563 resultados para Bicontinuous nanocomposites
A family of titania derived nanocomposites synthesized via sol-gel and hydrothermal routes exhibit excellent performance for the photocatalytic degradation of two important exemplar water pollutants, oxytetracycline and Congo Red. Low loadings of Co3O4 nanoparticles dispersed over the surfaces of anatase TiO2 confer visible light photoactivity for the aqueous phase decomposition of organics through the resulting heterojunction and reduced band gap. Subsequent modification of these Co3O4/TiO2 composites by trace amounts of graphene oxide nanosheets in the presence of a diamine linker further promotes both oxytetracycline and Congo Red photodegradation under simulated solar and visible irradiation, through a combination of enhanced photoresponse and consequent radical generation. Radical quenching and fluorescence experiments implicate holes and hydroxyl radicals as the respective primary and secondary active species responsible for oxidative photodegradation of pollutants.
The effect of organically modified clay on the morphology, rheology and mechanical properties of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and polyamide 6 (PA6) blends (HDPE/PA6 = 75/25 parts) is studied. Virgin and filled blends were prepared by melt compounding the constituents using a twin-screw extruder. The influence of the organoclay on the morphology of the hybrid was deeply investigated by means of wide-angle X-ray diffractometry, transmission and scanning electron microscopies and quantitative extraction experiments. It has been found that the organoclay exclusively places inside the more hydrophilic polyamide phase during the melt compounding. The extrusion process promotes the formation of highly elongated and separated organoclay-rich PA6 domains. Despite its low volume fraction, the filled minor phase eventually merges once the extruded pellets are melted again, giving rise to a co-continuous microstructure. Remarkably, such a morphology persists for long time in the melt state. A possible compatibilizing action related to the organoclay has been investigated by comparing the morphology of the hybrid blend with that of a blend compatibilized using an ethylene–acrylic acid (EAA) copolymer as a compatibilizer precursor. The former remains phase separated, indicating that the filler does not promote the enhancement of the interfacial adhesion. The macroscopic properties of the hybrid blend were interpreted in the light of its morphology. The melt state dynamics of the materials were probed by means of linear viscoelastic measurements. Many peculiar rheological features of polymer-layered silicate nanocomposites based on single polymer matrix were detected for the hybrid blend. The results have been interpreted proposing the existence of two distinct populations of dynamical species: HDPE not interacting with the filler, and a slower species, constituted by the organoclay-rich polyamide phase, which slackened dynamics stabilize the morphology in the melt state. In the solid state, both the reinforcement effect of the filler and the co-continuous microstructure promote the enhancement of the tensile modulus. Our results demonstrate that adding nanoparticles to polymer blends allows tailoring the final properties of the hybrid, potentially leading to high-performance materials which combine the advantages of polymer blends and the merits of polymer nanocomposites.
Nanocystalline TiO2 particles were successfully synthesized on porous hosts (SBA-15 and ZSM-15) via a sol-gel impregnation method. Resulting nanocomposites were characterized by XRD, TEM, BET surface analysis, Raman and UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, and their photocatalytic activity for H2 production evaluated. XRD evidences the formation of anatase nanoparticles over both ZSM-5 and SBA-15 porous supports, with TEM highlighting a strong particle size dependence on titania precursor concentration. Photocatalytic activities of TiO2/ZSM-5 and TiO2/SBA-15 composites were significantly enhanced compared to pure TiO2, owing to the smaller TiO2 particle size and higher surface area of the former. TiO2 loadings over the porous supports and concomitant photocatalytic hydrogen production were optimized with respect to light absorption, available surface reaction sites and particle size. 10%TiO2/ZSM-5 and 20%TiO2/SBA-15 proved the most active photocatalysts, exhibiting extraordinary hydrogen evolution rates of 10,000 and 8800μmolgTiO2 -1 h-1 under full arc, associated with high external quantum efficiencies of 12.6% and 5.4% respectively under 365nm irradiation.
Incorporation of catechols into polymers has long been of interest due to their ability to chelate heavy metals and their use in the design of adhesives, metal-polymer nanocomposites, antifouling coatings, and so on. This paper reports, for the first time, the reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization of a protected catechol-inspired monomer, 3,4-dimethoxystyrene (DMS), using commercially available trithiocarbonate, 2-(dodecylthiocarbonothioylthio)-2-methylpropionic acid (DDMAT), as a chain transfer agent. Our identified RAFT system produces well-defined polymers across a range of molecular weights (5-50 kg/mol) with low molar mass dispersities (Mw/Mn < 1.3). Subsequent facile demethylation of poly(3,4-dimethoxystyrene) (PDMS) yields poly(3,4-dihydroxystyrene) (PDHS), a catechol-bearing polymer, in quantitative yields. Semiquantitative zinc binding capacity analysis of both polymers using SEM/EDXA has demonstrated that both PDMS and PDHS have considerable surface binding (65% and 87%, respectively), although the films deposited from PDMS are of a better quality and processability due to solubility and lower processing temperatures. © 2014 American Chemical Society.
We present results of the direct observation, in real-space, of the phase separation of high molecular weight polystyrene and poly(methyl methacrylate) from ortho-xylene using our newly developed technique of high speed stroboscopic interference microscopy. Taking a fixed concentration (3 wt % in o-xylene) at a fixed composition (1:4 by weight) and by varying the rotational rate during the spin-coating process, we are able to observe the formation of a range of phase separated bicontinuous morphologies of differing length-scales. Importantly, we are able to show that the mechanism by which the final phase separated structure is formed is through domain coarsening when rich in solvent, before vitrification occurs and fixes the phase separated structure. The ability to directly observe morphological development offers a route toward controlling the length-scale of the final morphology through process control and in situ feedback, from a single stock solution. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Uniform thin-films of polymer blends can be produced through spin-coating, which is used on an industrial scale for the production of light emitting diodes, and more recently organic photovoltaic devices. Here, we present the results of the direct observation, and control, over the phase separation of polystyrene and poly(9,9′-dioctylfluorene) during spin-coating using high speed stroboscopic fluorescence microscopy. This new approach, imaging the fluorescence, from a blend of fluorescent + non-fluorescent polymers allows for intensity to be directly mapped to composition, providing a direct determination of composition fluctuations during the spin-coating process. We have studied the compositional development and corresponding structural development for a range of compositions, which produce a range of different phase separated morphologies. We initially observe domains formed by spinodal decomposition, coarsening via Ostwald Ripening until an interfacial instability causes break-up of the bicontinuous morphology. Ostwald ripening continues, and depending upon composition a bicontinuous morphology is re-established. By observing compositional and morphological development in real-time, we are able to direct and control morphological structure development through control of the spin coating parameters via in situ feedback. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
The demand for fresh water production is growing day by day with the increase in world population and with industrial growth. Use of desalination technology is increasing to meet this demand. Among desalination technologies, solar stills require low maintenance and are readily affordable; however their productivity is limited. This paper aims to give a detailed review about the various types of solar stills, covering passive and active designs, single- and multi-effect types, and the various modifications for improved productivity including reflectors, heat storage, fins, collectors, condensers, and mechanisms for enhancing heat and mass transfer. Photovoltaic-thermal and greenhouse type solar stills are also covered. Material advances in the area of phase change materials and nanocomposites are very promising to enhance further performance; future research should be carried out in these and other areas for the greater uptake of solar still technology.
Novel g-C3N4/NaTaO3 hybrid nanocomposites have been prepared by a facile ultrasonic dispersion method. Our results clearly show the formation of interface between NaTaO3 and g-C3N4 and further loading of g-C3N4 did not affect the crystal structure and morphology of NaTaO3. The g-C3N4/NaTaO3 nanocomposites exhibited enhanced photocatalytic performance for the degradation of Rhodamine B under UV–visible and visible light irradiation compared to pure NaTaO3 and Degussa P25. Interestingly, the visible light photocatalytic activity is generated due to the loading of g-C3N4. A mechanism is proposed to discuss the enhanced photocatalytic activity based on trapping experiments of photoinduced radicals and holes. Under visible light irradiation, electron excited from the valance band (VB) to conduction band (CB) of g-C3N4 could directly inject into the CB of NaTaO3, making g-C3N4/NaTaO3 visible light driven photocatalyst. Since the as-prepared hybrid nanocomposites possess high reusability therefore it can be promising photocatalyst for environmental applications.
The present research concentrates on the fabrication of bulk aluminum matrix nanocomposite structures with carbon nanotube reinforcement. The objective of the work was to fabricate and characterize multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) reinforced hypereutectic Al-Si (23 wt% Si, 2 wt% Ni, 1 wt% Cu, rest Al) nanocomposite bulk structure with nanocrystalline matrix through thermal spray forming techniques viz. plasma spray forming (PSF) and high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) spray forming. This is the first research study, which has shown that thermal spray forming can be successfully used to synthesize carbon nanotube reinforced nanocomposites. Microstructural characterization based on quantitative microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy and X ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) confirms (i) retention and macro/sub-macro level homogenous distribution of multiwalled carbon nanotubes in the Al-Si matrix and (ii) evolution of nanostructured grains in the matrix. Formation of ultrathin β-SiC layer on MWCNT surface, due to chemical reaction of Si atoms diffusing from Al-Si alloy and C atoms from the outer walls of MWCNTs has been confirmed theoretically and experimentally. The presence of SiC layer at the interface improves the wettability and the interfacial adhesion between the MWCNT reinforcement and the Al-Si matrix. Sintering of the as-sprayed nanocomposites was carried out in an inert environment for further densification. As-sprayed PSF nanocomposite showed lower microhardness compared to HVOF, due to the higher porosity content and lower residual stress. The hardness of the nanocomposites increased with sintering time due to effective pore removal. Uniaxial tensile test on CNT-bulk nanocomposite was carried out, which is the first ever study of such nature. The tensile test results showed inconsistency in the data attributed to inhomogeneous microstructure and limitation of the test samples geometry. The elastic moduli of nanocomposites were computed using different micromechanics models and compared with experimentally measured values. The elastic moduli of nanocomposites measured by nanoindentation technique, increased gradually with sintering attributed to porosity removal. The experimentally measured values conformed better with theoretically predicted values, particularly in the case of Hashin-Shtrikman bound method.
Compared to conventional composites, polymer matrix nanocomposites typically exhibit enhanced properties at a significantly lower filler volume fraction. Studies published in the literature indicate t hat the addition of nanosilicate s can increase the resistance to flame propagation in polymers. In this work, a treatment of montmorillonite (MMT) nano clay and the effect of its ad dition o n flame propagation characteristics of vinyl ester were studied. The resea rch was conducted in two stages. The first stage focused on the purification and activation of the MMT clay collected from a natural deposit to improve compatibility with the polymer matrix . Clay modification with sodium acetate was also studied to improve particle dispersion in the polymer. The second step was focused on the effect of the addition of the treated clay on nanocomposites ’ properties. Nanocomposites with clay con tents of 1, 2, 4 wt. % were processed. T he techniques for the characterization of the clay included X - ray fluorescence (XRF), X - r ay d iffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric a nalysis (TGA), d ifferential scanning c alorimetry (DSC) , s urface area (BET) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). For t he characterization of the nanocomposites , the techniques used were thermogravimetric a nalysis (TGA) , differential scanning c alorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) , scanning electron mi croscopy (SEM), transmission electron m icroscopy (TEM), and the determination of tensile strength, modulus of elasticity and resistance to flame propagation. According to the results, the purification and activation treatment with freeze - drying used in thi s work for the montmorillonite clay was efficient to promote compatibility and dispersion in the polymer matrix as evidenced by the characterization of the nanocomposite s . It was also observed that the clay modifica tion using sodium acetate did not produce any significant effect to improve compatibilization of the clay with the polymer. The addition of the treated MMT resulted in a reduction of up to 53% in the polymer flame propagation speed and did not affect the mechanical tensile strength and modulus o f elas ticity of the polymer, indicating compatibility between the clay and polymer. The effectiveness in reducing flame propagation speed peaked for nanocomposites with 2 wt. % clay, indicating that this is the optimum clay concentration for this property. T he clay treatment used in this work enables the production of vinylester matrix nanocomposites with flame - retardancy properties .
We report the comparative structural-vibrational study of nanostructures of nanourchins, nanotubes, and nanorods of vanadium oxide. The tube walls comprise layers of vanadium oxide with the organic surfactant intercalated between atomic layers. Both Raman scattering and infrared spectroscopies showed that the structure of nanourchins, nanotubes, and nanorods of vanadium oxide nanocomposite are strongly dependent on the valency of the vanadium, its associated interactions with the organic surfactant template, and on the packing mechanism and arrangement of the surfactant between vanadate layers. Accurate assignment of the vibrational modes to the V-O coordinations has allowed their comparative classification and relation to atomic layer structure. Although all structures are formed from the same precursor, differences in vanadate conformations due to the hydrothermal treatment and surfactant type result in variable degrees of crystalline order in the final nanostructure. The nanotube-containing nanourchins contain vanadate layers in the nanotubes that are in a distorted γ- V5+ conformation, whereas the the nanorods, by comparison, show evidence for V5+ and V4+ species-containing ordered VOx lamina.
Recent advances in nanotechnology have led to the application of nanoparticles in a wide variety of fields. In the field of nanomedicine, there is great emphasis on combining diagnostic and therapeutic modalities into a single nanoparticle construct (theranostics). In particular, anisotropic nanoparticles have shown great potential for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) detection due to their unique optical properties. Gold nanostars are a type of anisotropic nanoparticle with one of the highest SERS enhancement factors in a non-aggregated state. By utilizing the distinct characteristics of gold nanostars, new plasmonic materials for diagnostics, therapy, and sensing can be synthesized. The work described herein is divided into two main themes. The first half presents a novel, theranostic nanoplatform that can be used for both SERS detection and photodynamic therapy (PDT). The second half involves the rational design of silver-coated gold nanostars for increasing SERS signal intensity and improving reproducibility and quantification in SERS measurements.
The theranostic nanoplatforms consist of Raman-labeled gold nanostars coated with a silica shell. Photosensitizer molecules for PDT can be loaded into the silica matrix, while retaining the SERS signal of the gold nanostar core. SERS detection and PDT are performed at different wavelengths, so there is no interference between the diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. Singlet oxygen generation (a measure of PDT effectiveness) was demonstrated from the drug-loaded nanocomposites. In vitro testing with breast cancer cells showed that the nanoplatform could be successfully used for PDT. When further conjugating the nanoplatform with a cell-penetrating peptide (CPP), efficacy of both SERS detection and PDT is enhanced.
The rational design of plasmonic nanoparticles for SERS sensing involved the synthesis of silver-coated gold nanostars. Investigation of the silver coating process revealed that preservation of the gold nanostar tips was necessary to achieve the increased SERS intensity. At the optimal amount of silver coating, the SERS intensity is increased by over an order of magnitude. It was determined that a majority of the increased SERS signal can be attributed to reducing the inner filter effect, as the silver coating process moves the extinction of the particles far away from the laser excitation line. To improve reproducibility and quantitative SERS detection, an internal standard was incorporated into the particles. By embedding a small-molecule dye between the gold and silver surfaces, SERS signal was obtained both from the internal dye and external analyte on the particle surface. By normalizing the external analyte signal to the internal reference signal, reproducibility and quantitative analysis are improved in a variety of experimental conditions.
Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary science that is having a boom today, providing new products with attractive physicochemical properties for many applications. In agri/feed/food sector, nanotechnology offers great opportunities for obtaining products and innovative applications for agriculture and livestock, water treatment and the production, processing, storage and packaging of food. To this end, a wide variety of nanomaterials, ranging from metals and inorganic metal oxides to organic nanomaterials carrying bioactive ingredients are applied. This review shows an overview of current and future applications of nanotechnology in the food industry. Food additives and materials in contact with food are now the main applications, while it is expected that in the future are in the field of nano-encapsulated and nanocomposites in applications as novel foods, additives, biocides, pesticides and materials food contact.
Organic-inorganic nanocomposites combine unique properties of both the constituents in one material. Among this group of materials, clay based as well as ZnO, TiO2 nanocomposites have been found to have diverse applications. Optoelectronic devices require polymerinorganic systems to meet certain desired properties. Dielectric properties of conventional polymers like poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) (EVA) and polystyrene (PS) may also be tailor tuned with the incorporation of inorganic fillers in very small amounts. Electrical conductivity and surface resistivity of polymer matrices are found to improve with inorganic nanofillers. II-VI semiconductors and their nano materials have attracted material scientists because of their unique optical properties of photoluminescence, UV photodetection and light induced conductivity. Cadmium selenide (CdSe), zinc selenide (ZnSe) and zinc oxide (ZnO) are some of the most promising members of the IIVI semiconductor family, used in light-emitting diodes, nanosensors, non-linear optical (NLO) absorption etc. EVA and PS materials were selected as the matrices in the present study because they are commercially used polymers and have not been the subject of research for opto-electronic properties with semiconductor nanomaterials