985 resultados para Biblical Antiquity


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El autor reflexiona sobre el poema escrito por Bolívar en 1823. Plantea que, ante la sobrecogedora belleza del volcán, y enfrentado a un destino complejo y caótico, el héroe revive eternos temores. Serrano lo asimila al Cristo del sermón de la montaña, cuando pretende reencontrarse con los elementos, reinsertarse en el mundo que está redefiniéndose en los campos de batalla. En la cima del Chimborazo, Bolívar dialoga con el tiempo, voz en la que el autor destaca las resonancias bíblicas. Resalta que el héroe, perturbado por los acontecimientos políticos, está poseído por una “pasión violenta”, por un proyecto político que deviene en obsesión: la idea de construir una gran nación liberada. Serrano concibe a la voz del Viejo como la representante de un orden mítico que pervive (el guardián del mundo mineral y espiritual), que interpela a un sujeto que, otra vez como el Cristo, duda. El final abierto del texto, para el autor, sugiere que solo en el sueño o el delirio es posible reconocer nuestra condición de “míseros mortales”.


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Stable isotopes get personal in this analysis of burials at a medieval cathedral. Compared with the local meat-eating rank and file, those people identified as bishops consumed significantly more fish and were incomers from the east. These results, while not so surprising historically, lend much increased confidence that isotope analysis can successfully read the status and mobility of individuals in a cemetery.


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A recent study has suggested that the decorated Bronze Age metalwork of South Scandinavia depicted the path of the sun through the sky during the day and through the sea at night. At different stages in its journey it was accompanied by a horse or a ship. Similar images are found in prehistoric rock art, and this paper argues that, whilst there are important differences between the images in these two media, they also signal some of the same ideas.


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When does Neolithic life begin in Britain? The author gathered up the current evidence for radiocarbon-dated first use of cereals, distinguishing between dates from charcoal in contexts with cereals, and dates from the charred grains themselves. The charred grains begin to appear around 4000 cal BC and become prominent in settlements between 3800 and 3000 cal BC This correlates well with the appearance of megalithic tombs (3800-3500 cal BC) and argues for a relatively rapid adoption of the Neolithic package during an experimental phase of two centuries, 4000-3800 cal BC. The early cereals reported in the pollen record (from 5000 BC) are attributed to wild species.


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The historical credibility of texts from the Bible is often debated when compared with Iron Age archaeological finds (refs. 1, 2 and references therein). Modern scientific methods may, in principle, be used to independently date structures that seem to be mentioned in the biblical text, to evaluate its historical authenticity. In reality, however, this approach is extremely difficult because of poor archaeological preservation, uncertainty in identification, scarcity of datable materials, and restricted scientific access into well-identified worship sites. Because of these problems, no well-identified Biblical structure has been radiometrically dated until now. Here we report radiocarbon and U-Th dating of the Siloam Tunnel(3-10), proving its Iron Age II date; we conclude that the Biblical text presents an accurate historic record of the Siloam Tunnel's construction. Being one of the longest ancient water tunnels lacking intermediate shafts(11,12), dating the Siloam Tunnel is a key to determining where and when this technological breakthrough took place. Siloam Tunnel dating also refutes a claim(13) that the tunnel was constructed in the second century BC.


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Analysis of a set of bones redeposited in a medieval abbey graveyard showed that the individual had been beheaded and chopped up, and this in turn suggested one of England's more gruesome I execution practices. Since quartering was generally reserved for the infamous, the author attempts to track down the victim and proposes him to be Hugh Despenser, the lover of King Edward II.