969 resultados para ELECTROPOLISHING (EP)


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This article examines the varied performance of radical left-wing Eurosceptic parties during the 2014 EP elections. While the performance of the radical right during this 'earthquake' election has been widely discussed, little attention has been paid to the radical left. The article examines the result comparatively, and identifies that: (1) across Europe, radical left-wing euroscepticism is limited to few countries, including Greece, Cyprus, France and Portugal; (2) the countries that have experienced the worst of the economic crisis did not experience a significant rise in far right-wing party support but did experience the rise of left-wing euroscepticism; (3) from this sample only Greece experienced the rise of both the radical right and radical left.


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Previous studies documented that a distinct southward shift of central-Pacific low-level wind anomalies occurring during the ENSO decaying phase, is caused by an interaction between the Western Pacific annual cycle and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variability. The present study finds that the meridional movement of the central-Pacific wind anomalies appears only during traditional Eastern-Pacific (or EP) El Niño events rather than in Central-Pacific (CP) El Niño events in which sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies are confined to the central Pacific. The zonal structure of ENSO-related SST anomalies therefore has an important effect on meridional asymmetry in the associated atmospheric response and its modulation by the annual cycle. In contrast to EP El Niño events, the SST anomalies of CP El Niño events extend further west towards to the warm pool region with its climatological warm SSTs. In the warm pool region, relatively small SST anomalies thus are able to excite convection anomalies on both sides of the equator, even with a meridionally asymmetric SST background state. Therefore, almost meridionally symmetric precipitation and wind anomalies are observed over the central Pacific during the decaying phase of CP El Niño events. The SST anomaly pattern of La Niña events is similar to CP El Niño events with a reversed sign. Accordingly, no distinct southward displacement of the atmospheric response occurs over the central Pacific during the La Niña decaying phase. These results have important implications for ENSO climate impacts over East Asia, since the anomalous low-level anticyclone over the western North Pacific is an integral part of the annual cycle-modulated ENSO response.


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While the 2014 European Parliament elections were marked by the rise of far right-wing parties, the different patterns of support that we observe across Europe and across time are not directly related to the economic crisis. Indeed, economic hardship seems neither sufficient nor necessary for the rise of such parties to occur. Using the cross-national results for the 2004, 2009 and 2014 EP elections in order to capture time and country variations, we posit the economy affects the rise of far right-wing parties in more complex ways. Specifically, we compare the experience of high debt countries (the ‘debtors’) and the others (the ‘creditors’) and explore the relationship between far right-wing party success on the one hand, and unemployment, inequality, immigration, globalization and the welfare state on the other hand. Our discussion suggests there might be a trade off between budgetary stability and far right-wing party support, but the choice between Charybdis and Scylla may be avoided if policy makers carefully choose which policies should bear the brunt of the fiscal adjustment.


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Previous studies reported that positive phases of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) tend to accompany El Niño during boreal autumn. Here we show that the El Niño/IOD relationship can be better understood when considering the two different El Niño flavors. Eastern-Pacific (EP) El Niño events exhibit a strong correlation with the IOD dependent on their magnitude. In contrast, the relationship between Central-Pacific (CP) El Niño events and the IOD depends mainly on the zonal location of the sea surface temperature anomalies rather than their magnitude. CP El Niño events lying further west than normal are not accompanied by significant anomalous easterlies over the eastern Indian Ocean along the Java/Sumatra coast, which is unfavorable for the local Bjerknes feedback and correspondingly for an IOD development. The El Niño/IOD relationship has experienced substantial changes due to the recent decadal El Niño regime shift, which has important implications for seasonal prediction.


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What is the impact of the economy on cross national variation in far right-wing party support? This paper tests several hypotheses from existing literature on the results of the last three EP elections in all EU member states. We conceptualise the economy affects support because unemployment heightens the risks and costs that the population faces, but this is crucially mediated by labour market institutions. Findings from multiple regression analyses indicate that unemployment, real GDP growth, debt and deficits have no statistically significant effect on far right-wing party support at the national level. By contrast, labour markets influence costs and risks: where unemployment benefits and dismissal regulations are high, unemployment has no effect, but where either one of them is low, unemployment leads to higher far right-wing party support. This explains why unemployment has not led to far right-wing party support in some European countries that experienced the 2008 Eurozone crisis.


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This study investigates the child (L1) acquisition of properties at the interfaces of morphosyntax, syntax-semantics and syntax-pragmatics, by focusing on inflected infinitives in European Portuguese (EP). Three child groups were tested, 6–7-year-olds, 9–10-year-olds and 11–12-year-olds, as well as an adult control group. The data demonstrate that children as young as 6 have knowledge of the morpho-syntactic properties of inflected infinitives, although they seem at first glance to show partially insufficient knowledge of their syntax–semantic interface properties (i.e. non-obligatory control properties), differently from children aged 9 and older, who show clearer evidence of knowledge of both types of properties. However, in general, both morpho-syntactic and syntax–semantics interface properties are also accessible to 6–7-year-old children, although these children give preference to a range of interpretations partially different from the adults; in certain cases, they may not appeal to certain pragmatic inferences that permit additional interpretations to adults and older children. Crucially, our data demonstrate that EP children master the two types of properties of inflected infinitives years before Brazilian Portuguese children do (Pires and Rothman, 2009a,b), reasons for and implications of which we discuss in detail.


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This study investigates the child (L1) acquisition of inflected and uninflected infinitives in European Portuguese (EP). We test and contrast properties involving two interfaces, focusing on morpho-syntactic and syntax-semantics properties of inflected infinitives, in contrast with uninflected infinitives. We present experimental results from three monolingual EP child groups, between ages 6 and 12 (n=72), compared to EP adults (n=32). Results show that children as young as 6-7 have knowledge of the morpho-syntactic properties of inflected infinitives, although at first glance they show insufficient knowledge of their syntax-semantics interface properties (i.e. non-obligatory control properties), differently from older children, who show evidence of knowledge of both types of properties. We argue that, in general, morpho-syntactic and syntax-semantics interface distinctions are also accessible to 6-7 children, but children may not show the entire range of interpretations possible for adults.


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There is much speculation with regard to the potential cardioprotective benefits of equol, a microbial-derived metabolite of the isoflavone daidzein, which is produced in the large intestine after soy intake in 30% of Western populations. Although cross-sectional and retrospective data support favorable associations between the equol producer (EP) phenotype and cardiometabolic health, few studies have prospectively recruited EPs to confirm this association. The aim was to determine whether the acute vascular benefits of isoflavones differ according to EP phenotype and subsequently investigate the effect of providing commercially produced S-(–)equol to non-EPs. We prospectively recruited male EPs and non-EPs (n = 14/ group) at moderate cardiovascular risk into a double-blind, placebocontrolled crossover study to examine the acute effects of soy isoflavones (80-mg aglycone equivalents) on arterial stiffness [carotid-femoral pulse-wave velocity (cfPWV)], blood pressure, endothelial function (measured by using the EndoPAT 2000; Itamar Medical), and nitric oxide at baseline (0 h) and 6 and 24 h after intake. In a separate assessment, non-EPs consumed 40 mg S-(–)equol with identical vascular measurements performed 2 h after intake. After soy intake, cfPWV significantly improved in EPs at 24 h (cfPWV change from 0 h: isoflavone, 20.2 6 0.2 m/s; placebo, 0.6 6 0.2 m/s; P , 0.01), which was significantly associated with plasma equol concentrations (R = 20.36, P = 0.01). No vascular effects were observed in EPs at 6 h or in non-EPs at any time point. Similarly, no benefit of commercially produced S-(–)equol was observed in non-EPs despite mean plasma equol concentrations reaching 3.2 mmol/L. Acute soy intake improved cfPWV in EPs, equating to an 11–12% reduced risk of cardiovascular disease if sustained. However, a single dose of commercially produced equol had no cardiovascular benefits in non-EPs. These data suggest that the EP phenotype is critical in unlocking the vascular benefits of equol in men, and long-term trials should focus on confirming the implications of EP phenotype on cardiovascular health. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT01530893. Am J Clin Nutr doi: 10.3945/ajcn.115.125690.


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Seasonal forecast skill of the basinwide and regional tropical cyclone (TC) activity in an experimental coupled prediction system based on the ECMWF System 4 is assessed. As part of a collaboration between the Center for Ocean–Land–Atmosphere Studies (COLA) and the ECMWF called Project Minerva, the system is integrated at the atmospheric horizontal spectral resolutions of T319, T639, and T1279. Seven-month hindcasts starting from 1 May for the years 1980–2011 are produced at all three resolutions with at least 15 ensemble members. The Minerva system demonstrates statistically significant skill for retrospective forecasts of TC frequency and accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) in the North Atlantic (NA), eastern North Pacific (EP), and western North Pacific. While the highest scores overall are achieved in the North Pacific, the skill in the NA appears to be limited by an overly strong influence of the tropical Pacific variability. Higher model resolution improves skill scores for the ACE and, to a lesser extent, the TC frequency, even though the influence of large-scale climate variations on these TC activity measures is largely independent of resolution changes. The biggest gain occurs in transition from T319 to T639. Significant skill in regional TC forecasts is achieved over broad areas of the Northern Hemisphere. The highest-resolution hindcasts exhibit additional locations with skill in the NA and EP, including land-adjacent areas. The feasibility of regional intensity forecasts is assessed. In the presence of the coupled model biases, the benefits of high resolution for seasonal TC forecasting may be underestimated.


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The noradrenergic nucleus locus coeruleus (LC) has been reported to regulate luteinising hormone (LH) secretion in female rats. Both oestrogen and progestin receptors have been demonstrated in LC neurones, suggesting that these cells are possibly responsive to variations in circulating levels of ovarian steroids. We therefore evaluated changes in the activity of LC neurones during the oestrous cycle and after ovarian-steroid treatment in ovariectomised (OVX) rats, as determined by immunoreactivity to Fos-related antigens (FRA), which comprises all of the known members of the Fos family. Effects of ovarian steroids on the firing rate of LC neurones were also determined in a slice preparation. The number of FRA/tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-immunoreactive (ir) neurones in the LC increased from 14.00-16.00 h on pro-oestrus, coinciding with the onset of the LH surge and rise in plasma progesterone. FRA immunoreactivity was unaltered during dioestrus. Oestradiol-treated OVX rats (OVX+E) displayed marked reduction in FRA/TH-ir neurones in LC compared to oil-treated OVX rats. Accordingly, oestradiol superfusion significantly reduced the spontaneous firing rate of LC neurones in slices from OVX rats. Compared to OVX+E, oestradiol-treated rats injected with progesterone at 08.00 h (OVX+EP) exhibited higher number of FRA/TH-ir neurones in the LC at 10.00 h and 16.00 h, and great amplification of the LH surge. Bath application of progesterone significantly increased the spontaneous firing rate of OVX+E LC neurones. Our data suggest that ovarian steroids may physiologically modulate the activity of LC neurones in females, with possible implications for LH secretion. Moreover, oestradiol and progesterone appear to exert opposite and complementary effects (i.e. whereas oestradiol inhibits, progesterone, after oestradiol priming, stimulates LC activity).


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This work presents liquid-liquid experimental data for systems composed of sunflower seed oil, ethanol and water from 10 to 60 degrees C. The influence of process variables (temperature (T) and water concentration in the solvent (W)) on both the solvent content present in the raffinate (S(RP)) and extract (S(EP)) phases and the partition of free fatty acids (k(2)) was evaluated using the response surface methodology, where flash calculations were performed for each trial using the UNIQUAC equation. Water content in the solvent was the most important factor on the responses of S(EP) and k(2). Additionally, statistical analysis showed that the S(RP) was predominantly affected by temperature factor for low water content in the solvent. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Rudgea jasminoides (Rubiaceae) is a tropical tree species native of the Atlantic Forest in the south of Brazil. Previous studies with leaf cell walls of R. jasminoides showed a different proportion of cross-linked glycans compared to what is usually reported for eudicots. However, due to the difficulties of working with whole plant organs, cell suspensions of R. jasminoides, consisting of predominantly undifferentiated cells with mainly primary cell walls, were used to examine cell walls and extracellular soluble polysaccharides (EP) released into the culture medium. Sugar composition and linkage analysis showed homogalacturonans, xylogalacturonans and arabinogalactans to be the predominant EP. In the cell wall, homogalacturonans and arabinogalactans are the major pectins, and xyloglucans and xylans are the major cross-linking glycans. The presence of xylogalacturonans in the R. jasminoides cell cultures seems to be related to the occurrence of a homogeneous cell suspension with loosely attached cells. Although all alkali extractions from the cell walls yielded amounts of xyloglucan that exceed those of the xylans, the latter was found in a proportion that is higher than what has been usually reported for primary cell walls of most eudicots. The xyloglucan from cell walls of cell suspension cultures of R. jasminoides has low fucosylation levels and high proportion of galactosyl residues, a branching pattern commonly found in storage cell-wall xyloglucans.


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Tissue culture techniques were applied for micropropagation of the red alga Kappaphycus alvarezii in order to select the best strain and experimental system for in vitro culture. Five strains were tested: brown (BR), green (GR) and red (RD) tetrasporophytes, brown female gametophyte (BFG), and a strain originating from tetraspore germination (""Edison de Paula"", EP). The effects of three culture media were tested on callus formation, regeneration from explants and from callus in the three tetrasporophytic and EP strains: seawater enriched with half-strength of von Stosch`s (VS 50) and Guillard & Ryther`s (F/2 50) solutions, plus synthetic ASP 12-NTA medium, with or without gelling agent. Explants of the EP strain were treated with glycerol and the phytoregulators indole-3-acetic acid (IAA); 2,4-diclorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D); and benzylaminopurine (BA), alone or in combination. The effects of colchicine (0.01%) during 24, 48, 72 hours and 14 days were analyzed in the BFG and EP strains. The EP strain showed the highest percentage of explants forming callus and regeneration from explants in VS 50, indicating its high potential for micropropagation in comparison to the other strains. Regeneration from callus was very rare. Treatments with glycerol and IAA:BA (5:1 mg L(-1)) stimulated the regeneration from explants. Significant differences were observed in the percentages of regeneration of EP strain explants treated with colchicine for 14 days. Our results indicate that IAA and BA stimulated the regeneration process, and that colchicine produced explants with high potential for regeneration, being useful for improving the micropropagation of K. alvarezii.


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Obesity and insulin resistance are highly correlated with metabolic disturbances. Both the excess and lack of adipose tissue can lead to severe insulin resistance and diabetes. Adipose tissue plays an active role in energy homeostasis, hormone secretion, and other proteins that affect insulin sensitivity, appetite, energy balance, and lipid metabolism. Rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes during the neonatal period develop the classic diabetic picture of hyperglycemia, hypoinsulinemia, and insulin resistance in adulthood. Low body weight and reduced epididymal (EP) fit mass were also seen in this model. The am) of this study was to investigate the glucose homeostasis and metabolic repercussions on the adipose tissue following chronic treatment with antidiabetic drugs in these animals. In the 4th week post birth, diabetic animals started an 8-week treatment with pioglitazone, metformin, or insulin.


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Ogias D, de Andrade Sa ER, Kasai A, Moisan M, Alvares EP, Gama P. Fasting differentially regulates plasma corticosterone-binding globulin, glucocorticoid receptor, and cell cycle in the gastric mucosa of pups and adult rats. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 298: G117-G125, 2010. First published October 15, 2009; doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00245.2009.-The nutritional status influences gastric growth, and interestingly, whereas cell proliferation is stimulated by fasting in suckling rats, it is inhibited in adult animals. Corticosterone takes part in the mechanisms that govern development, and its effects are regulated in particular by corticosterone-binding globulin (CBG) and glucocorticoid receptor (GR). To investigate whether corticosterone activity responds to fasting and how possible changes might control gastric epithelial cell cycle, we evaluated different parameters during the progression of fasting in 18- and 40-day-old rats. Food restriction induced higher corticosterone plasma concentration at both ages, but only in pups did CBG binding increase after short-and long-term treatments. Fasting also increased gastric GR at transcriptional and protein levels, but the effect was more pronounced in 40-day-old animals. Moreover, in pups, GR was observed in the cytoplasm, whereas, in adults, it accumulated in the nucleus after the onset of fasting. Heat shock protein (HSP) 70 and HSP 90 were differentially regulated and might contribute to the stability of GR and to the high cytoplasmic levels in pups and elevated shuttling in adult rats. As for gastric epithelial cell cycle, whereas cyclin D1 and p21 increased during fasting in pups, in adults, cyclin E slowly decreased, concomitant with higher p27. In summary, we demonstrated that corticosterone function is differentially regulated by fasting in 18-and 40-day-old rats, and such variation might attenuate any possible suppressive effects during postnatal development. We suggest that this mechanism could ultimately increase cell proliferation and allow regular gastric growth during adverse nutritional conditions.