946 resultados para user-centered design


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Produto, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Design, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitetura.


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The population of English Language Learners (ELLs) globally has been increasing substantially every year. In the United States alone, adult ELLs are the fastest growing portion of learners in adult education programs (Yang, 2005). There is a significant need to improve the teaching of English to ELLs in the United States and other English-speaking dominant countries. However, for many ELLs, speaking, especially to Native English Speakers (NESs), causes considerable language anxiety, which in turn plays a vital role in hindering their language development and academic progress (Pichette, 2009; Woodrow, 2006). Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT), such as simulation activities, has long been viewed as an effective approach for second-language development. The current advances in technology and rapid emergence of Multi-User Virtual Environments (MUVEs) have provided an opportunity for educators to consider conducting simulations online for ELLs to practice speaking English to NESs. Yet to date, empirical research on the effects of MUVEs on ELLs’ language development and speaking is limited (Garcia-Ruiz, Edwards, & Aquino-Santos, 2007). This study used a true experimental treatment control group repeated measures design to compare the perceived speaking anxiety levels (as measured by an anxiety scale administered per simulation activity) of 11 ELLs (5 in the control group, 6 in the experimental group) when speaking to Native English Speakers (NESs) during 10 simulation activities. Simulations in the control group were done face-to-face, while those in the experimental group were done in the MUVE of Second Life. The results of the repeated measures ANOVA revealed after the Huynh-Feldt epsilon correction, demonstrated for both groups a significant decrease in anxiety levels over time from the first simulation to the tenth and final simulation. When comparing the two groups, the results revealed a statistically significant difference, with the experimental group demonstrating a greater anxiety reduction. These results suggests that language instructors should consider including face-to-face and MUVE simulations with ELLs paired with NESs as part of their language instruction. Future investigations should investigate the use of other multi-user virtual environments and/or measure other dimensions of the ELL/NES interactions.


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Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is emerging as a promising multiple access technology for the fifth generation cellular networks to address the fast growing mobile data traffic. It applies superposition coding in transmitters, allowing simultaneous allocation of the same frequency resource to multiple intra-cell users. Successive interference cancellation is used at the receivers to cancel intra-cell interference. User pairing and power allocation (UPPA) is a key design aspect of NOMA. Existing UPPA algorithms are mainly based on exhaustive search method with extensive computation complexity, which can severely affect the NOMA performance. A fast proportional fairness (PF) scheduling based UPPA algorithm is proposed to address the problem. The novel idea is to form user pairs around the users with the highest PF metrics with pre-configured fixed power allocation. Systemlevel simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is significantly faster (seven times faster for the scenario with 20 users) with a negligible throughput loss than the existing exhaustive search algorithm.


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An analysis and a subsequent solution is here presented. This document is about a groin design able to contrast the erosion actions given by waves in Lido di Dante. Advantages will be visible also for Fiumi Uniti's inlet, in the north side of the shoreline. Beach future progression and growth will be subjected to monitoring actions in the years after groin construction. The resulting effects of the design will have a positive impact not only on the local fauna and environment, but also, a naturalistic appeal will increase making new type of tourists coming not only for recreational purposes. The design phase is focused on possible design alternatives and their features. Particular interest is given to scouring phenomena all around the groin after its construction. Groin effects will impact not only on its south side, instead they will cause an intense erosion process on the downdrift front. Here, many fishing hut would be in danger, thus a beach revetment structure is needed to avoid any future criticality. In addiction, a numerical model based on a generalized shoreline change numerical model, also known as GENESIS, has been applied to the study area in order to perform a simplistic analysis of the shoreline and its future morphology. Critical zones are visible in proximity of the Fiumi Uniti's river inlet, where currents from the sea and the river itself start the erosion process that is affecting Lido di Dante since mid '80s, or even before. The model is affected by several assumptions that make results not to be interpreted as a real future trend of the shore. Instead the model allows the user to have a more clear view about critical processes induced by monochromatic inputed waves. In conclusion, the thesis introduce a wide analysis on a complex erosion process that is affecting many shoreline nowadays. A groin design is seen as a hard solution it is considered to be the only means able to decrease the rate of erosion.


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Every day, firefighters are involved in emergency response tasks, which are both physically and psychologically exhausting. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the number of firefighters who are injured or die while performing their job is incredibly high. When firefighters are injured, they must follow a rehabilitation therapy program to physically recover and depending on the severity of their injuries they may not fully recuperate at all. If they sustain a permanent injury that they cannot recover from, they may be out of work for the rest of their career. This research focuses on studying and developing a special device, known as an exoskeleton, aimed at assisting and preventing potential injuries among firefighters. Nowadays, the usage of human exoskeletons is becoming more common in a variety of fields. In fact, it is currently being researched and developed for soldiers, athletes, and critical care patients around the world. Most of the existing exoskeletons have been developed for the assistance of the lower human body. The research that I have done in my thesis instead relates to mobility of the upper body. Many of the existing exoskeletons have been analyzed and compared to each other and the human body, such as the study of human arm parts and their movements around three principal joints: shoulder, elbow, and wrist. The correct design of the shoulder exoskeleton join is still a big challenge for designers because of the complexity of biomechanical human movements. The exoskeleton must fit perfectly to the human body, otherwise it could be harmful for both the recovery and the safety of the user. The goal of this thesis is to design an upper-body arm exoskeleton worn by firefighters and develop and test a PID control system to prevent the risk of injuries while performing their job.


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Questo volume di tesi ha l'obiettivo di descrivere l'intero processo di progettazione, sviluppo e rilascio di un'applicazione mobile, coinvolgendo anche gli end-user nella fase finale di valutazione. In particolare, il volume di tesi si sviluppa su quattro capitoli che descrivono 1) l'analisi dei requisiti, seguendo un approccio AGILE, 2) l'analisi del ciclo di vita del prodotto (inclusi business model e business plan), 3) l'architettura del sistema, e, infine, 4) la valutazione dell’usabilità e della UX. L'applicazione usata come caso di studio è "LetsBox!", un'applicazione mobile della categoria puzzle game, sviluppata sfruttando il framework di sviluppo di app ibride IONIC 5, con l’obiettivo di creare un gioco che coinvolgesse il giocatore tanto da farlo giocare nei suoi momenti di svago e indurlo a sfidare i record esistenti ma, nello stesso tempo creare un gioco originale e non esistente sul mercato.


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Questa tesi tratterà di come progettare un corso di studi in modo che sia Human-centered, dal punto di vista degli stakeholder coinvolti nel processo. Il processo inizia tramite benchmarking, per questo motivo inizialmente si racconteranno di ricerche sul benchmarking e quanto ciò sia ritenuto importante nei processi di questo tipo. Inoltre, si racconterà dello strumento utilizzato in questa tesi ossia il Design Thinking e di come sia stato utilizzato in letteratura in modo da sottolinearne l’importanza. In seguito, si vedrà come si crea un corso di studio nell’Università di Bologna e i problemi affrontati dai diversi attori che lo coinvolgono. In particolare, sono state mappate le procedure attuali e la loro applicazione nei diversi corsi di studio. In questo modo è stata costruita una BPMN finale in cui sono evidenziati i diversi attori del processo e le varie fasi che lo compongono, insieme al periodo di svolgimento del processo. Successivamente, sono state raccolte le interviste degli stakeholder coinvolti insieme ai loro bisogni e alle problematiche riscontrate nel processo sopra descritto. Da questa analisi è stata rappresentata una stakeholder map con gli attori assieme alle loro necessità. In un secondo tempo, si è pensato a come riprogettare un corso di studio affinché sia più human centered. Per questo motivo, il tema è affrontato dal punto di vista dell’università in modo da capire come poter cambiare un corso di studio o di laurea per favorire quanto descritto precedentemente. In questo scritto sono inoltre stabilite delle linee guida di questo processo in modo da risolvere alcuni dei problemi trattati, nel migliore dei modi. Sono anche raccolte delle interviste in cui il to be del processo è riproposto ai diversi stakeholder e le loro impressioni sul processo. Infine, sono tratte le conclusioni e le best practice finali del processo passate al vaglio dai diversi stakeholder.


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The study of the user scheduling problem in a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Multi-User MIMO system is the objective of this thesis. With the application of cutting-edge digital beamforming algorithms, a LEO satellite with an antenna array and a large number of antenna elements can provide service to many user terminals (UTs) in full frequency reuse (FFR) schemes. Since the number of UTs on-ground are many more than the transmit antennas on the satellite, user scheduling is necessary. Scheduling can be accomplished by grouping users into different clusters: users within the same cluster are multiplexed and served together via Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA), i.e., digital beamforming or Multi-User MIMO techniques; the different clusters of users are then served on different time slots via Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA). The design of an optimal user grouping strategy is known to be an NP-complete problem which can be solved only through exhaustive search. In this thesis, we provide a graph-based user scheduling and feed space beamforming architecture for the downlink with the aim of reducing user inter-beam interference. The main idea is based on clustering users whose pairwise great-circle distance is as large as possible. First, we create a graph where the users represent the vertices, whereas an edge in the graph between 2 users exists if their great-circle distance is above a certain threshold. In the second step, we develop a low complex greedy user clustering technique and we iteratively search for the maximum clique in the graph, i.e., the largest fully connected subgraph in the graph. Finally, by using the 3 aforementioned power normalization techniques, a Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) beamforming matrix is deployed on a cluster basis. The suggested scheduling system is compared with a position-based scheduler, which generates a beam lattice on the ground and randomly selects one user per beam to form a cluster.


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Nel panorama aziendale odierno, risulta essere di fondamentale importanza la capacità, da parte di un’azienda o di una società di servizi, di orientare in modo programmatico la propria innovazione in modo tale da poter essere competitivi sul mercato. In molti casi, questo e significa investire una cospicua somma di denaro in progetti che andranno a migliorare aspetti essenziali del prodotto o del servizio e che avranno un importante impatto sulla trasformazione digitale dell’azienda. Lo studio che viene proposto riguarda in particolar modo due approcci che sono tipicamente in antitesi tra loro proprio per il fatto che si basano su due tipologie di dati differenti, i Big Data e i Thick Data. I due approcci sono rispettivamente il Data Science e il Design Thinking. Nel corso dei seguenti capitoli, dopo aver definito gli approcci di Design Thinking e Data Science, verrà definito il concetto di blending e la problematica che ruota attorno all’intersezione dei due metodi di innovazione. Per mettere in evidenza i diversi aspetti che riguardano la tematica, verranno riportati anche casi di aziende che hanno integrato i due approcci nei loro processi di innovazione, ottenendo importanti risultati. In particolar modo verrà riportato il lavoro di ricerca svolto dall’autore riguardo l'esame, la classificazione e l'analisi della letteratura esistente all'intersezione dell'innovazione guidata dai dati e dal pensiero progettuale. Infine viene riportato un caso aziendale che è stato condotto presso la realtà ospedaliero-sanitaria di Parma in cui, a fronte di una problematica relativa al rapporto tra clinici dell’ospedale e clinici del territorio, si è progettato un sistema innovativo attraverso l’utilizzo del Design Thinking. Inoltre, si cercherà di sviluppare un’analisi critica di tipo “what-if” al fine di elaborare un possibile scenario di integrazione di metodi o tecniche provenienti anche dal mondo del Data Science e applicarlo al caso studio in oggetto.


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The vast majority of maternal deaths in low-and middle-income countries are preventable. Delay in obtaining access to appropriate health care is a fairly common problem which can be improved. The objective of this study was to explore the association between delay in providing obstetric health care and severe maternal morbidity/death. This was a multicentre cross-sectional study, involving 27 referral obstetric facilities in all Brazilian regions between 2009 and 2010. All women admitted to the hospital with a pregnancy-related cause were screened, searching for potentially life-threatening conditions (PLTC), maternal death (MD) and maternal near-miss (MNM) cases, according to the WHO criteria. Data on delays were collected by medical chart review and interview with the medical staff. The prevalence of the three different types of delays was estimated according to the level of care and outcome of the complication. For factors associated with any delay, the PR and 95%CI controlled for cluster design were estimated. A total of 82,144 live births were screened, with 9,555 PLTC, MNM or MD cases prospectively identified. Overall, any type of delay was observed in 53.8% of cases; delay related to user factors was observed in 10.2%, 34.6% of delays were related to health service accessibility and 25.7% were related to quality of medical care. The occurrence of any delay was associated with increasing severity of maternal outcome: 52% in PLTC, 68.4% in MNM and 84.1% in MD. Although this was not a population-based study and the results could not be generalized, there was a very clear and significant association between frequency of delay and severity of outcome, suggesting that timely and proper management are related to survival.


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Hybrid bioisoster derivatives from N-acylhydrazones and furoxan groups were designed with the objective of obtaining at least a dual mechanism of action: cruzain inhibition and nitric oxide (NO) releasing activity. Fifteen designed compounds were synthesized varying the substitution in N-acylhydrazone and in furoxan group as well. They had its anti-Trypanosoma cruzi activity in amastigotes forms, NO releasing potential and inhibitory cruzain activity evaluated. The two most active compounds (6, 14) both in the parasite amastigotes and in the enzyme contain the nitro group in para position of the aromatic ring. The permeability screening in Caco-2 cell and cytotoxicity assay in human cells were performed for those most active compounds and both showed to be less cytotoxic than the reference drug, benznidazole. Compound 6 was the most promising, since besides activity it showed good permeability and selectivity index, higher than the reference drug. Thereby the compound 6 was considered as a possible candidate for additional studies.


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High-throughput screening of physical, genetic and chemical-genetic interactions brings important perspectives in the Systems Biology field, as the analysis of these interactions provides new insights into protein/gene function, cellular metabolic variations and the validation of therapeutic targets and drug design. However, such analysis depends on a pipeline connecting different tools that can automatically integrate data from diverse sources and result in a more comprehensive dataset that can be properly interpreted. We describe here the Integrated Interactome System (IIS), an integrative platform with a web-based interface for the annotation, analysis and visualization of the interaction profiles of proteins/genes, metabolites and drugs of interest. IIS works in four connected modules: (i) Submission module, which receives raw data derived from Sanger sequencing (e.g. two-hybrid system); (ii) Search module, which enables the user to search for the processed reads to be assembled into contigs/singlets, or for lists of proteins/genes, metabolites and drugs of interest, and add them to the project; (iii) Annotation module, which assigns annotations from several databases for the contigs/singlets or lists of proteins/genes, generating tables with automatic annotation that can be manually curated; and (iv) Interactome module, which maps the contigs/singlets or the uploaded lists to entries in our integrated database, building networks that gather novel identified interactions, protein and metabolite expression/concentration levels, subcellular localization and computed topological metrics, GO biological processes and KEGG pathways enrichment. This module generates a XGMML file that can be imported into Cytoscape or be visualized directly on the web. We have developed IIS by the integration of diverse databases following the need of appropriate tools for a systematic analysis of physical, genetic and chemical-genetic interactions. IIS was validated with yeast two-hybrid, proteomics and metabolomics datasets, but it is also extendable to other datasets. IIS is freely available online at: http://www.lge.ibi.unicamp.br/lnbio/IIS/.


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Split-plot design (SPD) and near-infrared chemical imaging were used to study the homogeneity of the drug paracetamol loaded in films and prepared from mixtures of the biocompatible polymers hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, polyvinylpyrrolidone, and polyethyleneglycol. The study was split into two parts: a partial least-squares (PLS) model was developed for a pixel-to-pixel quantification of the drug loaded into films. Afterwards, a SPD was developed to study the influence of the polymeric composition of films and the two process conditions related to their preparation (percentage of the drug in the formulations and curing temperature) on the homogeneity of the drug dispersed in the polymeric matrix. Chemical images of each formulation of the SPD were obtained by pixel-to-pixel predictions of the drug using the PLS model of the first part, and macropixel analyses were performed for each image to obtain the y-responses (homogeneity parameter). The design was modeled using PLS regression, allowing only the most relevant factors to remain in the final model. The interpretation of the SPD was enhanced by utilizing the orthogonal PLS algorithm, where the y-orthogonal variations in the design were separated from the y-correlated variation.


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In Brazil, the consumption of extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) is increasing annually, but there are no experimental studies concerning the phenolic compound contents of commercial EVOO. The aim of this work was to optimise the separation of 17 phenolic compounds already detected in EVOO. A Doehlert matrix experimental design was used, evaluating the effects of pH and electrolyte concentration. Resolution, runtime and migration time relative standard deviation values were evaluated. Derringer's desirability function was used to simultaneously optimise all 37 responses. The 17 peaks were separated in 19min using a fused-silica capillary (50μm internal diameter, 72cm of effective length) with an extended light path and 101.3mmolL(-1) of boric acid electrolyte (pH 9.15, 30kV). The method was validated and applied to 15 EVOO samples found in Brazilian supermarkets.