856 resultados para Automatic focus


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Eighty percent of the global 17 million deaths due to cardiovascular disease (CVD) occur in low and middle income countries (LMICs). The burden of CVD and other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) is expected to markedly increase because of the global aging of the population and increasing exposure to detrimental lifestyle-related risk in LMICs. Interventions to reduce four main risks related to modifiable behaviors (tobacco use, unhealthy diet, low physical activity and excess alcohol consumption) are key elements for effective primary prevention of the four main NCDs (CVD, cancer, diabetes and chronic pulmonary disease). These behaviors are best improved through structural interventions (e.g., clean air policy, taxes on cigarettes, new recipes for processed foods with reduced salt and fat, urban shaping to improve mobility, etc.). In addition, health systems in LMICs should be reoriented to deliver integrated cost-effective treatment to persons at high risk at the primary health care level. The full implementation of a small number of highly cost effective, affordable and scalable interventions ("best buys") is likely to be the necessary and sufficient ingredient for curbing NCDs in LMICs. NCDs are both a cause and a consequence of poverty. It is therefore important to frame NCD prevention and control within the broader context of social determinants and development agenda. The recent emphasis on NCDs at a number of health and economic forums (including the September 2011 High Level Meeting on NCDs at the United Nations) provides a new opportunity to move the NCD agenda forward in LMICs.


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The study assessed growth and physiological parameters of 'Sunrise Golden' and 'Tainung 01' papaya seedlings grown in 280mL plastic tubes and watered using a low-cost automatic irrigation system adjusted to operate at substrate water tension for starting irrigation (STI) of 3.0, 6.0 or 9.0 kPa. The water depths applied by the dripping system and drainage were monitored during germination and seedling growth. Germination, emergence velocity index (EVI), leaf area, plant height, shoot and root dry weight, stomatal conductance, relative water content (RWC) and relative chlorophyll content (RCC) were evaluated. Soil nutrient levels were determined by electrical conductivity (EC). Water use efficiency (WUE) corresponded to the ratio of plant dry mass to depth of water applied. STI settings did not affect papaya germination or EVI. System configuration to 3.0 and 6.0 kPa STI exhibited the highest drainage and lowest EC and RCC, indicating soil nutrient loss and plant nutrient deficiency. Drainage was greater in tubes planted with the 'Tainung 01' variety, which developed smaller root systems and lower stomatal conductance than 'Sunrise Golden' seedlings. The highest values for shoot dry weight and WEU were obtained at 6.0 kPa STI for 'Sunrise Golden' (0.62 g and 0.69 g L-1) and at 9.0 kPa in 'Tainung 01' (0.35 g and 0.82 g L-1). RWC at 9.0 kPa STI was lower than at 3.0 kPa in both varieties. The results indicate that the low-cost technology developed for irrigation automation is promising. Even so, new studies are needed to evaluate low-flow irrigation systems as well as the nutrient and water needs of different papaya varieties.


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Työssä oli tarkoituksena saada toteutettua kolmiulotteiseen visualisointiin soveltuva ohjelmisto mikrokokoluokkaa olevien kappaleiden konenäköjärjestelmään. Työssä jouduttiin myös jatkokehittämään menetelmää kolmiulotteisen kuvan hankkimiseksi yhdellä kameralla mikrokokoisesta kohteesta. Kohteen kolmiulotteisella kuvalla voitaisiin suorittaa automaattista järjestelmäohjausta. Työssä tutkittiin ja selvitettiin laitteistolla saavutettavia tarkkuuksia ja nopeuksia, sen soveltamiseksi esimerkiksi mikromanipulaattorin ohjaamiseen. Lisäksi tutkittiin erilaisia kohteita joissa voitaisiin hyödyntää kolmiulotteista visualisointia. Tällaisia kohteita on kappaleiden laadunvalvonnassa tai niiden tutkimisessa ja esittämisessä. Syvyystiedon keräävällä menetelmällä oli saavutettava riittävä nopeus, jotta sillä voitaisiin tarvittaessa ohjata reaaliaikaisesti toimilaitteita. Menetelmänä käytettiin "Depth from Focusing" -menetelmää, johon VTT:llä oli jo aiemmin kehitetty automaattinen fokusointiohjelmisto. Työn puitteissa suoritettiin laitteisto- ja menetelmäkehitystä järjestelmän nopeuttamiseksi. Visualisoinnin toteuttamisen eri mahdollisuuksia kartoitettiin ja sellainen toteutettiin rakennettuun konenäköjärjestelmään.


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Freshwater ecosystems and their biodiversity are presently seriously threatened by global development and population growth, leading to increases in nutrient inputs and intensification of eutrophication-induced problems in receiving fresh waters, particularly in lakes. Climate change constitutes another threat exacerbating the symptoms of eutrophication and species migration and loss. Unequivocal evidence of climate change impacts is still highly fragmented despite the intensive research, in part due to the variety and uncertainty of climate models and underlying emission scenarios but also due to the different approaches applied to study its effects. We first describe the strengths and weaknesses of the multi-faceted approaches that are presently available for elucidating the effects of climate change in lakes, including space-for-time substitution, time series, experiments, palaeoecology and modelling. Reviewing combined results from studies based on the various approaches, we describe the likely effects of climate changes on biological communities, trophic dynamics and the ecological state of lakes. We further discuss potential mitigation and adaptation measures to counteract the effects of climate change on lakes and, finally, we highlight some of the future challenges that we face to improve our capacity for successful prediction.


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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most prevalent form of progressive degenerative dementia and it has a high socio-economic impact in Western countries, therefore is one of the most active research areas today. Its diagnosis is sometimes made by excluding other dementias, and definitive confirmation must be done trough a post-mortem study of the brain tissue of the patient. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to improvement of early diagnosis of AD and its degree of severity, from an automatic analysis performed by non-invasive intelligent methods. The methods selected in this case are Automatic Spontaneous Speech Analysis (ASSA) and Emotional Temperature (ET), that have the great advantage of being non invasive, low cost and without any side effects.


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PURPOSE: According to estimations around 230 people die as a result of radon exposure in Switzerland. This public health concern makes reliable indoor radon prediction and mapping methods necessary in order to improve risk communication to the public. The aim of this study was to develop an automated method to classify lithological units according to their radon characteristics and to develop mapping and predictive tools in order to improve local radon prediction. METHOD: About 240 000 indoor radon concentration (IRC) measurements in about 150 000 buildings were available for our analysis. The automated classification of lithological units was based on k-medoids clustering via pair-wise Kolmogorov distances between IRC distributions of lithological units. For IRC mapping and prediction we used random forests and Bayesian additive regression trees (BART). RESULTS: The automated classification groups lithological units well in terms of their IRC characteristics. Especially the IRC differences in metamorphic rocks like gneiss are well revealed by this method. The maps produced by random forests soundly represent the regional difference of IRCs in Switzerland and improve the spatial detail compared to existing approaches. We could explain 33% of the variations in IRC data with random forests. Additionally, the influence of a variable evaluated by random forests shows that building characteristics are less important predictors for IRCs than spatial/geological influences. BART could explain 29% of IRC variability and produced maps that indicate the prediction uncertainty. CONCLUSION: Ensemble regression trees are a powerful tool to model and understand the multidimensional influences on IRCs. Automatic clustering of lithological units complements this method by facilitating the interpretation of radon properties of rock types. This study provides an important element for radon risk communication. Future approaches should consider taking into account further variables like soil gas radon measurements as well as more detailed geological information.


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Neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy is a critical cerebral event occurring around birth with high mortality and neurological morbidity associated with long-term invalidating sequelae. In view of the great clinical importance of this condition and the lack of very efficacious neuroprotective strategies, it is urgent to better understand the different cell death mechanisms involved with the ultimate aim of developing new therapeutic approaches. The morphological features of three different cell death types can be observed in models of perinatal cerebral hypoxia-ischemia: necrotic, apoptotic and autophagic cell death. They may be combined in the same dying neuron. In the present review, we discuss the different cell death mechanisms involved in neonatal cerebral hypoxia-ischemia with a special focus on how autophagy may be involved in neuronal death, based: (1) on experimental models of perinatal hypoxia-ischemia and stroke, and (2) on the brains of human neonates who suffered from neonatal hypoxia-ischemia.


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In order to spare functional areas during the removal of brain tumours, electrical stimulation mapping was used in 90 patients (77 in the left hemisphere and 13 in the right; 2754 cortical sites tested). Language functions were studied with a special focus on comprehension of auditory and visual words and the semantic system. In addition to naming, patients were asked to perform pointing tasks from auditory and visual stimuli (using sets of 4 different images controlled for familiarity), and also auditory object (sound recognition) and Token test tasks. Ninety-two auditory comprehension interference sites were observed. We found that the process of auditory comprehension involved a few, fine-grained, sub-centimetre cortical territories. Early stages of speech comprehension seem to relate to two posterior regions in the left superior temporal gyrus. Downstream lexical-semantic speech processing and sound analysis involved 2 pathways, along the anterior part of the left superior temporal gyrus, and posteriorly around the supramarginal and middle temporal gyri. Electrostimulation experimentally dissociated perceptual consciousness attached to speech comprehension. The initial word discrimination process can be considered as an "automatic" stage, the attention feedback not being impaired by stimulation as would be the case at the lexical-semantic stage. Multimodal organization of the superior temporal gyrus was also detected since some neurones could be involved in comprehension of visual material and naming. These findings demonstrate a fine graded, sub-centimetre, cortical representation of speech comprehension processing mainly in the left superior temporal gyrus and are in line with those described in dual stream models of language comprehension processing.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on esittää kustannustehokkaita tapoja lähetystoimintojen ja kuljetustietojen käsittelyyn päivittäistavarakaupan logistiikkakeskuksessa. Tutkielmassa kuvataan case-yrityksen lähettämö- ja kuljetustoimintojen sekä lähtevän tavaravirran seurannan ja rahtilaskutuksen nykytilanne. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty case-yrityksen avainhenkilöiden teemahaastatteluja sekä erillistä haastattelututkimusta kahdeksalle suurimmalle case-yrityksen käyttämälle kuljetusliikkeelle. Työssä esitellään keskeisimpien kuljetustietojen ja lähettämötoimintojen sähköistämisen edellytyksiä sekä niiden toteutusmahdollisuuksia. Koska lähtevän tavaravirran käsittely manuaalisesti aiheuttaa ylimääräisiä virheitä ja tehottomuutta pitkän arvoketjun eri vaiheissa työllistäen lähettämön, kuljetusliikkeiden, terminaalien ja myymälöiden työntekijöitä, on tutkielmassa esitelty keskeisimmät keinot tehostaa ja automatisoida lähtevien kuljetusyksiköiden käsittelyä. Ratkaisut pohjautuvat lähtevien kuljetusyksiköiden yksilöintiin ja seurantaan. Yksiköiden käsittelyä tehostetaan automatisoimalla yksiköiden tunnistamista ja tiedonsiirtoa. Käytettäviksi työkaluiksi on valittu viivakoodit ja tarvittavat lukijat yksiköiden tunnistamiseen. Sähköisellä rahtikirjalla pyritään paperittomaan lähettämötoimintaan ja sitä kautta automatisoimaan rahtilaskutusta ottamalla käyttöön laskuton maksu. Kuljetustietojen sähköistämisellä voidaan saavuttaa mittavat kustannussäästöt pitkässä arvoketjussa.


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Depuis les études princeps de phase III de non-inf ériorité comparant les anticoagulants oraux directs (AOD) à la warfarine, de nombreuses études ont essayé de répondre à la question de l'efficacité et de la sécurité d'utilisation des AOD chez les patients âgés. Ces études sont des études de sous-groupes complémentaires issues des études princeps ou des études de pharmacovigilance en postmarketing utilisant des données médicoéconomiques à grande échelle. De nombreux biais, par définition, peuvent entraîner une distorsion des résultats dans de telles études, rendant leur interprétation prudente. Aucun essai randomisé contrôlé n'a à ce jour comparé les AOD à la warfarine chez des patients de 80 ans ou plus et a fortiori chez des sujets âgés fragiles. En pratique, chez le patient âgé fragile, il n'y a pas de consensus quant au choix des anticoagulants à prescrire en cas de fibrillation atriale (FA) et de la maladie thromboembolique veineuse (MTEV). Quant au choix de l'AOD à privilégier chez le sujet âgé, faute d'études de comparaison directe disponibles à ce jour, il apparaît difficile de se prononcer. Toutefois, les données disponibles, tant sur le plan pharmacologique que celles issues des études complémentaires, semblent montrer que le dabigatran offre un profil bénéfice/risque moins favorable que les autres AOD. Néanmoins, les résultats prometteurs de l'idarucizumab, antidote du dabigatran, pourraient contribuer à améliorer ce rapport à l'avenir.


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The CORNISH project is the highest resolution radio continuum survey of the Galactic plane to date. It is the 5 GHz radio continuum part of a series of multi-wavelength surveys that focus on the northern GLIMPSE region (10° < l < 65°), observed by the Spitzer satellite in the mid-infrared. Observations with the Very Large Array in B and BnA configurations have yielded a 1.''5 resolution Stokes I map with a root mean square noise level better than 0.4 mJy beam 1. Here we describe the data-processing methods and data characteristics, and present a new, uniform catalog of compact radio emission. This includes an implementation of automatic deconvolution that provides much more reliable imaging than standard CLEANing. A rigorous investigation of the noise characteristics and reliability of source detection has been carried out. We show that the survey is optimized to detect emission on size scales up to 14'' and for unresolved sources the catalog is more than 90% complete at a flux density of 3.9 mJy. We have detected 3062 sources above a 7σ detection limit and present their ensemble properties. The catalog is highly reliable away from regions containing poorly sampled extended emission, which comprise less than 2% of the survey area. Imaging problems have been mitigated by down-weighting the shortest spacings and potential artifacts flagged via a rigorous manual inspection with reference to the Spitzer infrared data. We present images of the most common source types found: H II regions, planetary nebulae, and radio galaxies. The CORNISH data and catalog are available online at http://cornish.leeds.ac.uk.


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Dopamine (DA) plays a major role in motor and cognitive functions as well as in reward processing by regulating glutamatergic inputs. In particular in the striatum the release of DA rapidly influences synaptic transmission modulating both AMPA and NMDA receptors. Several neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders, including Parkinson, Huntington and addiction-related diseases, manifest a dysregulation of glutamate and DA signaling. Here, we will focus our attention on the mechanisms underlying the modulation of the glutamatergic transmission by DA in striatal circuits.


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The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (www.isb-sib.ch) provides world-class bioinformatics databases, software tools, services and training to the international life science community in academia and industry. These solutions allow life scientists to turn the exponentially growing amount of data into knowledge. Here, we provide an overview of SIB's resources and competence areas, with a strong focus on curated databases and SIB's most popular and widely used resources. In particular, SIB's Bioinformatics resource portal ExPASy features over 150 resources, including UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, ENZYME, PROSITE, neXtProt, STRING, UniCarbKB, SugarBindDB, SwissRegulon, EPD, arrayMap, Bgee, SWISS-MODEL Repository, OMA, OrthoDB and other databases, which are briefly described in this article.