871 resultados para Embrapa Uva e Vinho


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O preparo de amostra é frequentemente a fase crítica de um método multirresíduo, devido à diversidade de substâncias que podem ser extraídas e a ineficiência da extração dos analitos de interesse, aplicados em matrizes com características e composições próprias. Os agrotóxicos são moléculas de estruturas complexas, com características químicas diferentes, como polaridade e estabilidade, e muitas vezes se degradam rapidamente durante o procedimento analítico a seus metabólitos ou a outros produtos. Por estas razões, se faz necessário o desenvolvimento de métodos de preparo de amostras, cada vez mais eficientes e rápidos para determinações de analitos em matrizes complexas. A Extração Líquido-Líquido (ELL) apresenta recuperações satisfatórias para compostos apolares e de média polaridade, porém tem algumas desvantagens relevantes, como pode formar emulsões, requer grandes volumes de solventes, demanda longo tempo de extração e é de difícil automação. A Extração em Fase Sólida (EFS), uma alternativa à ELL, exige pequenos volumes de solvente e é de fácil operação e automação. Dependendo do sorvente, pode ser empregada na análise de compostos polares e apolares. O método QuEChERS apresenta como vantagens rapidez, simplicidade, baixo custo, eficiência, robustez, segurança, baixo consumo de solventes, além de cobrir uma ampla variedade de classes de agrotóxicos (com caráter ácido, básico ou polar). Neste trabalho, foi feito um estudo comparativo entre as técnicas de preparo de amostra: ELL modificada, EFS e o método QuEChERS na extração dos agrotóxicos, ciproconazol, difenoconazol, fenarimol, tebuconazol e triadimefom, aplicados em culturas de uva, para posterior determinação por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE).


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Twenty years ago, in the Northeast Brazil, a tropical semi-arid area, the production of tropical wines from some Vitis vinifera L. cultivars started. In this region, it is possible to harvest two times a year, between April and December, and nowadays Syrah is the most cultivated wine grape. Research works about irrigation rnanagement in Syrah started in 2000 at Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa). The aim of this paper is to introduce some characteristics about the region where Syrah grapevines is being cultivated under irrigation in Northeast Brazil, and to present some results obtained from field experiments as well as some grape and wine charcteristics already determined.


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The honeydew moth Cryptoblabes gnidiella is the main problem for the wineries in the Northeast of the Brazil, because it attacks the bunch and reduces the quality of the grapes and the wines. In order to stretch out the bunch to facilitate the penetration of the insecticides, it was used gibberellic acid. Six treatments with different concentrations and different dates of application, and the control were compared. The bunches are compact, characteristic of the "Syrah" grapes in the region. The grape berries were analysed at harvest and wines were made by microvinifications. The grape berries showed different qualitative characteristics, as berry weight, number of berries. °Brix, total acidity and heterogeneity of the maturation. The microvinifications were carried out with 50 kg of grapeberries into glass bottles of 20 L at 22°C, for the alcoholic and malolactic fermentations, then stabilized and bottled. The wines were tasted by a panel of ten people and compared on smell and taste plans. The tasting results showed that the control treatment was the best graded wine. The application of gibberellic acid allowed to control the honeydew moth attack, but it caused a heterogeneity on grape maturation, with a lower quality of the grapes and wines compared to the control.


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O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi compreender o perfil do consumidor de uva passa na região de João Pessoa - PB.


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O objetivo desse trabalho foi realizar um levantamento de referências já analizadas e publicadas em meios escritos e eletrônicos abordando a importancia da uva-passa para o consumo, os métodos de secagem e estudos sobre a desidratação de uvas passas.


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Ojetivou-se desenvolver uma bebida láctea fermentada caprina adicionada de suco integral de uva, utilizando duas cepas de Lactobacillus rhamnosus, uma comercial e outra nativa, isolada a partir de queijos artesanais e selecionada em função de propriedades probióticas e tecnológicas .


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A região do Submédio do Vale do São Francisco, cujas principais cidades produtoras são Petrolina, em Pernambuco, e Juazeiro, na Bahia, destaca-se na produção de uvas sob condições tropicais no Brasil. As condições climáticas da região permitem a realização de 2,5 ciclos vegetativos/ano e a programação da época de colheita para qualquer dia do ano, o que possibilita a oferta constante de uvas de mesa no mercado e o processamento de grandes volumes da fruta ao longo do ano (PROTAS; CAMARGO, 2011). O mercado brasileiro de uvas de mesa exige cada vez por qualidade, que, em geral, é avaliada com base nos seguintes parâmetros: ausência de manchas, lesões e ferimentos; turgidez do engaço; consistência da polpa; condição microbiológica e 18 entomológica; cor, sabor e formato característicos (LIMA, 2013). Por isso, a indicação de genótipos promissores ao cultivo em determinada região requer ampla caracterização e avaliação da planta e os frutos que produz. Desta forma, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar as características de qualidade de uvas tintas de mesa, conservadas no Banco Ativo de Germoplasma (BAG) da Embrapa Semiárido.


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This paper provides an overview of the characteristics of a phenothiazine-mylar dosimeter which can be used as an effective solar UVA exposure assessment tool. This dosimeter is sensitive to UVA wavelengths (315–400 nm); its performance has been characterized in a series of tests such as (a) UVA exposure response (dose-response), (b) temperature stability of the response, (c) impact of long term storage, and (d) angular response. There is no effect of long term storage post-exposure and no effect of temperature up to 30 °C. For angles up to 70°, the cosine error of the normalized UVA is less than approximately 0.1. These characterizations have confirmed the reliability and reproducibility of a phenothiazine-mylar combined dosimeter as an effective solar UVA exposure tool for field-based studies of the UVA exposures to population groups.


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The aim of this thesis was to study ecology of Baltic Sea ice from two perspectives. In the first two studies, sea-ice ecology from riverine-influenced fast ice to drift ice in the Bothnian Bay was investigated, whereas the last two studies focus on the sensitivity of sea-ice bacteria and algae to UVA examined in situ. The seasonal sea ice cover is one of the main characteristics of the Baltic Sea, and despite the brackish parental water, the ice structure is similar to polar ice with saline brine inclusions, the sea ice habitat. The decreasing seawater salinity from the northern Baltic Sea to the Bothnian Bay translates to decreasing brine volumes along the gradient, governing the size and community structure of the food webs in ice. However, the drift and fast ice in the Bothnian Bay may differ greatly in this sense, as drift ice may have been formed at more southern locations. Rafting and the formation of snow ice are common processes in the ice field of the Bothnian Bay. As evidenced in this thesis, rafting altered the vertical distribution of organisms and snow-ice formation provided habitable space in the better-illuminated, nitrogen-rich surface layer. The divergence between fast and drift ice became apparent at the more advanced stages, and chlorophyte biomass decreased from fast to drift ice, while the opposite held true for protozoan and metazoan biomass. The brine volumes affected the communities somewhat, and a higher percentage of flagellate species was generally linked to lower brine volumes, whereas chain-forming diatoms were mostly concentrated in layers with larger brine volumes. These results add to knowledge of the ecological significance of the ice cover lasting up to 7 months per year in this area. Sea-ice food webs are generally light-limited, but while increasing light irradiances typically enhance the primary production and further, the secondary production in sea ice, any increase in solar radiation also includes an increase in harmful UVA radiation. The Baltic Sea ice microbial communities were clearly sensitive to UVA and the responses were strongly linked to the earlier light history, as well as to the solar irradiances they were exposed to. The increased biomass of chlorophytes and pennate diatoms, when UVA was excluded, indicates that their normally minor contribution to the biomass in the upper layers of sea ice might be partly dictated by UVA. The effects of UVA on bacterial production in Baltic Sea ice mostly followed the responses in algal growth, but occasionally the exposure to UVA even enhanced the bacterial production. The dominant bacterial class, Flavobacteria, seemed to be UVA-tolerant, whereas all the Alpha-, Beta- and Gammaproteobacteria present in the surface layer showed UVA sensitivity. These results indicate that changes in the light field of ice may alter the community structure and affect the functioning of ice food webs, and are of importance when the effects of thinning of the ice cover are assessed.