997 resultados para Artificial muscle


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We compared the extent and origin of muscle fatigue induced by short-pulse-low-frequency [conventional (CONV)] and wide-pulse-high-frequency (WPHF) neuromuscular electrical stimulation. We expected CONV contractions to mainly originate from depolarization of axonal terminal branches (spatially determined muscle fiber recruitment) and WPHF contractions to be partly produced via a central pathway (motor unit recruitment according to size principle). Greater neuromuscular fatigue was, therefore, expected following CONV compared with WPHF. Fourteen healthy subjects underwent 20 WPHF (1 ms-100 Hz) and CONV (50 μs-25 Hz) evoked isometric triceps surae contractions (work/rest periods 20:40 s) at an initial target of 10% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) force. Force-time integral of the 20 evoked contractions (FTI) was used as main index of muscle fatigue; MVC force loss was also quantified. Central and peripheral fatigue were assessed by voluntary activation level and paired stimulation amplitudes, respectively. FTI in WPHF was significantly lower than in CONV (21,717 ± 11,541 vs. 37,958 ± 9,898 N·s P<0,001). The reductions in MVC force (WPHF: -7.0 ± 2.7%; CONV: -6.2 ± 2.5%; P < 0.01) and paired stimulation amplitude (WPHF: -8.0 ± 4.0%; CONV: -7.4 ± 6.1%; P < 0.001) were similar between conditions, whereas no change was observed for voluntary activation level (P > 0.05). Overall, our results showed a different motor unit recruitment pattern between the two neuromuscular electrical stimulation modalities with a lower FTI indicating greater muscle fatigue for WPHF, possibly limiting the presumed benefits for rehabilitation programs.


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Els objectius del projecte són: realitzar un intèrpret de comandes en VAL3 que rebi les ordres a través d’una connexió TCP/IP; realitzar una toolbox de Matlab per enviar diferents ordres mitjançant una connexió TCP/IP; adquirir i processar mitjançant Matlab imatges de la càmera en temps real i detectar la posició d’objectes artificials mitjançant la segmentació per color i dissenyar i realitzar una aplicació amb Matlab que reculli peces detectades amb la càmera. L’abast del projecte inclou: l’estudi del llenguatge de programació VAL3 i disseny de l’ intèrpret de comandes, l’estudi de les llibreries de Matlab per comunicació mitjançant TCP/IP, per l’adquisició d’imatges, pel processament d’imatges i per la programació en C; el disseny de la aplicació recol·lectora de peces i la implementació de: un intèrpret de comandes en VAL3, la toolbox pel control del robot STAUBLI en Matlab i la aplicació recol·lectora de peces mitjançant el processament d’imatges en temps real també en Matlab


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PURPOSE: The effects of β(2)-agonists on human skeletal muscle contractile properties, particularly on slow fibers, are unclear. Moreover, it remains to be ascertained whether central motor drive (CMD) during voluntary contractions could counter for eventual contractile alterations induced by β(2)-agonists. This study investigated central and peripheral neuromuscular adjustments induced by β(2)-agonist terbutaline on a predominantly slow human muscle, the soleus. METHODS: Ten recreationally active men ingested either a single dose of 8 mg of terbutaline or placebo in a randomized double-blind order (two experimental sessions). Isometric plantarflexion torque was measured during single and tetanic (10 and 100 Hz) stimulations as well as during submaximal and maximal voluntary contractions (MVC). Twitch peak torque and half-relaxation time were calculated. CMD was estimated via soleus electromyographic recordings obtained during voluntary contractions performed at approximately 50% MVC. RESULTS: MVC and twitch peak torque were not modified by terbutaline. Twitch half-relaxation time was 28% shorter after terbutaline administration compared with placebo (P < 0.001). Tetanic torques at 10 and 100 Hz were significantly lower after terbutaline intake compared with placebo (-40% and -24% respectively, P < 0.001). Despite comparable torque of submaximal voluntary contractions in the two conditions, CMD was 7% higher after terbutaline ingestion compared with placebo (P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: These results provide evidence that terbutaline modulates the contractility of the slow soleus muscle and suggest that the increased CMD during submaximal contractions may be viewed as a compensatory adjustment of the central nervous system to counter the weakening action induced by terbutaline on the contractile function of slow muscle fibers.


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Resfriamento artificial para o controle de Coleoptera em arroz armazenado em silo metálico. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito do resfriamento artificial de grãos de arroz para o controle de coleópteros-praga. O ar frio foi insuflado pelo sistema de aeração em um silo metálico com arroz-em-casca. A avaliação do tratamento foi feita quinzenalmente usando armadilhas caladores. As espécies de Coleoptera capturadas foram: Oryzaephilus surinamensis (60%); Cryptolestes ferrugineus (9%); Rhyzopertha dominica (16,5%) e Sitophilus spp. (0,5%). Aos 28 dias, a temperatura média da massa de grãos era de 15ºC, e o número médio de insetos havia diminuído 76,8%. A aplicação de ar frio manteve as populações sob controle por aproximadamente 60 dias. Os resultados do monitoramento dos insetos e da temperatura indicaram que um novo ciclo de ar frio deveria ser aplicado nesse período para manter as populações sob controle. Também o manejo adequado da massa de grãos faz-se necessário para garantir resultados satisfatórios do resfriamento artificial.


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Smad3 is a key intracellular signaling mediator for both transforming growth factor-β and myostatin, two major regulators of skeletal muscle growth. Previous published work has revealed pronounced muscle atrophy together with impaired satellite cell functionality in Smad3-null muscles. In the present study, we have further validated a role for Smad3 signaling in skeletal muscle regeneration. Here, we show that Smad3-null mice had incomplete recovery of muscle weight and myofiber size after muscle injury. Histological/immunohistochemical analysis suggested impaired inflammatory response and reduced number of activated myoblasts during the early stages of muscle regeneration in the tibialis anterior muscle of Smad3-null mice. Nascent myofibers formed after muscle injury were also reduced in number. Moreover, Smad3-null regenerated muscle had decreased oxidative enzyme activity and impaired mitochondrial biogenesis, evident by the downregulation of the gene encoding mitochondrial transcription factor A, a master regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis. Consistent with known Smad3 function, reduced fibrotic tissue formation was also seen in regenerated Smad3-null muscle. In conclusion, Smad3 deficiency leads to impaired muscle regeneration, which underscores an essential role of Smad3 in postnatal myogenesis. Given the negative role of myostatin during muscle regeneration, the increased expression of myostatin observed in Smad3-null muscle may contribute to the regeneration defects.


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Thirty immatures of Anopheles darlingi Root, Anopheles argyritarsis Robineau-Desvoidy and Anopheles rondoni (Neiva & Pinto) (were found in an artificial lagoon situated near Pardo River, in Ribeirão Preto City, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The presence of immatures of Anopheles darlingi breeding in a lagoon is suggestive of the potential capacity of that species to adapt and occupy new habitats and to invade urban areas along the species distribution range and also disperse to new localities.


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Many routes have been described for percutaneous adrenal gland biopsy. They require either a complex non-axial path or a long hydrodissection or even pass through an organ thereby increasing complications. We describe here an approach using an artificially-induced carbon dioxide (CO2) pneumothorax, performed as an outpatient procedure in a 57-year-old woman. Under local anaesthesia, 200 ml of CO2 was injected in the pleural space through a Veress needle under computed tomography fluoroscopy, to clear the lung parenchyma from the biopsy route. Using this technique, transthoracic adrenal biopsy can be performed under simple local anaesthesia as an safely outpatient procedure.


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The biology of nymphs and adults of the neotropical pentatomid, Dichelops melacanthus (Dallas), feeding on the natural foods, soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill immature pods, and corn, Zea mays L. immature seeds, and on an artificial dry diet, was studied in the laboratory. Nymph developmental time was shorter on the natural foods (ca. 21-22 days) than on the artificial diet (28 days), and most nymphs reached adulthood on the food plants (55% on soybean and 73% on corn) than on the artificial diet (40%). Fresh body weight at adult emergence was similar and higher for females raised as nymphs on the natural foods, compared to females from nymphs raised on the artificial diet; for males, weights were similar on all foods. Mean (female and male) survivorship up to day 20, decreased from 55% on soybean to 40% on corn, down to 0% on the artificial diet. Total longevity for females was higher on soybean, while for males was similar on all foods. About three times more females oviposited on soybean than on corn, but fecundity/female was similar on both foods. On the artificial diet, only one out of 30 females oviposited. Fresh body weight of adults increased significantly during the first week of adult life, and at the end of the 3rd week, weight gain was similar on all foods.


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Studies in the laboratory tested the suitability of synthetic wool string, cotton string, cheesecloth, and commercial cotton ball as artificial oviposition substrates for the small green stink bug, Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood) (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). In confined cages, 54% of total egg masses was laid on synthetic wool string, 31% on cotton string, and only 15% on cheesecloth. In an additional test, the best substrate selected, synthetic wool string, received 92% of egg masses compared to 8% on the commonly used substrate, cotton ball. Synthetic wool string received the most egg masses of any size, in particular those in the range 11-20 eggs/mass. Because the eggs of P. guildinii are laid in two parallel double rows, the egg masses fit the wool string perfectly.


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Several factors influence the selection of oviposition substrates by insects. The aim of the present work was to find answers to the following questions related to the oviposition behavior of Anastrepha obliqua. Can carbohydrates (glucose or sucrose) present in the adult diet have influence on the female preference for an oviposition substrate with similar composition? Can the previous experience with a host containing one of mentioned carbohydrates interfere in further selection of oviposition substrates? The results showed that the kind of carbohydrate present in the adult diet did not affect the female preference for an artificial oviposition substrate, neither when it was presented by itself nor in combination with brewer's yeast. The effect of experience in the oviposition behavior was observed when there was a previous contact with artificial oviposition substrates containing yeast and sucrose. The data are discussed in terms of the behavioral plasticity presented by this species in relation to feeding and oviposition behaviors.


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Describe el desarrollo del proceso de salado y secado artificial de la merluza, como un método alternativo a la producción de filetes y bloques congelados, comprendiendo las experiencias comparativas de métodos de salado e igualmente las condiciones termodinámicas del aíre para el secado artificial, estudios de estabilidad de almacenamiento del producto experimental, calidad, rendimiento y aceptación por el consumidor. Además, se presenta sugerencias para las normas de procesamiento y calidad del producto.


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Este artigo procura discutir o contexto do projeto “Uso de sêmen resfriado e inseminação artificial em caprinos leiteiros na República de Cabo Verde”, suas implicações no sistema de criação de caprinos leiteiros, bem como seu impacto nos planos social, ambiental e econômico.


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Este artigo procura discutir o contexto do projeto “Uso de sêmen resfriado e inseminação artificial em caprinos leiteiros na República de Cabo Verde”, suas implicações no sistema de criação de caprinos leiteiros, bem como seu impacto nos planos social, ambiental e econômico.


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A existência de água é um fator determinante no desenvolvimento socioeconómico da Bacia Hidrográfica dos Engenhos. Situada numa região de escassez hídrica, qualquer projeto no âmbito da distribuição de água às populações e/ou para outros fins, bem como a recolha e o destino a dar às águas residuais, é de capital importância para a fixação de pessoas e para a criação de riqueza. Objeto de vários estudos e trabalhos sobre os recursos hídricos da região e sobre o Arquipélago de Cabo Verde, este é mais um que procura avaliar a disponibilidade hídrica anual em resultado da precipitação média anual na Bacia Hidrográfica dos Engenhos e, com vista ao aumento da qualidade e quantidade de água disponível, analisar a viabilidade em implementar a técnica de recarga artificial de aquíferos, a partir de caudal excedentário de nascentes, durante a época da chuva. Esta dissertação está estruturada em sete capítulos. No primeiro, de introdução, procurou-se fazer o enquadramento geral da temática abordada, definir objetivos e metodologia de trabalho. O capítulo segundo é dedicado à revisão bibliográfica e o terceiro ao enquadramento geohidrológico e geográfico da ilha de Santiago. Os capítulos seguintes, do quarto ao sexto, são dedicados à caracterização da Bacia Hidrográfica dos Engenhos, cálculo de disponibilidades hídricas e desenvolver um projeto de recarga artificial de aquíferos para aumento da quantidade e qualidade da água. Por último, no capítulo sétimo, tecem-se algumas conclusões e recomendações a ter em conta na gestão de recursos hídricos da região, com vista a ultrapassar problemas relacionados com a escassez e melhorar as condições de vida das populações residentes no local.