903 resultados para Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines
In the last few years, the Ukrainian investment market has constantly shown strong performance and significant growth. This is primarily due to the investment attractiveness of Ukraine. From the perspective of investments in energy sector, Ukraine can be described as a country providing significant number of opportunities to multiply invested funds. But there are numbers of risks which hamper large investments. The work objective was to discover opportunities in small-scale hydropower and wind power sectors of Ukraine and more importantly to prove economic expediency of such investments. Thesis covers major of issues, concerning entering the Ukrainian power market as a foreign investor. It provides basic information about the structure of power market, the state of renewables sector in Ukraine, development of power sector in the regions, functioning of Wholesale Electricity Market, formation of electricity prices, possibilities for implementing joint Implementation mechanism, while the most attention, nevertheless, is concentrated on the opportunities in small-scale hydro and wind power sectors. Theoretical part of the study disclosed that Crimea peninsula has perfect wind conditions and could be a prospective area for wind project development. Investment analysis revealed that project profits will be excellent if green tariff for renewable energy is adopted. By the moment uncertainties about green law adoption bring additional risk to the projects and complicate any investment decision.
Em experimentos conduzidos no campo, quantificaram-se a dispersão vertical e horizontal dos conídios de Stenocarpella maydis e S. macrospora liberados de palha de milho (Zea mays) naturalmente infetada. Verificou-se que 93% do número total de conídios de S. maydis e 88% de S. macrospora foram capturados durante o dia, diferindo estatisticamente do período noturno. O número de conídios de S. maydis e S. macrospora capturados no ar foi inversamente proporcional à distância da posição vertical e horizontal das armadilhas da fonte de inóculo. Os conídios foram capturados até uma altura de 2 m acima e distantes 120 m da fonte de inóculo. No entanto, em ambos experimentos, a freqüência e o número de esporos coletados foram maiores até 25 cm acima e 20 m distante da fonte de inóculo. Além disto, a dispersão dos conídios isolados ou agrupados no cirro, ocorreu livremente no ar, não necessitando estarem veiculados a gotículas d'água.
Supersonic axial turbine stages typically exhibit lower efficiencies than subsonic axial turbine stages. One reason for the lower efficiency is the occurrence of shock waves. With higher pressure ratios the flow inside the turbine becomes relatively easily supersonic if there is only one turbine stage. Supersonic axial turbines can be designed in smaller physical size compared to subsonic axial turbines of same power. This makes them good candidates for turbochargers in large diesel engines, where space can be a limiting factor. Also the production costs are lower for a supersonic axial turbine stage than for two subsonic stages. Since supersonic axial turbines are typically low reaction turbines, they also create lower axial forces to be compensated with bearings compared to high reaction turbines. The effect of changing the stator-rotor axial gap in a small high (rotational) speed supersonic axial flow turbine is studied in design and off-design conditions. Also the effect of using pulsatile mass flow at the supersonic stator inlet is studied. Five axial gaps (axial space between stator and rotor) are modeled using threedimensional computational fluid dynamics at the design and three axial gaps at the off-design conditions. Numerical reliability is studied in three independent studies. An additional measurement is made with the design turbine geometry at intermediate off-design conditions and is used to increase the reliability of the modelling. All numerical modelling is made with the Navier-Stokes solver Finflo employing Chien’s k ¡ ² turbulence model. The modelling of the turbine at the design and off-design conditions shows that the total-to-static efficiency of the turbine decreases when the axial gap is increased in both design and off-design conditions. The efficiency drops almost linearily at the off-design conditions, whereas the efficiency drop accelerates with increasing axial gap at the design conditions. The modelling of the turbine stator with pulsatile inlet flow reveals that the mass flow pulsation amplitude is decreased at the stator throat. The stator efficiency and pressure ratio have sinusoidal shapes as a function of time. A hysteresis-like behaviour is detected for stator efficiency and pressure ratio as a function of inlet mass flow, over one pulse period. This behaviour arises from the pulsatile inlet flow. It is important to have the smallest possible axial gap in the studied turbine type in order to maximize the efficiency. The results for the whole turbine can also be applied to some extent in similar turbines operating for example in space rocket engines. The use of a supersonic stator in a pulsatile inlet flow is shown to be possible.
Added engraved title page: Waragtige en aanmerkenswaardige historie van Lapland en Finland.
The goal of the master‘s thesis is to determine and estimate ice accretion influence on the wind turbine blade performance. The thesis describes the technique of ice accretion calculation on the wind turbine blade and determination characteristics of the turbine with ice accreted. The methodology of the classic Blade Element Moment Theory was used. Iced blade experimental data was investigated in order to calculate blade with ice characteristics. The obtained results shows that iced blade power coefficient is lower than clean blade one. The heating system implementation shows that in the particular site in the Lapland region it is efficient.
Este estudo foi desenvolvido em um trecho de um fragmento de Floresta Estacional Semidecídua Montana, no Sítio Bom Sucesso, em Viçosa, MG. O objetivo deste trabalho foi conhecer a composição florística e a estrutura fitossociológica do componente arbóreo. Foram instalados 10 transectos de 50 x 10 m, subdivididos em cinco parcelas de 10 x 10 m cada um, totalizando 50 parcelas em 5.000 m². Foram incluídos na amostragem todos os indivíduos arbóreos que apresentavam, no mínimo, 15 cm de circunferência do tronco, a 130 cm do solo. Foram identificadas 151 espécies pertencentes a 108 gêneros de 45 famílias botânicas e amostrados, em 0,5 ha, 820 indivíduos arbóreos vivos e 32 mortos em pé, o que significou uma densidade total estimada de 1.704 indivíduos/ha. A área basal/ha foi de 38,450 m² e a altura média, de 8,43 m. Euterpe edulis foi o destaque da estrutura da vegetação estudada, com 314 indivíduos amostrados, resultando numa densidade relativa de 37,38%, freqüência absoluta de 90%, freqüência relativa de 8,91%, e dominância relativa de 18,79%. O índice de diversidade de Shannon foi de 3,52 e a eqüabilidade, igual a 0,696. Os resultados da composição florística e da estrutura fitossociológica indicaram alta riqueza e diversidade média, sendo a maior parte das espécies representada por poucos indivíduos.
O estudo foi desenvolvido no fragmento denominado Mata Santa Luzia, situado no Município de Catende, PE, nas coordenadas 8º72'49" S e 35º72'47" W, altitude de 239 m, com os objetivos de avaliar a regeneração natural total de espécies arbóreas no fragmento florestal e verificar a diversidade e estrutura das espécies nessa área. Para a estimativa da regeneração natural das espécies arbóreas no fragmento, foram locadas de forma sistemática 15 subparcelas permanentes de 25 m² (5 x 5 m), equidistantes em 50 m. O nível de inclusão adotado foi de CAP < 15 cm e as medições de altura (h), divididas em três classes, em que a classe 1 contemplou indivíduos com 1,0 < h < 2,0 m, a classe 2 com indivíduos 2,0 < h < 3,0 m e a classe 3 com indivíduos com h > 3,0 m. No fragmento foram amostrados 107 indivíduos vivos, pertencentes a 25 famílias botânicas e 36 táxons. Dessas, 33 foram identificadas em nível de espécie, duas em nível de gênero e uma se apresentou como indeterminada. As cinco espécies com maiores valores para regeneração natural total (RNT) foram assim distribuídas: Rheedia gardneriana Planch. & Triana (9,9%), Cupania racemosa (Vell.) Radlk (7,7%), Brosimum discolor Schott (7,4%), Vismia guianensis (Aubl.) Pers. (6,1%) e Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) Marchand (5,9%). Provavelmente, essas espécies no futuro serão as principais responsáveis pela manutenção da estrutura e fisionomia da floresta.
Teve-se o objetivo de verificar a possível seleção de sementes de milho - arredondadas e achatadas - no processo de semeadura com disco perfurado horizontal, bem como as conseqüências na distribuição longitudinal. Os registros dos dados deram-se pela avaliação visual de duas pessoas, com contador manual, no final da esteira carpetada em movimento de 1,54 m s-1, com 4,60 m de perspectiva para avaliação. Assim, um sensor registrava o número de orifícios do disco horizontal que devia passar pelo tubo condutor, e os espaçamentos falhos e múltiplos eram computados por pessoas diferentes. Os espaçamentos aceitáveis foram obtidos pela subtração dos espaçamentos falhos e múltiplos do total contabilizado. A medição do comprimento e espessura das sementes foi realizada com auxílio de paquímetro. Não houve alterações significativas nas variáveis estudadas, até a passagem de 55 mil orifícios do disco horizontal pelo tubo condutor; portanto, não houve seleção de sementes de milho durante a simulação do processo de semeadura.
The energy reform, which is happening all over the world, is caused by the common concern of the future of the humankind in our shared planet. In order to keep the effects of the global warming inside of a certain limit, the use of fossil fuels must be reduced. The marginal costs of the renewable sources, RES are quite high, since they are new technology. In order to induce the implementation of RES to the power grid and lower the marginal costs, subsidies were developed in order to make the use of RES more profitable. From the RES perspective the current market is developed to favor conventional generation, which mainly uses fossil fuels. Intermittent generation, like wind power, is penalized in the electricity market since it is intermittent and thus diffi-cult to control. Therefore, the need of regulation and thus the regulation costs to the producer differ, depending on what kind of generation market participant owns. In this thesis it is studied if there is a way for market participant, who has wind power to use the special characteristics of electricity market Nord Pool and thus reach the gap between conventional generation and the intermittent generation only by placing bids to the market. Thus, an optimal bid is introduced, which purpose is to minimize the regulation costs and thus lower the marginal costs of wind power. In order to make real life simulations in Nord Pool, a wind power forecast model was created. The simulations were done in years 2009 and 2010 by using a real wind power data provided by Hyötytuuli, market data from Nord Pool and wind forecast data provided by Finnish Meteorological Institute. The optimal bid needs probability intervals and therefore the methodology to create probability distributions is introduced in this thesis. In the end of the thesis it is shown that the optimal bidding improves the position of wind power producer in the electricity market.
This work objectified to evaluate the efficiency of two meter mechanism of corn seeds when submitted to different forward speed and soil management system during the non-tillage seeding. It was used a factorial design in randomized blocks. The factors whose effects were examined were related to the seeders with pneumatic and horizontal disk meter mechanisms for the distribution of the seeds, to the set tractor-seeder forward speeds (4.4; 8.0 and 9.8 km h-1), and to the soil management system considering the corn no-tillage seeding over minimum tillage with chisel plow and the no-tillage system for the seeding of oat culture (Avena strigosa Schreb). It was verified that the forward speed didn't influence the initial and final stands of plants but it interfered in the regularity of longitudinal distribution of plants. The smallest speed provided the largest percentile of normal spacing between plants. The pneumatic meter mechanism presented better performance than the horizontal disk perforated in the longitudinal distribution of plants. About corn productivity aspect it's indifferent the recommendation of use for pneumatic and perforated horizontal disk meter mechanism of seeds.
O presente estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar a partida e a adaptação de um reator anaeróbio horizontal de leito fixo (RAHLF) no tratamento de águas residuárias do processamento primário dos frutos do cafeeiro (ARC). O reator foi construído com tubos de PVC de 0,2 m de diâmetro e 3,2 m de comprimento. O sistema foi preenchido com cubos de espuma de poliuretano para imobilização de biomassa ativa. O reator apresentou volume total de 0,1 m³ e volume útil equivalente a 0,04 m³. Em média, houve remoção de 49% da matéria orgânica, com o reator trabalhando sob carga orgânica volumétrica média de 2,66 kg m-3 d-1, medida como DQO. A suplementação de alcalinidade, somada à inoculação prévia de biomassa, proporcionou partida estável do RAHLF, confirmada pelo consumo de ácidos voláteis e adaptação da microbiota ao resíduo. O sistema apresentou resistência às variações de vazão e de carga orgânica observadas, e os teores de fenol e potássio monitorados não causaram inibição da atividade biológica no RAHLF. O maior controle sobre as variações de carga é fator importante na continuidade dos estudos.
In this study it was evaluated the start-up procedures of anaerobic treatment system with three horizontal anaerobic reactors (R1, R2 and R3), installed in series, with volume of 1.2 L each. R1 had sludge blanket, and R2 and R3 had half supporter of bamboo and coconut fiber, respectively. As an affluent, it was synthesized wastewater from mechanical pulping of the coffee fruit by wet method, with a mean value of total chemical oxygen demand (CODtotal) of 16,003 mg L-1. The hydraulic retention time (HRT) in each reactor was 30 h. The volumetric organic loading (VOL) applied in R1 varied from 8.9 to 25.0 g of CODtotal (L d)-1. The mean removal efficiencies of CODtotal varied from 43 to 97% in the treatment system (R1+R2+R3), stabilizing above 80% after 30 days of operation. The mean content of methane in the biogas were of 70 to 76%, the mean volumetric production was 1.7 L CH4 (L reactor d)-1 in the system, and the higher conversions were around at 0.20 L CH4 (g CODremoved)-1 in R1 and R2. The mean values of pH in the effluents ranged from 6.8 to 8.3 and the mean values of total volatile acids remained below 200 mg L-1 in the effluent of R3. The concentrations of total phenols of the affluent ranged from 45 to 278 mg L-1, and the mean removal efficiency was of 52%. The start-up of the anaerobic treatment system occurred after 30 days of operation as a result of inoculation with anaerobic sludge with active microbiota.
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of horizontal plate meter with oblong holes operating with one or two seed outlets at different speeds over the accuracy of longitudinal distribution of common bean seeds (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The experiment was performed in laboratory using the meter with one and two seed outlet points in relation to ten tangential disk plate speeds (0.03 to 0.30 m s-1). It was used a complete randomized design with four replications, summing up 80 experimental treatments. Tangential speed quantitative factor was estimated through a 2nd order polynomial regression. There was no significant difference in the behavior of the seed meter operating with one or two outlets in the metering of bean seeds in all tested speeds, with percentage of single seeds spacing over 60% in tangential speeds below of 0.24 m s-1.
The focus of this research was to evaluate the horizontal pressures on a cylindrical metal silo of corrugated walls and flat bottom with 1.82m diameter and 5.4m high, and to compare the values with those obtained theoretically by the ISO 11697, EP 433 and AS 3774 standards. The silo was symmetrically filled and constant speed with wheat cv. soft red for two different height/diameter ratios (H/D) and was unloaded through three orifices with a diameter of 71.6mm, one concentric and two eccentrics. Horizontal pressures were measured on the walls of the silo at three positions using hydraulic type pressure cells. The results showed that shortly after the start of the unloading, there was a mass flow above the quota of H/D = 1.2, whereas below this quota funnel flow occurred. It can be said that the EP 433 standard was more appropriate to predict horizontal pressures in silos in H/D ratio = 1.0, with eccentric unloading. For the H/D ratio = 1.5, AS 3774 standard was the one that produced values closer to the experimental.