamento das melhores técnicas disponíveis apresentadas nos respetivos documentos de referência. Em seguida selecionaram-se as técnicas que se adequavam às condições e às instalações em estudo e procedeu-se a uma avaliação de forma a verificar o grau de implementação das medidas sugeridas no BREF (Best Available Techniques Reference Document). Relativamente aos sistemas de refrigeração industrial verificou-se que estão implementadas quase todas as medidas referenciadas no respetivo documento de referência. Isto prende-se com o facto dos sistemas de refrigeração existentes no complexo industrial Monteiro, Ribas serem relativamente recentes. Foram implementados no ano de 2012, e são caracterizados por apresentarem uma conceção moderna com elevada eficiência. No que diz respeito à armazenagem de produtos químicos perigosos, a instalação em estudo, apresenta algumas inconformidades, uma vez que a maioria das técnicas mencionadas no BREF não se encontram implementadas, pelo que foi necessário efetuar uma avaliação de riscos ambientais, com recurso à metodologia proposta pela Norma Espanhola UNE 150008:2008 – Análise e Avaliação do Risco Ambiental. Para isso procedeu-se então à formulação de vários cenários de riscos e à quantificação de riscos para à Monteiro, Ribas Embalagens Flexíveis S.A., tendo-se apurado que os riscos estavam avaliados como moderados a altos. Por fim foram sugeridas algumas medidas de prevenção e de minimização do risco que a instalação deve aplicar, como por exemplo, o parque de resíduos perigosos deve ser equipado com kits de contenção de derrames (material absorvente), procedimentos a realizar em caso de emergência, fichas de dados de segurança e o extintor deve ser colocado num local de fácil visualização. No transporte de resíduos perigosos, para o respetivo parque, é aconselhável utilizar bacias de contenção de derrames portáteis e kits de contenção de derrames. Relativamente ao armazém de produtos químicos perigosos é recomendado que se proceda a sua reformulação tendo em conta as MTD apresentadas no subcapítulo 5.2.3 desta dissertação.


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Foodborne diseases represent operational risks in industrial restaurants. We described an outbreak of nine clustered cases of acute illness resembling acute toxoplasmosis in an industrial plant with 2300 employees. These patients and another 36 similar asymptomatic employees were diagnosed with anti-T. gondii IgG titer and avidity by ELISA. We excluded 14 patients based on high IgG avidity and chronic toxoplasmosis: 13 from controls and one from acute disease other than T. gondii infection. We also identified another three asymptomatic employees with T.gondii acute infection and also anti-T. gondii IgM positive as remaining acute cases. Case control study was conducted by interview in 11 acute infections and 20 negative controls. The ingestion of green vegetables, but not meat or water, was observed to be associated with the incidence of acute disease. These data reinforce the importance of sanitation control in industrial restaurants and also demonstrate the need for improvement in quality control regarding vegetables at risk for T. gondii oocyst contamination. We emphasized the accurate diagnosis of indexed cases and the detection of asymptomatic infections to determine the extent of the toxoplasmosis outbreak.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial