941 resultados para Art of persuasion
Torrefaction is the partial pyrolysis of wood characterised by thermal degradation of predominantly hemicellulose under inert atmosphere. Torrefaction can be likened to coffee roasting but with wood in place of beans. This relatively new process concept makes wood more like coal. Torrefaction has attracted interest because it potentially enables higher rates of co-firing in existing pulverised-coal power plants and hence greater net CO2 emission reductions. Academic and entrepreneurial interest in torrefaction has sky rocketed in the last decade. Research output has focused on the many aspects of torrefaction – from detailed chemical changes in feedstock to globally-optimised production and supply scenarios with which to sustain EU emission-cutting directives. However, despite its seemingly simple concept, torrefaction has retained a somewhat mysterious standing. Why hasn’t torrefied pellet production become fully commercialised? The question is one of feasibility. This thesis addresses this question. Herein, the feasibility of torrefaction in co-firing applications is approached from three directions. Firstly, the natural limitations imposed by the structure of wood are assessed. Secondly, the environmental impact of production and use of torrefied fuel is evaluated and thirdly, economic feasibility is assessed based on the state of the art of pellet making. The conclusions reached in these domains are as follows. Modification of wood’s chemical structure is limited by its naturally existing constituents. Consequently, key properties of wood with regards to its potential as a co-firing fuel have a finite range. The most ideal benefits gained from wood torrefaction cannot all be realised simultaneously in a single process or product. Although torrefaction at elevated pressure may enhance some properties of torrefied wood, high-energy torrefaction yields are achieved at the expense of other key properties such as heating value, grindability, equilibrium moisture content and the ability to pelletise torrefied wood. Moreover, pelletisation of even moderately torrefied fuels is challenging and achieving a standard level of pellet durability, as required by international standards, is not trivial. Despite a reduced moisture content, brief exposure of torrefied pellets to water from rainfall or emersion results in a high level of moisture retention. Based on the above findings, torrefied pellets are an optimised product. Assessment of energy and CO2-equivalent emission balance indicates that there is no environmental barrier to production and use of torrefied pellets in co-firing. A long product transport distance, however, is necessary in order for emission benefits to exceed those of conventional pellets. Substantial CO2 emission reductions appear possible with this fuel if laboratory milling results carry over to industrial scales for direct co-firing. From demonstrated state-of-the-art pellet properties, however, the economic feasibility of torrefied pellet production falls short of conventional pellets primarily due to the larger capital investment required for production. If the capital investment for torrefied pellet production can be reduced significantly or if the pellet-making issues can be resolved, the two production processes could be economically comparable. In this scenario, however, transatlantic shipping distances and a dry fuel are likely necessary for production to be viable. Based on demonstrated pellet properties to date, environmental aspects and production economics, it is concluded that torrefied pellets do not warrant investment at this time. However, from the presented results, the course of future research in this field is clear.
This qualitative study examines the phenomenon of discreet dissension in the administration of academe through literature review and the focused reflections of retired, senior administrators of postsecondary institutions in Ontario. Discretionary decision making is a large component of senior administrative positions. At times, senior administrators use their discretion to engage in institutionally endorsed behaviour to fulfill institutionally sanctioned objectives. At other times, senior administrators use their discretion to engage in dissenting courses of action, contrary to the prescribed and codified policies, procedures, and norms of the institution in order to achieve institutionally endorsed objectives and/or to achieve objectives congruent with individual values. Discreet dissension emerges as an administrative activity for further investigation, enhancing the understanding of the art of administration.
Ce mémoire comprend deux tomes : le premier consiste du texte et des figures, le deuxième consiste des annexes. Le tout est regroupé dans le document électronique présent.
Au 20e siècle en France et en Allemagne, l’art moderne prend son essor. Certains, comme Francastel, qualifient cet art de destruction d’un espace plastique classique. Cette destruction devient un vecteur de création chez plusieurs artistes qui, suite aux deux grandes guerres, remettent en question leur état « civilisé » et se tournent vers le « primitif » pour offrir une autre voie, loin de tout processus civilisateur. Cette admiration pour les peuples primitifs ainsi que pour les productions artistiques d’enfants, d’amateurs et de « fous » est visible chez plusieurs collectionneurs d’art. En constituant des collections d’art marginal, ces derniers défendaient une idéologie qui propose une autre forme de culture en remplacement d’une civilisation dépassée. Grâce à leurs collections, la libre expression se positionna contre le rationalisme occidental. On compte, parmi ces collectionneurs, le psychiatre Hans Prinzhorn, le marchand d’art Wilhelm Udhe et les artistes André Breton, Jean Dubuffet et Arnulf Rainer. Chacun d’eux a eu un impact sur la construction du récit de l’art moderne et de l’art contemporain. Leurs collections ont chacune sa spécificité et offrent des vocabulaires différents pour parler de productions artistiques marginales, c’est-à-dire se développant « hors culture ». C’est par l’analyse des terminologies employées par les collectionneurs, principalement la dénomination d’art pathologique, que nous tracerons un portrait de la construction historique de l’art marginal en lien avec l’art moderne
L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’explorer et d’analyser la réception de l’œuvre d’Eugen Wüster afin d’expliquer comment ses travaux ont influencé le développement disciplinaire de la terminologie. Du point de vue historique, les travaux de Wüster, en particulier la Théorie générale de la terminologie, ont stimulé la recherche en terminologie. Malgré des opinions divergentes, on s’entend pour reconnaître que les travaux de Wüster constituent la pierre angulaire de la terminologie moderne. Notre recherche vise spécifiquement à explorer la réception de l’œuvre wüsterienne en étudiant les écrits relatifs à cette œuvre dans la littérature universitaire en anglais, en espagnol et en français entre 1979 et 2009, en Europe et en Amérique. Réalisée dans le cadre du débat sur la réception de l’œuvre de Wüster, cette étude se concentre exclusivement sur l’analyse des critiques et des commentaires de son œuvre. Pour ce faire, nous avons tenu compte de la production intellectuelle de Wüster, de sa réception positive ou négative, des nouvelles approches théoriques en terminologie ainsi que des études portant sur l’état de la question en terminologie entre 1979 et 2009. Au moyen d’une recherche qualitative de type exploratoire, nous avons analysé un corpus de textes dans lesquels les auteurs : a. ont cité textuellement au moins un extrait d’un texte écrit par Wüster ; b. ont référé aux travaux de Wüster dans la bibliographie de l’article ; ou c. ont fait un commentaire sur ces travaux. De cette manière, nous avons cerné les grandes lignes du débat autour de la réception de son œuvre. Les résultats de notre étude sont éloquents. Ils offrent une idée claire de la réception des travaux de Wüster dans la communauté scientifique. Premièrement, Wüster représente une figure centrale de la terminologie moderne en ce qui concerne la normalisation terminologique. Il fut le premier à proposer une théorie de la terminologie. Deuxièmement, la contextualisation appropriée de son œuvre constitue un point de départ essentiel pour une appréciation éclairée et juste de sa contribution à l’évolution de la discipline. Troisièmement, les résultats de notre recherche dévoilent comment les nouvelles approches théoriques de la terminologie se sont adaptées aux progrès scientifiques et techniques. Quatrièmement, une étude menée sur 166 articles publiés dans des revues savantes confirme que l’œuvre de Wüster a provoqué des réactions variées tant en Europe qu’en Amérique et que sa réception est plutôt positive. Les résultats de notre étude font état d’une tendance qu’ont les auteurs de critiquer les travaux de Wüster avec lesquels, dans la plupart des cas, ils ne semblent cependant pas être bien familiarisés. La « méthodologie des programmes de recherche scientifique », proposée par Lakatos (1978) et appliquée comme un modèle interprétatif, nous a permis de démontrer que Wüster a joué un rôle décisif dans le développement de la terminologie comme discipline et que la terminologie peut être perçue comme un programme de recherche scientifique. La conclusion principale de notre thèse est que la terminologie a vécu des changements considérables et progressifs qui l’ont aidée à devenir, en termes lakatosiens, une discipline forte tant au plan théorique que descriptif.
L’esthétique de Madame de Staël and Mary Shelley discute l’art de l’improvisation et le concept de l’enthousiasme dans les écrits de ces deux auteurs. Dans ce projet, j’explore l’esthétique d’improvisation et d’enthousiasme de Madame de Staël dans Corinne, en me référant à son autre roman Delphine, à sa pièce de théâtre Sapho, et à ses nouvelles ainsi qu’à ses textes philosophiques comme De l’Allemagne, De l’influence des passions, et De la littérature. J’argumente que Madame de Staël représente à travers le caractère de Corinne une esthétique anti-utilitaire. J’explique qu’elle évoque des valeurs cosmopolites qui valorisent une culture indigène qui est en opposition avec l’impérialisme de Napoléon. De plus, j’examine comment les improvisations de Corinne dérivent d’un enthousiasme qui est associé à la définition que Platon offre du terme. Ceci est évident par la signification que Madame de Staël présente du terme dans De L’Allemagne. J’interprète la maladie de Corinne comme étant d’origine psychosomatique qui est manifesté par la perte de son génie et par un suicide lent qui est une expression de colère contre la patriarchie. Le caractère de Corinne permet à Madame de Staël d’explorer le conflit que les femmes artistes éprouvaient entre ayant une carrière artistique et adhérant à l’idéologie domestique. Chapitre deux se concentre sur l’intérêt que Shelley démontre sur l’art de l’improvisation comme elle l’exprime dans ses lettres à propos de l’improvisateur Tommaso Sgricci. Malgré sa fascination avec la poésie extemporanée, Shelley regrette que cette forme d’art soit évanescente. Aussi, j’examine son enthousiasme pour un autre artiste, Nicolò Paganini. Son enchantement avec se violoniste virtuose est lié à des discours concernant le talent surnaturel des improvisateurs. J’argumente qu’il y a un continuum d’improvisation entre les balades orales du peuple et les improvisations de culture sophistiqué des improvisateurs de haute société. J’estime que les Shelleys collaboraient à définir une théorie d’inspiration à travers leurs intérêts pour l’art de l’improvisation. Chapitre trois considère le lien entre cosmologie et esthétique d’inspiration à travers la fonction de la musique, spécialement La Création de Joseph Haydn, dans The Last Man de Shelley. J’examine la représentation du sublime des Alpes dans le roman à travers de discours qui associent les Alpes avec les forces primordiales de la création. Les rôles de la Nécessité, Prophétie, et du Temps peuvent être compris en considérant la musique des sphères. Chapitre quatre explore les différentes définitions de terme enthousiasme dans les écrits de Shelley, particulièrement Valperga et The Last Man. Je discute l’opinion de Shelley sur Madame de Staël comme suggéré dans Lives. J’analyse les caractères qui ressemblent à Corinne dans les écrits de Shelley. De plus, je considère les sens multiples du mot enthousiasme en relation avec la Guerre civil d’Angleterre et la Révolution française. Je présente comment le terme enthousiasme était lié au cours du dix-septième siècle avec des discours médicales concernant la mélancolie et comment ceci est reflété dans les caractères de Shelley.
La pensée de Nietzsche a joué un rôle déterminant et récurrent dans les discours et les débats qui ont formé et continuent de façonner le domaine de l’histoire de l’art, mais aucune analyse systématique de cette question n’a encore vu le jour. L’influence de Nietzsche a été médiée par divers interlocuteurs, historiens de l’art et philosophes, qui ont encadré ces discussions, en utilisant les écrits du philosophe comme toile de fond de leurs propres idées. Ce mémoire souhaite démontrer que l’impact de Nietzsche dans le champ de l’histoire de l’art existe mais qu’il fut toujours immergé ou éclipsé, particulièrement dans le contexte anglo-américain, l’emphase étant placée sur les médiateurs de ses idées en n’avouant que très peu d’engagement direct avec son œuvre. En conséquence, son importance généalogique pour certains fondateurs de la discipline reste méconnue; sa présence réellement féconde se traduit plutôt comme une absence ou une présence masquée. En vue de démontrer ce propos, nous regardons donc le contexte nietzschéen qui travaille les écrits de certains historiens de l’art, comme Jacob Burckhardt et Aby Warburg, ou des philosophes et d’écrivains ayant marqué la discipline de l’histoire de l’art (plus particulièrement dans le cadre de l’influence de la « French Theory » sur l’histoire de l’art anglo-américaine depuis la fin des années 1970) : Martin Heidegger, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze et Georges Bataille. Nous examinons certaines voies par lesquelles ses idées ont acquis une pertinence pour l’histoire de l’art avant de proposer les raisons potentielles de leur occlusion ultérieure. Nous étudions donc l’évolution des discours multiples de l’histoire comme domaine d’étude afin de situer la contribution du philosophe et de cerner où et comment ses réflexions ont croisé celles des historiens de l’art qui ont soit élargi ou redéfini les méthodes et les structures d’analyse de leur discipline. Ensuite nous regardons « l’art » de Nietzsche en le comparant avec « l’art de l’histoire de l’art » (Preziosi 2009) afin d’évaluer si ces deux expressions peuvent se rejoindre ou s’il y a fondamentalement une incompatibilité entre les deux, laquelle pourrait justifier ou éclairer la distance entre la pensée nietzschéenne sur l’art et la discipline de l’histoire de l’art telle qu’elle s’institutionnalise au moment où le philosophe rédige son œuvre.
Ship recycling has been considered as the best means to dispose off an obsolete ship. The current state of art of technology combined with the demands of sustainable developments from the global maritime industrial sector has modified the status of erstwhile ‘ship breaking’ involving ship scrap business to a modern industry undertaking dismantling of ships and recycling/reusing the dismantled products in a supply chain of pre owned product market by following the principles of recycling. Industries will have to formulate a set of best practices and blend them with the engineering activities for producing better quality products, improving the productivity and for achieving improved performances related to sustainable development. Improved performance by industries in a sustainable development perspective is accomplished only by implementing the 4E principles, ie.,. ecofriendliness, engineering efficiency, energy conservation and ergonomics in their core operations. The present study has done a comprehensive investigation into various ship recycling operations for formulating a set of best practices.Being the ultimate life cycle stage of a ship, ship recycling activities incorporate certain commercial procedures well in advance to facilitate the objectives of dismantling and recycling/reusing of various parts of the vessel. Thorough knowledge regarding these background procedures in ship recycling is essential for examining and understanding the industrial business operations associated with it. As a first step, the practices followed in merchant shipping operations regarding the decision on decommissioning have been and made available in the thesis. Brief description about the positioning methods and important preparations for the most feasible ship recycling method ie.,. beach method have been provided as a part of the outline of the background information. Available sources of guidelines, codes and rules & regulations for ship recycling have been compiled and included in the discussion.Very brief summary of practices in major ship recycling destinations has been prepared and listed for providing an overview of the global ship recycling activities. The present status of ship recycling by treating it as a full fledged engineering industry has been brought out to establish the need for looking into the development of the best practices. Major engineering attributes of ship as a unique engineering product and the significant influencing factors on her life cycle stage operations have been studied and added to the information base on ship recycling. Role of ship recycling industry as an important player in global sustainable development efforts has been reviewed by analysing the benefits of ship recycling. A brief synopsis on the state of art of ship recycling in major international ship recycling centres has also been incorporated in the backdrop knowledgebase generation on ship recycling processes.Publications available in this field have been reviewed and classified into five subject categories viz., Infrastructure for recycling yards and methods of dismantling, Rules regarding ship recycling activities, Environmental and safety aspects of ship recycling, Role of naval architects and ship classification societies, Application of information technology and Demand forecasting. The inference from the literature survey have been summarised and recorded. Noticeable observations in the inference include need of creation of a comprehensive knowledgebase on ship recycling and its effective implementation in the industry and the insignificant involvement of naval architects and shipbuilding engineers in ship recycling industry. These two important inferences and the message conveyed by them have been addressed with due importance in the subsequent part of the present study.As a part of the study the importance of demand forecasting in ship recycling has been introduced and presented. A sample input for ship recycling data for implementation of computer based methods of demand forecasting has been presented in this section of the thesis.The interdisciplinary nature of engineering processes involved in ship recycling has been identified as one of the important features of this industry. The present study has identified more than a dozen major stake holders in ship recycling having their own interests and roles. It has also been observed that most of the ship recycling activities is carried out in South East Asian countries where the beach based ship recycling is done in yards without proper infrastructure support. A model of beach based ship recycling has been developed and the roles, responsibilities and the mutual interactions of the elements of the system have been documented as a part of the study Subsequently the need of a generation of a wide knowledgebase on ship recycling activities as pointed out by the literature survey has been addressed. The information base and source of expertise required to build a broad knowledgebase on ship recycling operations have been identified and tabulated. Eleven important ship recycling processes have been identified and a brief sketch of steps involved in these processes have been examined and addressed in detail. Based on these findings, a detailed sequential disassembly process plan of ship recycling has been prepared and charted. After having established the need of best practices in ship recycling initially, the present study here identifies development of a user friendly expert system for ship recycling process as one of the constituents of the proposed best practises. A user friendly expert system has been developed for beach based ship recycling processes and is named as Ship Recycling Recommender (SRR). Two important functions of SRR, first one for the ‘Administrators’, the stake holders at the helm of the ship recycling affairs and second one for the ‘Users’, the stake holders who execute the actual dismantling have been presented by highlighting the steps involved in the execution of the software. The important output generated, ie.,. recommended practices for ship dismantling processes and safe handling information on materials present onboard have been presented with the help of ship recycling reports generated by the expert system. A brief account of necessity of having a ship recycling work content estimation as part of the best practices has been presented in the study. This is supported by a detailed work estimation schedule for the same as one of the appendices.As mentioned earlier, a definite lack of involvement of naval architect has been observed in development of methodologies for improving the status of ship recycling industry. Present study has put forward a holistic approach to review the status of ship recycling not simply as end of life activity of all ‘time expired’ vessels, but as a focal point of integrating all life cycle activities. A new engineering design philosophy targeting sustainable development of marine industrial domain, named design for ship recycling has been identified, formulated and presented. A new model of ship life cycle has been proposed by adding few stages to the traditional life cycle after analysing their critical role in accomplishing clean and safe end of life and partial dismantling of ships. Two applications of design for ship recycling viz, recyclability of ships and her products and allotment of Green Safety Index for ships have been presented as a part of implementation of the philosophy in actual practice.
Association rules are a popular knowledge discovery technique for warehouse basket analysis. They indicate which items of the warehouse are frequently bought together. The problem of association rule mining has first been stated in 1993. Five years later, several research groups discovered that this problem has a strong connection to Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). In this survey, we will first introduce some basic ideas of this connection along a specific algorithm, TITANIC, and show how FCA helps in reducing the number of resulting rules without loss of information, before giving a general overview over the history and state of the art of applying FCA for association rule mining.
Many different individuals, who have their own expertise and criteria for decision making, are involved in making decisions on construction projects. Decision-making processes are thus significantly affected by communication, in which a dynamic performance of human intentions leads to unpredictable outcomes. In order to theorise the decision making processes including communication, it is argued here that the decision making processes resemble evolutionary dynamics in terms of both selection and mutation, which can be expressed by the replicator-mutator equation. To support this argument, a mathematical model of decision making has been made from an analogy with evolutionary dynamics, in which there are three variables: initial support rate, business hierarchy, and power of persuasion. On the other hand, a survey of patterns in decision making in construction projects has also been performed through self-administered mail questionnaire to construction practitioners. Consequently, comparison between the numerical analysis of mathematical model and the statistical analysis of empirical data has shown a significant potential of the replicator-mutator equation as a tool to study dynamic properties of intentions in communication.
In this review we describe how concepts of shoot apical meristem function have developed over time. The role of the scientist is emphasized, as proposer, receiver and evaluator of ideas about the shoot apical meristem. Models have become increasingly popular over the last 250 years, and we consider their role. They provide valuable grounding for the development of hypotheses, but in addition they have a strong human element and their uptake relies on various degrees of persuasion. The most influential models are probably those that most data support, consolidating them as an insight into reality; but they also work by altering how we see meristems, re-directing us to influence the data we collect and the questions we consider meaningful.
Current e-learning systems are increasing their importance in higher education. However, the state of the art of e-learning applications, besides the state of the practice, does not achieve the level of interactivity that current learning theories advocate. In this paper, the possibility of enhancing e-learning systems to achieve deep learning has been studied by replicating an experiment in which students had to learn basic software engineering principles. One group learned these principles using a static approach, while the other group learned the same principles using a system-dynamics-based approach, which provided interactivity and feedback. The results show that, quantitatively, the latter group achieved a better understanding of the principles; furthermore, qualitatively, they enjoyed the learning experience
The Egyptians mesmerized the ancient Greeks for scores of years. The Greek literature and art of the classical period are especially thick with representations of Egypt and Egyptians. Yet despite numerous firsthand contacts with Egypt, Greek writers constructed their own Egypt, one that differed in significant ways from actual Egyptian history, society, and culture. Informed by recent work on orientalism and colonialism, this book unravels the significance of these misrepresentations of Egypt in the Greek cultural imagination in the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.E. Looking in particular at issues of identity, otherness, and cultural anxiety, Phiroze Vasunia shows how Greek authors constructed an image of Egypt that reflected their own attitudes and prejudices about Greece itself. He focuses his discussion on Aeschylus Suppliants; Book 2 of Herodotus; Euripides' Helen; Plato's Phaedrus, Timaeus, and Critias; and Isocrates' Busiris. Reconstructing the history of the bias that informed these writings, Vasunia shows that Egypt in these works was shaped in relation to Greek institutions, values, and ideas on such subjects as gender and sexuality, death, writing, and political and ethnic identity. This study traces the tendentiousness of Greek representations by introducing comparative Egyptian material, thus interrogating the Greek texts and authors from a cross-cultural perspective. A final chapter also considers the invasion of Egypt by Alexander the Great and shows how he exploited and revised the discursive tradition in his conquest of the country. Firmly and knowledgeably rooted in classical studies and the ancient sources, this study takes a broad look at the issue of cross-cultural exchange in antiquity by framing it within the perspective of contemporary cultural studies. In addition, this provocative and original work shows how Greek writers made possible literary Europe's most persistent and adaptable obsession: the barbarian.
Garfield produces a critique of neo-minimalist art practice by demonstrating how the artist Melanie Jackson’s Some things you are not allowed to send around the world (2003 and 2006) and the experimental film-maker Vivienne Dick’s Liberty’s booty (1980) – neither of which can be said to be about feeling ‘at home’ in the world, be it as a resident or as a nomad – examine global humanity through multi-positionality, excess and contingency, and thereby begin to articulate a new cosmopolitan relationship with the local – or, rather, with many different localities – in one and the same maximalist sweep of the work. ‘Maximalism’ in Garfield’s coinage signifies an excessive overloading (through editing, collage, and the sheer density of the range of the material) that enables the viewer to insert themselves into the narrative of the work. In the art of both Jackson and Dick Garfield detects a refusal to know or to judge the world; instead, there is an attempt to incorporate the complexities of its full range into the singular vision of the work, challenging the viewer to identify what is at stake.