911 resultados para Accounting.


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Since the late 1970s, international education has steadily gained in popularity in China.An emerging middle class seeks to strengthen its position in China’s rapidly stratifyingsociety under its socialist market economy with the shift from wealth creation for all towealth concentration for a few. Previously, a foreign qualification was considered apassport to success in either the host or home country’s labour market. But the growingpopularity of overseas study, coupled with the massification of the Chinese highereducation, means Chinese international students are seeking to distinguish themselvesin an increasingly competitive global labour market. This longitudinal study of internationalgraduates, backgrounded by Australian employer perceptions, examines thejourneys of 13 Chinese accounting graduates as they attempt to transition from anAustralian university into the Australian labour market. Bourdieu’s thinking tools offield, capital, disposition and habitus are utilised to consider how different cultural,social and linguistic capitals inform employer understandings of ‘employability’ meantChinese accounting graduates significantly adjusted their life goals.


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The stereotypical image of the profession is poor with accountants appearing in the popular media as either the object of satire or the criminally inclined expert who deceives the public for self-gain. Extant research on the portrayal of the stereotypic accountant is limited in two ways: (1) existing research assumes a unitary concept by inferring a dominant image when the accountant stereotype is multifaceted; and (2) it is unclear from existing research whether the dominant image results from perceived character traits or the duties undertaken by accountants. This paper relies on qualitative methods of data analysis to unpack the elements that underpin stereotypical images in accounting to develop a framework of external perceptions that distinguishes one image from another. The framework is constructed on two broad criteria that comprise accountants (personality traits and physical characteristics) and accounting (task functionality). The interplay of these two criteria creates four subtypes representing positive (Scorekeeper and Guardian) and negative (Beancounter and Entrepreneur) interpretations of the two basic categorizations: bookkeeper and business professional. Further analysis revealed four primary dimensions (Ethics and Sociable, Skill and Service) that underlie the construction of the subtypes. In general, the 'Scorekeeper' rates more highly than the 'Beancounter' on 'Ethics and Sociable' and the 'Guardian' rates more highly than the 'Entrepreneur' on 'Ethics'. Accounting researchers and the profession could benefit from understanding how stereotypical perceptions are constructed and managed.


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This study investigates the influence of vocational interests on the learning approach of accounting students at the undergraduate level. It brings together two theoretical models: vocational interests and approaches to learning, to investigate student learning in the accounting discipline. The research focus is supported by more general findings from the education literature which suggest that interest-oriented learning leads to superior approaches to learning. The research was tested using 917 tertiary accounting students across two universities. The associations between vocational interests and learning approaches provide support for the theoretical model linking vocational interests (e.g. conventional) with deep learning approaches in a tertiary accounting environment. There are practical implications for the teaching of accounting with particular reference to whether the current curriculum reinforces the values of those individuals with conventional interests.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to investigate the generic skills developed during the undergraduate degree from the perspectives of final year undergraduates and graduate employers. Design/methodology/approach - The list of generic skills tested in this study was contextualized to Sri Lanka and developed based on prior studies. Data obtained from stakeholders via a questionnaire survey was analyzed using paired sample t-test; independent sample t-test; principal component analysis; and one-way analysis of variance, with a view to explore, evaluate and compare respondents' perspectives. Findings - The findings revealed both stakeholders believe that most of the generic skills tested in this study are important for graduates' career success. Consistent with prior studies, respondents prioritized generic skills for career success above technical skills. Final year accounting undergraduates are aware of the skill expectations in the employment market. However, they perceive that most of the important generic skills are not adequately developed during the degree. Practical implications - Findings of this study inform the importance of adopting a holistic approach to the redesign of the accounting curricula to accommodate generic skill development during the degree. Suggestions include: establishing strong links between universities, professional accounting institutions and employers; introducing participatory methods of curriculum design; and assimilating continuous reviews and frequent updates to curricula. Originality/value - Sri Lanka, a developing country, was selected for this research given that little has been reported in the literature in terms of generic skills development of accounting graduates in developing countries.


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Seafloors of unconsolidated sediment are highly dynamic features; eroding or accumulating under the action of tides, waves and currents. Assessing which areas of the seafloor experienced change and measuring the corresponding volumes involved provide insights into these important active sedimentation processes. Computing the difference between Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) obtained from repeat Multibeam Echosounders (MBES) surveys has become a common technique to identify these areas, but the uncertainty in these datasets considerably affects the estimation of the volumes displaced. The two main techniques used to take into account uncertainty in volume estimations are the limitation of calculations to areas experiencing a change in depth beyond a chosen threshold, and the computation of volumetric confidence intervals. However, these techniques are still in their infancy and, as a result, are often crude, seldom used or poorly understood. In this article, we explored a number of possible methodological advances to address this issue, including: (1) using the uncertainty information provided by the MBES data processing algorithm CUBE, (2) adapting fluvial geomorphology techniques for volume calculations using spatially variable thresholds and (3) volumetric histograms. The nearshore seabed off Warrnambool harbour - located in the highly energetic southwest Victorian coast, Australia - was used as a test site. Four consecutive MBES surveys were carried out over a four-months period. The difference between consecutive DEMs revealed an area near the beach experiencing large sediment transfers - mostly erosion - and an area of reef experiencing increasing deposition from the advance of a nearby sediment sheet. The volumes of sediment displaced in these two areas were calculated using the techniques described above, both traditionally and using the suggested improvements. We compared the results and discussed the applicability of the new methodological improvements. We found that the spatially variable uncertainty derived from the CUBE algorithm provided the best results (i.e. smaller confidence intervals), but that similar results can be obtained using as a fixed uncertainty value derived from a reference area under a number of operational conditions.


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Where to place marine protected areas (MPAs) and how much area they should cover are some of the most basic questions when designing MPAs. Based on the theory of island biogeography, larger reserves are likely to protect more species and individuals but smaller reserves have been shown to positively influence populations. In this study, we assess a localised population of the ecologically and economically important southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) inside and outside a small reserve. We used standardised fishery assessment trapping methods to sample J. edwardsii populations inside a reserve and an adjacent area outside the reserve. The population characteristics of the captured individuals were compared inside and outside the reserve using t tests (male size, female size,number of reproductive females, number of individuals and biomass), and we found that there were significantly greater numbers and larger individuals and biomass inside the reserve. However, many assessments of MPA effectiveness are confounded by differences in habitat. To account for possible differences in habitat, we collected multibeam bathymetry data to allow us to characterise seafloor structure and video data to assign each sampling location to a biotope class based on macroalgae assemblages. Then, using generalised linear models (GLMs), we assessed differences in populations while accounting for habitat. The GLMs revealed that there was still a significant difference in populations inside the reserve despite habitat differences inside and outside the reserve. We demonstrate a methodological approach to provide a baseline data set to assess MPA effectiveness through time and measure how habitat may respond to indirect consequences of fishing or other human impacts at the species or ecosystem level. We also highlight some of the limitations in sampling design and data availability common in MPA studies and resulting implications for assessment.


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Vague words and expressions are present throughout the standards that comprise the accounting and auditing professions. Vagueness is considered to be a significant source of inexactness in many accounting decision problems and many authors have argued that the neglect of this issue may cause accounting information to be less useful. On the other hand, we can assume that the use of vague terms in accounting standards is inherent to principle based standards (different from rule based standards) and that to avoid vague terms, standard setters would have to incur excessive transaction costs. Auditors are required to exercise their own professional judgment throughout the audit process and it has been argued that the inherent vagueness in accounting standards may influence their decision making processes. The main objective of this paper is to analyze the decision making process of auditors and to investigate whether vague accounting standards create a problem for the decision making process of auditors, or lead to a better outcome. This paper makes the argument that vague standards prompt the use of System 2 type processing by auditors, allowing more comprehensive analytical thinking; therefore, reducing the biases associated with System 1 heuristic processing. If our argument is valid, the repercussions of vague accounting standards are not as negative as presented in previous literature, instead they are positive.


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Esse estudo de natureza qualitativa, busca por meio de uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva analisar se as divulgações nas notas explicativas dos instrumentos financeiros derivativos contabilizados pela metodologia do hedge accounting, efetuados em 2009 pelas empresas brasileiras não financeiras listadas na BM&FBOVESPA atendem a lista de exigências de divulgação do IFRS 7. A relevância desse estudo se deve a dois fatores. O primeiro fator é que a utilização de instrumentos financeiros derivativos tem se tornado cada vez mais comum no mercado mundial e brasileiro, devido a seu grande desenvolvimento e evolução. Apesar de que esses instrumentos, quando utilizados de forma adequada, possam ser excelentes ferramentas para minimizar risco, seu uso descuidado pode levar ao prejuízo e até mesmo à falência de organizações, como foi visto na crise do subprime e outras anteriores. Portanto, a mensuração, evidenciação e controle desses instrumentos tornam-se cada vez mais importantes para que realmente possamos entender o impacto desses instrumentos nos negócios das companhias no curto e no longo prazo. O segundo fator é que com o advento da lei 11.638/07, alterada pela lei 11.941/08, determinou-se que deveremos estar com nossas normas contábeis convergidas para o International Financial Report Standards (IFRS) até o final de 2010. Significa que devemos a partir desse momento seguir os seus pronunciamentos no que se refere a apresentação (IAS 32), reconhecimento e mensuração (IAS 39) e divulgações (IFRS 7) dos instrumentos financeiros. Portanto esse estudo nos permite verificar o quanto as empresas já atendem ou não o IFRS 7.


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Esta pesquisa analisou a aplicação da metodologia de hedge accounting na contabilização de derivativos financeiros em conjunto com a operação objeto de proteção. Foi demonstrado o cálculo do valor justo por marcação a mercado, o teste de efetividade do hedge, a documentação e classificação contábil nos modelos de hedge de valor justo e hedge de fluxo de caixa. Foi verificado ainda o impacto da tributação na efetividade da operação de hedge.


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De modo a manter políticas de utilização aceitável dos seus serviços de Internet, a NOS Madeira tem usado um sistema de fabrico próprio onde os clientes são catalogados de acordo com o tráfego que realizam. Contudo, esse sistema tornou-se demasiado antigo para as necessidades atuais da empresa. Usava tecnologias descontinuadas, não tinha interfaces de integração, faltava modularidade e não tinha a flexibilidade necessária para expandir as regras de negócio. Este projeto centra-se na implementação de um dos três subsistemas que substituem o sistema antigo: o subsistema controlador. O objetivo é modernizar, facilitar a manutenção e garantir maior flexibilidade. Tudo isto com recurso a linguagens de programação atuais como o PHP, ferramentas como a Zend Framework e mantendo em mente as melhores práticas de programação. São apresentados a especificação e modelação do sistema, assim como todos os detalhes da implementação em conjunto com as decisões e problemas encontrados. Os testes e resultados, incluindo a entrada com sucesso em produção do sistema, juntamente com sugestões de melhorias futuras concluem este trabalho.


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O controlo de banda larga é um conceito importante quando lidamos com redes de larga escala. Os ISPs precisam de garantir disponibilidade e qualidade de serviço a todos os clientes, enquanto garantem que a rede como um todo não fica mais lenta. Para garantir isto, é necessário que os ISPs recolham dados de tráfego, analisem-nos e usem-nos para definir a velocidade de banda larga de cada cliente. A NOS Madeira implementou, durante vários anos, um sistema semelhante. No entanto, este sistema encontrava-se obsoleto, sendo necessário construir um novo, totalmente de raíz. Entre as limitações encontrava-se a impossibilidade de alterar os algoritmos de análise de tráfego, fraca integração com os serviços de gestão de rede da NOS Madeira e reduzida escalabilidade e modularidade. O sistema IP Network Usage Accounting é a resposta a estes problemas. Este projeto foca-se no desenvolvimento do subsistema Accounting System, o segundo dos três subsistemas que compõem o sistema IP Network Usage Accounting. Este subsistema, implementado com sucesso e atualmente em produção na NOS Madeira, é responsável por analisar os dados referidos acima e usar os resultados dessa análise para direcionar a disponibilidade de banda larga, de acordo com o uso da rede de cada cliente.


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Monocrotaline is a pyrrolizidine alkaloid present in plants of the Crotalaria species, which causes cytotoxicity and genotoxicity, including hepatotoxicity in animals and humans. It is metabolized by cytochrome P-450 in the liver to the alkylating agent dehydromonocrotaline. We evaluated the effects of monocrotaline and its metabolite on respiration, membrane potential and ATP levels in isolated rat liver mitochondria, and on respiratory chain complex I NADH oxidase activity in submitochondrial particles. Dehydromonocrotaline, but not the parent compound, showed a concentration-dependent inhibition of glutamate/malate-supported state 3 respiration (respiratory chain complex 1), but did not affect succinate-supported respiration (complex II). Only dehydromonocrotaline dissipated mitochondrial membrane potential, depleted ATP, and inhibited complex I NADH oxidase activity (IC50 = 62.06 mu M) through a non-competitive type of inhibition (K-I = 8.1 mu M). Therefore, dehydromonocrotaline is an inhibitor of the activity of respiratory chain complex I NADH oxidase, an action potentially accounting for the well-documented monocrotaline's hepatotoxicity to animals and humans. The mechanism probably involves change of the complex I conformation resulting from modification of cysteine thiol groups by the metabolite. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.