991 resultados para Comparación Transcultural
This qualitative study is concerned with exploring the transcultural experiences of ESOL students and connecting their lived experiences to literature in the classroom. The purpose of this study was to describe and explain the transcultural perspectives of six high school and community college students: four Cuban born students and two American born/raised students of Cuban-American culture. The participants were from Barbara Goleman Senior High School and Miami-Dade Community College. The six phenomenological portraits were explored in the form of lived experience pieces, representing the students' transcultural experiences. The data was collected in the form of student interviews, researcher's journal, and document reviews. The following exploratory questions guided this study: (1) From the perspective of four Cuban-born, non-native English-speaking students (NNS), what are the essential structures of their transcultural identities? (2) What are the underlying themes that account for the Cuban NNS students' transcultural experiences? (3) What are the universal transcultural structures among the Cuban NNS students' transcultural experiences and the Cuban-American, native English/Spanish speaking (NESS) students' experiences? (4) What are the possible structural meanings of the Cuban NNS students' interests in relation to their transcultural experiences? (5) What are some connections between the structural themes inherent in the Cuban NNS students' transcultural experiences and teaching literature in ESOL? ^ A phenomenological approach was used to investigate the participants' transcultural experiences, focused on the students' lived experiences. The study consisted of three interview sessions for each of the six participants. The analysis of the data was conducted following the principles of qualitative research, which included participant interviews, thematic analysis, researcher's journal, document reviews, and triangulation. The researcher created portraits representing students' transcultural experiences. Subsequently, the participants' transcultural experiences were used to respond to the exploratory questions, including comparing and contrasting themes and drawing connections among teaching literature in the ESOL classroom. ^ The results of this study show some relevant specific statements and themes that emerged from the students' transcultural data. The results serve as a better understanding of these students' transcultural experiences and the potentiality of connecting their perspectives to literature in the classroom. In addition, this study shows the need for a better understanding of the connection between transcultural experiences and literature in ESOL. ^
En nuestro medio, el linfedema más frecuente es el que aparece en el miembro superior tras los tratamientos del cáncer de mama. Existe un interés creciente acerca de su impacto sobre la Calidad de Vida, entendida ésta como el completo estado de bienestar físico, mental y social de la persona. Para poder medir la CV en esta población, se precisan herramientas específicas, dado que los cuestionarios genéricos no recogen las particularidades de esta enfermedad. El cuestionario ULL-27 (Upper limb lymphedema) fue la primera escala específica desarrollada para valorar la calidad de vida de mujeres con linfedema de miembro superior tras cáncer de mama1. Dada la necesidad de disponer de este tipo de instrumentos en nuestro país, y habiendo mostrado el cuestionario francés ULL-27 buenas propiedades psicométricas en su estudio de validación, se planteó como objetivo su traducción al español y adaptación transcultural a nuestro medio, procediendo a continuación a su validación en una muestra de mujeres con linfedema de miembro superior tras cáncer de mama...
Entendemos por coerción como la presión ejercida sobre alguien para forzar su voluntad o su conducta. El concepto de coerción transciende la Salud Mental y afecta a distintas disciplinas como la filosofía, ética, derecho o política. Dentro de las medidas coercitivas que se usan en el campo de la Salud Mental distinguimos entre aquellas que se ejercen dentro de un marco normativo, a las que nos referimos como medidas formales de coerción (hospitalización involuntaria, aislamiento, contención mecánica y química) y otras, objeto de este estudio, denominadas informales o encubiertas, que son aquellas estrategias coercitivas utilizadas como forma de presión sobre el paciente, principalmente ambulatorio, y que se escapan a cualquier normativa o jurisprudencia. Szmukler y Appelbaum definen cuatro niveles diferentes de coerción informal: persuasión, influencia interpersonal, inducción y amenaza. Aunque existe bastante investigación sobre coerción formal en los últimos treinta años, no es así en el caso de la coerción informal, si bien se ha intensificado en la última década. Es más, apenas existen estudios que recojan las opiniones de los profesionales sobre la misma y los que existen se concentran países desarrollados, ignorando aspectos socioculturales, de tradición psiquiátrica y organización asistencial que pueden influir en el uso de este tipo de estrategias...
In 2004, the National Institutes of Health made available the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System – PROMIS®, which is constituted of innovative item banks for health assessment. It is based on classical, reliable Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) and includes advanced statistical methods, such as Item Response Theory and Computerized Adaptive Test. One of PROMIS® Domain Frameworks is the Physical Function, whose item bank need to be translated and culturally adapted so it can be used in Portuguese speaking countries. This work aimed to translate and culturally adapt the PROMIS® Physical Function item bank into Portuguese. FACIT (Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy) translation methodology, which is constituted of eight stages for translation and cultural adaptation, was used. Fifty subjects above the age of 18 years participated in the pre-test (seventh stage). The questionnaire was answered by the participants (self-reported questionnaires) by using think aloud protocol, and cognitive and retrospective interviews. In FACIT methodology, adaptations can be done since the beginning of the translation and cultural adaption process, ensuring semantic, conceptual, cultural, and operational equivalences of the Physical Function Domain. During the pre-test, 24% of the subjects had difficulties understanding the items, 22% of the subjects suggested changes to improve understanding. The terms and concepts of the items were totally understood (100%) in 87% of the items. Only four items had less than 80% of understanding; for this reason, it was necessary to chance them so they could have correspondence with the original item and be understood by the subjects, after retesting. The process of translation and cultural adaptation of the PROMIS® Physical Function item bank into Portuguese was successful. This version of the assessment tool must have its psychometric properties validated before being made available for clinical use.
Objetivo - Adaptar e realizar a transculturação dos questionários DEMQOL e DEMQOL-Proxy para a população portuguesa, construídas por Smith et al, em 2005, que pretendem colmatar as lacunas existentes aos dados relacionados com a qualidade de vida no que remete a esta em utentes com demência leve, moderada e severa. Metodologia – A metodologia inclui a parte de revisão da literatura (problemática em questão) e o processo de adaptação dos questionários. O processo implica tradução, retroversão, revisão e adaptação cultural à nossa cultura. Foram recolhidos alguns dados demográficos, com o intuito de melhor caracterização da população. Resultados – Os questionários DEMQOL e DEMQOL_Proxy versão portuguesa demostraram muito boa consistência interna α = 0,747 e 0,812, respetivamente. Apresentam excelente reprodutibilidade entre itens (ICC= 0,845 (-0,484 – 0,984; IC 95%) para o DEMQOL e 0,812 (0,636 – 0,928; IC 95%) para o DEMQOL-Proxy. Conclusões – Foi conseguida a equivalência semântica, conceptual e de conteúdo dos questionários que mostraram ser indicados para a população portuguesa, com bons indicadores em algumas das suas propriedades psicométricas, nomeadamente: consistência interna e reprodutibilidade entre itens.
My dissertation presents a study of satire in contemporary German Fiction of Turkish migration. Engaging with a body of works hitherto neglected in scholarship, I examine how satirical texts, films, and plays intervene critically in discourses on post-unification German national identity. Drawing on the seminal work of scholars such as Leslie Adelson, Tom Cheesman, B. Venkat Mani, Petra Fachinger, and Deniz Göktürk, my dissertation expands the scholarship of Turkish German Studies by linking a discussion of satire as a critical rhetoric to the question of how we talk about what it means to be German.
Chapter one offers a novel framework of the satirical vis-à-vis standard conceptions of satire and deconstructionist theories of reading. I understand satire as a form of rhetoric that creates moments of ambiguity by bringing together intersectional categories like gender, ethnicity, race, religion, in order to challenge the audience’s practices of interpreting cultural otherness. Chapter two examines the use of ethnic self-deprecation as one such strategy in Osman Engin’s short stories and his first novel, Kanaken-Ghandi through the lens of Bakhtinian polyphony and Judith Butler’s work on hate speech. Engin, I argue, employs ethnic selfdeprecation as a narrative strategy to straddle the line between deconstructing and re-affirming cultural stereotypes. Investigating the role of ethnic impersonation in Hussi Kutlucan’s film Ich Chef, Du Turnshuh, the third chapter turns to the question of ethnicity as a visual signifier for the negotiation of cultural inclusion and exclusion in post-1990 film. In dialogue with Katrin Sieg’s work on ethnic drag and Amy Robinson’s theory of passing, I show how the film challenges ethnically-coded narratives of Germanness. In the final chapter on Nurkan Erpulat and Jens Hillje’s play Verrücktes Blut, I discuss how intertextuality and adaptation (Hutcheon, Genette) of different story and character worlds are used to create moments of ambiguity and overdeterminacy in the play, in order to challenge the audience’s perception of what an inclusive German society might look like.
It is widely acknowledged that interpreters need to have knowledge of the cultures represented by the languages they work with (e.g. Roy 2002, Angelelli 2004, Wadensjŏ 2008). However, it is not clear what interpreters are expected to do with this knowledge. Some scholars recommend that interpreters be cultural mediators (e.g. Katan 2004 & 2014). As an attempt to examine existing guidelines on interpreters’ roles in the face of cultures/cultural issues, the research reported in this paper compares and contrasts the codes of conduct for interpreters from a number of associations and institutions in the UK, the US and China. The research has collected three different sets of data and has sought to investigate (1) in what ways interpreters are expected to do with their knowledge of cultures; (2) to what extent interpreters’ role as cultural mediators is referred to or defined in these codes of conduct; and (3) whether or not relevant guidelines are practically helpful for interpreters to deal with the range of cultural issues they may encounter in interpreting. Data analysis suggests that while cultural knowledge is a requisite for interpreters, the expectation for them to be cultural mediators may depend on the types of interpreting setting they work with and further guidelines are needed so that interpreters are clear on what they are required to do in dealing with cultural issues. The paper then discusses the implications of these findings and points to some directions for future research. Key references Brunette, L., G Bastin, I. Hemlin and H. Clarke (ed.). The Critical Link 3: Interpreters in the Community. Amsterdam/Philadephia: John Benjamins. Hale, S. 2007. Community Interpreting. Hampshire, New York: Palgrave Macmillan. The International Association of Conference Interpreting, 2015. Interpreting Explained. Available from: http://aiic.net/; accessed on 24 June 2015 Katan, David, --- 2004. Translating Cultures: An Introduction for Translators, Interpreters and Mediators. St Jerome. --- 2014. Workshop: Translation at the cross-roads: time for the transcreational turn? University College London. Martín, Mayte C. & Mary Phelan, 2009. Interpreters and Cultural Mediators – different but complementary roles. In: Translocations: Migration and Social Change. ISSN Number: 2009-0420 (online) McDonough Dolmaya, Julie, (2011. Moral ambiguity: Some shortcomings of professional codes of ethics for translators. In: The Journal of Specialised Translation. Issue 15, January 2011 (online). Pöchhacker, F., 2008. Interpreting as Mediation. In: (ed.) Valero Garcés, C. and Martin, A, Crossing Borders in Community Interpreting: definitions and dilemmas, pp. 9-26. John Benjamins Amsterdam and Philadelphia. Roy, Cynthia B., 2002. The Problem with Definitions, Descriptions, and the Role Metaphors of Interpreters. In: (ed.) Pöchhacker, Franz & Miriam Shlesinger, The Interpreting Studies Reader. Routledge. Wadensjö 1998. Interpreting as Interaction. New York: Addison Wesley Longman Inc.
En el marco de la escala de accesibilidad (Givenness Hierarchy), este trabajo presenta el mecanismo en chino que lleva a cabo la misma función anafórica que desempeña el artículo definido en español y analiza desde una perspectiva contrastiva las aportaciones que contribuye la anáfora nominal a la construcción del discurso. Se llega a la conclusión de que a pesar de algunas diferencias en los comportamientos concretos, en ambas lenguas la anáfora favorece a la organización del discurso manteniendo la coherencia discursiva y diversificando las expresiones.
Introdução: A adolescência é um período onde se operam muitas mudanças tanto físicas como psíquicas. É comum o surgimento de algumas perturbações que devem ser convenientemente avaliadas pelo Psicólogo. É assim, muito importante o rigor na avaliação em Psicologia sendo essencial a utilização de instrumentos que sejam válidos e fiáveis. Metodologia: O principal objetivo deste estudo foi traduzir e validar, para a população portuguesa, três instrumentos de avaliação de adolescentes: O Zuckerman Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire Cross-cultural 50 items version (ZKPQ-50-CC) (Aluja, Rossier, García, Angleitner, Kuhlman, & Zuckerman, 2006), para avaliação da personalidade; a Body Appreciation Scale (BAS) (Avalos, Tylka & Wood-Barcalow, 2005), para avaliação da apreciação corporal positiva e; a Ambivalence Scale (AS) (Pinquart, 2009) para avaliação da ambivalência na decisão de ter relações sexuais. Este estudo metodológico incidiu sobre 877 a adolescentes das escolas secundárias em Leiria e Porto de Mós sendo maioritariamente (64,08%) do sexo feminino e com média de 16,70 anos (DP = 1,21) de idade. Na validação seguiu-se a mesma metodologia dos autores das escalas originais a quem foi solicitada autorização, assim como às direções das instituições onde recolhemos os dados. Solicitou-se igualmente consentimento aos pais e aos adolescentes. Resultados: A Body Appreciation Scale (BAS) e a Ambivalence Scale (AS) constituídas por 7 itens, permitem obter uma pontuação global e apenas um fator. Por seu lado, a determinação das caraterísticas psicométricas do ZKPQ-50-CC permite manter as 5 escalas da estrutura do original. Conclusão: Os três instrumentos apresentam valores de consistência interna e validade que permitem que sejam considerados rigorosos e fiáveis podendo ser utilizados futuramente em avaliação e investigação. / Introduction: Adolescence is a period of a lot of changes both physical and psychic. It´s common the emergence of some disorders that should be properly evaluated by the Psychologist. It is thus very important the rigor of Psychological Evaluation and it´s essential to use instruments that are valid and reliable. Metodology: The main objective of this study was to translate and validate, for the Portuguese population, three assessment instruments in adolescence: The Zuckerman Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire Cross-cultural 50 items version (ZKPQ-50-CC) (Aluja, Rossier, García, Angleitner, Kuhlman , & Zuckerman, 2006) for personality assessment, the Body Appreciation Scale (BAS) (Avalos, Tylka, & Wood Barcalow, 2005), to evaluate the positive body assessment; and the Ambivalence Scale (AS) (Pinquart, 2009) for assessment of ambivalence in the decision about having sexual intercourse. This methodological study focused on 877 adolescents from high schools in Leiria and Porto de Mós, mostly females (64,08%), mean age of 16,70 years old (SD = 1,21). The validation followed the same methodology the authors of the scale, to whom consent was requested, as well as to directors of the institutions where we collect data. We also asked for consent to parents and adolescents. Results: The Body Appreciation Scale (BAS) and the Ambivalence Scale (AS), both with seven items, allow to obtain an overall score and only one factor. For its part, the determination of the psychometric features of QPZK-50-CC allows to maintain the five scales of the original structure. Conclusion: The three instruments show internal consistency and validity that allow them to be considered accurate and reliable and used in future evaluation and research.
Las prácticas inclusivas buscan atender a toda la población estudiantil, independientemente de sus características. En el presente artículo se comparan las prácticas docentes de escuelas regulares con apoyo de educación especial (ER-USAER) y las escuelas especiales, llamadas Centros de Atención Múltiple (CAM), para conocer dónde se le brinda una atención más inclusiva a la población infantil con discapacidad. Se trabajó con 15 docentes de CAM y 17 de ER-USAER de tres estados de México, a quienes se aplicó la Guía para la Evaluación de las Prácticas Inclusivas en el Aula (GEPIA) en su versión de auto-reporte y observación. Los resultados del auto-reporte muestran que las y los docentes de ER-USAER trabajan de manera colaborativa con profesionales de Educación Especial, mientras los de CAM prefieren el trabajo independiente. Los resultados de la observación indican que la planta docente de CAM tiene más prácticas inclusivas que sus pares de ER-USAER, lo cual parece explicarse por sus condiciones de trabajo –reducido número de estudiantes por grupo y cultura escolar- y sus conocimientos sobre discapacidad. Los docentes de ER-USAER no siempre planean considerando a todos los alumnos.
En general, la medición de prevalencias de discapacidades a nivel de población o de grandes muestras se basa en auto-reportes. Resulta de interés evaluar en qué medida dichos auto-reportes permiten realizar comparaciones entre grupos de población. El objetivo del presente trabajo es medir, comparar y analizar la consistencia de las comparaciones de la prevalencia de discapacidades en actividades de la vida diaria (AVD) entre poblaciones de América Latina. El análisis incluye las poblaciones de Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Sao Pablo, Ciudad de México, Montevideo y La Habana.Para evaluar la consistencia de las comparaciones basadas en auto-reportes, se estiman prevalencias de discapacidades en AVD y prevalencias de enfermedades crónicas relacionadas con la discapacidad. Luego se comparan los patrones observados en países con ambas condiciones. Las poblaciones de 60 años y más de Buenos Aires y Montevideo reportan menores dificultades para la realización de AVD y menores prevalencias de condiciones crónicas discapacitantes como diabetes, enfermedades pulmonares, enfermedades cerebrovasculares y problemas cognitivos. Sin bien ello sugiere que al menos parte de las diferencias de auto- reporte de discapacidades podrían deberse a diferencias de morbilidad, no se descarta la existencia de efectos pordiferencias en factores contextuales o en las propensiones a reportar discapacidades, entre otros. En este sentido, sería de utilidad llevar a cabo estudios ad-hoc que permitan medir simultáneamente diagnósticos y auto-reportes, la implementar instrumentos como viñetas e incluir información sobre factores contextuales (al menos para sub- muestras), y así poder evaluar la existencia de sesgos sistemáticos y la importancia de factores contextuales en los auto-reportes de discapacidades.
Este proyecto estudia y compara las metodologías Bottom Up y Top Down, utilizadas en el desarrollo de productos dentro de un departamento de manufactura en un ambiente colaborativo -- Se desarrolló un producto mediante ambas metodologías, posteriormente se analizó su incidencia en el comportamiento de indicadores de gestión, que miden el desempeño de una organización -- Se destacan también los beneficios del Top Down en la manufactura de grandes ensambles, tomando como ejemplo un torno
En este artículo se presentan una serie de reflexiones frente a las comparaciones que pueden hacerse entre dos plataformas de software: Java y .NET. Para ello se trata de hacer un breve recuento histórico de ambos casos, y después se presentan algunas de las diferencias que la autora ha encontrado entre ellas, mirando aspectos que tienen relación directa con la programación orientada a objetos, o con otros aspectos del lenguaje. Por último se presenta una breve aclaración, desde el punto de vista de la autora, frente al tema de portabilidad que ambos reclaman como la diferencia más relevante entre ellos.