1000 resultados para Hermann Weinsberg
Rezension von: Daniela Böhringer / Ute Karl / Hermann Müller / Wolfgang Schröer / Stephan Wolff: Den Fall bearbeitbar halten, Gespräche in Jobcentern mit jungen Menschen, Opladen & Farmington Hills: Verlag Barbara Budrich 2012 (265 S.; ISBN 978-3-86649-451-0)
Rezension von: Abs, Hermann Josef/Brüsemeister, Thomas/Schemmann,Michael & Wissinger, Jochen (Hrsg.). (2015). Governance im Bildungssystem. Analysen zur Mehrebenenperspektive, Steuerung und Koordination.
El cálculo vectorial apareció en el siglo XIX. Hay operaciones entre vectores tales como el producto escalar que se puede ampliar sin dificultad de espacios de dimensión dos a espacios de dimensión tres y superior. Sin embargo, la ampliación del producto vectorial de vectores de dimensión dos a vectores tridimensionales tuvo serias dificultades. El conocimiento de los pasos lógicos que tuvieron que dar Hamilton y Grassmann para sentar las bases del calculo vectorial en de gran importancia pedagógica para profundizar en el concepto de operación.
Fil: Wamba Gaviña, Graciela. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Wamba Gaviña, Graciela. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
La presente disertación tiene como objetivo principal explicar las posturas de los juristas Hans Kelsen, Carl Schmitt y Hermann Heller frente a la erradicación o liquidación del dogma de la soberanía para la teoría del Estado y del Derecho. En este sentido, de manera ya más específica, se analizarán las críticas de Heller y Schmitt frente la liquidación de la soberanía realizada por Kelsen, defendiendo que sus críticas pueden ser aglutinadas en dos grandes dimensiones. La primera asociada al pensamiento de Heller y Schmitt quienes criticarán el método “puro” kelseniano, dado que desconoce, según su postura, la función decisoria del Estado y el contenido político de sus decisiones. La segunda, se asocia a las críticas al entroncamiento de la postura kelseniana y el liberalismo político expresado en su cosmopolitismo y su defensa del parlamentarismo. Para demostrar esta hipótesis el presente trabajo se enmarca dentro de un método hermenéutico y filosófico dada su interdisciplinariedad, acudiendo como fuentes primarias a los textos de los autores y como secundarias a los comentaristas especializados en el pensamiento jurídico y político de la república de Weimar como Leticia Vita, y Jerónimo Molina.
Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea) of the "Baixada Santista" region, coastal São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. A list with 538 species of butterflies recorded in the Baixada Santista, São Paulo ( SE Brazil) is presented. Standard sampling protocols (i.e. with entomological nets) were followed. Baited traps were installed for fruit feeding species. Data from the literature and entomological collections were also considered in the total estimated species richness. The species richness recorded in the Baixada Santista region represents about 16% of the Brazilian butterfly fauna, and 34% of the known butterfly fauna for the state of São Paulo. The present list contains an appreciably higher number of species in comparison to other lists from similar biomes farther south, such as Blumenau in Santa Catarina, and Maquiné in Rio Grande do Sul.
During the past 40 years colluvial and alluvial deposits have been used in Brazil as good indicators of regional landscape sensitivity to Quaternary environmental changes. In spite of the low resolution of most of the continental sedimentary record, geomorphology and sedimentology may favor palaeoenvironmental interpretation when supported by independent proxy data. This paper presents results obtained from pedostratigraphic sequences, in near-valley head sites of southern Brazilian highlands, based on geomorphologic. sedimentologic, micromorphologic, isotopic and palynologic data. Results point to environmental changes, with ages that coincide with Marine Isotopic Stages (MIS) 5b; 3; 2 and 1. During the late Pleistocene, although under temperatures and precipitation lower than today, the local record points to relatively wet local environments, where shallow soil-water saturated zones contributed to erosion and sedimentation during periods of climatic change, as during the transition between MIS 2 and MIS 1. Late Pleistocene events with ages that coincide with the Northern Hemisphere Younger Dryas are also depicted. During the mid Holocene, slope-wash deposits suggest a climate drier than today, probably under the influence of seasonally contrasted precipitation regimes. The predominance of overland flow-related sedimentary deposits suggests an excess of precipitation over evaporation that influenced local palaeohydrology. This environmental condition seems to be recurrent and explains how slope morphology had influenced pedogenesis and sedimentation in the study area. Due to relative sensitiveness, resilience and short source-to-sink sedimentary pathways, near-valley head sites deserve further attention in Quaternary studies in the humid tropics. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.A. All rights reserved.
Introduction: Quantitative computed tomography (qCT)-based assessment of total lung weight (M(lung)) has the potential to differentiate atelectasis from consolidation and could thus provide valuable information for managing trauma patients fulfilling commonly used criteria for acute lung injury (ALI). We hypothesized that qCT would identify atelectasis as a frequent mimic of early posttraumatic ALI. Methods: In this prospective observational study, M(lung) was calculated by qCT in 78 mechanically ventilated trauma patients fulfilling the ALI criteria at admission. A reference interval for M(lung) was derived from 74 trauma patients with morphologically and functionally normal lungs (reference). Results are given as medians with interquartile ranges. Results: The ratio of arterial partial pressure of oxygen to the fraction of inspired oxygen was 560 (506 to 616) mmHg in reference patients and 169 (95 to 240) mmHg in ALI patients. The median reference M(lung) value was 885 (771 to 973) g, and the reference interval for M(lung) was 584 to 1164 g, which matched that of previous reports. Despite the significantly greater median M(lung) value (1088 (862 to 1,342) g) in the ALI group, 46 (59%) ALI patients had M(lung) values within the reference interval and thus most likely had atelectasis. In only 17 patients (22%), Mlung was increased to the range previously reported for ALI patients and compatible with lung consolidation. Statistically significant differences between atelectasis and consolidation patients were found for age, Lung Injury Score, Glasgow Coma Scale score, total lung volume, mass of the nonaerated lung compartment, ventilator-free days and intensive care unit-free days. Conclusions: Atelectasis is a frequent cause of early posttraumatic lung dysfunction. Differentiation between atelectasis and consolidation from other causes of lung damage by using qCT may help to identify patients who could benefit from management strategies such as damage control surgery and lung-protective mechanical ventilation that focus on the prevention of pulmonary complications.
BACKGROUND: Complete tumor regression may develop after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy for distal rectal cancer. Studies have suggested that selected patients with complete clinical response may avoid radical surgery and close surveillance may provide good outcomes with no oncologic compromise. However, definition of complete clinical response is often imprecise and may vary between different studies. The aim of this study is to provide a clear definition for a complete clinical response after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy in patients with distal rectal cancer in addition to actual endoscopic videos from patients managed nonoperatively. METHODS: Patients with nonmetastatic distal rectal cancer treated by neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy, including 50.4 Gy and concomitant 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin, were assessed for tumor response at least 8 weeks after chemoradiation therapy completion. Complete and incomplete clinical responses were defined based on clinical and endoscopic findings. Patients with complete clinical response were not immediately operated on and were closely followed. Early and late endoscopic findings were recorded. RESULTS: Definition of a complete clinical response should be based on very strict clinical and endoscopic criteria. The finding of any residual superficial ulceration, irregularity, or nodule should prompt surgical attention, including transanal full-thickness excision or even a radical resection with total mesorectal excision. Standard or incisional biopsies should be avoided in this setting. Complete clinical responders should harbor no more than whitening of the mucosa, teleangiectasia with mucosal integrity to be considered for a nonoperative approach. In the presence of these findings, regularly scheduled reassessments may provide a safe alternative to these patients with early detection of recurrent disease. CONCLUSION: Strict definition of the clinical and endoscopic findings of patients experiencing complete clinical response after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy may provide a useful tool for the understanding of outcomes of patients managed with no immediate surgery allowing standardization of classifications and comparison between the experiences of different institutions.
O objetivo da pesquisa é descrever o cenário da imigração germânica no século XIX, tratando também, de trilhar o caminho da educação por meio de educadores e das comunidades na Colônia de Santa Leopoldina, criada em 1857, na Província do Espírito Santo, considerando 50 anos a partir do início da imigração (1857-1907). A pesquisa histórica ancorou-se em consultas a documentos oficiais do Império, documentos e relatórios oficiais dos Presidentes da Província do Espírito Santo, jornais de circulação da época, fotografias, mapas geográficos, mapas estatísticos, livros didáticos antigos e livros de autores que abordaram o processo imigratório do Espírito Santo. O diálogo com Marc Bloch ajudou a entender essa multiplicidade de documentos, na complexa relação entre o passado e o presente da educação do Espírito Santo. O trabalho apresenta uma trajetória do imigrante germânico vindo da Europa até a ex-colônia e como a administração da província tratou a imigração e a educação. O ensino primário iniciou-se a partir de iniciativas públicas e particulares. Foram identificados as primeiras escolas e os nomes de muitos professores que atuaram no período estudado. Os livros utilizados nas escolas das comunidades teuto-brasileiras eram oriundos da Alemanha e posteriormente foram produzidos no sul do Brasil. Entre os livros escritos em alemão encontrados destacam-se o livro texto de alfabetização „Lese – Schule I für Deutsche Kinder in Brasilien‟, editado na Alemanha no final do século XIX, de autoria do diretor de uma escola particular em Santa Leopoldina, Albert Richard Dietze, e o primeiro volume do livro de matemática „Rechenbuch für Deutsch-Brasilianische Volksschulen‟, de Ferdinand Hackbart, Konrad Glaus e Hermann Lange. Foi feita uma análise sob os aspectos físicos e formais, o processo de ensino e os conteúdos do livro de matemática. A análise evidenciou que a proposta de ensino apoia-se no “cálculo mental” e o escrito, com a repetição dos conteúdos, envolvendo o treino intensivo. Os conceitos de matemática são apresentados partindo de problemas com situações concretas do aluno para a aquisição de competências necessárias para inserir o aluno em sua comunidade. Levando-se em conta que o livro foi editado em 1906, conclui-se que se trata de uma obra relevante com uma proposta de ensino que se manteve presente nos livros didáticos de matemática até os dias atuais.
O nariz, a garganta e o ouvido intrigam a humanidade desde os períodos mais remotos. Tratamentos laringológicos, rinológicos e otológicos, além de cirurgias, já eram praticados por médicos gregos, hindus e bizantinos. No século XX inovações clínicas e cirúrgicas foram incorporadas graças às novas técnicas anestésicas, aos antibióticos, à radiologia e às novas tecnologias. OBJETIVO E MÉTODO: Mostrar a evolução desta ciência ao longo dos tempos, reconhecendo figuras importantes da otologia, rinologia e laringologia por revisão em literatura. RESULTADO E CONCLUSÃO: O conhecimento das evoluções em anatomia, fisiologia, tratamentos clínicos e cirúrgicos, além das personalidades que conduziram a estes avanços é de grande importância para que a ciência médica evolua cada vez mais. A Otorrinolaringologia tem história muito rica, com importantes colaboradores e figuras de renome para a história da medicina. A especialidade foi uma das primeiras a utilizar anestesia local para realização de procedimentos, pioneira em tratamentos com próteses que recuperavam a audição e teve a primazia na utilização de microscópios em cirurgias. Poucas especialidades médicas sofreram tantas mudanças e desenvolvimentos científicos nestas últimas décadas quanto a Otorrinolaringologia que teve a vantagem de incorporar tecnologias na endoscopia, radiologia, microcirurgia e uso da informática.
The different methods of sewage sludge stabilization modify their physical chemical and biological properties, altering its efficiency when applied in agriculture. The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutrient levels in soil and the yield of sunflower fertilized with sewage sludge stabilized by different processes. The experiment was conducted in Cambisol, with the treatments: control (without fertilization), fertilization with sewage sludge solarized, composted, vermicomposted, limed and chemical fertilizer recommended for sunflower crop. The experimental design a randomized block with four replications. The different methods of sewage sludge treatment did not affect the yield; however, the application of sewage sludge, regardless the stabilization process adopted, was more effective than chemical fertilizer and the control treatment. Overall, fertilization with limed sewage sludge provided higher soil nutrients concentrations, while treatments with composted and vermicomposted sewage sludge showed higher levels of nutrients in the plant.