756 resultados para wireless sensors


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Accurate estimation of the soil water balance (SWB) is important for a number of applications (e.g. environmental, meteorological, agronomical and hydrological). The objective of this study was to develop and test techniques for the estimation of soil water fluxes and SWB components (particularly infiltration, evaporation and drainage below the root zone) from soil water records. The work presented here is based on profile soil moisture data measured using dielectric methods, at 30-min resolution, at an experimental site with different vegetation covers (barley, sunflower and bare soil). Estimates of infiltration were derived by assuming that observed gains in the soil profile water content during rainfall were due to infiltration. Inaccuracies related to diurnal fluctuations present in the dielectric-based soil water records are resolved by filtering the data with adequate threshold values. Inconsistencies caused by the redistribution of water after rain events were corrected by allowing for a redistribution period before computing water gains. Estimates of evaporation and drainage were derived from water losses above and below the deepest zero flux plane (ZFP), respectively. The evaporation estimates for the sunflower field were compared to evaporation data obtained with an eddy covariance (EC) system located elsewhere in the field. The EC estimate of total evaporation for the growing season was about 25% larger than that derived from the soil water records. This was consistent with differences in crop growth (based on direct measurements of biomass, and field mapping of vegetation using laser altimetry) between the EC footprint and the area of the field used for soil moisture monitoring. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Soil moisture content, theta, of a bare and vegetated UK gravelly sandy loam soil (in situ and repacked in small lysimeters) was measured using various dielectric instruments (single-sensor ThetaProbes, multi-sensor Profile Probes, and Aquaflex Sensors), at depths ranging between 0.03 and I m, during the summers of 2001 (in situ soil) and 2002 (mini-lysimeters). Half-hourly values of evaporation, E, were calculated from diurnal changes in total soil profile water content, using the soil water balance equation. For the bare soil field, Profile Probes and ML2x ThetaProbes indicated a diurnal course of theta that did not concur with typical soil physical observations: surface layer soil moisture content increased from early morning until about midday, after which theta declined, generally until the early evening. The unexpected course of theta was positively correlated to soil temperature, T-s, also at deeper depths. Aquaflex and ML1 ThetaProbe (older models) outputs, however, reflected common observations: 0 increased slightly during the night (capillary rise) and decreased from the morning until late afternoon (as a result of evaporation). For the vegetated plot, the spurious diurnal theta fluctuations were less obvious, because canopy shading resulted in lower amplitudes of T-s. The unrealistic theta profiles measured for the bare and vegetated field sites caused diurnal estimates of E to attain downward daytime and upward night-time values. In the mini-lysimeters, at medium to high moisture contents, theta values measured by (ML2x) ThetaProbes followed a relatively realistic course, and predictions of E from diurnal changes in vertically integrated theta generally compared well with lysimeter estimates of E. However, time courses of theta and E became comparable to those observed for the field plots when the soil in the lysimeters reached relatively low values of theta. Attempts to correct measured theta for fluctuations in T, revealed that no generally applicable formula could be derived. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A vertical conduction current flows in the atmosphere as a result of the global atmospheric electric circuit. The current at the surface consists of the conduction current and a locally generated displacement current, which are often approximately equal in magnitude. A method of separating the two currents using two collectors of different geometry is investigated. The picoammeters connected to the collectors have a RC time constant of approximately 3 s, permitting the investigation of higher frequency air-earth current changes than previously achieved. The displacement current component of the air-earth current derived from the instrument agrees with calculations using simultaneous data from a co-located fast response electric field mill. The mean value of the nondisplacement current measured over 9 h was 1.76 +/- 0.002 pA m(-2). (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The creation of OFDM based Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) has allowed the development of high bit-rate wireless communication devices suitable for streaming High Definition video between consumer products, as demonstrated in Wireless-USB and Wireless-HDMI. However, these devices need high frequency clock rates, particularly for the OFDM, FFT and symbol processing sections resulting in high silicon cost and high electrical power. The high clock rates make hardware prototyping difficult and verification is therefore very important but costly. Acknowledging that electrical power in wireless consumer devices is more critical than the number of implemented logic gates, this paper presents a Double Data Rate (DDR) architecture for implementation inside a OFDM baseband codec in order to reduce the high frequency clock rates by a complete factor of 2. The presented architecture has been implemented and tested for ECMA-368 (Wireless- USB context) resulting in a maximum clock rate of 264MHz instead of the expected 528MHz clock rate existing anywhere on the baseband codec die.


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The creation of OFDM based Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) has allowed high bit-rate wireless communication devices suitable for streaming High Definition video between consumer products as demonstrated in Wireless- USB. However, these devices need high clock rates, particularly for the OFDM sections resulting in high silicon cost and high electrical power. Acknowledging that electrical power in wireless consumer devices is more critical than the number of implemented logic gates, this paper presents a Double Data Rate (DDR) architecture to reduce the OFDM input and output clock rate by a factor of 2. The architecture has been implemented and tested for Wireless-USB (ECMA-368) resulting in a maximum clock of 264MHz instead of 528MHz existing anywhere on the die.


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Dual Carrier Modulation (DCM) is currently used as the higher data rate modulation scheme for Multiband Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (MB-OFDM) in the ECMA-368 defined Ultra-Wideband (UWB) radio platform. ECMA-368 has been chosen as the physical radio platform for many systems including Wireless USB (W-USB), Bluetooth 3.0 and Wireless HDMI; hence ECMA-368 is an important issue to consumer electronics and the user’s experience of these products. In this paper, Log Likelihood Ratio (LLR) demapping method is used for the DCM demaper implemented in fixed point model. Channel State Information (CSI) aided scheme coupled with the band hopping information is used as the further technique to improve the DCM demapping performance. The receiver performance for the fixed point DCM is simulated in realistic multi-path environments.


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Physiological parameters measured by an embedded body sensor system were demonstrated to respond to changes of the air temperature in an office environment. The thermal parameters were monitored with the use of a wireless sensor system that made possible to turn any existing room into a field laboratory. Two human subjects were monitored over daily activities and at various steady-state thermal conditions when the air temperature of the room was altered from 22-23°C to 25-28°C. The subjects indicated their thermal feeling on questionnaires. The measured skin temperature was distributed close to the calculated mean skin temperature corresponding to the given activity level. The variation of Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) reflected the evaporative heat loss through the body surfaces and indicated whether sweating occurred on the subjects. Further investigations are needed to fully evaluate the influence of thermal and other factors on the output given by the investigated body sensor system.


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A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a group of sensors linked by wireless medium to perform distributed sensing tasks. WSNs have attracted a wide interest from academia and industry alike due to their diversity of applications, including home automation, smart environment, and emergency services, in various buildings. The primary goal of a WSN is to collect data sensed by sensors. These data are characteristic of being heavily noisy, exhibiting temporal and spatial correlation. In order to extract useful information from such data, as this paper will demonstrate, people need to utilise various techniques to analyse the data. Data mining is a process in which a wide spectrum of data analysis methods is used. It is applied in the paper to analyse data collected from WSNs monitoring an indoor environment in a building. A case study is given to demonstrate how data mining can be used to optimise the use of the office space in a building.


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This article presents a prototype model based on a wireless sensor actuator network (WSAN) aimed at optimizing both energy consumption of environmental systems and well-being of occupants in buildings. The model is a system consisting of the following components: a wireless sensor network, `sense diaries', environmental systems such as heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems, and a central computer. A multi-agent system (MAS) is used to derive and act on the preferences of the occupants. Each occupant is represented by a personal agent in the MAS. The sense diary is a new device designed to elicit feedback from occupants about their satisfaction with the environment. The roles of the components are: the WSAN collects data about physical parameters such as temperature and humidity from an indoor environment; the central computer processes the collected data; the sense diaries leverage trade-offs between energy consumption and well-being, in conjunction with the agent system; and the environmental systems control the indoor environment.


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We model the large scale fading of wireless THz communications links deployed in a metropolitan area taking into account reception through direct line of sight, ground or wall reflection and diffraction. The movement of the receiver in the three dimensions is modelled by an autonomous dynamic linear system in state-space whereas the geometric relations involved in the attenuation and multi-path propagation of the electric field are described by a static non-linear mapping. A subspace algorithm in conjunction with polynomial regression is used to identify a Wiener model from time-domain measurements of the field intensity.


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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been widely used in pervasive systems such as intelligent buildings. As a vital factor of product cost, energy consuming in WSN has been focused upon, but only via energy harvesting can the problem be overcome radically. This article presents a new approach to harvesting electromagnetic energy for WSN from useless radio frequency (RF) signals transmitted in WSN, with a quantitative analysis showing its feasibility.