961 resultados para woolly apple aphid


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Estudi de l’afectació del cop de sol a les pomes de varietat fuji, sobretot tenint en compte que l’aspecte visual té una repercussió econòmica molt important


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Estudi de la Cydia pomonella (L.), corc de les pomes i de les peres que és una plaga molt important en tot l’àmbit estatal i del control que cal fer-ne per tal d’evitar la pèrdua total o parcial de la collita


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Estudi de l’ efecte de les condicions ambientals, concretament de la temperatura, sobre l’eficàcia de les principals matèries actives, àcid naftalè acètic (ANA) i 6- benziladenina (6-BA), emprades en l’aclarida química de les pomeres


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There is a wealth of open educational content in audio and video formats available via iTunes U, one of the services offered especially for education via iTunes. There are details of how to get started as well as an informative video to help you. Details of how to get started with sharing content can be found for developers.


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You can capture an image of your entire screen by typing Command-Shift-3. Typing Command-Shift-4 lets you choose a specific part of your screen. Region capture - you can change how the region selection area changes by using the following keys - note that you can release the original keys once the crosshairs appears, as long as you’ve started dragging your mouse, and you keep the mouse button down. • Space Bar: Press and hold the Space Bar, and the size of the current region is then locked and can be dragged around the screen. As long as you hold the Space Bar down, the region’s size is locked and it can be dragged about. • Shift: Press and hold the Shift key, and one side of the region will be locked, based on which way you then move the mouse. For instance, if you press and hold Shift, and then move your mouse down, you’ll only be able to resize the region vertically; the horizontal size will be fixed. Move the mouse left or right, and you can resize the region horizontally while holding the vertical size fixed. • Option: Press and hold Option while dragging your region, and you’ll change the way the region grows as you drag. By default, your region is anchored at the upper left corner; when you press Option, the anchor point is moved to the center of the current region, and it expands in all directions from that point. For more tips check the links!


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Titulo: Adherencia a criterios de pertinencia de revascularización coronaria del colegio americano de cardiología 2009, en el servicio de hemodinámica de la fundación cardioinfantil Bogotá 2011. Introducción: La enfermedad cardiovascular es la principal causa de morbimortalidad a nivel mundial, teniendo mayor prevalencia enfermedad coronaria. Existen guías especificas para el manejo de esta enfermedad sin embargo su aplicación se entorpece por factores diversos. Este estudio quiere evaluar la adherencia, en el laboratorio de hemodinamia de la Fundación Cardioinfantil, a las guías de pertinencia de intervencionismo coronario de la ACCF (American college of cardiology foundation). Objetivo General: Evaluar el nivel de adherencia a criterios de pertinencia de revascularización coronaria del colegio americano de cardiología 2009, en el servicio de hemodinámia de la fundación cardioinfantil Bogotá 2011. Métodos: Se revisaron 200 historias clínicas pacientes con diagnóstico de síndrome coronario agudo, llevados a intervención coronaria, según características de pacientes , intervención, y nivel de adherencia se clasifico la intervención como apropiada, incierta e inadecuada . Resultados: De la población analizada, el 71% (n=142) de las intervenciones fueron clasificados como apropiadas, 20% (N=40) como inapropiadas y 8,5% (n=17) como inciertas. Los desenlaces y complicaciones no tuvieron asociación estadísticamente significativa (p> 0,005) con la adherencia a los criterios de pertinencia. Conclusiones: Respecto a la literatura existente el número de intervenciones inapropiadas es mayor en la FCI, comparado con estudios practicados en América Latina y Norte América, sin embargo una adherencia del 80 %, ubica a esta institución en un adecuado nivel de adherencia.


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Social Computing Data Repository hosts data from a collection of many different social media sites, most of which have blogging capacity. Some of the prominent social media sites included in this repository are BlogCatalog, Twitter, MyBlogLog, Digg, StumbleUpon, del.icio.us, MySpace, LiveJournal, The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW), Reddit, etc. The repository contains various facets of blog data including blog site metadata like, user defined tags, predefined categories, blog site description; blog post level metadata like, user defined tags, date and time of posting; blog posts; blog post mood (which is defined as the blogger's emotions when (s)he wrote the blog post); blogger name; blog post comments; and blogger social network.


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The web and how designers and artists should embrace services that enable social connections and a little on the impact this has on business models and society.


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This collection of videos shows you how to use a range of time-saving tools when writing a thesis in MS Word 2010/2013. See the full SupportGuide at http://www.go.soton.ac.uk/thesispc. There are videos on using styles; creating tables of contents and tables of figures; using the Navigation Pane; using the Browse Object tool and many more. There is an equivelent collection for use with Word 2011 which is for use with Apple computers.


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A Table of Contents can be automatically generated and refreshed in a Word document so long as you use Heading styles (see the Heading Styles video). This video shows how to use Tables of Contents in the University’s thesis template. For best viewing Download the video.


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Use the Browse Object tool to quickly navigate through a selected type of object in your file – pages, tables, sections, images, footnotes or headings of your document. For best viewing Download the video.


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This template is for use with both Word 2010/2013/2016 for PC and Word 2011/2016 for Apple Mac. It provides a structure and format that meets with the University's quality requirements for a thesis such as mirror margins to allow for double-sided printing. It is not compulsory to use the template when writing a thesis, however it's use, in conjunction with the supporting material referenced at the start of the template, will make your thesis well presented and should save you a lot of time and effort. If you have Word 2003 there is a separate template for this version of Word available. Since this is not a University supported version of Office there are no supporting videos.