984 resultados para Delta de Entre Ríos
This thesis investigates phenomena of vortex dynamics in type II superconductors depending on the dimensionality of the flux-line system and the strength of the driving force. In the low dissipative regime of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+delta} (BSCCO) the influence of oxygen stoichiometry on flux-line tension was examined. An entanglement crossover of the vortex system at low magnetic fields was identified and a comprehensive B-T phase diagram of solid and fluid phases derived.In YBa_2Cu_3O_7 (YBCO) extremely long (>100 mm) high-quality measurement bridges allowed to extend the electric-field window in transport measurements by up to three orders of magnitude. Complementing analyses of the data conclusively produced dynamic exponents of the glass transition z~9 considerably higher than theoretically predicted and previously reported. In high-dissipative measurements a voltage instability appearing in the current-voltage characteristics of type II superconductors was observed for the first time in BSCCO and shown to result from a Larkin-Ovchinnikov flux-flow vortex instability under the influence of quasi-particle heating. However, in an analogous investigation of YBCO the instability was found to appear only in the temperature and magnetic-field regime of the vortex-glass state. Rapid-pulse measurements fully confirmed this correlation of vortex glass and instability in YBCO and revealed a constant rise time (~µs).
Das Detektorsystem des Spektrometers Ader Drei-Spektrometer-Anlage am MainzerElektronenbeschleuniger MAMI wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeitum ein Fokalebenen-Proton-Polarimeter (FPP) ergänzt.Dazu wurden zwei Horizontale Doppeldriftkammern entworfenund zusammen mit einem Kohlenstoffanalysator hinter derFokalebene des Spektrometers aufgebaut.Zur Berechnung der Spin-Präzession in den inhomogenenMagnetfeldern des Spektrometers wurde das Programm QSPINerstellt und damit eine Spin-Transfer-Matrix (STM) erzeugt,mit der über eine Fitprozedur die Polarisationskomponentender Protonen in der Streuebene an die im FPP gemessenenangepaßt werden können.Mit elastischen Elektron-Proton-Streuexperimenten wurdenfalsche Asymmetrien im FPP untersucht, die berechnete STMbestätigt, die inklusive Proton-Kohlenstoff-Analysierstärkeauf einen größeren Streuwinkelbereich erweitert und dasVerhältnis zwischen dem elektrischen und dem magnetischenSachs-Formfaktor des Protons gemessen.Zur Untersuchung der Coulomb-Quadrupol-Übergangsamplitudebei der Anregung des Nukleons zur Delta(1232)-Resonanzwurden in einem Pion-Elektroproduktions-Experiment am Protonmit dem FPP die Komponenten der Polarisation derRückstoßprotonen in paralleler Kinematik gemessen.
Hinweise auf die innere Struktur des Nukleons, dessenbeobachtbares Quadrupolmoment verschwindet, lassen sich u.a.durch die Untersuchung des N->Delta(1232)-Übergangsgewinnen. Dieser wird von der magnetischen Dipolanregung M1- einem Spinflip-Übergang - dominiert. In der Reaktion (gamma(lin. pol.) p -> p pi0) gelingt es mittels der Photonasymmetrie Sigma, das Signal der kleinen elektrischen Quadrupolamplitude E2 in einem Interferenztermmit der M1-Amplitude zu verstärken und das VerhältnisREM=E2/M1 des betrachteten Übergangs zu bestimmen. DieE2-Amplitude des N->Delta-Übergangs läßt auf eineDeformation des Nukleons und/oder der Delta-Resonanzschließen. Das zugehörige Experiment wurde am MainzerElektronenbeschleuniger MAMI durchgeführt. Durch kohärenteBremsstrahlung der Elektronen an einem Diamantradiatorstanden im Bereich der Delta(1232)-Resonanz linear polarisierte Photonen zur Verfügung. Insgesamt wurden reellePhotonen im Bereich Egamma=(200-790) MeV von derA2-Photonenmarkierungsanlage (Glasgow--Tagger)energiemarkiert. Mit dem Photonenspektrometer TAPS wurden die pi0-Mesonen über ihre beiden Zerfallsphotonennachgewiesen. Die gewählte Anordnung der 504BaF2-Einzelkristalle um ein Flüssigwasserstofftargeterlaubte den pi0-Nachweis im vollen Polarwinkelbereich. Die Datenbasis zur pi0-Photoproduktion am Proton konntehinsichtlich der Wirkungsquerschnitte und Photonasymmetriendurch Datenpunkte über den gesamten Polarwinkelbereichhinweg nachdrücklich erweitert werden.Eine weiterführende Multipolanalyse der neuen(Proton-pi0)-Daten ermöglichte im Energiebereich derDelta-Resonanz die Bestimmung der s- und p-WellenIsospinamplituden von E0+, M1-, E1+ und M1+.
An der Drei-Spektrometer-Anlage am Beschleuniger MAMI wurde ein Elektronpolarimeter aufgebaut, das die longitudinale Spinpolarisation für Strahlenergien von 500-880 MeV bestimmt. Messprinzip ist die Møller-Streuung. Weiterhin wird ein Experiment zur Bestimmung der Strahlhelizitäts-Asymmetrie in resonanter Elektroproduktion neutraler Pionen am Proton vorgestellt. Diese Observable bietet Zugang zu nichtresonanten Untergrundamplituden in der Nukleon-Delta-Anregung, die im Hinblick auf die Extraktion der Quadrupolamplituden in diesem Übergang wichtig sind.
All'interno della tesi si è sviluppata una metodologia di supporto alle decisioni utile all'individuazione di determinate zone distribuite all'interno dell'area del delta del fiume Ural (Kazakistan), da considerare prioritarie ai fini della tutela della biodiversità. Il livello di priorità di queste aree è stato ricavato mediante l'aggregazione delle informazioni relative alle categorie di conservazione delle specie minacciate che popolano i diversi ecosistemi che caratterizzano l'area studio. Le categorie sono state confrontate fra loro mediante l'AHP che ha permesso di ottenere un set di pesi. L'utilizzo di tre differenti metodi di aggregazione (SAW, OWA, TOPSIS), ha permesso di ricavare un valore di conservazione che raggruppa le informazioni dei pesi attribuiti alle specie in un unico valore (CV) diverso per ogni metodo. Distribuiti i CV, sulla base della presenza delle relative specie, viene sviluppata una mappa di distribuzione dei valori di conservazione sintetici (CVS) ricavati mediante l'aggregazione dei CV in ogni punto dell'area studio. L'utilizzo di questa metodologia ha permesso di individuare, come previsto dagli obiettivi dell'elaborato, le aree a maggior valore per la conservazione degli habitat e delle specie, sulle quali focalizzare le future azioni di tutela e monitoraggio ambientale, dall'altro l'applicazione di una metodologia di supporto alle decisioni in grado di far fronte ai problemi di scarsa disponibilità e reperibilità di dati utili alla caratterizzazione dell’area di studio.
Die Kontaktihibition, d.h. die Zell-Zell-Kontakt-vermittelte Proliferationskontrolle, stellt einen fundamentalen Mechanismus zur Aufrechterhaltung der Homöostase in vitro und in vivo dar. So stellen in der Zellkultur nicht-transformierte Zellen in der Regel ihr Wachstum ein, sobald sie einen einschichtigen Zellrasen gebildet haben. Umgekehrt zeichnen sich transformierte Zellen durch einen Verlust der Kontaktinhibition aus. Sie wachsen nach Erreichen eines konfluenten Zellrasens mehrschichtig weiter, und es kommt zur Ausbildung charakteristischer Foci. In dieser Arbeit konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Proteinkinase C - delta eine wichtige Funktion in der Regulation der Zytoarchitektur humaner Keratinozyten besitzt und zugleich über Modulation der Zell-Zelladhäsion, insbesondere über Cadherin und Catenin, Einfluss nimmt.
Ein wesentliches Ziel des COMPASS Experiments am CERN istdie direkte Messung der Gluonpolarisation in derinelastischen Streuung von polarisierten 160 GeV Myonen aneinem polarisierten Nukleon Target. In der inelastischenLepton-Nukleon-Streuung erlaubt der sog.Photon-Gluon-Fusions-Prozess (PGF) die Untersuchung derGluonverteilung.Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein Triggersystementwickelt und aufgebaut, das gezielt PGF-Reaktionenselektiert. Das System basiert auf demkoinzidenten Nachweis der gestreuten Myonen zusammen mit denproduzierten Hadronen und generiert innerhalb 600 ns einhochselektives Triggersignal. Der Wirkungsquerschnitt derPGF wird von Ereignissen mit quasi-reellen Photonendominiert, d.h. der Myonstreuwinkel ist kein geeignetesKriterium um die gestreuten Myonen von den Strahlmyonen zutrennen, deshalb muss der Energieverlust des Myons verwendetwerden. Der sog. Energieverlusttrigger besteht aus Paarenvon Plastikszintillatorhodoskopen mit exzellenter Zeitaufloesung, die zusammen mit einer selbstentwickeltenschnellen Koinzidenzelektronik eine Koinzidenzzeit vonweniger als 3ns möglich macht. Fuer den gleichzeitigenNachweis der Hadronen wurden die beiden Hadronkalorimeterdes COMPASS--Spektrometers mit einer eigens entwickeltenElektronik versehen.
Discovery of the Nox family has led to the concept that ROS are “intentionally” generated and are biologically functional in various cell types. Over the last decades, ROS have been shown to be involved in several physiological and pathological processes and ROS producing enzymes have been suggested as a target for drug development. The mechanism involved in the prosurvival effect of cytokines on the human acute myeloid leukaemia cell lines M07e and B1647 is investigated. A decrease in intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) content, glucose transport activity and cell survival was observed in the presence of inhibitors of plasma membrane ROS sources, such as DPI and apocynin, and by small interference RNA for NOX2 in M07e cells. Furthermore, Nox generated ROS are required to sustain B1647 cell viability and proliferation; in fact, antioxidants such as EUK-134 or Nox inhibitors and siRNA direct cells to apoptotic cell death, suggesting that manipulation of cellular NOX2 and NOX4 could affect survival of leukemic cells. Moreover, hydrogen peroxide has been long thought to be freely diffusible but recent evidence suggest that specific mammalian aquaporin homologues (AQP8) possess the capacity to channel H2O2 across membrane. In this thesis is shown that inhibition of aquaporins diminishes intracellular ROS accumulation either when H2O2 is produced by Nox enzymes or when is added exogenously to the medium. These data suggest that specific inhibition of Nox enzymes and AQP8 could be an interesting novel anti-leukemic strategy.
Implementazione di un modulatore sigma-delta digitale per la sintesi di segnali pwm ad alta fedelta.
La modulazione a durata d'impulso (PWM) è utilizzata soprattutto perchè permette di ottenere alta efficenza energetica. In ambito accademico è stato proposto un modulatore PWM che sfrutta la tecnica di noise shaping, Sigma Delta, per avere elevata fedeltà. Il lavoro di questa tesi è stato l'implementazione su FPGA del modulatore Sigma DeltaDigitale utilizzato: quarto ordine, con quantizzatore a 4 bit e SNR in banda di 60 dB. Il dimensionamento è stato fatto determinando l'effetto che la lunghezza delle parole dei segnali ha sul rumore prodotto dal sistema. Questo studio è stato svolto con analisi euristiche ed algoritmi di ricerca implementati in ambiente MATLAB. Lo studio fatto è di carattere generale ed estendibile a generiche architetture Sigma Delta.
This thesis presents a universal model of documents and deltas. This model formalize what it means to find differences between documents and to shows a single shared formalization that can be used by any algorithm to describe the differences found between any kind of comparable documents. The main scientific contribution of this thesis is a universal delta model that can be used to represent the changes found by an algorithm. The main part of this model are the formal definition of changes (the pieces of information that records that something has changed), operations (the definitions of the kind of change that happened) and deltas (coherent summaries of what has changed between two documents). The fundamental mechanism tha makes the universal delta model a very expressive tool is the use of encapsulation relations between changes. In the universal delta model, changes are not always simple records of what has changed, they can also be combined into more complex changes that reflects the detection of more meaningful modifications. In addition to the main entities (i.e., changes, operations and deltas), the model describes and defines also documents and the concept of equivalence between documents. As a corollary to the model, there is also an extensible catalog of possible operations that algorithms can detect, used to create a common library of operations, and an UML serialization of the model, useful as a reference when implementing APIs that deal with deltas. The universal delta model presented in this thesis acts as the formal groundwork upon which algorithm can be based and libraries can be implemented. It removes the need to recreate a new delta model and terminology whenever a new algorithm is devised. It also alleviates the problems that toolmakers have when adapting their software to new diff algorithms.
Although the period of the historic “Celtic migrations” is archaeologically extensively studied, the long-lasting question whether mass migration or increased individual mobility caused the expansion of the La Tène culture throughout continental Europe persist. Strontium (Sr) and in part oxygen (O) isotope analysis of human remains from the early La Tène cemeteries of Nebringen (Germany), Münsingen-Rain (Switzerland), Monte Bibele (Italy) and the Czech cemeteries of Radovesice I, Radovesice II and Kutná Hora was, therefore, carried out to investigate the importance of residential changes during this time period. These isotope analyses showed that most analysed individuals either came from the area they were buried in or from the surrounding area of the cemetery. An exception was formed by the Czech cemeteries, where almost a quarter of the studied individuals appeared non-local. Together with Nebringen, these cemeteries also had the most varied Sr isotope ratios, which suggest highly mobile communities in which individuals regularly changed their residency. The isotopic ratios of the cemeteries of Münsingen-Rain and Monte Bibele appeared far less varied. In part, these differences might be explained by the community structures of these cemeteries. Morphological kinship analysis in Münsingen-Rain demonstrated biological relatedness among most of the analysed individuals. These related individuals also shared similar isotope signatures, which suggest an origin from the surrounding Aar Valley. In the vicinity of the cemetery of Monte Bibele, an associated settlement site was discovered. The deceased presumably not only shared this settlement, but also cultivated the same land plots. Dispersed settlement structures were suggested for Nebringen, Radovesice and Kutná Hora, as these agriculturally favourable landscapes were densely populated during prehistoric times. Connected to these community structures are the prevailing geological conditions in these areas. Both Münsingen-Rain and Monte Bibele are located in a region where homogeneous geological conditions prevail, whereas the landscapes of Nebringen, Radovesice and Kutná Hora are characterised by complex heterogeneous geological conditions. As the majority of individuals in Nebringen and the Czech cemeteries correspond to the expected isotope values for the studied areas, regularly changing land plots might have contributed to the observed variation. Although mass migration as depicted by the historical sources was not observed individual mobility of a small part of these studied communities certainly played a role. Males appeared, thereby, to have slightly more often a non-local birthplace or moved during childhood. Male mobility was, however, not always associated with burial as a warrior. Females, on the other hand, originated more often from the region. Patrilocal residential patterns, with the exception of the Czech cemeteries, were nevertheless not observed. Objects and ideas also seem to have been exchanged freely, as there are no indications that individuals with particular grave goods came from specific areas. It rather appears that the individuals buried with them were either local or had different places of origin. This can be explained by the fact that the exact origin of grave goods is difficult to establish and the occurrence of similar 87Sr/86Sr values in different areas. This study provided important new insights on the period of the “Celtic migrations” and the way of life of these prehistoric people.
In questa tesi sono state analizzate, a partire da dati batimetrici ad alta risoluzione ottenuti tramite tecnologia multibeam, le morfologie caratteristiche dei tre canali tributari del Delta del Po di Pila: Busa di Dritta, Busa di Tramontana, Busa di Scirocco. Lo studio è stato effettuato col software Global Mapper, che ha permesso la mappatura e l’analisi morfometrica dei principali elementi morfologici osservati, ovvero aree depresse, zone con presenza di forme di fondo, zone a fondo piano e depositi da instabilità gravitativa sulle sponde dei canali. La loro distribuzione nei vari tratti dei canali è stata messa in relazione alle caratteristiche morfologiche e idrauliche del tratto fluviale e ai processi erosivi e deposizionali che interessano i tre canali ad intensità variabile, nell’ambito dell’evoluzione molto recente di questa porzione del delta. I risultati di questo studio indicano come l’utilizzo in ambito fluviale delle più recenti tecniche di acquisizione dei dati batimetrici multibeam possa costituire la base per un dettagliato studio delle morfologie fluviali e delle dinamiche ad esse associate.
Lo sviluppo hardware nel campo della robotica ha raggiunto negli ultimi anni livelli impressionanti ed è in continua crescita, e di pari passo si è espansa l’eterogeneità delle forme che può assumere, dalle tipologie basate su movimento a terra ai droni volanti, fino a forme più sofisticate di robot umanoidi che cercano di emularne il comportamento. Se da un lato ora possiamo disporre di hardware sempre più potente ed efficiente a costi sempre minori, dall’altro programmare il comportamento che un robot deve tenere nelle svariate circostanze in cui può imbattersi, nel poter portare a compimento il proprio obbiettivo, risulta essere sempre più complesso. Dopo una breve introduzione alla robotica e alle difficoltà che deve affrontare e una panoramica sui robot, cosa siano e come siano strutturati, fulcro della tesi sarà l’esposizione delle caratteristiche principali di ROS, Robot Operating System, come piattaforma di sviluppo software nel campo della robotica, e si concluderà con un semplice caso di studio in cui ne verrà messo in mostra concretamente l’utilizzo.
The decreased incidence of cardiovascular disease in premenopausal women has been attributed, at least partially, to protective effects of estrogens. However, premenopausal women with diabetes mellitus are no longer selectively protected. High-glucose (HG) conditions have previously been shown to abolish the antimitogenic effects of 17β-estradiol (E(2)) in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs).