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The present randomized, placebo-controlled double-blind multicenter study included a population of 36 subjects with frequent recurrences (at least once a month) of herpes labialis. Most of the patients had failed to respond adequately to previous treatment with other therapeutic tools, including acyclovir. Either 50 mg of thymopentin or of placebo was administered 3 times a week, by the subcutaneous route, for 6 weeks. Subsequently, the patients were observed for nearly 6 months on the average. The results achieved with thymopentin for the individual parameters were significantly superior to those obtained with placebo; thus significant improvement was seen in patients on thymopentin in the duration of the longest symptomfree period (prolonged from 2.1 weeks to 20.9 weeks, p = 0.000), in the number of relapses (reduced from 1.6 to 0.4 episodes/month, p = 0.001), and in the total duration of herpes symptoms per month (shortened from 2.0 to 0.3 weeks, p = 0.000). Placebo treatment also resulted in considerable improvement (p < 0.05 or 0.01), but was significantly inferior to the improvement obtained with thymopentin. The longest symptomfree period in the placebo group was prolonged from 2.4 to 11.2 weeks. The number of relapses per month was reduced from 1.4 to 0.8, and the total duration of herpes symptoms per month from 2 to 0.9 weeks. The results of intergroup analyses, in which the observed parameters and the improvement achieved in either group were compared, significantly favored thymopentin treatment. The effect of thymopentin was in all but one parameters superior to that of placebo and highly significant (p < 0.01). © 1985 Humana Press Inc.
SCOPUS: ed.j
In recent years, neuroscience research spent much effort in revealing brain activity related to metacognition. Despite this endeavor, it remains unclear exactly when metacognitive experiences develop during task performance. To investigate this, the current study used EEG to temporally and spatially dissociate task-related activity from metacognitive activity. In a masked priming paradigm, metacognitive experiences of difficulty were induced by manipulating congruency between prime and target. As expected, participants more frequently rated incongruent trials as difficult and congruent trials as easy, while being completely unable to perceive the masked primes. Results showed that both the N2 and the P3 ERP components were modulated by congruency, but that only the P3 modulation interacted with metacognitive experiences. Single-trial analysis additionally showed that the magnitude of the P3 modulation by congruency accurately predicted the metacognitive response. Source localization indicated that the N2 task-related activity originated in the ACC, whereas the P3-interplay between task-related activation and metacognitive experiences originated from the precuneus. We conclude that task-related activity can be dissociated from later metacognitive processing.
Background: Hepatorenal tyrosinaemia (Tyr 1) is a rare inborn error of tyrosine metabolism. Without treatment, patients are at high risk of developing acute liver failure, renal dysfunction and in the long run hepatocellular carcinoma. The aim of our study was to collect cross-sectional data. Methods. Via questionnaires we collected retrospective data of 168 patients with Tyr 1 from 21 centres (Europe, Turkey and Israel) about diagnosis, treatment, monitoring and outcome. In a subsequent consensus workshop, we discussed data and clinical implications. Results: Early treatment by NTBC accompanied by diet is essential to prevent serious complications such as liver failure, hepatocellular carcinoma and renal disease. As patients may remain initially asymptomatic or develop uncharacteristic clinical symptoms in the first months of life newborn mass screening using succinylacetone (SA) as a screening parameter in dried blood is mandatory for early diagnosis. NTBC-treatment has to be combined with natural protein restriction supplemented with essential amino acids. NTBC dosage should be reduced to the minimal dose allowing metabolic control, once daily dosing may be an option in older children and adults in order to increase compliance. Metabolic control is judged by SA (below detection limit) in dried blood or urine, plasma tyrosine (<400 μM) and NTBC-levels in the therapeutic range (20-40 μM). Side effects of NTBC are mild and often transient. Indications for liver transplantation are hepatocellular carcinoma or failure to respond to NTBC. Follow-up procedures should include liver and kidney function tests, tumor markers and imaging, ophthalmological examination, blood count, psychomotor and intelligence testing as well as therapeutic monitoring (SA, tyrosine, NTBC in blood). Conclusion: Based on the data from 21 centres treating 168 patients we were able to characterize current practice and clinical experience in Tyr 1. This information could form the basis for clinical practice recommendations, however further prospective data are required to underpin some of the recommendations.
Abordamos el diseño, construcción y distribución de un tríptico como eje sobre el que confluyen diversas actividades y conceptos matemáticos: medida, formas geométricas, simetrías, recuentos, repartos... Además de los propios contenidos matemáticos que se puedan incluir en él. El trabajo se hace "a mano" y con el uso del ordenador, integrando diversas herramientas y haciendo a los alumnos protagonistas de la experiencia.
This paper explores the possible impact of the recent legal developments on organizational whistleblowing on the autonomy and responsibility of whistleblowers. In the past thirty years numerous pieces of legislation have been passed to offer protection to whistleblowers from retaliation for disclosing organisational wrongdoing. An area that remains uncertain in relation to whistleblowing and its related policies in organisations, is whether these policies actually increase the individualisation of work, allowing employees to behave in accordance with their conscience and in line with societal expectations or whether they are another management tool to control employees and protect organisations from them. The assumptions of whistleblower protection with regard to moral autonomy are examined in order to clarify the purpose of whistleblower protection at work. The two extreme positions in the discourse of whistleblowing are that whistleblowing legislation and policies either aim to enable individual responsibility and moral autonomy at work, or they aim to protect organisations by allowing them to control employees and make them liable for ethics at work.
En el presente trabajo se analiza el comportamiento biageográfico y fitosociológico del endemismo altocarrionés Draba lebrunii (P. Monts.) Laínz, y se concluye que caracteriza a las nuevas comunidades: Drabo lebrunii-Armerietum cantabricae (Elyno-Seslerietea) y Festuco hystricis-Thymetum mastigophorii drabetosum lebrunii (Ononido-Rosmarinetea), propias de los suelos calcáreos del Subsectar Altocarrionés (Sector Campurriano-Carrionés, Provincia Oracantábrica, Región Eurosiberiana), del piso subalpino la primera y del altimontano y subalpina la segunda.
Se hace un estudio de las comunidades juncales de la provincia de León (NW de España), pertenecientes a la asociación Deschampsio hispanicae-Juncetum effusi y Junco-Menthetum longifoliae, que resultan ser similares en la región Eurosiberiana y en la Mediterránea.