911 resultados para DENTAL CARIES
Objectives This randomised, controlled trial compared the effectiveness of 0.12% chlorhexidine (CHX) gel and 304% fluoride toothpaste to prevent early childhood caries (ECC) in a birth cohort by 24 months. Methods The participants were randomised to receive either (i) twice daily toothbrushing with toothpaste and once daily 0.12% CHX gel (n = 110) or (ii) twice daily toothbrushing with toothpaste only (study controls) (n = 89). The primary outcome measured was caries incidence and the secondary outcome was percentage of children with mutans streptococci (MS). All mothers were contacted by telephone at 6, 12, and 18 months. At 24 months, all children were examined at a community dental clinic. Results At 24 months, the caries prevalence was 5% (3/61) in the CHX and 7% (4/58) in the controls (P = 0.7). There were no differences in percentages of MS-positive children between the CHX and control groups (54%vs 53%). Only 20% applied the CHX gel once daily and 80% less than once daily. Conclusions Toothbrushing using 304% fluoride toothpaste with or without the application of chlorhexidine gel (0.12%) reduces ECC from 23% found in the general community to 5–7%. The lack of effect with chlorhexidine is likely to be due to low compliance.
Objectives Early childhood caries is a highly destructive dental disease which is compounded by the need for young children to be treated under general anaesthesia. In Australia, there are long waiting periods for treatment at public hospitals. In this paper, we examined the costs and patient outcomes of a prevention programme for early childhood caries to assess its value for government services. Design Cost-effectiveness analysis using a Markov model. Setting Public dental patients in a low socioeconomic, socially disadvantaged area in the State of Queensland, Australia. Participants Children aged 6 months to 6 years received either a telephone prevention programme or usual care. Primary and secondary outcome measures A mathematical model was used to assess caries incidence and public dental treatment costs for a cohort of children. Healthcare costs, treatment probabilities and caries incidence were modelled from 6 months to 6 years of age based on trial data from mothers and their children who received either a telephone prevention programme or usual care. Sensitivity analyses were used to assess the robustness of the findings to uncertainty in the model estimates. Results By age 6 years, the telephone intervention programme had prevented an estimated 43 carious teeth and saved £69 984 in healthcare costs per 100 children. The results were sensitive to the cost of general anaesthesia (cost-savings range £36 043–£97 298) and the incidence of caries in the prevention group (cost-savings range £59 496–£83 368) and usual care (cost-savings range £46 833–£93 328), but there were cost savings in all scenarios. Conclusions A telephone intervention that aims to prevent early childhood caries is likely to generate considerable and immediate patient benefits and cost savings to the public dental health service in disadvantaged communities.
Ehkäisypainotteisuus karieksen hoidossa: iranilaishammaslääkärien hoitovalinnat Karies aiheuttaa hampaiden kovan pinnan ja hammasluun syöpymistä, joka lopulta näkyy ”reikänä”. Iästä riippumatta kariesvaara vaanii kaikkia hampaiden omistajia, vauvasta vaariin, ja lähes kaikilla aikuisilla on suussaan merkkejä karieksesta. Karies etenee yleensä hitaasti ja antaa siten aikaa ehkäisevälle hoidolle. Tämä etsikkoaika jää usein käyttämättä, ja karieksen hoito painottuu reikien paikkaamiseen. Karies voitaisiin pitää kurissa sen ehkäisyyn kehitetyillä monipuolisilla keinoilla. Hammaslääkärit ovat avainasemassa, sillä he tekevät kauaskantoisia valintoja — hoidetaanko kariesta paikkaamalla vai valitaanko ehkäisevä hoito? Valintojen taustalla ovat hammaslääkärin tietotaso, asenteet ja omat terveystavat sekä potilaiden ja vastaanoton aiheuttamiksi koetut esteet. Tämä kyselytutkimus selvitti karieksen hoitovalintoja ja niiden taustoja Iranissa. Kysymyslomakkeet jaettiin kahdessa hammaslääkärien kongressissa Teheranissa (2004─2005) ja palautettiin nimettöminä. Kysely kartoitti hammaslääkärien tietoja karieksen ehkäisykeinoista ja asenteita ehkäisyä kohtaan sekä koettuja esteitä sen toteuttamisessa. Hoitovalintoja selvitettiin tarkasti kuvattujen esimerkkipotilaiden avulla. Kysely kartoitti myös hammaslääkärien omat terveystavat: suun omahoidon, tupakoinnin ja hammaslääkärissä käynnin. Aineisto käsitti 980 iältään keskimäärin 37-vuotiasta hammaslääkäriä, joista 64 % oli miehiä. Iranilaishammaslääkärien tiedot karieksen ehkäisystä olivat fluorihammastahnan merkitystä lukuun ottamatta hyvät ja heidän asenteensa ehkäisyä kohtaan valtaosin myönteiset. Tästä huolimatta 77 % heistä olisi valinnut suuren kariesvaaran potilaalle hammaskiilteessä olevan reiän hoidoksi paikkauksen. Ehkäisyhoidoksi tarjotuista 8:sta keinosta lähes kaikki hammaslääkärit valitsivat suuren kariesvaaran potilaalle hoidoksi harjausopetuksen ja säännölliset hammastarkastukset, noin 80 % valitsi hampaiden puhdistamisen vastaanotolla ja ravintoneuvonnan, 70 % ohjeet fluorihuuhteluista kotona ja 53 % vastaanotolla tehtävän fluorikäsittelyn. Potilaiden vastustavat mielipiteet arvioitiin suurimmaksi esteeksi ehkäisevän hoidon toteuttamiselle. Hammaslääkäreistä 59 % ilmoitti harjaavansa hampaansa kahdesti päivässä; 76 % ei tupakoinut ja 56 % kertoi aina ehdottavansa tupakoivalle potilaalle tupakoinnin lopettamista. Hammaslääkärien ehkäisypainotteisuus karieshoidossa oli naisilla vahvempi kuin miehillä. Tulosten perusteella voi päätellä, että Iranissa tulisi nykyistä selvemmin suosia ehkäisevää linjaa karieksen hoitovalintoja tehtäessä ja hammaslääkäreitä koulutettaessa. Potilastyössä koettujen ehkäisyhoidon esteiden syvällisempi ymmärtäminen edesauttaisi niiden poistamisessa.
The present study investigated the preventive orientation of the dental education system in Iran as reflected in the responses of dental school educators and dental students to a questionnaire survey. Two questionnaires, one for dental school educators and one for senior dental students, were designed and piloted. Of the 15 state dental schools in Iran, 7 were selected using a multi-stage sampling approach, and all the dental school educators and senior dental students in these schools were asked to voluntarily fill in the anonymous questionnaires. Totally, 291 educators (80%) and 270 students (82%) participated in the study. In addition to background information, both questionnaires requested information on knowledge of caries prevention, attitudes towards preventive dentistry and oral health behaviour of the respondents. The students' questionnaire also covered items concerning prevention-oriented practice, study motives, and career preferences. Contrary to knowledge and attitudes of the students, those of the educators' were positively associated with some of their academic and personal background characteristics. Women were more likely to report favourable oral self-care habits than men. The other determinants of oral health behaviour were educators' familiarity with the oral public health field, and students' attitudes towards prevention. A higher score on preventive practice among the students was associated with better oral self-care habits and positive attitudes towards prevention. Characteristics of the profession and social status and security were the top-ranked that motivated students to study dentistry, and students mainly preferred to enter postgraduate courses and private practice after graduation. To increase the orientation of Iran's health care system towards prevention, and to cope with current concepts of prevention, corresponding changes should be made in the dental education system. The results of this study support the revision of the dental curriculum by placing more emphasis on prevention-related topics and by integrating prevention-related concepts into all disciplines. Additionally, practicing dentists and dental educators should be provided with opportunities to attend continuing education courses and to conduct seminars and congresses on various aspects of preventive dentistry at home as well as abroad.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of pit and fissure sealants and the effectiveness of the two sealant methods applied in every-day practice in public dental health care in Finland. Two sealant methods were evaluated according to their effectiveness in preventing dentin caries and sealant retention. Application time with these sealant methods was compared. The survival rate of sealed first and second molars was followed for nine and 13 year periods, respectively. Caries risk evaluation and observed increased caries risk were the basis for considering sealant application. A questionnaire, sent to all public dental health centers in Finland, monitored the attitudes of the dental profession towards sealant application and explored the current policies used as well as changes noted in the sealant application protocol. DMFT (Decayed, Missing or Filled Teeth) index values collected from the health centers were evaluated. The difference in caries rate between two methods investigated was highly significant. When compared to the glass ionomer sealant method (GIC), the effectiveness of the resin-based method (RB) in preventing dentin caries was 74% and the rate difference 3%. The relative risk for RB-sealed surfaces vs. GIC-sealed surfaces of having detectable dentin caries was 0.3 (95% CI 0.12, 0.57). The retention rate of sealants was higher with RB than GIC (P<0.001). Application of RB sealant material was less time-consuming than application of GIC sealant. Occlusal dentin caries lesions were found in 4% and proximal caries in less than 2% of sealed teeth. The majority of respondents reported application of sealants on a systematic basis along with caries-risk evaluation. Those health centers sealing over suspected or detected enamel caries had lower average DMFT index values (1.0) when compared to DMFT values (1.2) of health centers applying sealants by alternative criteria. It is concluded that the RB sealant method is more effective than the GIC sealant method in preventing dentin caries. Sealant maintenance may increase the costs of a sealant program. Occlusal caries management may be improved if the applied sealant policies are changed towards an interceptive approach i.e. applying the sealants over detected or suspected enamel caries lesions instead of sealing sound teeth in a preventive manner.
Varhaislapsuuden karies ja sen ehkäisy kehittyvän terveydenhuollon maassa Varhaislapsuuden karies on merkittävä kansanterveysongelma varsinkin lapsirikkaissa maissa ja väestöissä. Karieksen hoitaminen vie paljon voimavaroja ja aiheuttaa mittavia taloudellisia seuraamuksia. Karies voi ilmaantua lapselle jo vauvaikäisenä, pian ensimmäisten maitohampaiden puhjettua suuhun. Alle 3-vuotiaiden karieksesta on kuitenkin niukasti tilastotietoja. Maailman terveysjärjestökin suosittaa tietojen keräämistä vasta 3-vuotiaiden ikäryhmästä. Heistä kariesta sairastaa Suomessa 16 %, Yhdysvalloissa 25 %, Englannissa 30 %, Iranissa 46 % ja Saudi-Arabiassa 61 %. Tämä väitöstutkimus selvitti karieksen esiintymistä ja sen vaaratekijöitä 1─3-vuotiailla Teheranissa. Lisäksi tutkimus arvioi perusterveydenhuoltoon sisällytetyn karieksen ehkäisyn tuloksellisuutta. Tutkimuskohteiksi arvottiin Teheranista 18 neuvolaa. Jokaisessa oltiin 4 päivää, jolloin kaikkia rokotuksiin tulleita 1─3-vuotiaita äiteineen pyydettiin osallistumaan tutkimukseen. Kahta lukuun ottamatta kaikki äidit suostuivat, ja aineistoon tuli kaikkiaan 504 lasta äiteineen. Kaikki 1-vuotiaat, 242 lasta äiteineen, valittiin karieksen ehkäisykokeiluun. Sitä varten neuvolat jaettiin kolmeen ryhmään, joista kaksi (A ja B) oli koeryhmiä ja yksi (C) oli vertailuryhmä. Tutkimus alkoi äidin haastattelulla. Siinä selvitettiin perheen koulutus- ja tulotaso sekä lapsen ruokinnasta imetyksen kesto, yösyötöt ja päiväaikaan nautitut makeat. Vielä kysyttiin lapsen ja äidin suuhygieniatavoista ja äidin kokemuksista lapsen suun puhdistamisessa. Sitten hammaslääkäri tutki lapsen suun ja kirjasi karieksen ja hammasplakin esiintymät. Suun tutkimuksen jälkeen äiti ja lapsi siirtyivät rokotushuoneeseen. Koeryhmissä (A ja B) äidit saivat terveydenhoitajalta suunterveyttä koskevan esitteen ja kehotuksen lukea se huolellisesti. Lisäksi ryhmässä A terveydenhoitaja kertoi suun ja hampaiden terveydenhoidosta saman esitteen avulla, ja neuvolan henkilökunta muistutti suunhoidon tärkeydestä puhelimitse kahdesti seuraavan puolen vuoden kuluessa. Vertailuryhmässä äideille ei annettu suunhoidon ohjeita. Kaikissa ryhmissä äitejä muistutettiin seuraavan rokotuskerran ajankohdasta, muttei mainittu tulevaa toista hammastarkastusta. Varhaislapsuuden kariesta sairasti ikäryhmästä riippuen 3─26 % tutkituista 1─3-vuotiaista, ja 65─76 %:lla oli hammasplakkia. Äideistä 68 % harjasi hampaansa päivittäin ja 39 % puhdisti lapsensa suun päivittäin. Mitä useammin äiti harjasi omat hampaansa, sitä paremmin hän huolehti lapsen suun puhtaudesta. Rintaruokinta oli yleistä eikä lisännyt kariesvaaraa. Yöllä pullomaitoa saavilla karies oli 5 kertaa yleisempää kuin muilla. Neuvolassa saatu ohjeistus ehkäisi selvästi karieksen syntyä puolen vuoden kokeessa.
This thesis is grounded on four articles. Article I generally examines the factors affecting dental service utilization. Article II studies the factors associated with sector-specific utilization among young adults entitled to age-based subsidized dental care. Article III explores the determinants of dental ill-health as measured by the occurrence of caries and the relationship between dental ill-health and dental care use. Article IV measures and explains income-related inequality in utilization. Data employed were from the 1996 Finnish Health Care Survey (I, II, IV) and the 1997 follow-up study included in the longitudinal study of the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort (III). Utilization is considered as a multi-stage decision-making process and measured as the number of visits to the dentist. Modified count data models and concentration and horizontal equity indices were applied. Dentist s recall appeared very efficient at stimulating individuals to seek care. Dental pain, recall, and the low number of missing teeth positively affected utilization. Public subvention for dental care did not seem to statistically increase utilization. Among young adults, a perception of insufficient public service availability and recall were positively associated with the choice of a private dentist, whereas income and dentist density were positively associated with the number of visits to private dentists. Among cohort females, factors increasing caries were body mass index and intake of alcohol, sugar, and soft drinks and those reducing caries were birth weight and adolescent school achievement. Among cohort males, caries was positively related to the metropolitan residence and negatively related to healthy diet and education. Smoking increased caries, whereas regular teeth brushing, regular dental attendance and dental care use decreased caries. We found equity in young adults utilization but pro-rich inequity in the total number of visits to all dentists and in the probability of visiting a dentist for the whole sample. We observed inequity in the total number of visits to the dentist and in the probability of visiting a dentist, being pro-poor for public care but pro-rich for private care. The findings suggest that to enhance equal access to and use of dental care across population and income groups, attention should focus on supply factors and incentives to encourage people to contact dentists more often. Lowering co-payments and service fees and improving public availability would likely increase service use in both sectors. To attain favorable oral health, appropriate policies aimed at improving dental health education and reducing the detrimental effects of common risk factors on dental health should be strengthened. Providing equal access with respect to need for all people ought to take account of the segmentation of the service system, with its two parallel delivery systems and different supplier incentives to patients and dentists.
ABSTRACT Bakhshandeh, Soheila. Periodontal and dental health and oral self-care among adults with diabetes mellitus. Department of Oral Public Health, Institute of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. 2011. 49 pp. ISBN 978-952-10-7193-5(paperback). The aim of the present study was to assess oral health and treatment needs among Iranian adults with diabetes according to socio-demographic status, oral hygiene, diabetes related factors, and to investigate the relation between these determinants and oral health. Moreover, the effect of an educational oral health promotion intervention on their oral health and periodontal treatment needs was studied. The target population comprised adults with diabetes in Tehran, Iran. 299 dentate patients with diabetes, who were regular attendants to a diabetic clinic, were selected as the study subjects. Data collection was performed through a clinical dental examination and self-administered structured questionnaire. The questionnaire covered information of the subject s social background, medical history, oral health behaviour and smoking. The clinical dental examinations covered the registration of caries experience (DMFT), community periodontal index (CPI) and plaque index (PI). The intervention provided the adults with diabetes dental health education through a booklet. Reduction in periodontal treatment needs one year after the baseline examination was used as the main outcome. A high prevalence of periodontal pockets among the study population was found; 52% of the participants had periodontal pockets with a pocket depth of 4 to 5 mm and 35% had periodontal pockets with pocket depth of 6 mm or more. The mean of the DMFT index was 12.9 (SD=6.1), being dominated by filled teeth (mean 6.5) and missing teeth (mean 5.0). Oral self-care among adults with diabetes was inadequate and poor oral hygiene was observed in more than 80% of the subjects. The educational oral health promotion decreased periodontal treatment needs more in the study groups than in the control group. The poor periodontal health, poor oral hygiene and insufficient oral self-care observed in this study call for oral health promotion among adult with diabetes. An educational intervention showed that it is possible to promote oral health behaviour and to reduce periodontal treatment needs among adults with diabetes. The simplicity of the model used in this study allows it to be integrated to diabetes programmes in particular in countries with a developing health care system.
Recent evidence suggests that the sympathetic nervous system may have a role in modulating neurogenic inflammation and bone remodelling. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a well-characterized neuropeptide transmitter in the peripheral sympathetic nervous system. NPY is known to be present in human dental pulp; however, quantitative data on NPY levels in pulpal health and disease in an adult population remain to be determined. The aims of the current study were to assess, quantitatively, NPY levels by radioimmunoassay and confirm the distribution of NPY fibres by immunocytochemistry in carious and non-carious adult human pulp tissue. Our results suggest changes in the levels and distribution of NPY in human dental pulp during the caries process, with significantly higher levels of NPY in carious compared with non-carious adult human teeth. Within the carious samples studied, our finding, that NPY levels were significantly elevated in mild/moderate caries, concurs with the hypothesis that NPY could have a modulatory role in pulpal inflammation and in reparative dentine formation. © 2006 Eur J Oral Sci.
Objective: To compare caries incidence following two different tooth replacement strategies for partially dentate older patients; namely functionally orientated treatment according to the principles of the Shortened Dental Arch (SDA) and conventional treatment using Removable Partial Dentures (RPDs). Method:A randomised controlled clinical trial (RCT) was conducted of partially dentate patients aged 65 years and older. Patients were randomly allocated to two different treatment groups: the RPD group and the SDA group. Each member of the RPD group was restored to complete arches with cobalt-chromium RPDs used to replace missing teeth. Patients in the SDA group were restored to a shortened arch of 10 occluding pairs of natural and replacement teeth using adhesive bridgework. All of the operative treatment was completed by a single operator. Caries incidence was measured over a 2-year period following treatment intervention and recorded using the International Caries and Detection System (ICDAS). Result:In total, 89 patients completed the RCT (45 SDAs and 44 RPDs). Patients in the RPD group recorded a significantly higher incidence of new carious lesions (p<0.001) and recurrent carious lesions (p<0.001) compared to the SDA group. A mixed model of covariance (ANCOVA) revealed that treatment group (p<0.001) and co-morbidity (p<0.001) were significant predictors of caries incidence. Conclusion:Two years after provision of prosthodontic treatment there was a significantly higher incidence of new and recurrent caries lesions in subjects provided with RPDs compared with SDA treatment. This will have a significant impact on the ongoing maintenance costs for these two treatment groups.
Introduction: The regulation of pulpal haemodynamics in health and disease involves sympathetic and parasympathetic mechanisms in which both neuropeptide Y (NPY; a sympathetic vasoconstrictor) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP; a parasympathetic vasodilator) may play potential pathophysiological roles. We have previously investigated the levels of NPY or VIP present in human dental pulp tissue and shown that their expression is up-regulated in caries induced pulpal inflammation. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the potential correlation between NPY and VIP levels measured in the same dental pulp samples using radioimmunoassay (RIA). Methods: Pulp tissue was obtained from extracted teeth, classified as follows; healthy (n=22), moderately carious (n=20) and grossly carious (n=26). Samples were processed for RIA by boiling in acetic acid as previously described. The levels of NPY and VIP, measured by RIA, were expressed as ng/gram of pulp tissue. The nature of the relationship between NPY and VIP levels in human pulp tissue was tested by calculating Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient using the linear regression test. Results: Calculation of Pearson product moment correlation coefficient showed a significant negative correlation between NPY and VIP levels in pulp tissue samples from non-carious teeth (p = 0.02, r = -.48). This negative correlation in non-carious teeth changed to a significant positive correlation in carious teeth when the levels of NPY and VIP were compared (p = 0.03, r= 0.311). Conclusions: In non-carious teeth, the negative correlation between NPY and VIP levels is in keeping with the previously described modulatory influence of cholinergic nerves on sympathetic function which may be perturbed as caries develops.
Pulpal innervation is not exclusively sensory and there are potential roles for other neuropeptides such as vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) in pulpal health and disease. In the systemic circulation VIP relaxes vascular smooth muscles leading to vasodilatation. It has been shown that VIP fibres are associated with pulpal blood vessels and therefore VIP may mediate vasoactivity in the dental pulp. A growing body of evidence has now demonstrated that an additional major physiological role of VIP is to act as a survival factor. In order to gain a better understanding of the role of neuropeptides in the caries process it is of interest to specifically examine a role for VIP. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to determine the levels of VIP in carious (moderately carious and grossly carious) compared with non-carious teeth. Methods: A total of 68 teeth were included in the study (22 non-carious, 20 moderately carious and 26 grossly carious). VIP was measured in all samples using a sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay. Results: The mean concentration of VIP in the pulps of non-carious teeth was 7.69 ng/g (9.41 SD) compared to 14.93 ng/g (15.58 SD) in carious teeth. Pair-wise comparisons of VIP levels using Tukey’s test showed statistically significant differences in VIP expression between non-carious and moderately carious teeth (p=0.002) and between moderately and grossly carious teeth, (p=0.002). Conclusion: The significantly increased levels of VIP in moderately carious pulps compared with either non-carious or grossly carious pulps may suggest a role for VIP as a protective or survival factor.
Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a 36 amino acid peptide that is abundantly expressed in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. NPY has previously been shown to be present in human dental pulp although its exact role in pulpal health and disease remains to be fully elucidated. In addition to serving a neurotransmitter role, NPY may also have a role in modulating the pulpal response to injury and inflammation. Indeed NPY is known to be a potent vasoconstrictor in a range of tissues. Recent work by our research group has demonstrated changes in sensory neuropeptide levels measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA) in healthy and carious teeth. In addition to elevated levels of sensory neuropeptides, it is also possible that the carious process is associated with increased levels of autonomic neuropeptides such as NPY. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to undertake a comprehensive quantitative RIA analysis of NPY expression in human dental pulps from carious and non-carious teeth. Methods: A total of 22 non-carious and 46 carious teeth were included in the study. NPY was measured in all samples using RIA. Briefly, the RIA system consisted of a total volume of 400 ul, comprising 100 ul anti-NPY antibody (Peninsula Laboratories), 200 ul human NPY synthetic standard or pulp sample, and 100 ul of 125I-labelled NPY as radioactive tracer. Results: The mean concentration of NPY in non-carious teeth was found to be 4.28 ng/g (4.34 SD) compared to 9.57 ng/g (9.39 SD) in carious teeth. Using ANOVA the difference in NPY levels between the non-carious group and the carious group was found to be statistically significant (p= 0.003). Conclusion: The significant increase in the levels of NPY in carious dental pulps reported in this study provides evidence for a role for NPY in the pulpal response to caries.
Objectives: The inflammatory response to pulpal injury or infection has major clinical significance. The aim of the study is to investigate the presence and regulation of expression of neuropeptide receptors on human pulp fibroblasts and whole pulp tissue. This study will investigate the expression of Substance P (NK-1) and Neuropeptide Y (NPY-Y1) receptors on pulp fibroblasts, determine the effects of Transforming Growth Factor Beta-1 (TGF-b1) and Interleukin 1-Beta (IL-1b) on the expression of NK-1 and NPY-Y1 receptors on pulp fibroblasts and examine the levels of receptor expression in whole pulp samples. Methods: Primary pulp fibroblast cell lines were obtained from patients undergoing extractions for orthodontic reasons. The cells were grown to confluence and stimulated for 5 days with IL-1b or TGF-b1. Pulp tissue fragments were obtained from freshly extracted sound and carious teeth, snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and cracked open using a vice. The monolayer was removed with cell scrapers and pelleted. The cell membranes of the cultured cells and the whole tissue were isolated using a Mem-PER® Eukaryotic Membrane Protein Extraction Reagent Kit (Pierce, UK). The membrane proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting was used to detect the presence of NK-1 and NPY-Y1. Results: Initial results demonstrated the presence of NK-1 and NPY-Y1 in cultured pulp fibroblasts. Following the 5 day incubation with TGF-b1, the cells appeared not to express NK-1. IL-1b had a slight stimulatory effect on NK-1 expression. The NPY-Y1 expression was not affected by either TGF-b1 or IL-1b. In whole pulp samples, levels of NK-1 were increased in carious teeth compared to caries-free teeth. The NPY-Y1 levels were similar in carious and non-carious teeth. Conclusion: These findings give an insight into how pulp cells react to inflammatory stimuli with regards to neuropeptide receptor expression and their roles in health and disease