926 resultados para Approximate relative percentages (wt. %)
The method of approximate approximations, introduced by Maz'ya [1], can also be used for the numerical solution of boundary integral equations. In this case, the matrix of the resulting algebraic system to compute an approximate source density depends only on the position of a finite number of boundary points and on the direction of the normal vector in these points (Boundary Point Method). We investigate this approach for the Stokes problem in the whole space and for the Stokes boundary value problem in a bounded convex domain G subset R^2, where the second part consists of three steps: In a first step the unknown potential density is replaced by a linear combination of exponentially decreasing basis functions concentrated near the boundary points. In a second step, integration over the boundary partial G is replaced by integration over the tangents at the boundary points such that even analytical expressions for the potential approximations can be obtained. In a third step, finally, the linear algebraic system is solved to determine an approximate density function and the resulting solution of the Stokes boundary value problem. Even not convergent the method leads to an efficient approximation of the form O(h^2) + epsilon, where epsilon can be chosen arbitrarily small.
Let G be finite group and K a number field or a p-adic field with ring of integers O_K. In the first part of the manuscript we present an algorithm that computes the relative algebraic K-group K_0(O_K[G],K) as an abstract abelian group. We solve the discrete logarithm problem, both in K_0(O_K[G],K) and the locally free class group cl(O_K[G]). All algorithms have been implemented in MAGMA for the case K = \IQ. In the second part of the manuscript we prove formulae for the torsion subgroup of K_0(\IZ[G],\IQ) for large classes of dihedral and quaternion groups.
This work focuses on the analysis of the influence of environment on the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of carbon ions on molecular level. Due to the high relevance of RBE for medical applications, such as tumor therapy, and radiation protection in space, DNA damages have been investigated in order to understand the biological efficiency of heavy ion radiation. The contribution of this study to the radiobiology research consists in the analysis of plasmid DNA damages induced by carbon ion radiation in biochemical buffer environments, as well as in the calculation of the RBE of carbon ions on DNA level by mean of scanning force microscopy (SFM). In order to study the DNA damages, besides the common electrophoresis method, a new approach has been developed by using SFM. The latter method allows direct visualisation and measurement of individual DNA fragments with an accuracy of several nanometres. In addition, comparison of the results obtained by SFM and agarose gel electrophoresis methods has been performed in the present study. Sparsely ionising radiation, such as X-rays, and densely ionising radiation, such as carbon ions, have been used to irradiate plasmid DNA in trishydroxymethylaminomethane (Tris buffer) and 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid (HEPES buffer) environments. These buffer environments exhibit different scavenging capacities for hydroxyl radical (HO0), which is produced by ionisation of water and plays the major role in the indirect DNA damage processes. Fragment distributions have been measured by SFM over a large length range, and as expected, a significantly higher degree of DNA damages was observed for increasing dose. Also a higher amount of double-strand breaks (DSBs) was observed after irradiation with carbon ions compared to X-ray irradiation. The results obtained from SFM measurements show that both types of radiation induce multiple fragmentation of the plasmid DNA in the dose range from D = 250 Gy to D = 1500 Gy. Using Tris environments at two different concentrations, a decrease of the relative biological effectiveness with the rise of Tris concentration was observed. This demonstrates the radioprotective behavior of the Tris buffer solution. In contrast, a lower scavenging capacity for all other free radicals and ions, produced by the ionisation of water, was registered in the case of HEPES buffer compared to Tris solution. This is reflected in the higher RBE values deduced from SFM and gel electrophoresis measurements after irradiation of the plasmid DNA in 20 mM HEPES environment compared to 92 mM Tris solution. These results show that HEPES and Tris environments play a major role on preventing the indirect DNA damages induced by ionising radiation and on the relative biological effectiveness of heavy ion radiation. In general, the RBE calculated from the SFM measurements presents higher values compared to gel electrophoresis data, for plasmids irradiated in all environments. Using a large set of data, obtained from the SFM measurements, it was possible to calculate the survive rate over a larger range, from 88% to 98%, while for gel electrophoresis measurements the survive rates have been calculated only for values between 96% and 99%. While the gel electrophoresis measurements provide information only about the percentage of plasmids DNA that suffered a single DSB, SFM can count the small plasmid fragments produced by multiple DSBs induced in a single plasmid. Consequently, SFM generates more detailed information regarding the amount of the induced DSBs compared to gel electrophoresis, and therefore, RBE can be calculated with more accuracy. Thus, SFM has been proven to be a more precise method to characterize on molecular level the DNA damage induced by ionizing radiations.
The aim of this paper is the numerical treatment of a boundary value problem for the system of Stokes' equations. For this we extend the method of approximate approximations to boundary value problems. This method was introduced by V. Maz'ya in 1991 and has been used until now for the approximation of smooth functions defined on the whole space and for the approximation of volume potentials. In the present paper we develop an approximation procedure for the solution of the interior Dirichlet problem for the system of Stokes' equations in two dimensions. The procedure is based on potential theoretical considerations in connection with a boundary integral equations method and consists of three approximation steps as follows. In a first step the unknown source density in the potential representation of the solution is replaced by approximate approximations. In a second step the decay behavior of the generating functions is used to gain a suitable approximation for the potential kernel, and in a third step Nyström's method leads to a linear algebraic system for the approximate source density. For every step a convergence analysis is established and corresponding error estimates are given.
This thesis concerns with the main aspects of medical trace molecules detection by means of intracavity laser absorption spectroscopy (ICLAS), namely with the equirements for highly sensitive, highly selective, low price, and compact size sensor. A novel two modes semiconductor laser sensor is demonstrated. Its operation principle is based on the competition between these two modes. The sensor sensitivity is improved when the sample is placed inside the two modes laser cavity, and the competition between the two modes exists. The effects of the mode competition in ICLAS are discussed theoretically and experimentally. The sensor selectivity is enhanced using external cavity diode laser (ECDL) configuration, where the tuning range only depends on the external cavity configuration. In order to considerably reduce the sensor cost, relative intensity noise (RIN) is chosen for monitoring the intensity ratio of the two modes. RIN is found to be an excellent indicator for the two modes intensity ratio variations which strongly supports the sensor methodology. On the other hand, it has been found that, wavelength tuning has no effect on the RIN spectrum which is very beneficial for the proposed detection principle. In order to use the sensor for medical applications, the absorption line of an anesthetic sample, propofol, is measured. Propofol has been dissolved in various solvents. RIN has been chosen to monitor the sensor response. From the measured spectra, the sensor sensitivity enhancement factor is found to be of the order of 10^(3) times of the conventional laser spectroscopy.
The central challenge in face recognition lies in understanding the role different facial features play in our judgments of identity. Notable in this regard are the relative contributions of the internal (eyes, nose and mouth) and external (hair and jaw-line) features. Past studies that have investigated this issue have typically used high-resolution images or good-quality line drawings as facial stimuli. The results obtained are therefore most relevant for understanding the identification of faces at close range. However, given that real-world viewing conditions are rarely optimal, it is also important to know how image degradations, such as loss of resolution caused by large viewing distances, influence our ability to use internal and external features. Here, we report experiments designed to address this issue. Our data characterize how the relative contributions of internal and external features change as a function of image resolution. While we replicated results of previous studies that have shown internal features of familiar faces to be more useful for recognition than external features at high resolution, we found that the two feature sets reverse in importance as resolution decreases. These results suggest that the visual system uses a highly non-linear cue-fusion strategy in combining internal and external features along the dimension of image resolution and that the configural cues that relate the two feature sets play an important role in judgments of facial identity.
In this paper, we develop a novel index structure to support efficient approximate k-nearest neighbor (KNN) query in high-dimensional databases. In high-dimensional spaces, the computational cost of the distance (e.g., Euclidean distance) between two points contributes a dominant portion of the overall query response time for memory processing. To reduce the distance computation, we first propose a structure (BID) using BIt-Difference to answer approximate KNN query. The BID employs one bit to represent each feature vector of point and the number of bit-difference is used to prune the further points. To facilitate real dataset which is typically skewed, we enhance the BID mechanism with clustering, cluster adapted bitcoder and dimensional weight, named the BID⁺. Extensive experiments are conducted to show that our proposed method yields significant performance advantages over the existing index structures on both real life and synthetic high-dimensional datasets.
Objetivo: Identificar las alteraciones espirométricas en trabajadores de las ladrilleras en el sur de Bogotá y sus condiciones sociodemográficas Metodologia: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de tipo transversal, donde se evaluaron las condiciones demográficas de trabajadores de 17 ladrilleras de 33 que conforman LA ASOCIACIÓN NACIONAL DE FABRICANTES DE LADRILLOS Y MATERIALES DE CONSTRUCCIÓN (ANAFALCO) y el resultado de la espirometría en pacientes con exámenes médicos ocupacionales en el mes de agosto de 2013 realizados por la compañía ASODER CONSULTORES IPS en Bogotá Colombia. Los datos obtenidos son descritos mediante medidas de frecuencia relativas como porcentajes y se consideró el uso de tablas de contingencia para el cruce de variables. Resultados: Se encontro una población predominantemente masculina, cuya media de edad es de 41,6 años, con un nivel educativo dada por educación básica primaria incompleta y con prevalencia del estado civil de unión libre; el 91% de la población labora en el área operativa, con una antigüedad en la empresa prevalente entre 1 a 5 años con un 44%. El 31% de los trabajadores presento habito de consumo de cigarrillo, y el 35% reporto practicar algún ejercicio físico. En los resultados de la espirometria el 79% presento resultado normal, el 21% mostro espirometria anormal, con predominancia de patrón obstructivo leve (17%). Conclusiones: La alteración del patrón espirometrico predomina en trabajadores del área operativa, con edad mayor a 50 años, que llevan más de 10 años trabajando en la empresa. El habito de fumar no es un factor de riesgo directamente relacionado, pero la práctica de deporte si figura como factor protector. El patrón de alteración predominante fue el obstructivo leve, lo que sugiere la posibilidad de aplicar medidas de prevención y protección para minimizar la progresión hacia alteraciones de mayor severidad.
Objetivo: Identificar las alteraciones espirométricas en trabajadores de las ladrilleras en el sur de Bogotá y sus condiciones sociodemográficas Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de tipo transversal, donde se evaluaron las condiciones demográficas de trabajadores de 17 ladrilleras de 33 que conforman LA ASOCIACIÓN NACIONAL DE FABRICANTES DE LADRILLOS Y MATERIALES DE CONSTRUCCIÓN (ANAFALCO) y el resultado de la espirometría en pacientes con exámenes médicos ocupacionales en el mes de agosto de 2013 realizados por la compañía ASODER CONSULTORES IPS en Bogotá Colombia. Los datos obtenidos son descritos mediante medidas de frecuencia relativas como porcentajes y se consideró el uso de tablas de contingencia para el cruce de variables. Resultados: Se encontró una población predominantemente masculina, cuya media de edad es de 41,6 años, con un nivel educativo dada por educación básica primaria incompleta y con prevalencia del estado civil de unión libre; el 91% de la población labora en el área operativa, con una antigüedad en la empresa prevalente entre 1 a 5 años con un 44%. El 31% de los trabajadores presentó hábito de consumo de cigarrillo, y el 35% reporto practicar algún ejercicio físico. En los resultados de la espirometría el 79% presento resultado normal, el 21% mostró espirometría anormal, con predominancia de patrón obstructivo leve (17%). Conclusiones: La alteración del patrón espirométrico predomina en trabajadores del área operativa, con edad mayor a 50 años, que llevan más de 10 años trabajando en la empresa. El hábito de fumar no es un factor de riesgo directamente relacionado, pero la práctica de deporte si figura como factor protector. El patrón de alteración predominante fue el obstructivo leve, lo que sugiere la posibilidad de aplicar medidas de prevención y protección para minimizar la progresión hacia alteraciones de mayor severidad.
We present a method for analyzing the curvature (second derivatives) of the conical intersection hyperline at an optimized critical point. Our method uses the projected Hessians of the degenerate states after elimination of the two branching space coordinates, and is equivalent to a frequency calculation on a single Born-Oppenheimer potential-energy surface. Based on the projected Hessians, we develop an equation for the energy as a function of a set of curvilinear coordinates where the degeneracy is preserved to second order (i.e., the conical intersection hyperline). The curvature of the potential-energy surface in these coordinates is the curvature of the conical intersection hyperline itself, and thus determines whether one has a minimum or saddle point on the hyperline. The equation used to classify optimized conical intersection points depends in a simple way on the first- and second-order degeneracy splittings calculated at these points. As an example, for fulvene, we show that the two optimized conical intersection points of C2v symmetry are saddle points on the intersection hyperline. Accordingly, there are further intersection points of lower energy, and one of C2 symmetry - presented here for the first time - is found to be the global minimum in the intersection space
This paper reviews a speech intelligibility experiment using the same subjects as both talkers and listeners.
This paper discusses a study to test two methods of hearing screening for infants--visual reinforcement audiometry and auditory brainstem responses.