828 resultados para Husa, Jaakko: Johdatus oikeusvertailuun
7. Gerontologian päivät Kuopiossa 15. -17.4.2010.
The goal for this study was to examine how engineering companies could take part in their customers’ product development to a larger extent than just provide their traditional knowhow – product design. Additionally, co-operation possibilities, challenges and problems in product development were examined. In the end the target was to find out if there would be any opportunities for engineering companies’ own product development. The study was launched by analyzing the present market situation of engineering and consultancy services sector. Next step was to examine different phases of the product development process. The study of the product development co-operation began by analyzing different forms of the business co-operation. Possibilities and challenges of the product development cooperation were searched from literature and already existing studies. Afterwards ten persons from nine industrial sectors’ customer companies were interviewed. The outcome of the research shows that engineering companies could have possibilities to expand their services also to the other phases of the product development than just product design. Customer enterprises tend to consider the beginning of the product development process as their internal activity, but engineering companies could enlarge their services to cover also the product implementation phase. What was important at the beginning of the co-operation was to inspire confidence between two companies, but later confidence became person related. Engineering companies’ own product development was provided with plenty of new ideas and ways of making money by interviewees.
Jaakko Tahkokallion esitys Sisällönkuvailupäivässä 25.11.2011.
Mitä tapahtuu, kun fyysinen, sosiaalinen ja virtuaalinen tila yhdistyvät? Miten näitä uusia kokemuksen jakamisen tiloja voi tutkia? Miten tilojen ympärille on mahdollista rakentaa teknologioita, sovelluksia ja palveluita? Kirja esittelee Tampereen teknillisen yliopiston ja Turun yliopiston Porin yksiköiden sekä Tampereen yliopiston CoEx-tutkimushankkeessa syntyneitä elämyksellisiä palvelukonsepteja, joita tapahtumanjärjestäjät voivat hyödyntää ja jotka ovat laajemmin sovellettavissa tulevaisuuden elämys-, viihde- ja IT-teollisuuden aloilla. Kirjan artikkeleissa kuvataan tapaustutkimuksia, joissa muun muassa seurataan SMliigan jääkiekko-otteluiden katsojien syketietoja eri pelitilanteissa, jäljitetään mobiilisti musiikkifestivaalien tunneilmastoa, kehitetään vaihtoehtoisia pelisovelluksia verkkopelitapahtumaan, sekä rakennetaan konferenssikävijöille virtuaalista vuorovaikutustilaa. Kaikki kirjassa esiteltävät sovellukset on testattu osana aitoja tapahtumaympäristöjä vuosina 2010 ja 2011.