860 resultados para 7-year-old Children
Context: It has been reported that childhood psychotic symptoms are common in the general population and may signal neurodevelopmental processes that lead to schizophrenia. However, it is not clear whether these symptoms are associated with the same extensive risk factors established for adult schizophrenia. Objective: To examine the construct validity of children`s self-reported psychotic symptoms by testing whether these symptoms share the risk factors and clinical features of adult schizophrenia. Design: Prospective, longitudinal cohort study of a nationally representative birth cohort in Great Britain. Participants: A total of 2232 twelve-year-old children followed up since age 5 years ( retention, 96%). Main Outcome Measure: Children`s self-reported hallucinations and delusions. Results: Children`s psychotic symptoms are familial and heritable and are associated with social risk factors (eg, urbanicity); cognitive impairments at age 5; home-rearing risk factors ( eg, maternal expressed emotion); behavioral, emotional, and educational problems at age 5; and comorbid conditions, including self-harm. Conclusions: The results provide a comprehensive picture of the construct validity of children`s self-reported psychotic symptoms. For researchers, the findings indicate that children who have psychotic symptoms can be recruited for neuroscience research to determine the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. For clinicians, the findings indicate that psychotic symptoms in childhood are often a marker of an impaired developmental process and should be actively assessed.
Edema is a well-known feature of juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM). However, to our knowledge localized penile and scrotum swelling was not previously reported. During a 27-year period, 5,506 patients were followed up at the Pediatric Rheumatology Unit of our University Hospital and 157 patients (2.9%) had JDM. One of them (0.6%) had concomitant localized penile and scrotum swelling. He had severe disease activity since he was 7-year-old, manifested by diffuse cutaneous vasculitis, recurrent localized edema (limbs or face) and only one episode of generalized edema. At the age of 10, he presented edema of the genitalia associated with mild skin erythema. Penis, scrotum and testicular ultrasound as well as magnetic resonance imaging showed skin edema without testicular involvement. He was taking prednisone, methotrexate, cyclosporin, hydroxychloroquine and thalidomide. Improvement of skin rash, penile and scrotum swelling was noticed only with rituximab therapy. No adverse event was observed during anti-CD20 infusions and after six months of follow up. Penile and scrotum edema was a rare manifestation of JDM which improved with anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody treatment.
A case of extramedullary plasmacytoma of the third eyelid gland in a 7-year-old American Cocker Spaniel is reported. An enlargement of the third eyelid gland, abundant mucopurulent discharge, mild hyperemia and corneal pigmentation in the OD was present. Excisional biopsy of the mass revealed the gland was infiltrated and partially destroyed by a uniform population of neoplastic plasma cells. The neoplastic cells were positive for CD138, Ki-67 and lambda light chain. CD20, CD3, kappa light chain and cytokeratin were negative. Twelve months following surgery, no recurrence was observed. To the authors` knowledge, this is the first extramedullary plasmacytoma of the third eyelid gland reported in dogs.
A previously unreported case of Barber Say syndrome is described with special attention to dental manifestations. A 7-year-old female with multiple congenital anomalies such mammary gland hypoplasia, hypertrichosis, ectropion, and redundant skin was seen at the School of Dentistry of the University of Sao Paulo. Oral examination revealed macrostomia, broad alveolar ridges, gingival fibromatosis, taurodontism, delayed tooth eruption, and malocclusion. Dental treatment included gingivoplasty and orthodontic treatment. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Like fluoride, lead (Pb) accumulates on the enamel surface pre-eruptively, but it is not yet known whether it also deposits on enamel while dental caries is developing. This study evaluates Pb distribution in bovine enamel slabs submitted to a pH-cycling regimen simulating the caries process. The slabs were subjected to 8 cycles of de- and remineralizing conditions, and Pb (as acetate salt) was added to the de- and remineralized solutions at concentrations of 30 mu g/l (experimental group, E1) and 300 mu g/l (experimental group, E2). The control group (C) consisted of solutions to which Pb was not added. After the pH cycling, 100-mu m sections of the slabs were analyzed by polarizing microscopy, to observe the extent of caries-like lesions, and these sections were used for Pb estimation by Synchrotron radiation X-ray microfluorescence. Caries lesions were observed along all superficial enamel surfaces to an extent of 120 mu m. A Pb concentration gradient was observed in enamel, which decreased toward dentine. The highest Pb signals were observed for group E2, and the differences were statistically significant at enamel depths of 0 (C vs. E2; p = 0.029) and 50 mu m (C vs. E2 and E1 vs. E2; p = 0.029). In conclusion, this study suggests that if Pb is present in the oral environment, it may deposit in enamel during the caries process. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel
O desenho infantil comprova significados e sentidos estabelecidos historicamente e revela experiências comuns da criança pensar e idealizar o mundo. Diante dessa constatação, o cerne desta pesquisa é investigar e refletir sobre as nuances no desenho da criança de cinco anos quando apresentadas às imagens de arte, analisando e compreendendo como ela se expressa verbal e graficamente diante de informações mediadas pelo professor de arte, quando manifestam suas experiências individuais e/ou em grupo, representando suas vivências e apropriando-se da linguagem artística, e assim constituindo-se como autoras. Para sustentar a pesquisa, adotamos os princípios da pesquisa qualitativa utilizando como recurso a observação participante em sala de aula, que vem ao encontro às nossas propostas por oportunizar o registro de dados in locus, potencializando assim, a estratégia da produção de dados. Os sujeitos dessa pesquisa são vinte e uma crianças de cinco anos que frequentaram o Grupo Cinco, do Centro de Educação Infantil Criarte/Ufes. A pesquisa buscou entender o desenho infantil como expressão intrínseca da criança, que, oportunizado por ações que colaboram para esse fazer, dará significados ao objeto, que, associado a sua história, sua vivência, possivelmente contribuirá para a formação artística e imagética da criança, significando sua expressão e criação. Trazemos para esse estudo conceitos do desenho infantil, bem como questões que abarcam todo o processo de elaboração e maturação do desenho, fundamentados nas pesquisas de Rosa Iavelberg, Analice Pilar, César Cola, Arno Stern e Viktor Lowenfeld, dentre outros, os quais possibilitaram nossa análise a partir do desenho e da fala das crianças. As reflexões apresentadas procuram contribuir para compreendermos o processo de diálogo, envolvimento e representação gráfica das crianças com as imagens de arte.
Este trabalho se constitui a partir dos estudos realizados na linha de pesquisa Educação e Linguagens, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Adota uma abordagem sócio-histórica para a investigação qualitativa no campo das Ciências Humanas e tem por objetivo investigar as relações entre desenho e escrita elaboradas por crianças de quatro anos de idade que frequentavam uma instituição de educação infantil. Para a análise dos dados produzidos, toma por base os pressupostos teóricos de Mikhail Bakhtin, a partir da perspectiva enunciativo-discursiva, cuja abordagem de linguagem ajuda a compreender o desenho e a escrita em sua dimensão discursiva, como enunciação. Com base nos processos observados nas relações ensino-aprendizagem e na interação verbal entre os sujeitos da pesquisa, seleciona, para a primeira parte do estudo, situações de ensino-aprendizagem vivenciadas pelas crianças e pela professora na sala de atividades. Na segunda parte das análises, seleciona produções realizadas para interlocutores reais e imaginários e finaliza com a análise de dados, inferindo que a distinção entre desenho e escrita é uma construção escolar, sustentando, desse modo, a tese de que as diferentes linguagens mantêm relações entre si no curso do processo de apropriação da linguagem escrita e essa coexistência permite a ampliação da imaginação criadora, a produção de marcas singulares e idiossincráticas nos textos produzidos pelas crianças, além de proporcionar uma compreensão de como as crianças se constituem no mundo.
A investigação tem posto em evidência a correlação entre desenvolvimento linguístico e aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita. Procuramos, em primeiro lugar, explicar, do ponto de vista da linguística, as relações entre oral e escrita focalizando a linguagem da criança desde as primeiras produções à produção autónoma de variantes sintacticamente diversificadas. De seguida, abordamos a questão da passagem do oral à escrita dando especial atenção ao impacto sobre o funcionamento cognitivo do trabalho de ditado ao adulto. Finalmente, propomos pistas de reflexão sobre modalidades de interacção necessárias à entrada no modo escrito e ao seu percurso de aprendizagem dando conta de resultados de investigação acção e formação com a abordagem «Coup de pouce Langage».
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of malocclusion and to examine the effects of breastfeeding and non-nutritive sucking habits on dentition in six-year-old children. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out nested into a birth cohort conducted in Pelotas, Southern Brazil, in 1999. A sample of 359 children was dentally examined and their mothers interviewed. Anterior open bite and posterior cross bite were recorded using the Foster & Hamilton criteria. Information regarding breastfeeding and non-nutritive sucking habits was collected at birth, in the first, third, sixth and 12th months of life, and at six years of age. Control variables included maternal schooling and child's birthweight, cephalic perimeter, and sex. Data were analyzed by Poisson regression. RESULTS: Prevalence of anterior open bite was 46.2%, and that of posterior cross bite was 18.2%. Non-nutritive sucking habits between 12 months and four years of age and digital sucking at age six years were the main risk factors for anterior open bite. Breastfeeding for less than nine months and regular use of pacifier between age 12 months and four years were risk factors for posterior cross bite. Interaction between duration of breastfeeding and the use of pacifier was identified for posterior cross bite. CONCLUSIONS: Given that breastfeeding is a protective factor for other diseases of infancy, our findings indicate that the common risks approach is the most appropriate for the prevention of posterior cross bite in primary or initial mixed dentition.
Resumo: Este artigo analisa a relação entre o nível de consciência fonológica, conhecimento das letra e as estratégias utilizadas para ler e escrever, em crianças de cinco anos, ensinadas em catalão. Participaram 69 crianças de três classes diferentes. Cada um dos seus professores utilizava um método diferente de ensino: analítico, sintético ou analítico-sintético. As crianças foram avaliadas no início e no final do ano letivo em: Reconhecimento de letras, segmentação palavra oral, leitura de palavras, leitura de um texto curto e um ditado. Foram realizadas análises de granulação fina em nas respostas das crianças, para identificar estratégias e padrões específicos. A análise qualitativa indica que a capacidade de segmentar uma palavra em sílabas por via oral parece ser suficiente para as crianças começarem a ler de uma forma convencional. Além disso, a consciência fonológica e o conhecimento das letras são usados em formas relativamente diferentes, dependendo do tipo de texto a ser lido. As abordagens de ensino dos professores parecem ter uma influência nos resultados das crianças.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ciências da Educação Especialidade Intervenção Precoce
Dissertação Apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialidade em Intervenção Precoce
Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar
Our aim was to analyse the impact of the characteristics of words used in spelling programmes and the nature of instructional guidelines on the evolution from grapho-perceptive writing to phonetic writing in preschool children. The participants were 50 5-year-old children, divided in five equivalent groups in intelligence, phonological skills and spelling. All the children knew the vowels and the consonants B, D, P, R, T, V, F, M and C, but didn’t use them on spelling. Their spelling was evaluated in a pre and post-test with 36 words beginning with the consonants known. In-between they underwent a writing programme designed to lead them to use the letters P and T to represent the initial phonemes of words. The groups differed on the kind of words used on training (words whose initial syllable matches the name of the initial letter—Exp. G1 and Exp. G2—versus words whose initial syllable is similar to the sound of the initial letter—Exp. G3 and Exp. G4). They also differed on the instruction used in order to lead them to think about the relations between the initial phoneme of words and the initial consonant (instructions designed to make the children think about letter names—Exp. G1 and Exp. G3 —versus instructions designed to make the children think about letter sounds—Exp. G2 and Exp. G4). The 5th was a control group. All the children evolved to syllabic phonetisations spellings. There are no differences between groups at the number of total phonetisations but we found some differences between groups at the quality of the phonetisations.
The prevalence of rubella antibodies was evaluated through a ramdom Seroepidemiological survey in 1400 blood samples of 2-14 year old children and in 329 samples of umbilical cord serum. Rubella IgG antibodies were detected by ELISA, and the sera were collected in 1987, five years before the mass vaccination campaign with measles-mumps-rubella vaccine carried out in the city of São Paulo in 1992. A significant increase in prevalence of rubella infection was observed after 6 years of age, and 77% of the individuals aged from 15 to 19 years had detectable rubella antibodies. However, the seroprevalence rose to 90.5% (171/189) in cord serum samples from children whose mothers were 20 to 29 years old, and reached 95.6% in newborns of mothers who were 30 to 34 years old, indicating that a large number of women are infected during childbearing years. This study confirms that rubella infection represents an important Public Health problem in São Paulo city. The data on the seroprevalence of rubella antibodies before the mass vaccination campaign reflects the baseline immunological status of this population before any intervention and should be used to design an adequate vaccination strategy and to assess the Seroepidemiological impact of this intervention.