1000 resultados para Fischer, G.A. (1848-1886) -- Portraits


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According to legend, the Burning Springs were discovered by early natives in the Niagara Peninsula. Bridgewater Mills was built on the site of the spring. During the excavation of the factory; workmen uncovered the spring. Samuel Street and Thomas Clark recognized the potential of this as a tourist attraction so they built a wooden shelter over the spring. The spring was covered with a barrel with a pipe protruding from it. This became the first tourist attraction at Niagara. The Cave of the Winds was a cavern located behind the Bridal Veil Fall. It was originally named the Aeolus Cave. In 1920, a sudden rock fall from the ceiling killed 3 tourists. The cave was destroyed in 1955 as it was deemed dangerous. The captain of the Maid of the Mist was usually a farmer who owned the land where the ship docked. In 1846, the first steam powered Maid of the Mist was launched. By 1848, the first suspension bridge was built over the gorge and the main purpose of the Maid of the Mist was no longer to carry people who needed to travel, but now the focus was on people who wanted to view the Falls at close range. Source: http://www.niagarafrontier.com/burningsprings.html http://www.niagarafrontier.com/winds.html http://reservationsystems.com/niagara_daredevils/maid_of_the_mist.html


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En esta investigación se estudian los conflictos nacidos en la progresiva definición de las formas jurídicas y de saber que acompañaron el re-asentamiento de instituciones y grupos de poder después de la ruptura política con España. Este análisis se conduce mediante un estudio de caso, la historia de un sacerdote ilustrado que emprendió en 1835 una querella contra la enseñanza del materialismo y el ateísmo prevista en la reclasificación republicana de saberes. La Revolución del cura Botero se desarrolló en la Villa de la Candelaria y constituye un ejemplo histórico de un tipo de resistencia local a la derogación y suplantación de las viejas formas de producción jurídica y de ordenación social. El caso Botero sirve como pre-texto para estudiar una respuesta local a la iniciativa centralista de abrogación de una cultura material por la entrada en vigor de un modelo de ordenación formal de orientación legicéntrica y liberal, ilustra un tipo localizado de resistencia a la implantación del modelo republicano en Colombia. Mediante un caso y un exhaustivo ejercicio de reconstrucción documental se recrea un problema central de la cultura jurídica revolucionaria: la disputa por las fuentes del derecho, la verdad y el saber en el “tránsito” a la “modernidad jurídica”. En ella se propone un modo de hacer historia del derecho a partir de casos concretos, historia local y documentos no oficiales como forma de reivindicación pedagógica de los pequeños objetos, aquellos que ponen a prueba el funcionamiento real de mecanismos hegemónicos.


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Let X be a compact Hausdorff space, Y be a connected topological manifold, f : X -> Y be a map between closed manifolds and a is an element of Y. The vanishing of the Nielsen root number N(f; a) implies that f is homotopic to a root free map h, i.e., h similar to f and h(-1) (a) = empty set. In this paper, we prove an equivariant analog of this result for G-maps between G-spaces where G is a finite group. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Co/Al(2)O(3) Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalysts promoted with different quantities of Group 11 metals (Cu, Ag, Au) were characterized and tested. The presence of relatively small quantities of such metals enhanced Co reducibility and, in the cases of Ag and Au, improved the surface Co metal active site densities. EXAFS experiments with the most loaded catalyst samples show that only Co-Co and Me-Me (Me = Cu, Ag and Au) coordination could be observed. This suggests that the greater fraction of the metals form different phases. However, the reduction promoting effect of the Group 11 metal is severely hampered once the catalyst receives a mild passivation treatment following primary reduction. An explanation in terms of promoter segregation during primary reduction is proposed. At lower promoter levels (0.83%Ag and 1.51%Au) and higher Ag levels (2.76%), significant gains in Co active site densities were achieved resulting in improved CO conversion levels relative to the unpromoted catalyst. Moreover, slight decreases in light product (e.g., CH(4)) selectivity and slight increases in C(5)+ selectivity were achieved. At high Au loading (5.05%), however, too much Au was loaded which, although significantly increasing the fraction of Co reduced, blocked Co surface sites and resulted in decreased Co conversion rates. While Cu facilitated Co reduction, the increased fraction of reduced Co did not translate to improved active site densities. It appears that a fraction of Cu tended to cover the rim of Co clusters, resulting in decreases in CO conversion rates and detrimental increases in light product selectivity. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Boberach: Eine lebhafte Debatte, an der sich der Verleger Reclam, der Historiker Wuttke, Robert Blum und J. G. Günther MdNV beteiligen, führt zu dem Ergebnis, daß der Verein sich zur Zeit nicht offen für die Republik aussprechen, aber regelmäßig über die Staatsform diskutieren soll