937 resultados para Coefficient of determination


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This report is one of two products for this project with the other being a design guide. This report describes test results and comparative analysis from 16 different portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement sites on local city and county roads in Iowa. At each site the surface conditions of the pavement (i.e., crack survey) and foundation layer strength, stiffness, and hydraulic conductivity properties were documented. The field test results were used to calculate in situ parameters used in pavement design per SUDAS and AASHTO (1993) design methodologies. Overall, the results of this study demonstrate how in situ and lab testing can be used to assess the support conditions and design values for pavement foundation layers and how the measurements compare to the assumed design values. The measurements show that in Iowa, a wide range of pavement conditions and foundation layer support values exist. The calculated design input values for the test sites (modulus of subgrade reaction, coefficient of drainage, and loss of support) were found to be different than typically assumed. This finding was true for the full range of materials tested. The findings of this study support the recommendation to incorporate field testing as part of the process to field verify pavement design values and to consider the foundation as a design element in the pavement system. Recommendations are provided in the form of a simple matrix for alternative foundation treatment options if the existing foundation materials do not meet the design intent. The PCI prediction model developed from multi-variate analysis in this study demonstrated a link between pavement foundation conditions and PCI. The model analysis shows that by measuring properties of the pavement foundation, the engineer will be able to predict long term performance with higher reliability than by considering age alone. This prediction can be used as motivation to then control the engineering properties of the pavement foundation for new or re-constructed PCC pavements to achieve some desired level of performance (i.e., PCI) with time.


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The control and regrowth after nicosulfuron reduced rate treatment of Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense L. Pers.) populations, from seven Argentinean locations, were evaluated in pot experiments to assess if differential performance could limit the design and implementation of integrated weed management programs. Populations from humid regions registered a higher sensibility to reduced rates of nicosulfuron than populations from subhumid regions. This effect was visualised in the values of regression coefficient of the non-linear models (relating fresh weight to nicosulfuron rate), and in the time needed to obtain a 50% reduction of photosynthesis rate and stomatal conductance. The least leaf CO2 exchange of subhumid populations could result in a lower foliar absorption and translocation of nicosulfuron, thus producing less control and increasing their ability to sprout and produce new aerial biomass. The three populations from subhumid regions, with less sensibility to nicosulfuron rates, presented substantial difference in fresh weight, total rhizome length and number of rhizome nodes, when they were evaluated 20 week after treatment. In consequence, a substantial Johnsongrass re-infestation could occur, if rates below one-half of nicosulfuron labeled rate were used to control Johnsongrass in subhumid regions.


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The Hi·Art II Helical TomoTherapy (HT) unit is equipped with a built-in onboard MVCT detector used for patient imaging and beam monitoring. Our aim was to study the detector stability for treatment beam measurements. We studied the MVCT detector response with the 6 MV photon beam over time, throughout short-term (during an irradiation) and long-term (two times 50 days) periods. Our results show a coefficient of variation ≤ 1% for detector chambers inside the beam (excluding beam gradients) for short- and long-term response of the MVCT detector. Larger variations were observed in beam gradients and an influence of the X-ray target where degradation was found. The results assume that an 'air scan' procedure is performed daily to recalibrate the detector with the imaging beam. On short term, the detector response stability is comparable to other devices. Long-term measure- ments during two 50-day periods show a good reproducibility. 


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Introduction: Ankle arthrodesis (AD) and total ankle replacement (TAR) are typical treatments for ankle osteoarthritis (AO). Despite clinical interest, there is a lack of their outcome evaluation using objective criteria. Gait analysis and plantar pressure assessment are appropriate to detect pathologies in orthopaedics but they are mostly used in lab with few gait cycles. In this study, we propose an ambulatory device based on inertial and plantar pressure sensors to compare the gait during long-distance trials between healthy subjects (H) and patients with AO or treated by AD and TAR. Methods: Our study included four groups: 11 patients with AO, 9 treated by TAR, 7 treated by AD and 6 control subjects. An ambulatory system (Physilog®, CH) was used for gait analysis; plantar pressure measurements were done using a portable insole (Pedar®-X, DE). The subjects were asked to walk 50 meters in two trials. Mean value and coefficient of variation of spatio-temporal gait parameters were calculated for each trial. Pressure distribution was analyzed in ten subregions of foot. All parameters were compared among the four groups using multi-level model-based statistical analysis. Results: Significant difference (p <0.05) with control was noticed for AO patients in maximum force in medial hindfoot and forefoot and in central forefoot. These differences were no longer significant in TAR and AD groups. Cadence and speed of all pathologic groups showed significant difference with control. Both treatments showed a significant improvement in double support and stance. TAR decreased variability in speed, stride length and knee ROM. Conclusions: In spite of a small sample size, this study showed that ankle function after AO treatments can be evaluated objectively based on plantar pressure and spatio-temporal gait parameters measured during unconstrained walking outside the lab. The combination of these two ambulatory techniques provides a promising way to evaluate foot function in clinics.


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We tested the performance of transcutaneous oxygen monitoring (TcPO2) and pulse oximetry (tcSaO2) in detecting hypoxia in critically ill neonatal and pediatric patients. In 54 patients (178 data sets) with a mean age of 2.4 years (range 1 to 19 years), arterial saturation (SaO2) ranged from 9.5 to 100%, and arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) from 16.4 to 128 mmHg. Linear correlation analysis of pulse oximetry vs measured SaO2 revealed an r value of 0.95 (p less than 0.001) with an equation of y = 21.1 + 0.749x, while PaO2 vs tcPO2 showed a correlation coefficient of r = 0.95 (p less than 0.001) with an equation of y = -1.04 + 0.876x. The mean difference between measured SaO2 and tcSaO2 was -2.74 +/- 7.69% (range +14 to - 29%) and the mean difference between PaO2 and tcPO2 was +7.43 +/- 8.57 mmHg (range -14 to +49 mmHg). Pulse oximetry was reliable at values above 65%, but was inaccurate and overestimated the arterial SaO2 at lower values. TcPO2 tended to underestimate the arterial value with increasing PaO2. Pulse oximetry had the best sensitivity to specificity ratio for hypoxia between 65 and 90% SaO2; for tcPO2 the best results were obtained between 35 and 55 mmHg PaO2.


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Multi-center studies using magnetic resonance imaging facilitate studying small effect sizes, global population variance and rare diseases. The reliability and sensitivity of these multi-center studies crucially depend on the comparability of the data generated at different sites and time points. The level of inter-site comparability is still controversial for conventional anatomical T1-weighted MRI data. Quantitative multi-parameter mapping (MPM) was designed to provide MR parameter measures that are comparable across sites and time points, i.e., 1 mm high-resolution maps of the longitudinal relaxation rate (R1 = 1/T1), effective proton density (PD(*)), magnetization transfer saturation (MT) and effective transverse relaxation rate (R2(*) = 1/T2(*)). MPM was validated at 3T for use in multi-center studies by scanning five volunteers at three different sites. We determined the inter-site bias, inter-site and intra-site coefficient of variation (CoV) for typical morphometric measures [i.e., gray matter (GM) probability maps used in voxel-based morphometry] and the four quantitative parameters. The inter-site bias and CoV were smaller than 3.1 and 8%, respectively, except for the inter-site CoV of R2(*) (<20%). The GM probability maps based on the MT parameter maps had a 14% higher inter-site reproducibility than maps based on conventional T1-weighted images. The low inter-site bias and variance in the parameters and derived GM probability maps confirm the high comparability of the quantitative maps across sites and time points. The reliability, short acquisition time, high resolution and the detailed insights into the brain microstructure provided by MPM makes it an efficient tool for multi-center imaging studies.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate an estimation system for rice yield in Brazil, based on simple agrometeorological models and on the technological level of production systems. This estimation system incorporates the conceptual basis proposed by Doorenbos & Kassam for potential and attainable yields with empirical adjusts for maximum yield and crop sensitivity to water deficit, considering five categories of rice yield. Rice yield was estimated from 2000/2001 to 2007/2008, and compared to IBGE yield data. Regression analyses between model estimates and data from IBGE surveys resulted in significant coefficients of determination, with less dispersion in the South than in the North and Northeast regions of the country. Index of model efficiency (E1') ranged from 0.01 in the lower yield classes to 0.45 in higher ones, and mean absolute error ranged from 58 to 250 kg ha‑1, respectively.


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Abstract:The objective of this work was to develop a scale to assess the severity of postharvest physiological deterioration (PPD) of cassava roots, and to validate this scale for accuracy and reproducibility estimates. A diagrammatic scale (0 to 100%) for the damaged roots was analyzed according to precision, accuracy, and reproducibility. Seven evaluators (four with experience and three without it) quantified the PPD severity, with or without the scale, considering 150 roots with different levels of PPD. Without and with the use of the scale, respectively, the inexperienced evaluators obtained coefficients of determination (R2) from 0.76 to 0.86 and 0.87 to 0.92, and the experienced evaluators obtained R2 from 0.90 to 0.96 and 0.96 to 0.97. The values of the intercept (a) obtained by both the experienced and inexperienced evaluators who did not use the scale were all significant, while after using the scale, only two evaluators got values that were not significantly different from one. Evaluation reproducibility between the evaluators ranged from 0.61 to 0.91 for the inexperienced ones and from 0.83 to 0.95 for the experienced ones. The proposed diagrammatic scale was considered appropriate to estimate the severity of PPD in cassava roots, and can be used to identify sources of tolerance to postharvest deterioration.


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Abstract:The objective of this work was to evaluate the apparent digestibility coefficients of nutrients, energy, and amino acids of nontoxic and detoxified physic nut cakes treated with solvent plus posterior extrusion, for Nile tilapia. The apparent digestibility coefficients of crude protein and gross energy were higher for detoxified than for nontoxic physic nut cake. However, the apparent digestibility coefficient of ether extract of the nontoxic physic nut cake was higher than that of the detoxified one. The apparent digestibility coefficient of amino acids of both feed ingredients was superior to 80%, except for glycine, for the nontoxic psychic nut cake, and for threonine, for the detoxified one. Nontoxic and detoxified physic nut cakes show apparent digestibility coefficient values equivalent to those of the other evaluated oilseeds and potential for inclusion in Nile tilapia diets.


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Purpose: To evaluate the reproducibility of Cirrus-SD OCT measurements and to compare central macular thickness (CMT) measurements between TD-Stratus and SD-Cirrus OCT in patients with active exudative AMD. Methods: Consecutive case series of patients with active exudative AMD seen in the Medical Retina Department. Patients underwent 1 scan with Stratus (macular thickness map protocol) and 5 scans with Cirrus (Macular Cube protocol) at the same visit by the same experienced examiner. To be included, patients best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) had to be >20/200 while all scans had to be of sufficient quality, well-centered and at least one Cirrus scan with CMT >300 microns. The repeatability of the SD Cirrus was estimated by using all 5 CMT measurements and the mean of the Cirrus measurements was compared with the CMT obtained by TD Stratus. Results: Cirrus OCT demonstrated high intraobserver repeatability at the central foveal region (ICC 96%). The mean of the CMT measurements was 321microns for Stratus and 387 microns for Cirrus. The average difference was 65m (SD=30). The coefficient of concordance between Stratus and Cirrus CMT measurements was rho=0,749 with a high precision and a moderate accuracy. The equation of the line of regression between Stratus and meanCirrus is given by the following: M_stratus = 0,848 x m_cirrus - 4,496 (1).Conclusions: The Cirrus macular cube protocol allows reproducible CMT measurements in patients with active exudative AMD. In cases of upgrading from TD to SD use and vice versa, there is the possibility to predict the measurements by using the equation (1). These real life data and conclusions can help in improving our clinical management of patients with neovascular AMD.


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Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää mitkä riskitekijät vaikuttavat osakkeiden tuottoihin. Arvopapereina käytetään kuutta portfoliota, jotka ovat jaoteltu markkina-arvon mukaan. Aikaperiodi on vuoden 1987 alusta vuoden 2004 loppuun. Malleina käytetään pääomamarkkinoiden hinnoittelumallia, arbitraasihinnoitteluteoriaa sekä kulutuspohjaista pääomamarkkinoiden hinnoittelumallia. Riskifaktoreina kahteen ensimmäiseen malliin käytetään markkinariskiä sekä makrotaloudellisia riskitekijöitä. Kulutuspohjaiseen pääomamarkkinoiden hinnoinoittelumallissa keskitytään estimoimaan kuluttajien riskitottumuksia sekä diskonttaustekijää, jolla kuluttaja arvostavat tulevaisuuden kulutusta. Tämä työ esittelee momenttiteorian, jolla pystymme estimoimaan lineaarisia sekä epälineaarisia yhtälöitä. Käytämme tätä menetelmää testaamissamme malleissa. Yhteenvetona tuloksista voidaan sanoa, että markkinabeeta onedelleen tärkein riskitekijä, mutta löydämme myös tukea makrotaloudellisille riskitekijöille. Kulutuspohjainen mallimme toimii melko hyvin antaen teoreettisesti hyväksyttäviä arvoja.


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This work deals with the cooling of high-speed electric machines, such as motors and generators, through an air gap. It consists of numerical and experimental modelling of gas flow and heat transfer in an annular channel. Velocity and temperature profiles are modelled in the air gap of a high-speed testmachine. Local and mean heat transfer coefficients and total friction coefficients are attained for a smooth rotor-stator combination at a large velocity range. The aim is to solve the heat transfer numerically and experimentally. The FINFLO software, developed at Helsinki University of Technology, has been used in the flow solution, and the commercial IGG and Field view programs for the grid generation and post processing. The annular channel is discretized as a sector mesh. Calculation is performed with constant mass flow rate on six rotational speeds. The effect of turbulence is calculated using three turbulence models. The friction coefficient and velocity factor are attained via total friction power. The first part of experimental section consists of finding the proper sensors and calibrating them in a straight pipe. After preliminary tests, a RdF-sensor is glued on the walls of stator and rotor surfaces. Telemetry is needed to be able to measure the heat transfer coefficients at the rotor. The mean heat transfer coefficients are measured in a test machine on four cooling air mass flow rates at a wide Couette Reynolds number range. The calculated values concerning the friction and heat transfer coefficients are compared with measured and semi-empirical data. Heat is transferred from the hotter stator and rotor surfaces to the coolerair flow in the air gap, not from the rotor to the stator via the air gap, althought the stator temperature is lower than the rotor temperature. The calculatedfriction coefficients fits well with the semi-empirical equations and precedingmeasurements. On constant mass flow rate the rotor heat transfer coefficient attains a saturation point at a higher rotational speed, while the heat transfer coefficient of the stator grows uniformly. The magnitudes of the heat transfer coefficients are almost constant with different turbulence models. The calibrationof sensors in a straight pipe is only an advisory step in the selection process. Telemetry is tested in the pipe conditions and compared to the same measurements with a plain sensor. The magnitudes of the measured data and the data from the semi-empirical equation are higher for the heat transfer coefficients than thenumerical data considered on the velocity range. Friction and heat transfer coefficients are presented in a large velocity range in the report. The goals are reached acceptably using numerical and experimental research. The next challenge is to achieve results for grooved stator-rotor combinations. The work contains also results for an air gap with a grooved stator with 36 slots. The velocity field by the numerical method does not match in every respect the estimated flow mode. The absence of secondary Taylor vortices is evident when using time averagednumerical simulation.


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Este estudio ex post facto analiza las relaciones entre las dimensiones y facetas del NEO-PI-R y los 14 trastornos de personalidad del MCMI-III en una muestra no clínica española (N = 674). Se exploran las diferencias y similitudes con los resul- tados de Dyce y O’Connor en una muestra americana con los mismos instrumentos. Como se esperaba, los análisis factoriales de facetas reteniendo cinco factores mostraron un modelo de relaciones muy similar entre ambas muestras, con un coeficiente de la congruencia total de 0,92, y coeficientes de congruencia de factor aceptables, salvo para el factor Apertura (0,68). En consonancia con las predicciones de Widiger y Widiger et al. los porcentajes de correlaciones significativas estaban alrededor de 60% en ambas muestras, y la mayoría coincidían. El análisis de regresión múltiple con dimensiones también reveló un gran parecido entre los resultados americanos y españoles, Neuroticismo fue el predictor más relacionado con los trastornos de personalidad. Se encontraron diferencias en las regresiones por facetas, aunque la varianza explicada fue prácticamente la misma que en las dimensiones. Se discute la validez transcultural y el valor predictivo del NEO-PI-R sobre los trastornos de personalidad del MCMI-III, junto con las ventajas relativas de las facetas sobre las dimensiones.


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The relation between the equivalent roughness and different grain size percentiles of the sediment in gravel-bed rivers was determined under the hypothesis that the vertical distribution of the flow velocity follows a logarithmic law. A set of 954 data points was selected from rivers with gravel size sediment or larger, with a non-sinuous alignment and free of vegetation or obstacles. According to the results, the ks roughness is equivalent to approximately 2.4D90, 2.8D84, and 6.1D50. No correlation was detected between the sediment sorting and the sediment mobility index on one hand, and, on the other, the coefficient of proportionality of each grain size percentile.


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Tämän työn tavoitteena oli tutkia rakeisen materiaalin kinematiikkaa ja rakentaa koelaitteisto rakeisen materiaalin leikkausjännitysvirtauksien tutkimiseen. Kokeellisessa osassa on keskitytty sisäisiin voimaheilahteluihin ja niiden ymmärtämiseen. Teoriaosassa on käyty läpi rakeisen materiaalin yleisiä ominaisuuksia ja lisäksi on esitetty kaksi eri tapaa mallintaa fysikaalisien ominaisuuksien heilahteluja rakeisessa materiaalissa. Nämä kaksi esitettyä mallinnusmenetelmää ovat skalaarinen q-malli ja simulointi. Skalaarinen q-malli määrittelee jokaiseen yksittäiseen rakeeseen kohdistuvan jännityksen, rakeen ollessa osa 2- tai 3-dimensionaalista asetelmaa. Tämän mallin perusidea on kuvata jännityksien epähomogeenisuutta, joka johtuu rakeiden satunnaisasettelusta. Simulointimallinnus perustuu event-driven algoritmiin, missä systeemin dynamiikkaa kuvataan yksittäisillä partikkelien törmäyksillä. Törmäyksien vaiheet ratkaistiin käyttämällä liikemääräyhtälöitä ja restituution määritelmää. Teoriaosuudessa käytiin vielä pieniltä osin läpi syitä jännitysheilahteluihin ja rakeisen materiaalin lukkiintumiseen. Tutkimuslaitteistolla tutkittiin rakeisen materiaalin käyttäytymistä rengasmaisessa leikkausjännitysvirtauksessa. Tutkimusosuuden päätavoitteena oli mitata partikkelien kosketuksista ja törmäyksistä johtuvia hetkellisiä voimaheilahteluja rengastilavuuden pohjalta. Rakeisena materiaalina tutkimuksessa käytettiin teräskuulia. Jännityssignaali ajan funktiona osoittaa suurta heilahtelua, joka voi olla jopa kertalukua keskiarvosta suurempaa. Tällainen suuren amplitudin omaava heilahtelu on merkittävä haittapuoli yleisesti rakeisissa materiaaleissa käytettyjen jatkuvuusmallien kanssa. Tällainen heilahtelu tekee käytetyt jatkuvuusmallit epäpäteviksi. Yleisellä tasolla jännityksien todennäköisyysjakauma on yhtäpitävä skalaarisen q-mallin tuloksien kanssa. Molemmissa tapauksissa todennäköisyysjakaumalla on eksponentiaalinen muoto.