932 resultados para Free choice of employment


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The thesis aims at exploring possible legal solutions to remove the obstacles to the free circulation of judgments in the civil justice area that arise from the remarkably diverging national rules on procedural time limits. As shown by the case-law of the CJEU, time limits have recently come under closer scrutiny. The interplay between national and EU law illustrates that time limits raise significant deficiencies connected with the right to a fair trial under Art. 6 ECHR and Art. 47 CFR – e.g. the effective recovery of claims, effective judicial protection, effective cross-border enforcement of judgments – which negatively impact EU cross-border civil litigation. In order to overcome some of the weaknesses of the current legal framework governing the cross-border enforcement of judgments and strengthen the parties’ fundamental procedural rights the PhD thesis intends to determine whether and, to what extent time limits can be harmonised at EU level. EU action on time limits would indeed favour the speed, efficiency and proportionality of cross-border proceedings without sacrificing the fairness of the judicial process and the equality of the parties


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Bildbasierte Authentifizierung und Verschlüsselung: Identitätsbasierte Kryptographie (oft auch identity Based Encryption, IBE) ist eine Variation der asymmetrischen Schlüsselverfahren, bei der der öffentliche Schlüssel des Anwenders eine beliebig wählbare Zeichenfolge sein darf, die dem Besitzer offensichtlich zugeordnet werden kann. Adi Shamir stellte 1984 zunächst ein solches Signatursystem vor. In der Literatur wird dabei als öffentlicher Schlüssel meist die Email-Adresse oder eine Sozialversicherungsnummer genannt. Der Preis für die freie Schlüsselwahl ist die Einbeziehung eines vertrauenswürdigen Dritten, genannt Private Key Generator, der mit seinem privaten Generalschlüssel den privaten Schlüssel des Antragstellers generiert. Mit der Arbeit von Boneh und Franklin 2001 zum Einsatz der Weil-Paarbildung über elliptischen Kurven wurde IBE auf eine sichere und praktikable Grundlage gestellt. In dieser Arbeit wird nach einer allgemeinen Übersicht über Probleme und Lösungsmöglichkeiten für Authentifizierungsaufgaben im zweiten Teil als neue Idee der Einsatz eines Bildes des Anwenders als öffentlicher Schlüssel vorgeschlagen. Dazu wird der Ablauf der Schlüsselausgabe, die Bestellung einer Dienstleistung, z. B. die Ausstellung einer personengebundenen Fahrkarte, sowie deren Kontrolle dargestellt. Letztere kann offline auf dem Gerät des Kontrolleurs erfolgen, wobei Ticket und Bild auf dem Handy des Kunden bereitliegen. Insgesamt eröffnet sich dadurch die Möglichkeit einer Authentifizierung ohne weitere Preisgabe einer Identität, wenn man davon ausgeht, dass das Bild einer Person angesichts allgegenwärtiger Kameras sowieso öffentlich ist. Die Praktikabilität wird mit einer Implementierung auf der Basis des IBE-JCA Providers der National University of Ireland in Maynooth demonstriert und liefert auch Aufschluss auf das in der Praxis zu erwartende Laufzeitverhalten.


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Das Ziel der Dissertation war die Untersuchung des Computereinsatzes zur Lern- und Betreuungsunterstützung beim selbstgesteuerten Lernen in der Weiterbildung. In einem bisher konventionell durchgeführten Selbstlernkurs eines berufsbegleitenden Studiengangs, der an das Datenmanagement der Bürodatenverarbeitung heranführt, wurden die Kursunterlagen digitalisiert, die Betreuung auf eine online-basierte Lernbegleitung umgestellt und ein auf die neuen Lernmedien abgestimmtes Lernkonzept entwickelt. Dieses neue Lernkonzept wurde hinsichtlich der Motivation und der Akzeptanz von digitalen Lernmedien evaluiert. Die Evaluation bestand aus zwei Teilen: 1. eine formative, den Entwicklungsprozess begleitende Evaluation zur Optimierung der entwickelten Lernsoftware und des eingeführten Lernkonzeptes, 2. eine sowohl qualitative wie quantitative summative Evaluation der Entwicklungen. Ein zentraler Aspekt der Untersuchung war die freie Wahl der Lernmedien (multimediale Lernsoftware oder konventionelles Begleitbuch) und der Kommunikationsmedien (online-basierte Lernplattform oder die bisher genutzten Kommunikationskanäle: E-Mail, Telefon und Präsenztreffen). Diese Zweigleisigkeit erlaubte eine differenzierte Gegenüberstellung von konventionellen und innovativen Lernarrangements. Die Verbindung von qualitativen und quantitativen Vorgehensweisen, auf Grund derer die subjektiven Einstellungen der Probanden in das Zentrum der Betrachtung rückten, ließen einen Blickwinkel auf den Nutzen und die Wirkung der Neuen Medien in Lernprozessen zu, der es erlaubte einige in der Literatur als gängig angesehene Interpretationen in Frage zu stellen und neu zu diskutieren. So konnten durch eine Kategorisierung des Teilnehmerverhaltens nach online-typisch und nicht online-typisch die Ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehungen der in vielen Untersuchungen angeführten Störungen in Online-Seminaren verdeutlicht werden. In den untersuchten Kursen zeigte sich beispielsweise keine Abhängigkeit der Drop-out-Quote von den Lern- und Betreuungsformen und dass diese Quote mit dem neuen Lernkonzept nur geringfügig beeinflusst werden konnte. Die freie Wahl der Lernmedien führte zu einer gezielten Nutzung der multimedialen Lernsoftware, wodurch die Akzeptanz dieses Lernmedium stieg. Dagegen war die Akzeptanz der Lernenden gegenüber der Lernbegleitung mittels einer Online-Lernplattform von hoch bis sehr niedrig breit gestreut. Unabhängig davon reichte in allen Kursdurchgängen die Online-Betreuung nicht aus, so dass Präsenztreffen erbeten wurde. Hinsichtlich der Motivation war die Wirkung der digitalen Medien niedriger als erwartet. Insgesamt bieten die Ergebnisse Empfehlungen für die Planung und Durchführung von computerunterstützten, online-begleiteten Kursen.


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A presente tese engloba três artigos sobre diferencial de salários e estimação de demanda no Brasil. O primeiro artigo investiga o diferencial de salários entre os trabalhadores dos setores público e privado. A principal contribuição deste estudo é a estimação de um modelo de regressão com mudança endógena (endogenous switching regression model), que corrige o viés de seleção no processo de escolha setorial realizada pelos trabalhadores e permite a identificação de fatores determinantes na entrada do trabalhador no mercado de trabalho do setor público. O objetivo do segundo trabalho é calcular a elasticidade-preço e a elasticidade-despesa de 25 produtos alimentares das famílias residentes nas áreas rurais e urbanas do Brasil. Para tanto, foram estimados dois sistemas de equações de demanda por alimentos, um referente às famílias residentes nas áreas rurais do país e o outro sistema associado às famílias residentes nas áreas urbanas. O terceiro artigo busca testar a validade do modelo unitário para solteiros(as) e a validade do modelo de racionalidade coletiva de Browning e Chiappori (1998) para casais no Brasil. Para tanto, foi estimado um sistema de demanda do consumo brasileiro com base no modelo QUAIDS, que apresenta uma estrutura de preferências flexível o suficiente para permitir curvas de Engel quadráticas.


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O produto mais importante do conhecimento é a ignorância. A situação sugere a imagem de alguém que vive numa ilha de conhecimento cercado por um mar de ignorância. Quando a área dessa ilha aumenta pelo progresso da ciência, também aumenta o litoral, - a fronteira com o desconhecido. Esta expansão é o fruto mais valioso do conhecimento (David Gross, Nobel em Física, 2004). O uso dos isótopos estáveis dos bioelementos (CHON'S) presentes na Atmosfera, Hidrosfera, Litosfera e Biosfera enquadra-se neste contexto, surgindo como ferramenta de alto potencial em pesquisas nas diversas áreas das Ciências da Vida. Com organismos aquáticos, a aplicação dos isótopos estáveis do carbono (δ 13C) e do nitrogênio (δ 15N) tem ocorrido em diversas áreas. em larvas de pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus, a técnica evidenciou a escolha voluntária entre organismos vivos e dieta seca pelos animais, desde as primeiras alimentações até o final da larvicultura. Na carcinicultura, o crescimento do Penaeus vannamei resultou do aproveitamento dos alimentos oferecidos e da produtividade primária do lago (biota). Por meio do balanço de massa e isotópico foi possível determinar a contribuição da biota, da ordem de 44 a 86% do carbono assimilado pelos animais durante o crescimento. Outro exemplo é com o caranguejo de mangue Sesarma rectum, em que sua preferência alimentar por Spartina alterniflora (C4) versus Rhizophora mangle (C3) ou Hibiscus tiliaceus (C3) foi evidenciada pelo modelo isotópico de duas fontes alimentares e os isótopos estáveis do carbono (δ13C). A técnica dos isótopos estáveis associada ao conhecimento dos conceitos básicos da variabilidade isotópica natural e ao uso criterioso das razões 13C/12C; ²H/¹H; 18O/16O; 15N/14N e 36S/34S revela-se como um avanço na fronteira dos conhecimentos, nas diversas reentrâncias do litoral da aqüicultura.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper tries, across research, books, magazines and charts that relate to the architecture of today, establishing a direction as to the technological advances that may be involved in the architecture project. Such that the configuration space has flexibility to meet the basic architectural principles and the wishes of the user, who should participate as a key character of the decisions of spatialization - interface. Both the personal point of view of their social relations within the housing, and the functional environments equipped and qualified to meet expectations during its use. Respecting the power of free choice of human beings, not to put yourself to the detriment by excessive use of technology. And still look for ways to integrate the individual to society connected to your network - home. Keywords: interface, information, technology, space flexibility


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Inverse fusion PCR cloning (IFPC) is an easy, PCR based three-step cloning method that allows the seamless and directional insertion of PCR products into virtually all plasmids, this with a free choice of the insertion site. The PCR-derived inserts contain a vector-complementary 5'-end that allows a fusion with the vector by an overlap extension PCR, and the resulting amplified insert-vector fusions are then circularized by ligation prior transformation. A minimal amount of starting material is needed and experimental steps are reduced. Untreated circular plasmid, or alternatively bacteria containing the plasmid, can be used as templates for the insertion, and clean-up of the insert fragment is not urgently required. The whole cloning procedure can be performed within a minimal hands-on time and results in the generation of hundreds to ten-thousands of positive colonies, with a minimal background.


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The paper reviews the existing cost-sharing practices in four Central European countries namely the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia focusing on patient co-payments for pharmaceuticals and services covered by the social health insurance. The aim is to examine the role of cost-sharing arrangements and to evaluate them in terms of efficiency, equity and public acceptance to support policy making on patient payments in Central Europe. Our results suggest that the share of out-of-pocket payments in total health care expenditure is relatively high (24–27%) in the countries examined. The main driver of these payments is the expenditure on pharmaceuticals and medical devices, which share exceeds 70% of the household expenditure on health care. The four countries use similar cost-sharing techniques for pharmaceuticals, however there are differences concerning the measure of exemption mechanisms for vulnerable social groups. Patient payment policies for health care services covered by the social health insurance are also converging. All the four countries apply co-payments for dental care, some hotel services or in the case of free choice of physician. Also the countries (except for Poland) tried to extend co-payments for physician services and hospital care. However, their introduction met strong political opposition and unpopularity among public.


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Considerando o importante papel que as instituições educativas desempenham na formação das crianças e dos jovens, o respeito pelos direitos dos alunos é condição fundamental, para lhes proporcionar uma educação de qualidade. Partindo desta consciência, resolvemos efetuar um estudo de caso, numa escola da rede pública de ensino e numa escola da rede privada de ensino, ambas situadas no concelho de Lisboa, com o objetivo de conhecer as perceções dos alunos sobre a promoção dos seus direitos em contexto escolar e descortinar as semelhanças e as diferenças entre os dois contextos educativos, atendendo à diferente natureza jurídica das duas instituições. Para concretizarmos esse objetivo, formulámos as seguintes perguntas derivadas, cujas respostas procuraremos obter no decurso do nosso estudo: (i) os alunos têm conhecimento de que são titulares de direitos?; (ii) exercem os seus direitos em condições de plena igualdade e sem qualquer discriminação?; (iii) o interesse superior do aluno é a primordial consideração que a Escola tem em conta, em todos os assuntos que lhe dizem respeito?; (iv) o direito à vida, à sobrevivência e ao desenvolvimento dos alunos é garantido na Escola? e (v) a opinião dos alunos é tida em consideração, em todos os assuntos que lhes dizem respeito?. Para atingirmos os objetivos que delineamos, desenvolvemos um estudo de caso, recorrendo a uma abordagem metodológica predominantemente qualitativa, com recurso a técnicas variadas, designadamente a entrevista, o inquérito por questionário e a análise documental. Procedemos à revisão da literatura, de acordo com as áreas conceptuais previamente definidas, que se consubstanciaram nos princípios gerais de direito internacional, consignados na Convenção sobre os Direitos da Criança de 1989, e à luz dos quais todos os direitos nela constantes devem ser interpretados: o princípio da não discriminação, o princípio do interesse superior da criança, o direito à vida, à sobrevivência e ao desenvolvimento, e o princípio do respeito pelas opiniões da criança. A análise dos conceitos e da diferente natureza jurídica das duas instituições foi, também, objeto do nosso estudo. Por outro lado, a legislação portuguesa relacionada com os direitos dos alunos, também, foi por nós revista neste estudo, nomeadamente, os diversos estatutos do aluno que se sucederam no tempo. A análise dos resultados obtidos permitiu-nos concluir que o respeito dos direitos dos alunos, nas suas diversas dimensões, não foi ainda totalmente conseguido, sobretudo o seu direito à não discriminação e o seu direito à participação a nível micro e meso. Não se podendo generalizar o estudo, a comunidade educativa tem de desenvolver um esforço para a compreensão da dimensão e da importância do respeito dos direitos dos alunos, sobretudo na criação de um clima democrático, que favoreça a plena igualdade de oportunidades a todos os alunos e a livre escolha do projeto educativo pelas famílias das crianças e dos jovens.


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Poultry can be managed under different feeding systems, depending on the husbandry skills and the feed available. These systems include the following: (1) a complete dry feed offered as a mash ad libitum; (2) the same feed offered as pellets or crumbles ad libitum; (3) a complete feed with added whole grain; (4) a complete wet feed given once or twice a day; (5) a complete feed offered on a restricted basis; (6) choice feeding. Of all these, an interesting alternative to offering complete diets is choice feeding which can be applied on both a small or large commercial scale. Under choice feeding or free-choice feeding birds are usually offered a choice between three types of feedstuffs: (a) an energy source (e.g. maize, rice bran, sorghum or wheat); (b) a protein source (e.g. soyabean meal, meat meal, fish meal or coconut meal) plus vitamins and minerals and (c), in the case of laying hens, calcium in granular form (i.e. oyster-shell grit). This system differs from the modern commercial practice of offering a complete diet comprising energy and protein sources, ground and mixed together. Under the complete diet system, birds are mainly only able to exercise their appetite for energy. When the environmental temperature varies, the birds either over- or under-consume protein and calcium. The basic principle behind practising choice feeding with laying hens is that individual hens are able to select from the various feed ingredients on offer and compose their own diet, according to their actual needs and production capacity. A choice-feeding system is of particular importance to small poultry producers in developing countries, such as Indonesia, because it can substantially reduce the cost of feed. The system is flexible and can be constructed in such a way that the various needs of a flock of different breeds, including village chickens, under different climates can be met. The system also offers a more effective way to use home-produced grain, such as maize, and by-products, such as rice bran, in developing countries. Because oyster-shell grit is readily available in developing countries at lower cost than limestone, the use of cheaper oyster-shell grit can further benefit small-holders in these countries. These benefits apart, simpler equipment suffices when designing and building a feed mixer on the farm, and transport costs are lower. If whole (unground) grain is used, the intake of which is accompanied by increased efficiency of feed utilisation, the costs of grinding, mixing and many of the handling procedures associated with mash and pellet preparation are eliminated. The choice feedstuffs can all be offered in the current feed distribution systems, either by mixing the ingredients first or by using a bulk bin divided into three compartments.


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PURPOSE: NovoTTF-100A is a portable device delivering low-intensity, intermediate frequency electric fields via non-invasive, transducer arrays. Tumour Treatment Fields (TTF), a completely new therapeutic modality in cancer treatment, physically interfere with cell division. METHODS: Phase III trial of chemotherapy-free treatment of NovoTTF (20-24h/day) versus active chemotherapy in the treatment of patients with recurrent glioblastoma. Primary end-point was improvement of overall survival. RESULTS: Patients (median age 54years (range 23-80), Karnofsky performance status 80% (range 50-100) were randomised to TTF alone (n=120) or active chemotherapy control (n=117). Number of prior treatments was two (range 1-6). Median survival was 6.6 versus 6.0months (hazard ratio 0.86 [95% CI 0.66-1.12]; p=0.27), 1-year survival rate was 20% and 20%, progression-free survival rate at 6months was 21.4% and 15.1% (p=0.13), respectively in TTF and active control patients. Responses were more common in the TTF arm (14% versus 9.6%, p=0.19). The TTF-related adverse events were mild (14%) to moderate (2%) skin rash beneath the transducer arrays. Severe adverse events occurred in 6% and 16% (p=0.022) of patients treated with TTF and chemotherapy, respectively. Quality of life analyses favoured TTF therapy in most domains. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first controlled trial evaluating an entirely novel cancer treatment modality delivering electric fields rather than chemotherapy. No improvement in overall survival was demonstrated, however efficacy and activity with this chemotherapy-free treatment device appears comparable to chemotherapy regimens that are commonly used for recurrent glioblastoma. Toxicity and quality of life clearly favoured TTF.


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Black-blood fast spin-echo imaging is a powerful technique for the evaluation of cardiac anatomy. To avoid fold-over artifacts, using a sufficiently large field of view in phase-encoding direction is mandatory. The related oversampling affects scanning time and respiratory chest motion artifacts are commonly observed. The excitation of a volume that exclusively includes the heart without its surrounding structures may help to improve scan efficiency and minimize motion artifacts. Therefore, and by building on previously reported inner-volume approach, the combination of a black-blood fast spin-echo sequence with a two-dimensionally selective radiofrequency pulse is proposed for selective "local excitation" small field of view imaging of the heart. This local excitation technique has been developed, implemented, and tested in phantoms and in vivo. With this method, small field of view imaging of a user-specified region in the human thorax is feasible, scanning becomes more time efficient, motion artifacts can be minimized, and additional flexibility in the choice of imaging parameters can be exploited.