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The effect of environment on development and survival of pupae of the necrophagous fly Ophyra albuquerquei Lopes (Diptera, Muscidae). Species of Ophyra Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 are found in decomposing bodies, usually in fresh, bloated and decay stages. Ophyra albuquerquei Lopes, for example, can be found in animal carcasses. The influence of environmental factors has not been evaluated in puparia of O. albuquerquei. Thus, the focus of this work was motivated by the need for models to predict the development of a necrophagous insect as a function of abiotic factors. Colonies of O. albuquerquei were maintained in the laboratory to obtain pupae. On the tenth day of each month 200 pupae, divided equally into 10 glass jars, were exposed to the environment and checked daily for adult emergence of each sample. We concluded that the high survival rate observed suggested that the diets used for rearing the larvae and maintaining the adults were appropriate. Also, the data adjusted to robust generalized linear models and there were no interruptions of O. albuquerquei pupae development within the limits of temperatures studied in southern Rio Grande do Sul, given the high survival presented.
Is the extremely high oxygen consumption of shrews due to an unusually high basal metabolism? In an attempt to answer this long-standing question, we have measured the oxygen consumption of 13 species of shrews of different origin: from Europe - Sorex araneus, S. Minutus, Neomys fodiens, Crocidura russula, and Suncus etruscus; from Africa - Crocidura bottegi, C. bicolor, C. jouvenetae; C. poensis, C. theresae, C. Wimmeri, C. flavescens, and C. giffardi, The measurements, taken over a period of 20-30 minutes, were made in small, closed-system chambers at 25°C. The metabolic rat our shrews of the subfamily Soricinae lies between the eman and minimum values of the Soricini (M=126.2 W0.52 cal/h and M=82.6 W0.53 cal/h, respectively), as recorded in the literature. Zhe average for the African Crocidurinae is much lower (M= 43.6 W0.67). The metabolic rate of the European Croccidura russula agrees with that of the African species. Thus, the Crocidurinae are characterized by a relatively low metabolic rate; the Soricinae, and in particular the tribe of the Soricini, by an extremely high metabolic rate. The tribes Neomyini and Blarinini occupy an intermediate position. These differences are also to be found at the level of the basal metabolism. This main difference between the two sub-families can most likely be explained by evolution in geographical isolation under differential climatic conditions: the Crocidurinae having evolved in tropical Africa and the Soricinae in temperate Eurasia
Enterococci are reportedly the third most common group of endocarditis-causing pathogens but data on enterococcal infective endocarditis (IE) are limited. The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics and prognostic factors of enterococcal IE within the International Collaboration on Endocarditis. In this multicentre, prospective observational cohort study of 4974 adults with definite IE recorded from June 2000 to September 2006, 500 patients had enterococcal IE. Their characteristics were described and compared with those of oral and group D streptococcal IE. Prognostic factors for enterococcal IE were analysed using multivariable Cox regression models. The patients' mean age was 65 years and 361/500 were male. Twenty-three per cent (117/500) of cases were healthcare related. Enterococcal IE were more frequent than oral and group D streptococcal IE in North America. The 1-year mortality rate was 28.9% (144/500). E. faecalis accounted for 90% (453/500) of enterococcal IE. Resistance to vancomycin was observed in 12 strains, eight of which were observed in North America, where they accounted for 10% (8/79) of enterococcal strains, and was more frequent in E. faecium than in E. faecalis (3/16 vs. 7/364 , p 0.01). Variables significantly associated with 1-year mortality were heart failure (HR 2.4, 95% CI 1.7--3.5, p <0.0001), stroke (HR 1.9, 95% CI 1.3--2.8, p 0.001) and age (HR 1.02 per 1-year increment, 95% CI 1.01--1.04, p 0.002). Surgery was not associated with better outcome. Enterococci are an important cause of IE, with a high mortality rate. Healthcare association and vancomycin resistance are common in particular in North America.
OBJECTIVE: To analyse the effect of differentiation on disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) in patients with stage I adenocarcinoma of the endometrium. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From 1979 to 1995, 350 patients with FIGO stage IA-IC with well (G1), moderately (G2) or poorly (G3) differentiated tumors were treated with surgery and high dose-rate brachytherapy with or without external radiation. Median age was 65 years (39-86 years). RESULTS: The 5-year DFS was 88+/-3% for the G1 tumors, 77+/-4% for the G2 tumors, and 67+/-7% for the G3 tumors (P=0.0049). With regard to the events contributing to DFS, the 5-year cumulative percentage of local relapse was 4.6% for the G1 tumors, 9.0% for the G2 tumors, and 4.6% (P=0.027) for the G3 tumors. Cumulative percentage of metastasis was 1.4, 6.3 and 7.2% (P<0.001), respectively, whereas percentages of death were 6.0, 7.9 and 20.7% (P<0.001). The 5-year OS was 91+/-3, 83+/-4 and 76+/-7%, respectively (P=0.0018). In terms of multivariate hazard ratios (HR), the relative differences between the three differentiation groups correspond to an increase of 77% of the risk of occurrence of either of the three events considered for the DFS (HR=1.77, 95% CI [0.94-3.33]), (P=0.078) for the G2 tumors and of 163% (HR=2.63, 95% CI [1.27-5.43]), (P=0.009) for the G3 tumors with respect to the G1 tumors. The estimated relative hazards for OS are, respectively, in line with those for DFS: HR=1.51 (P=0.282) for the G2 tumors; and HR=3.37 (P=0.003) for the G3 tumors. CONCLUSION: Patients with grade 1 tumors are those least exposed to either local relapse, metastasis, or death. In contrast patients with grade 2 tumors seem to be at higher risk of metastasis, whereas patients with grade 3 tumors appear at higher risk of death. Since we have looked at the first of three competing events (local relapse, metastasis and death), this suggests that patients with grade 3 tumors probably progress to death so fast that local relapse, if any, cannot be observed.
Treatment options for eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) include drugs, diets and esophageal dilation. Esophageal dilation can be performed using either through-the-scope balloons or wire-guided bougies. Dilation can lead to long-lasting symptom improvement in EoE patients presenting with esophageal strictures. Esophageal strictures are most often diagnosed when the 8- to 9-mm outer diameter adult gastroscope cannot be passed any further or only against resistance. A defined esophageal diameter to be targeted by dilation is missing, but the majority of patients have considerable symptomatic improvement when a diameter of 16-18 mm has been reached. A high complication rate, especially regarding esophageal perforations, has been reported in small case series until 2006. Several large series were published in 2007 and later that demonstrated that the complication risk (especially esophageal perforation) was much lower than what was reported in earlier series. The procedure can therefore be regarded as safe when some simple precautions are followed. It is noteworthy that esophageal dilation does not influence the underlying eosinophil-predominant inflammation. Patients should be informed before the procedure that postprocedural retrosternal pain may occur for some days, but that it usually responds well to over-the-counter analgesics such as paracetamol. Dilation-related superficial lacerations of the mucosa should not be regarded and reported as complications, but instead represent a desired effect of the therapy. Patient tolerance and acceptance for esophageal dilation have been reported to be good.
Treatment of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) challenges obstetricians, pediatric surgeons, and neonatologists. Persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHT) associated with lung hypoplasia in CDH leads to a high mortality rate at birth. PPHT is principally due to an increased muscularization of the arterioles. Management of CDH has been greatly improved by the introduction of prenatal surgical intervention with tracheal obstruction (TO) and by more appropriate postnatal care. TO appears to accelerate fetal lung growth and to increase the number of capillary vessels and alveoli. Improvement of postnatal care over the last years is mainly due to the avoidance of lung injury by applying low peak inflation pressure during ventilation. The benefits of other drugs or technical improvements such as the use of inhaled nitric oxide or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) are still being debated and no single strategy is accepted worldwide. Despite intensive clinical and experimental research, the treatment of newborn with CDH remains difficult.
This study reviewed the subjective, clinical and radiological outcome of 71 patients (84 feet) treated by scarf osteotomy for hallux valgus deformity at our institution from 1995 to 1998 with an average follow-up time of 22 months (range, 17 to 48 months). At the time of follow-up, 39% of the patients were very satisfied, 50% were satisfied and 11% were not satisfied. The mean AOFAS score raised significantly from 43 points (14-68) preoperatively to 82 points (39 to 100) at follow-up (p < 0.001). The radiological angles including M1-M2, M1-P1, M1-M5 and DMAA improved significantly (p < 0.001). Among the 16 complications recorded, seven (8%) were minor and nine (11%) required an additional procedure. The scarf osteotomy of the first metatarsal coupled with a lateral soft-tissue release and, in three-quarters of our cases, with a basal closing wedge varisation osteotomy of the first phalanx, resulted in overall high satisfaction rate as well as significant clinical and radiological improvements in our series. Nevertheless, the range of motion of the first MP joint remained low: 30 degrees to 74 degrees in 52 patients (62%) and <30 degrees in four patients (5%). Furthermore, the mobility of the first ray as well as the consequences of the procedure in the sagittal plane need to be assessed more accurately, and this may be achieved by incorporating measurement of the plantar pressures in the forefoot area into the global rating system.
If the effective cosmological constant is nonzero, our observable universe may enter a stage of exponential expansion. In such a case, regions of it may tunnel back to the false vacuum of an inflaton scalar field, and inflation with a high expansion rate may resume in those regions. An ideal eternal observer would then witness an infinite succession of cycles from false vacuum to true, and back. Within each cycle, the entire history of a hot universe would be replayed. If there were several minima of the inflaton potential, our ideal observer would visit each one of these minima with a frequency which depends on the shape of the potential. We generalize the formalism of stochastic inflation to analyze the global structure of the universe when this recycling process is taken into account.
BACKGROUND: The expansion of amino acid repeats is determined by a high mutation rate and can be increased or limited by selection. It has been suggested that recent expansions could be associated with the potential of adaptation to new environments. In this work, we quantify the strength of this association, as well as the contribution of potential confounding factors. RESULTS: Mammalian positively selected genes have accumulated more recent amino acid repeats than other mammalian genes. However, we found little support for an accelerated evolutionary rate as the main driver for the expansion of amino acid repeats. The most significant predictors of amino acid repeats are gene function and GC content. There is no correlation with expression level. CONCLUSIONS: Our analyses show that amino acid repeat expansions are causally independent from protein adaptive evolution in mammalian genomes. Relaxed purifying selection or positive selection do not associate with more or more recent amino acid repeats. Their occurrence is slightly favoured by the sequence context but mainly determined by the molecular function of the gene.
The effect of hydrodynamic flow upon diffusion-limited deposition on a line is investigated using a Monte Carlo model. The growth process is governed by the convection and diffusion field. The convective diffusion field is simulated by the biased-random walker resulting from a superimposed drift that represents the convective flow. The development of distinct morphologies is found with varying direction and strength of drift. By introducing a horizontal drift parallel to the deposition plate, the diffusion-limited deposit changes into a single needle inclined to the plate. The width of the needle decreases with increasing strength of drift. The angle between the needle and the plate is about 45° at high flow rate. In the presence of an inclined drift to the plate, the convection-diffusion-limited deposit leads to the formation of a characteristic columnar morphology. In the limiting case where the convection dominates, the deposition process is equivalent to ballistic deposition onto an inclined surface.
An in situ energy budget of the hydropolyp Eudendrium racemosum (Cavolini, 1785) is presented. Ingestion and respiration rates and ammonium excretion were studied over two 24 h cycles, with two-hour sample intervals. The species ingested as much as 25.9% of its own biomass per day (minimum rate). Respiration was 1.62 ml O2 g-1 d w h-1 while excretion was 13.6 mM NH4 g-1dw h-1. We estimated that the species increased its biomass at a rate of 9.6% per day (Growth + Reproduction). This value is higher than those previously reported for other cnidarians. We can assume that the capacity of E. racemosum to survive - albeit for a limited period of the year - in the highly-competitive shallow-water communities is based on its high growth rate.
The aim of this study was to review our experience in percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) performed in patients with cancer of the upper aerodigestive tract. Descriptive retrospective study of 142 patients (115 males, 27 females), mean age 62.4 years (25-84 years), with head and neck or esophageal cancer, who underwent PEG tube insertion between January 2006 and December 2008. The studied parameters were indications, success rate, rate and type of complications, and their management. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy was inserted before chemoradiation therapy in 80% and during or after cancer treatment in 20% of the patients. PEG placement was possible in 137 patients (96%). Major complications were observed in 9 (7%) and minor complications in 22 (17%) of the 137 patients. Seven of the 9 patients with a major complication needed revision surgery. The mortality directly related to the procedure was 0.7%. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube insertion has a high success rate. In patients with upper aerodigestive tract cancer, PEG should be the first choice for enteral nutrition when sufficient oral intake is not possible. Although apparently easy, the procedure may occasionally lead to severe complications. Therefore, a strict technique and knowledge of clinical signs of possible complications are mandatory.
Highway maintenance engineers and administrators are often confronted with a number of problems related to highway maintenance work programs. One of these problems is concerned with determining the optimum number and locations of highway maintenance garages in a given area. Serious decline in highway revenues and a high inflation rate have made it necessary to examine existing maintenance practices and to allocate reduced financial resources more effectively and efficiently. Searching for and providing of reasonable solutions to these problems is the focus of this research project. The methodology used is to identify and modify for use (if necessary) those models which have already been developed. Models which could give optimum number and locations of highway maintenance garages were found to be too theoretical and/or practically infeasible. Consequently, research focus was shifted from these models to other models that could compare alternatives and select the best among these alternatives. Three such models -- the Alabama model, California model, and Louisiana model, were identified and studied.
PURPOSE: Colonoscopy is reported to be a safe procedure that is routinely performed for the diagnosis and treatment of colorectal diseases. Splenic rupture is considered to be a rare complication with high mortality and morbidity that requires immediate diagnosis and management. Nonoperative management (NOM), surgical treatment (ST), and, more recently, proximal splenic artery embolization (PSAE) have been proposed as treatment options. The goal of this study was to assess whether PSAE is safe even in high-grade ruptures. METHODS: We report two rare cases of post colonoscopy splenic rupture. A systematic review of the literature from 2002 to 2010 (first reported case of PSAE) was performed and the three types of treatment compared. RESULTS: All patients reviewed (77 of 77) presented with intraperitoneal hemorrhage due to isolated splenic trauma. Splenic rupture was high-grade in most patients when grading was possible. Six of 77 patients (7.8Â %) were treated with PSAE, including the 2 cases reported herein. Fifty-seven patients (74Â %) underwent ST. NOM was attempted first in 25 patients with a high failure rate (11 of 25 [44Â %]) and requiring a salvage procedure, such as PSAE or ST. Previous surgery (31 of 59 patients), adhesions (10 of 13), diagnostic colonoscopies (49 of 71), previous biopsies or polypectomies (31 of 57) and female sex (56 of 77) were identified as risk factors. In contrast, splenomegaly (0 of 77 patients), medications that increase the risk of bleeding (13 of 30) and difficult colonoscopies (16 of 51) were not identified as risk factors. PSAE was safe and effective even in elderly patients with comorbidities and those taking medications that increase the risk of bleeding, and the length of the hospital stay was similar to that after ST. CONCLUSION: We propose a treatment algorithm based on clinical and radiological criteria. Because of the high failure rate after NOM, PSAE should be the treatment of choice to manage grade I through IV splenic ruptures after colonoscopy in hemodynamically stabilized patients.
OBJECTIVES: We report a new salvage technique for treating venous aneurysms (VAs) complicating vascular access arteriovenous fistula (AVF) using externally reinforced venous aneurysmorrhaphy. DESIGN: A retrospective study over a 20-month period from a single centre. PATIENTS: Patients presenting to the vascular surgery department, Bordeaux University Hospital for revision of a vascular access AVF were included. METHODS: Reinforced venous aneurysmorrhaphy consisted in removal of redundant vessel wall followed by reinforcement using an external prosthetic graft. Patency, diameter and flow were assessed by duplex ultrasound at 1, 6 and 12 months after salvage. RESULTS: Thirty-eight eligible patients were identified. Five were excluded because VA was associated with central vein stenosis; the remaining 33 underwent salvage. Indications were rapidly expanding or painful VA in seven cases; VA with frequent bleeding or damaged overlying skin in eight; VA in close relation to a stenosis in two; and VA associated with high-flow rate in 16. Cannulation was attempted after 30 days. Mean follow-up time was 12 S.D. 5 months (range: 4-22). Two repaired AVFs failed. Primary 1-year patency was 93%. No aneurysm or infection occurred. Reduction of high flow was successful in 12 of 16 patients. The remaining four required re-operation. CONCLUSIONS: Reinforced venous aneurysmorrhaphy is effective in controlling venous dilation and achieving patency. Reduction of high-flow rates was not always achieved. Further study is needed to evaluate long-term efficacy of this treatment.