1000 resultados para Indústria ceràmica
This paper analyses the relationship between bargaining outcomes in seventeen units regarding the manufacturing sector in Rio Grande do Sul, and change in the relevant economic environment from 1979 to 1995. Theories on the determinants of bargaining outcomes are discussed in order to provide a basis for hypothesizing about the specific case. Statistical outcomes suggest that collective bargaining have been basically influenced by unemployment, manufacturing relative prices, the stabilization policies starting in 1986, and, specifically for negotiated minimum wages, change in the official rates of minimum wages.
Wages, productivity and profits in the Brazilian manufacturing industry, 1945-1978. This article investigates the distribution between profits and wages in Brazil's manufacturing industry from 1945 to 1978. First, the article provides yearly series of average real wages and labour productivity, from which labour unit costs and the distribution between profits and wages in the manufacturing industry are estimated. Second, the article addresses the behaviour of wages, labour productivity and industrial income distribution in the context of variable economic, political and institutional conditions which prevailed in post-war Brazil. The results of the quantitative analysis allow us to assess both the trends and the yearly behaviour of the manufacturing income distribution during a key period of the Brazilian economic history.
Diversification or specialization: an analysis of the process of structural change of the Brazilian industry. Based on findings by Imbs and Wacziarg (2003), whose empirical study has established the existence of a U-shaped pattern in the evolution of industrial specialization relative to per capita income, this paper aimed at determining the path of structural change followed by the Brazilian industry in the last decades and at comparing it with the evidence for other countries. The conclusion is that the stage of diversification of the Brazilian industrial structure has ended at a relatively low level of per capita income.
Exchange rate regime and structural changes in the Brazilian manufacturing industry. This article proposes an analysis of the relationship between exchange rate regime and evolution of the Brazilian manufacturing industry during the period 1980-2008. Its main purpose is to detect the direction of the structural changes imposed by the new form of international insertion consolidated throughout the 1990s. The work also provides new empirical evidence regarding the assumptions of deindustrialization and "Dutch disease", which mark the current debate on the effects of the appreciation of real exchange rate in the Brazilian economy.
The work develops an empirical investigation on the relevance of industry / GDP, manufacture / GDP and industrial employment / total employment on long run growth using panel data. The results indicate the existence of a direct and significant relation for industry (manufacture) share to GDP and industrial employment for long run growth. The annual impact on growth of a 10% increase, over a five year period, in the industry share to GDP (manufacture share to GDP) ranges from 0.19% to 0.32% (0.2% to 0.4%) and for the industrial employment / total employment it varies from 0.3% to 0.5%.
RESUMOO objetivo deste artigo é avaliar a real inserção do Mercosul no comércio internacional de manufaturas de alta tecnologia e o grau de evolução ao longo da cadeia tecnológica. A principal contribuição deste artigo é a construção de um indicador de valor adicionado, resultado da diferença entre as exportações de bens finais e as importações de partes e componentes. Tal indicador permite uma análise mais adequada, em termos de saldo comercial, de setores cada vez mais inseridos em processos de fragmentação produtiva. A principal conclusão é de que não há evidências fortes de que tais países estejam avançando para etapas mais a jusante das cadeias de valor nos setores de alta tecnologia, com exceção do setor de aeronaves (especialmente do Brasil).
Este ensaio vem problematizar acerca da atualidade do conceito de indústria cultural (Kulturindustrie), no projeto da teoria crítica de Theodor W. Adorno, objetivando mostrar que as atuais limitações impostas ao debate derivam mais do fundamento não-dialético dos que apontam sua restrição do que da própria potência da teorização frankfurtiana.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Ingeniería Ambiental) UANL
[Tesis] (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Ingeniería Cerámica) U.A.N.L.
Depuis les années 1980, les archéologues ont remarqué l'originalité des collections de céramiques trouvées sur des sites occupés par les pêcheurs basques au cours du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle sur les côtes atlantiques du Canada. Le site de Red Bay (Labrador) a été le premier à fournir une riche collection de terre cuites communes, majoliques et grès, qui ont permis aux archéologues de reconnaître une tradition céramique distincte. Pendant plus de deux siècles, ces céramiques constituent un fil conducteur qui montre la permanence des activités commerciales basques au Canada. En utilisant une approche mutualiste et comparative de quatre sites de pêche basque (Red Bay (1530-1580), Anse-à-la-Cave (1580-1630), Petit-Mécatina (1630-1713), Pabos (1713- 1760)) et leurs ports d’attache dans l’Europe atlantique, nous observons comment à partir du milieu du XVIe siècle, l’ensemble des céramiques se transforme d'un endroit à l’autre sans perdre son air distinctif jusqu'au début du XVIIIe siècle quand les témoins des céramiques basques changent radicalement. Finalement, une perspective globale qui relie les deux côtes atlantiques par le biais de ces matériaux céramiques nous aide à mieux connaître les réseaux d'approvisionnement liés aux traversées de pêche et l’espace économique complexe qui s’articule aux routes maritimes et de l’intérieur. Ces deux éléments se veulent essentiels à la compréhension de l'expansion outremers, ses materiaux laissés et son rôle dans l'économie mondiale au début de l'époque moderne.
Estudi sobre la implantació d’un manual de gestió en una indústria de llescats, realitzat a l’empresa Serra&Mota de la Cellera de Ter (consta d’un sistema APPCC i un manual de qualitat)
Se describe la zona de Llamas de Mouro, su origen y se explican las técnicas utilizadas para elaborar la cerámica típica de la zona, así como el material utilizado, el tipo de piezas que se elaboran y su utilidad. Se presentan 40 diapositivas y un texto en forma escrita y oral en la casete, de diez minutos de duración, en el texto escrito se señala con un punto debajo de algunas palabras el paso de la diapositiva. Además, y como anexo, se relacionan las diapositivas con un comentario a cada una de ellas. el fondo musical del diaporama incluye los siguientes temas: 'Alborada' y 'Marcha procesional del Carmen' del grupo Ubiña y 'Muñeira D'Ibias' del grupo Llan de Cubel.
Seleccionado en la convocatoria: Ayudas a la innovación e investigación educativa en centros docentes de niveles no universitarios, Gobierno de Aragón 2010-11
En aquest estudi pretenc revalorar el patrimoni cultural, natural i industrial de Vilafant. Tot i que les directrius del meu treball, es centren de manera especial en el patrimoni industrial, ja que en aquests moments l’Ajuntament de Vilafant, té especial interès en potenciar l’estudi de l’activitat rajolera, que va assolir el seu màxim esplendor amb la construcció de la bòbila d’en Soler l’any 1880