550 resultados para Fiberglass posts
The work presents the effect of plasma treatment when applied in fibers or carbon/glass posts in the adhesion fiber/resin and posts/cement. This has for objective the modification of the surface of the fibers, as well as the wettability of the posts, seeking the improvement of the adhesion and of the connection fiber/resin in the processing of polymeric composites reinforced with the same ones. 120 posts (Reforpost) were used and 30 meters of fibers of carbon and of glass (Fibrex), of the company Angelus. The samples were divided in three groups of 40 specimens: GROUP I - 20 posts of glass fiber and 20 of carbon without treatment to it shapes, GROUP II -20 posts of glass fiber and 20 of carbon treated to it shapes in the surface and GROUP III - 20 posts of glass fiber and 20 of carbon make with fibers in natura after plasma treatment. The plasma treatment was accomplished with oxygen and with temperature in the camera fixed at 200°C, for one hour of exhibition. The posts and the fibers were characterized before and after the treatment. The wettability was measure by pendent drop method, and interface fiber/resin and posts/cement were observed by optical and electronic microscopy. It was observed that both wettability and texture were increased with plasma treatment
Diversos autores afirmam que a atitude dos consumidores consiste numa avaliação pessoal aos atributos de um objeto. Essa avaliação inclui as crenças e sentimentos do consumidor relativamente ao objeto, no momento em que este o avalia. As redes sociais estão cada vez mais presentes no dia-a-dia dos consumidores e das marcas e, como tal, uma parte significativa do contacto entre marcas e consumidores acontece nestas plataformas. Assim, é importante conhecer a influência que as diversas redes sociais podem ou não exercer sobre a atitude dos consumidores relativamente às marcas. Procurou-se perceber se o tipo de imagens publicadas pela Levi Strauss & Co. no Instagram influencia ou não a atitude dos consumidores relativamente a esta marca. No caso de se verificar alguma influência, investigaram-se quais os elementos das imagens que provocaram tal influência e porquê. Não foi possível confirmar a existência de diferentes influências provocadas por diferentes tipos de imagens. No entanto, os resultados deste estudo - desenvolvido através de uma metodologia qualitativa - sugerem que as publicações do Instagram influenciam positivamente a atitude dos consumidores relativamente à Levi’s. Ao longo da investigação identificaram-se ainda, os fatores percecionados pelos participantes como responsáveis pela melhoria da sua atitude: o facto de as imagens serem agradáveis e apelativas, transmitirem confiança, mostrarem produtos das coleções atuais da marca e mostrarem que a marca é versátil, uma vez que se adapta a diversos estilos e situações.
O Projeto InOut Expat foi desenvolvido para apoiar e ajudar os expatriados em fase de mudança para um país estrangeiro, através de uma plataforma eletrónica que oferece os serviços de uma secretária virtual para auxiliar em situações burocráticas e/ou pessoais. Oferece também, formação intercultural focada em cultura/costumes, etiqueta e linguagem não-verbal. O website tem informações gratuitas de todos os países do mundo como, o custo de vida, a língua oficial, o PIB, a capital, a bandeira que são informações facilmente encontradas num motor de busca na internet. Também apresenta links e publicações com noticias, ofertas de emprego e entrevistas a expatriados. Os expatriados envolvidos no projeto estão felizes pela decisão que tomaram em mudar de país, mas a maioria sentiu tristeza, insegurança, choque e outros sentimentos negativos na adaptação ao país de destino, a InOut Expat pretende colmatar estes sentimentos. O projeto está a cumprir o que promete desde fase embrionária. É sem dúvida uma ferramenta útil para quem opta por emigrar ou imigrar, principalmente no auxilio de uma secretária virtual para procurar casa ou trabalho.
Due to the occurrence of diseases in the use of structural reinforcements in composites, with presentation of concrete blanket detachment, has been identified the need to evaluate the performance of concrete reinforced with glass fiber. This study aims to evaluate these concretes by means of testing methodologies, using concrete with low resistance with structural reinforcement for confinement by preimpregnated glass fiber and traditional fiberglass blanket. The first stage of work was the development of methodologies for analysis, opting for four types, such as the acoustic survey, strength to compressive, the pull-off and ultrasound. Next, tests were carried out using the four selected methodologies in 30 of proof-of-specimens by 5x10 cm, 15 were reinforced with the traditional fiberglass blanket with 5specimens exposed to test a marine environment of marine coastline of Natal-RN and 15 were reinforced with a pre-impregnated glass fiber blanket, as well as 5specimens exposed to a test environment of the marine coastline of Natal-RN. After conducting the acoustic survey, it has been verified a lack of delaminating and air bubbles in the samples, confirming the absence of gross shortcomings in the implementation of the ribs both the traditional fiberglass blanket and in the preimpregnated fiber glass blanket. After carrying out methods of pull-off and compressive strengthening test it was observed that the reinforced proof-bodies with pre-impregnated glass blanket showed maximum stresses higher than the traditional fiberglass blanket; consequently a greater grip with the formation of a smaller area of . fracture, unlike traditional glass mat, which showed lower maximum stresses, with a greater area of fracture. It was also found that the traditional fiberglass blanket presented detachment of blanket-concrete interface, unlike the pre-impregnated fiberglass blanket, which showed a better grip on the blanket-concrete interface. In the trial of ultrasound there was no presence of cracks in the blanket-concrete interface, yielding to both blankets good compactness of the concrete. At the end of this work, they were developed and proposed two methods of testing for evaluation of reinforced concrete structures with composites, for standardization, the acoustic survey and pull-off
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia, 2016.
Mestrado em Marketing
The research and development of wind turbine blades are essential to keep pace with worldwide growth in the renewable energy sector. Although currently blades are typically produced using glass fiber reinforced composite materials, the tendency for larger size blades, particularly for offshore applications, has increased the interest on carbon fiber reinforced composites because of the potential for increased stiffness and weight reduction. In this study a model of blade designed for large generators (5 MW) was studied on a small scale. A numerical simulation was performed to determine the aerodynamic loading using a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software. Two blades were then designed and manufactured using epoxy matrix composites: one reinforced with glass fibers and the other with carbon fibers. For the structural calculations, maximum stress failure criterion was adopted. The blades were manufactured by Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding (VARTM), typical for this type of component. A weight comparison of the two blades was performed and the weight of the carbon fiber blade was approximately 45% of the weight of the fiberglass reinforced blade. Static bending tests were carried out on the blades for various percentages of the design load and deflections measurements were compared with the values obtained from finite element simulations. A good agreement was observed between the measured and calculated deflections. In summary, the results of this study confirm that the low density combined with high mechanical properties of carbon fibers are particularly attractive for the production of large size wind turbine blades
Se considera a los postes de hormigón armado un elemento indispensable para la distribución de energía eléctrica, también son parte de nuestro ornamento. Como breve reseñapuedo indicar que la idea del negocio nació, para satisfacer la necesidad de encontrar una fábrica de postes de hormigón que cuente con stock y con entrega oportuna a los clientes ubicados en la zona Austral.Al existir una sola fábrica se generó una escasez del producto, para cubrir la demanda se debe buscar en otras ciudades, lo que encarece el precio del producto debido al incremento del costo del transporte, además seproduce retraso en la construcción de las obras eléctricas. Con este proyecto se analizó la factibilidad de instalaruna fábrica de postes de hormigón armado, se cuantificó la inversión que demandaráempezar la producción y venta de los productos. Se comercializará postes de 10 y 12 metros de longitud, debido a que son los más utilizados en las empresas eléctricas, telefonía, internet y tv cable.
A recirculating system and a matching management schedule for small-scale freshwater prawn larviculture were described. The system comprised a 140 L larval culture tank in line with a 43 L biofilter filled with 24 L of calcareous substrate. Both the tank and biofilter were made of black colored fiberglass in a conical-cylindrical shape. The turnover rate of the water through the system was 24 times a day; water was pumped by airlift. Results of ten larvicultures showed that the system maintained temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity, ammonium and nitrite stable and suitable to Macrobrachium rosenbergii larvae. Survival and productivity varied from 60.5 to 72.4% and 37 to 72 post-larvae/L, respectively; both were compatible with results of commercial hatcheries. Therefore, this system may be very useful for research purposes or adapted for small-scale post-larvae production.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da levedura desidratada de álcool (Saccharomyces cerevisae) como substituto do suplemento vitamínico, em dietas de tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). Trezentos alevinos machos, sexualmente revertidos, com peso médio de 1,5 g, foram distribuídos igualmente em 20 aquários de fibra de vidro, equipados com filtro biológico. Cinco dietas isoprotéicas com 32% de proteína bruta na primeira fase (40 dias) e com 28% de proteína bruta na segunda fase (74 dias) foram fornecidas ad libitum, duas vezes ao dia. A dieta-controle não conti-nha levedura, e as demais apresentavam 10% de levedura. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Não houve influência significativa dos tratamentos sobre o ganho de peso e taxa de crescimento específico. Foi observada, nos peixes alimentados com dietas sem suplemento vitamínico, alta mortalidade. Os peixes que receberam levedura apresentaram menor conteúdo corporal de proteína, e maior, de lipídeos. A levedura desidratada de álcool pode ser usada como fonte de vitaminas hidrossolúveis em dietas para alevinos de tilápia-do-nilo.
Current copper based circuit technology is becoming a limiting factor in high speed data transfer applications as processors are improving at a faster rate than are developments to increase on board data transfer. One solution is to utilize optical waveguide technology to overcome these bandwidth and loss restrictions. The use of this technology virtually eliminates the heat and cross-talk loss seen in copper circuitry, while also operating at a higher bandwidth. Transitioning current fabrication techniques from small scale laboratory environments to large scale manufacturing presents significant challenges. Optical-to-electrical connections and out-of-plane coupling are significant hurdles in the advancement of optical interconnects. The main goals of this research are the development of direct write material deposition and patterning tools for the fabrication of waveguide systems on large substrates, and the development of out-of-plane coupler components compatible with standard fiber optic cabling. Combining these elements with standard printed circuit boards allows for the fabrication of fully functional optical-electrical-printed-wiring-boards (OEPWBs). A direct dispense tool was designed, assembled, and characterized for the repeatable dispensing of blanket waveguide layers over a range of thicknesses (25-225 µm), eliminating waste material and affording the ability to utilize large substrates. This tool was used to directly dispense multimode waveguide cores which required no UV definition or development. These cores had circular cross sections and were comparable in optical performance to lithographically fabricated square waveguides. Laser direct writing is a non-contact process that allows for the dynamic UV patterning of waveguide material on large substrates, eliminating the need for high resolution masks. A laser direct write tool was designed, assembled, and characterized for direct write patterning waveguides that were comparable in quality to those produced using standard lithographic practices (0.047 dB/cm loss for laser written waveguides compared to 0.043 dB/cm for lithographic waveguides). Straight waveguides, and waveguide turns were patterned at multimode and single mode sizes, and the process was characterized and documented. Support structures such as angled reflectors and vertical posts were produced, showing the versatility of the laser direct write tool. Commercially available components were implanted into the optical layer for out-of-plane routing of the optical signals. These devices featured spherical lenses on the input and output sides of a total internal reflection (TIR) mirror, as well as alignment pins compatible with standard MT design. Fully functional OEPWBs were fabricated featuring input and output out-of-plane optical signal routing with total optical losses not exceeding 10 dB. These prototypes survived thermal cycling (-40°C to 85°C) and humidity exposure (95±4% humidity), showing minimal degradation in optical performance. Operational failure occurred after environmental aging life testing at 110°C for 216 hours.
In recent decades, the national and international media contexts, in particular television media, significantly changed. The role that social networks, in particular Facebook, have taken as a content diffusion platform is unquestionable. Nowadays, traditional media (radio, newspaper, television) use the Web’s potential to distribute news content (Canelas, 2011). Currently, all TV news channels in Portugal have a website or a page on social networks. TV stations have increased communication channels with the public on digital platforms and study strategies that promote the participation and interaction with the news content (Cazajeira, 2015). The TV / Internet convergence will not only reach the content, but also the consumer, who becomes an interactive and participative audience. This reality imposes on journalism a continuous and updated news production system, dependent on a user being permanently connected to the Internet (Cazajeira, 2015). In fact, a report launched by an autonomous institution that has the function of supervising and regulating the media Portugal (ERC, 2015), confirms the relevance that social media has assumed in the publication and consumption of news. Social networks are recognised as one of the most important means for news media consultation, right after television, and the practice of sharing news is very common among consumers of online news in Portugal. Furthermore, when compared to other countries analysed by Reuters Institute (Newman, Levy, & Nielsen, 2015), Portuguese consumers are those who make the most comments to online news, preferring social networks to news sites. Considering the importance of new online platforms for journalism, this study aims to present a quantitative analysis of user participation on the Facebook pages of the three Portuguese TV news channels, specifically RTP3, SIC Notícias and TVI24, between 8 and 14 February 2016. To track this participation, the following parameters were used: the "like" button as a way to study the demonstration of publication interest; "sharing" of a particular element, be it a photo, a video or a text, on the user Timeline, the Timeline of a friend or by private message. This monitoring is important to understand the dissemination of news content; and the comments area. The number of comments will help understand the dynamics and the discussion that the publication has on the public. The results of 1063 posts indicate that of the analysed parameters - "Like", "Comment", and "Share" – the one with the greatest power of participation among the users of the pages of the three Portuguese TV news channels is the "Like" system, followed by "Share" and then "Comment". The theme that generates the most user participation with "Likes" and “Comments” parameters are "Science and Technology", “Education” and “Humorous/Satirical/Unusual”. Finally, the publications available end of the night (10pm-1am) has better participation rates.
The growing popularity of social networks, and their impact on the daily lives of consumers, contributed to news organizations marking their presence on different online platforms. In the case of Facebook, a social network that began as a personal space, it has gradually transformed into a content-sharing space (Oeldorf-Hirsch & Sundar, 2015). Nowadays, Facebook is the second most viewed website in Portugal (Alexa, 2016), and therefore, it has become crucial for Portuguese news agencies to be present on this social network. Although television continues to be the main information source in Portugal, social networks, and specifically Facebook, are increasingly important in news consumption by users (ERC, 2015). This new way of news dissemination, as well as the proliferation that these contents reach in social networks, led to news agencies exploiting these new channels, both to attract new audiences, and to redirect users to their own websites (Castillo, El-Haddad, Pfeffer, & Stempeck, 2014). Thus, it is important to understand how, and what kind of content these agencies put on their Facebook channels, as well as the strategies they use to share these same contents. This study aims to understand how the main news channels of Portuguese TV (RTP3, SIC Notícias, and TVI24) manage and use the social network Facebook to share news contents. To this end, the authors collected quantitative data of all posts placed on Facebook between February 8 and February 14 2016. Approximately 1063 posts were collected and analysed from the three Facebook pages. The results indicate that two of the three channels extensively used their Facebook pages to share and target content to their official websites. Regarding the news sources and type of media used, the three Portuguese TV news channels use similar strategies. However, in what concerns the main themes and quantity of messages per day, as well as the level of redundancy of information, the three channels manage their pages differently.
The growing popularity of social networks, and their impact on the daily lives of consumers, contributed to news organizations marking their presence on different online platforms. In the case of Facebook, a social network that began as a personal space, it has gradually transformed into a content-sharing space (Oeldorf-Hirsch & Sundar, 2015). Nowadays, Facebook is the second most viewed website in Portugal (Alexa, 2016), and therefore, it has become crucial for Portuguese news agencies to be present on this social network. Although television continues to be the main information source in Portugal, social networks, and specifically Facebook, are increasingly important in news consumption by users (ERC, 2015). This new way of news dissemination, as well as the proliferation that these contents reach in social networks, led to news agencies exploiting these new channels, both to attract new audiences, and to redirect users to their own websites (Castillo, El-Haddad, Pfeffer, & Stempeck, 2014). Thus, it is important to understand how, and what kind of content these agencies put on their Facebook channels, as well as the strategies they use to share these same contents. This study aims to understand how the main news channels of Portuguese TV (RTP3, SIC Notícias, and TVI24) manage and use the social network Facebook to share news contents. To this end, the authors collected quantitative data of all posts placed on Facebook between February 8 and February 14 2016. Approximately 1063 posts were collected and analysed from the three Facebook pages. The results indicate that two of the three channels extensively used their Facebook pages to share and target content to their official websites. Regarding the news sources and type of media used, the three Portuguese TV news channels use similar strategies. However, in what concerns the main thematic and quantity of messages per day, as well as the level of redundancy of information, the three channels operate their pages differently.
In recent decades, the national and international media contexts, in particular television, media significantly changed. Although they were not created for the purpose, the role that social networks, in particular Facebook, have taken as a content diffusion platform is unquestionable. Nowadays, traditional media (radio, newspaper, television) use the Web’s potential to distribute news content (Canelas, 2011). Currently, all TV news channels in Portugal have a website or a page on social networks. TV stations have increased communication channels with the public on digital platforms and study strategies that promote the participation and interaction with the news content (Cazajeira, 2015). The TV / Internet convergence will not only reach the content, but also the consumer, who becomes an interactive and participative audience. This reality imposes on journalism a continuous and updated news production system, dependent on a user being permanently connected to the Internet (Cazajeira, 2015). In fact, an ERC report (2015) confirms the relevance that social media has assumed in the publication and consumption of news. Social networks are recognised as one of the most important means for news media consultation, right after television, and the practice of sharing news is very common among consumers of online news in Portugal. Furthermore, when compared to other countries analysed by Reuters Institute (Newman, Levy, & Nielsen, 2015), Portuguese consumers are those who make the most comments to online news, preferring social networks to news sites. Considering the importance of new online platforms for journalism, this study aims to present a quantitative analysis of user participation on the Facebook pages of the three Portuguese TV news channels, specifically RTP3, SIC Notícias and TVI24, between 8 and 14 February 2016. To track this participation, the following parameters were used: the "like" button as a way to study the demonstration of publication interest; "sharing" of a particular element, be it a photo, a video or a text, on their own Timeline, the Timeline of a friend or by private message. This monitoring is important to understand the dissemination of news content; and the comments area. The number of comments will help understand the dynamics and the discussion that the publication has on the public. The results of 1063 posts indicate that of the analysed parameters - "Like", "Comment", and "Share" – the one with the greatest power of participation among the users of the pages of the three Portuguese TV news channels is the "Like" system, followed by "Share" and then "Comment". Analysing the thematic that create the most user participation with "Likes" and “Comments” parameters are "Science and Technology". “Education” and “Humorous/Satirical/Unusual Finally, the publications available end of the night (10pm-1am) has better participation rates.