857 resultados para Closed loop control systems
Multibody System Dynamics has been responsible for revolutionizing Mechanical Engineering Design by using mathematical models to simulate and optimize the dynamic behavior of a wide range of mechanical systems. These mathematical models not only can provide valuable informations about a system that could otherwise be obtained only by experiments with prototypes, but also have been responsible for the development of many model-based control systems. This work represents a contribution for dynamic modeling of multibody mechanical systems by developing a novel recursive modular methodology that unifies the main contributions of several Classical Mechanics formalisms. The reason for proposing such a methodology is to motivate the implementation of computational routines for modeling complex multibody mechanical systems without being dependent on closed source software and, consequently, to contribute for the teaching of Multibody System Dynamics in undergraduate and graduate levels. All the theoretical developments are based on and motivated by a critical literature review, leading to a general matrix form of the dynamic equations of motion of a multibody mechanical system (that can be expressed in terms of any set of variables adopted for the description of motions performed by the system, even if such a set includes redundant variables) and to a general recursive methodology for obtaining mathematical models of complex systems given a set of equations describing the dynamics of each of its uncoupled subsystems and another set describing the constraints among these subsystems in the assembled system. This work also includes some discussions on the description of motion (using any possible set of motion variables and admitting any kind of constraint that can be expressed by an invariant), and on the conditions for solving forward and inverse dynamics problems given a mathematical model of a multibody system. Finally, some examples of computational packages based on the novel methodology, along with some case studies, are presented, highlighting the contributions that can be achieved by using the proposed methodology.
Estudo e implementação de sinais de excitação aplicados em identificação de sistemas multivariáveis.
Devido à crescente implementação do Controle Preditivo baseado em Modelo (MPC) em outros processos além de refino e plantas petroquímicas, que geralmente possuem múltiplas entradas e saídas, tem-se um aumento na demanda de modelos gerados por identificação de sistemas. Identificar modelos que representem fielmente a dinâmica do processo depende em grande medida das características dos sinais de excitação dos processos. Assim, o foco deste trabalho é realizar um estudo dos sinais típicos usados em identificação de sistemas, PRBS e GBN, em uma abordagem multivariável. O estudo feito neste trabalho parte das características da geração dos sinais individualmente, depois é feita uma análise de correlação cruzada dos sinais de entrada, observando a influência desta sobre os resultados de identificação. Evitar uma alta correlação entre os sinais de entrada permite determinar o efeito de cada entrada sobre a saída no processo de identificação. Um ponto importante no projeto de sinais de identificação de sistemas multivariáveis é a frequência dos mesmos para conseguir excitar os processos nas regiões de frequência de operação normal e assim extrair a maior informação dinâmica possível do processo. As características estudadas são avaliadas por meio de testes em três plantas simuladas diferentes, categorizadas como mal, medianamente e bem condicionadas. Estas implementações foram feitas usando sinais GBN e PRBS de diferentes frequências. Expressões para a caracterização dos sinais de excitação foram avaliadas identificando os processos em malha aberta e malha fechada. Para as plantas mal condicionadas foram implementados sinais compostos por uma parte completamente correlacionada e uma parte não-correlacionada, conhecido como método de dois passos. Finalmente são realizados experimentos de identificação em uma aplicação em tempo real de uma planta piloto de neutralização de pH. Os testes realizados na planta foram feitos visando avaliar os estudos de frequência e correlação em uma aplicaficção real. Os resultados mostram que a condição de sinais completamente descorrelacionados n~ao deve ser cumprida para ter bons resultados nos modelos identificados. Isto permite ter mais exibilidade na geração do conjunto de sinais de excitação.
A large part of the new generation of computer numerical control systems has adopted an architecture based on robotic systems. This architecture improves the implementation of many manufacturing processes in terms of flexibility, efficiency, accuracy and velocity. This paper presents a 4-axis robot tool based on a joint structure whose primary use is to perform complex machining shapes in some non-contact processes. A new dynamic visual controller is proposed in order to control the 4-axis joint structure, where image information is used in the control loop to guide the robot tool in the machining task. In addition, this controller eliminates the chaotic joint behavior which appears during tracking of the quasi-repetitive trajectories required in machining processes. Moreover, this robot tool can be coupled to a manipulator robot in order to form a multi-robot platform for complex manufacturing tasks. Therefore, the robot tool could perform a machining task using a piece grasped from the workspace by a manipulator robot. This manipulator robot could be guided by using visual information given by the robot tool, thereby obtaining an intelligent multi-robot platform controlled by only one camera.
Comunicação apresentada no CYTEF 2016/VIII Congresso Ibérico | VI Congresso Ibero-Americano de Ciências e Técnicas do Frio, 3-6 maio 2016, Coimbra, Portugal
This paper addresses advanced control of a biological nutrient removal (BNR) activated sludge process. Based on a previously validated distributed parameter model of the BNR activated sludge process, we present robust multivariable controller designs for the process, involving loop shaping of plant model, robust stability and performance analyses. Results from three design case studies showed that a multivariable controller with stability margins of 0.163, 0.492 and 1.062 measured by the normalised coprime factor, multiplicative and additive uncertainties respectively give the best results for meeting performance robustness specifications. The controller robustly stabilises effluent nutrients in the presence of uncertainties with the behaviour of phosphorus accumulating organisms as well as to effectively attenuate major disturbances introduced as step changes. This study also shows that, performance of the multivariable robust controller is superior to multi-loops SISO PI controllers for regulating the BNR activated sludge process in terms of robust stability and performance and controlling the process using inlet feed flowrate is infeasible. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper re-examines the stability of multi-input multi-output (MIMO) control systems designed using sequential MIMO quantitative feedback theory (QFT). In order to establish the results, recursive design equations for the SISO equivalent plants employed in a sequential MIMO QFT design are established. The equations apply to sequential MIMO QFT designs in both the direct plant domain, which employs the elements of plant in the design, and the inverse plant domain, which employs the elements of the plant inverse in the design. Stability theorems that employ necessary and sufficient conditions for robust closed-loop internal stability are developed for sequential MIMO QFT designs in both domains. The theorems and design equations facilitate less conservative designs and improved design transparency.
This paper reexamines the stability of uncertain closed-loop systems resulting from the nonsequential (NS) MIMO QFT design methodology. By combining the effect of satisfying both the robust stability and robust performance specifications in a NS MIMO QFT design, a proof for the stability of the uncertain closed-loop system is derived. The stability theorem proves that, subject to the satisfaction of a critical necessary and sufficient condition, the original NS MIMO QFT design methodology will provide a robustly stable closed-loop system. This necessary and sufficient condition provides a useful existence test for a successful NS MIMO QFT design. The results expose the salient features of the NS MIMO QFT design methodology. Two 2 x 2 MIMO design examples are presented to illustrate the key features of the stability, theorem.
We introduce a technique for quantifying and then exploiting uncertainty in nonlinear stochastic control systems. The approach is suboptimal though robust and relies upon the approximation of the forward and inverse plant models by neural networks, which also estimate the intrinsic uncertainty. Sampling from the resulting Gaussian distributions of the inversion based neurocontroller allows us to introduce a control law which is demonstrably more robust than traditional adaptive controllers.
Purpose: Pharmacological intervention with peripheral sympathetic transmission at ciliary smooth muscle neuro-receptor junctions has been used against a background of controlled parasympathetic activity to investigate the characteristics of autonomic control of ocular accommodation. Methods: A continuously recording infrared optometer was used to measure accommodation on a group of five visually normal emmetropic subjects under open- and closed-loop conditions. A double-blind protocol between saline, timolol and betaxolol was used to differentiate between the localised action on ciliary smooth muscle and effects induced by changes in stimulus conditions. Data were collected before and 45 min following the instillation of saline, timolol or betaxolol. Open-loop post-task decay was investigated following 3 min sustained near fixation of a stimulus placed 3 D above the subject's pre-task tonic accommodation level. Closed-loop dynamic responses were recorded for each treatment condition while subjects viewed sinusoidally (0.05-0.6 Hz) or stepwise vergence-modulated targets over a 2 D range (2-4 D). Results: Open-loop data demonstrate a rapid post-task regression to pre-task tonic accommodation levels for saline and betaxolol control conditions. A slow positive post-task shift was induced by timolol indicating that sympathetic inhibition contributes to accommodative adaptation during sustained near vision. Closed-loop accommodation responses to temporally modulated sinusoidal stimuli showed characteristic features for both saline and betaxolol control conditions. Timolol induced a reduced gain for low- and mid-temporal frequencies (< 0.3 Hz) but did not affect the response at higher temporal frequencies. Response times to stepwise stimuli increased following the instillation of timolol for the near-to-far fixation condition compared with the controls and was related to the period of sustained prior fixation. Conclusions: Modulation of accommodation under open- and closed-loop conditions by a non-selective β-blocker is consistent with the temporal and inhibitory features of sympathetic innervation to ciliary smooth muscle. Although parasympathetic innervation predominates there is evidence to support a role for sympathetic innervation in the control of ocular accommodation. © 2002 The College of Optometrists.
This work reports the developnent of a mathenatical model and distributed, multi variable computer-control for a pilot plant double-effect climbing-film evaporator. A distributed-parameter model of the plant has been developed and the time-domain model transformed into the Laplace domain. The model has been further transformed into an integral domain conforming to an algebraic ring of polynomials, to eliminate the transcendental terms which arise in the Laplace domain due to the distributed nature of the plant model. This has made possible the application of linear control theories to a set of linear-partial differential equations. The models obtained have well tracked the experimental results of the plant. A distributed-computer network has been interfaced with the plant to implement digital controllers in a hierarchical structure. A modern rnultivariable Wiener-Hopf controller has been applled to the plant model. The application has revealed a limitation condition that the plant matrix should be positive-definite along the infinite frequency axis. A new multi variable control theory has emerged fram this study, which avoids the above limitation. The controller has the structure of the modern Wiener-Hopf controller, but with a unique feature enabling a designer to specify the closed-loop poles in advance and to shape the sensitivity matrix as required. In this way, the method treats directly the interaction problems found in the chemical processes with good tracking and regulation performances. Though the ability of the analytical design methods to determine once and for all whether a given set of specifications can be met is one of its chief advantages over the conventional trial-and-error design procedures. However, one disadvantage that offsets to some degree the enormous advantages is the relatively complicated algebra that must be employed in working out all but the simplest problem. Mathematical algorithms and computer software have been developed to treat some of the mathematical operations defined over the integral domain, such as matrix fraction description, spectral factorization, the Bezout identity, and the general manipulation of polynomial matrices. Hence, the design problems of Wiener-Hopf type of controllers and other similar algebraic design methods can be easily solved.
This thesis describes the investigation of an adaptive method of attenuation control for digital speech signals in an analogue-digital environment and its effects on the transmission performance of a national telecommunication network. The first part gives the design of a digital automatic gain control, able to operate upon a P.C.M. signal in its companded form and whose operation is based upon the counting of peaks of the digital speech signal above certain threshold levels. A study was ma.de of a digital automatic gain control (d.a.g.c.) in open-loop configuration and closed-loop configuration. The former was adopted as the means for carrying out the automatic control of attenuation. It was simulated and tested, both objectively and subjectively. The final part is the assessment of the effects on telephone connections of a d.a.g.c. that introduces gains of 6 dB or 12 dB. This work used a Telephone Connection Assessment Model developed at The University of Aston in Birmingham. The subjective tests showed that the d.a.g.c. gives advantage for listeners when the speech level is very low. The benefit is not great when speech is only a little quieter than preferred. The assessment showed that, when a standard British Telecom earphone is used, insertion of gain is desirable if speech voltage across the earphone terminals is below an upper limit of -38 dBV. People commented upon the presence of an adaptive-like effect during the tests. This could be the reason why they voted against the insertion of gain at level only little quieter than preferred, when they may otherwise have judged it to be desirable. A telephone connection with a d.a.g.c. in has a degree of difficulty less than half of that without it. The score Excellent plus Good is 10-30% greater.
The main theme of research of this project concerns the study of neutral networks to control uncertain and non-linear control systems. This involves the control of continuous time, discrete time, hybrid and stochastic systems with input, state or output constraints by ensuring good performances. A great part of this project is devoted to the opening of frontiers between several mathematical and engineering approaches in order to tackle complex but very common non-linear control problems. The objectives are: 1. Design and develop procedures for neutral network enhanced self-tuning adaptive non-linear control systems; 2. To design, as a general procedure, neural network generalised minimum variance self-tuning controller for non-linear dynamic plants (Integration of neural network mapping with generalised minimum variance self-tuning controller strategies); 3. To develop a software package to evaluate control system performances using Matlab, Simulink and Neural Network toolbox. An adaptive control algorithm utilising a recurrent network as a model of a partial unknown non-linear plant with unmeasurable state is proposed. Appropriately, it appears that structured recurrent neural networks can provide conveniently parameterised dynamic models for many non-linear systems for use in adaptive control. Properties of static neural networks, which enabled successful design of stable adaptive control in the state feedback case, are also identified. A survey of the existing results is presented which puts them in a systematic framework showing their relation to classical self-tuning adaptive control application of neural control to a SISO/MIMO control. Simulation results demonstrate that the self-tuning design methods may be practically applicable to a reasonably large class of unknown linear and non-linear dynamic control systems.
Optimal stochastic controller pushes the closed-loop behavior as close as possible to the desired one. The fully probabilistic design (FPD) uses probabilistic description of the desired closed loop and minimizes Kullback-Leibler divergence of the closed-loop description to the desired one. Practical exploitation of the fully probabilistic design control theory continues to be hindered by the computational complexities involved in numerically solving the associated stochastic dynamic programming problem. In particular very hard multivariate integration and an approximate interpolation of the involved multivariate functions. This paper proposes a new fully probabilistic contro algorithm that uses the adaptive critic methods to circumvent the need for explicitly evaluating the optimal value function, thereby dramatically reducing computational requirements. This is a main contribution of this short paper.
Modern power networks incorporate communications and information technology infrastructure into the electrical power system to create a smart grid in terms of control and operation. The smart grid enables real-time communication and control between consumers and utility companies allowing suppliers to optimize energy usage based on price preference and system technical issues. The smart grid design aims to provide overall power system monitoring, create protection and control strategies to maintain system performance, stability and security. This dissertation contributed to the development of a unique and novel smart grid test-bed laboratory with integrated monitoring, protection and control systems. This test-bed was used as a platform to test the smart grid operational ideas developed here. The implementation of this system in the real-time software creates an environment for studying, implementing and verifying novel control and protection schemes developed in this dissertation. Phasor measurement techniques were developed using the available Data Acquisition (DAQ) devices in order to monitor all points in the power system in real time. This provides a practical view of system parameter changes, system abnormal conditions and its stability and security information system. These developments provide valuable measurements for technical power system operators in the energy control centers. Phasor Measurement technology is an excellent solution for improving system planning, operation and energy trading in addition to enabling advanced applications in Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control (WAMPAC). Moreover, a virtual protection system was developed and implemented in the smart grid laboratory with integrated functionality for wide area applications. Experiments and procedures were developed in the system in order to detect the system abnormal conditions and apply proper remedies to heal the system. A design for DC microgrid was developed to integrate it to the AC system with appropriate control capability. This system represents realistic hybrid AC/DC microgrids connectivity to the AC side to study the use of such architecture in system operation to help remedy system abnormal conditions. In addition, this dissertation explored the challenges and feasibility of the implementation of real-time system analysis features in order to monitor the system security and stability measures. These indices are measured experimentally during the operation of the developed hybrid AC/DC microgrids. Furthermore, a real-time optimal power flow system was implemented to optimally manage the power sharing between AC generators and DC side resources. A study relating to real-time energy management algorithm in hybrid microgrids was performed to evaluate the effects of using energy storage resources and their use in mitigating heavy load impacts on system stability and operational security.
Bidirectional DC-DC converters are widely used in different applications such as energy storage systems, Electric Vehicles (EVs), UPS, etc. In particular, future EVs require bidirectional power flow in order to integrate energy storage units into smart grids. These bidirectional power converters provide Grid to Vehicle (V2G)/ Vehicle to Grid (G2V) power flow capability for future EVs. Generally, there are two control loops used for bidirectional DC-DC converters: The inner current loop and The outer loop. The control of DAB converters used in EVs are proved to be challenging due to the wide range of operating conditions and non-linear behavior of the converter. In this thesis, the precise mathematical model of the converter is derived and non-linear control schemes are proposed for the control system of bidirectional DC-DC converters based on the derived model. The proposed inner current control technique is developed based on a novel Geometric-Sequence Control (GSC) approach. The proposed control technique offers significantly improved performance as compared to one for conventional control approaches. The proposed technique utilizes a simple control algorithm which saves on the computational resources. Therefore, it has higher reliability, which is essential in this application. Although, the proposed control technique is based on the mathematical model of the converter, its robustness against parameter uncertainties is proven. Three different control modes for charging the traction batteries in EVs are investigated in this thesis: the voltage mode control, the current mode control, and the power mode control. The outer loop control is determined by each of the three control modes. The structure of the outer control loop provides the current reference for the inner current loop. Comprehensive computer simulations have been conducted in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed control methods. In addition, the proposed control have been verified on a 3.3 kW experimental prototype. Simulation and experimental results show the superior performance of the proposed control techniques over the conventional ones.