902 resultados para Dairy laws
A bicomplex structure is associated with the Leznov-Saveliev equation of integrable models. The linear problem associated with the zero-curvature condition is derived in terms of the bicomplex linear equation. The explicit example of a non-Abelian conformal affine Toda model is discussed in detail and its conservation laws are derived from the zero-curvature representation of its equation of motion.
Intoxicação crônica por cobre foi observada em um rebanho de 20 ovinos no município de Franca, São Paulo. Três meses após o início do arraçoamento com feno e ração concentrada peletizada para bovinos de leite, seis animais apresentaram anorexia, icterícia severa e urina marrom escura, e vieram a óbito. Diagnosticou-se doença hemolítica com base em sinais clínicos, alterações macroscópicas observadas na necropsia e observações histológicas. À necropsia todos os ovinos apresentaram icterícia severa, fígado amarelado com padrão lobular evidente e rins escuros. As principais alterações histológicas incluíram necrose hepática periacinar e nefrose hemoglobinúrica. Acúmulos de cobre foram demonstrados nos hepatócitos e macrófagos pela coloração rodamina e níveis elevados de cobre mediante espectrofotometria de absorção atômica no soro, fígado e rins de dois ovinos afetados e na ração fornecida.
Sera collected from 447 dairy cattle on 14 dairy farms were tested for Neospora caninum antibodies by use of an immunofluorescent antibody technique. Positive reactions with titres greater than or equal to 1:200 were found in 63 (14.09%) of animals. Neospora positive sera were also tested for Toxoplasma gondii antibodies by using a commercial latex agglutination test. Antibodies to T. gondii were detected in 3 (4.76%) of 63 N. caninum positive sera. These results indicate that N. caninum infection is widespread among dairy cattle in Bahia state. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was analyze the (co)variance components and genetic and phenotypic relationships in the following traits: accumulated milk yield at 270 days (MY270,), observed until 305 days of lactation; accumulated milk yield at 270 days (MY270/A) and at 305 days (MY305), observed until 335 days of lactation; mozzarella cheese yield (MCY) and fat (FP) and protein (PP) percentage, observed until 335 days of lactation. The (co)variance components were estimated by Restricted Maximum Likelihood methodology in analyses single, two and three-traits using animal models. Heritability estimated for MY270, MY270/A, MY305, MCY, FP and PP were 0.22; 0.24, 0.25, 0.14, 0.29 and 0.40 respectively. The genetic correlations between MCY and the variables MY270, MY270/A, MY305, PP and FP was: 0.85; 1.00; 0.89; 0.14 and 0.06, respectively. This way, the selection for the production of milk in long period should increase MCY. However, in the search of animals that produce milk with quality, the genetic parameters suggest that another index should be composed allying these studied traits.
Recently a protocol was developed that precisely synchronizes the time of ovulation in lactating dairy cows (Ovsynch; GnRH-7d-PGF(2 alpha)-2d-GnRH). We evaluated whether initiation of Ovsynch on different days of the estrous cycle altered the effectiveness of this protocol. The percentage of cows (n=156) ovulating to the first GnRH was 64% and varied (P<0.01) by stage of estrous cycle. Treatment with PGF(2 alpha) was effective, with 93% of cows having low progesterone at second GnRH. The overall percentage of cows that ovulated after second GnRH (synchronization rate) was 87% and varied by response to first GnRH (92% if ovulation to first GnRH vs 79% if no ovulation; P<0.05). There were 6% of cows that ovulated before the second injection of GnRH and 7% with no detectable ovulation by 48 h after second GnRH. Maximal diameter of the ovulatory follicle varied by stage of estrous cycle, with cows in which Ovsynch was initiated at midcycle having the smallest follicles. In addition, milk production and serum progesterone concentration on the day of PGF(2 alpha) affected (P<0.05) size of the ovulatory follicle. Using these results we analyzed pregnancy rate at Days 28 and 98 after Al for cows (n=404) in which Ovsynch was initiated on known days of the estrous cycle. Pregnancy rate was lower for cows expected to ovulate larger follicles than those expected to ovulate smaller follicles (P<0.05; 32 vs 42%). Thus, although overall synchronization rate with Ovsynch was above, 85%, there were clear differences in response according to day of protocol initiation. Cows in which Ovsynch was initiated near midcycle had smaller ovulatory follicles and greater pregnancy rates. (C) 1999 by Elsevier B.V.
This paper presents a methodology for the study of a molten carbonate fuel cell co-generation system. This system is applied to a dairy industry of medium size that typically demands 2100 kW of electricity, 8500 kg/h of saturated steam (P = 1.08 MPa) and 2725 kW of cold water production. Depending on the associated recuperation equipment, the co-generation system permits the recovery of waste heat, which can be used for the production of steam, hot and cold water, hot and cold air. In this study, a comparison is made between two configurations of fuel cell co-generation systems (FCCS). The plant performance has been evaluated on the basis of fuel utilisation efficiency and each system component evaluated on the basis of second law efficiency. The energy analysis presented shows a fuel utilisation efficiency of about 87% and exergy analysis shows that the irreversibilities in the combustion chamber of the plant are significant. Further, the payback period estimated for the fuel cell investment between US$ 1000 and US$ 1500/k-W is about 3 and 6 years, respectively. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Conception rates at ET in lactating dairy recipient cows after estrous or ovulation synchronization.