954 resultados para triton x 100


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Although interest in crossbreeding within dairy systems has increased, the role of Jersey crossbred cows within high concentrate input systems has received little attention. This experiment was designed to examine the performance of Holstein-Friesian (HF) and Jersey x Holstein-Friesian (J x HF) cows within a high concentrate input total confinement system (CON) and a medium concentrate input grazing system (GRZ). Eighty spring-calving dairy cows were used in a 2 (cow genotype) x 2 (milk production system) factorial design experiment. The experiment commenced when cows calved and encompassed a full lactation. With GRZ, cows were offered diets containing grass silage and concentrates [70:30 dry matter (DM) ratio] until turnout, grazed grass plus 1.0 kg of concentrate/day during a 199-d grazing period, and grass silage and concentrates (75:25 DM ratio) following rehousing and until drying-off. With CON, cows were confined throughout the lactation and offered diets containing grass silage and concentrates (DM ratio; 40:60, 50:50, 40:40, and 75:25 during d 1 to 100, 101 to 200, 201 to 250, and 251 until drying-off, respectively). Full-lactation concentrate DM intakes were 791 and 2,905 kg/cow for systems GRZ and CON, respectively. Although HF cows had a higher lactation milk yield than J x HF cows, the latter produced milk with a higher fat and protein content, so that solids-corrected milk yield (SCM) was unaffected by genotype. Somatic cell score was higher with the J x HF cows. Throughout lactation, HF cows were on average 37 kg heavier than J x HF cows, whereas the J x HF cows had a higher body condition score. Within each system, food intake did not differ between genotypes, whereas full-lactation yields of milk, fat plus protein, and SCM were higher with CON than with GRZ. A significant genotype x environment interaction was observed for milk yield, and a trend was found for an interaction with SCM. Crossbred cows on CON gained more body condition than HF cows, and overall pregnancy rate was unaffected by either genotype or management system. In summary, milk and SCM yields were higher with CON than with GRZ, whereas genotype had no effect on SCM. However, HF cows exhibited a greater milk yield response and a trend toward a greater SCM yield response with increasing concentrate levels compared with the crossbred cows.


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Fundamental ecological research is both intrinsically interesting and provides the basic knowledge required to answer applied questions of importance to the management of the natural world. The 100th anniversary of the British Ecological Society in 2013 is an opportune moment to reflect on the current status of ecology as a science and look forward to high-light priorities for future work. To do this, we identified 100 important questions of fundamental importance in pure ecology. We elicited questions from ecologists working across a wide range of systems and disciplines. The 754 questions submitted (listed in the online appendix) from 388 participants were narrowed down to the final 100 through a process of discussion, rewording and repeated rounds of voting. This was done during a two-day workshop and thereafter. The questions reflect many of the important current conceptual and technical pre-occupations of ecology. For example, many questions concerned the dynamics of environmental change and complex ecosystem interactions, as well as the interaction between ecology and evolution. The questions reveal a dynamic science with novel subfields emerging. For example, a group of questions was dedicated to disease and micro-organisms and another on human impacts and global change reflecting the emergence of new subdisciplines that would not have been foreseen a few decades ago. The list also contained a number of questions that have perplexed ecologists for decades and are still seen as crucial to answer, such as the link between population dynamics and life-history evolution. Synthesis. These 100 questions identified reflect the state of ecology today. Using them as an agenda for further research would lead to a substantial enhancement in understanding of the discipline, with practical relevance for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem function. © 2013 The Authors. Journal of Ecology © 2013 British Ecological Society.


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We have carried out X-ray scattering experiments on iron foil samples that have been compressed and heated using laser-driven shocks created with the VULCAN laser system at the Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory. This is the highest Z element studied in such experiments so far and the first time scattering from warm dense iron has been reported. Because of the importance of iron in telluric planets, the work is relevant to studies of warm dense matter in planetary interiors. We report scattering results as well as shock breakout results that, in conjunction with hydrodynamic simulations, suggest the target has been compressed to a molten state at several 100 GPa pressure. Initial comparison with modelling suggests more work is needed to understand the structure factor of warm dense iron. (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Epitaxial SrBi2Ta2O9 (SBT) thin films with well-defined (116) orientation have been grown by pulsed laser deposition on Si(100) substrates covered with an yttria-stabilized ZrO2 (YSZ) buffer layer and an epitaxial layer of electrically conductive SrRuO3. Studies on the in-plane crystallographic relations between SrRuO3 and YSZ revealed a rectangle-on-cube epitaxy with respect to the substrate. X-ray diffraction pole figure measurements revealed well defined orientation relations, viz. SBT(116)\\ SrRuO3(110)\\ YSZ(100)\\ Si(100), SBT[110]\\ SrRuO3[001], and SrRuO3[111]\\ YSZ[110]\\ Si[110].


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Ab initio total energy calculations using density functional theory with the generalized gradient approximation have been performed for the chemisorption of oxygen atoms on a Pt{100}-(1 x 1) slab. Binding energies for the adsorption of oxygen on different high-symmetry sites are presented. The bridge site is the most stable at a coverage of 0.5 ML, followed by the fourfold hollow site. The atop site is the least stable. This finding is rationalized by analyzing the ''local structures'' formed upon oxygen chemisorption. The binding energies and heats of adsorption at different oxygen coverages show that pairwise repulsive interactions are considerably stronger between oxygen atoms occupying fourfold sites than those occupying bridge sites. Analysis of the partial charge densities associated with Bloch states demonstrates that the O-Pt bond is considerably more localized at the bridge site. These effects cause a sharp drop in the heats of adsorption for oxygen on hollow sites when the coverage is increased from 0.25 to 0.5 ML. Mixing between oxygen p orbitals and Pt d orbitals can be observed over the whole metal d-band energy range.


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Adsorption of 0.5 monolayer of N adatoms on W{100} results in a sharp (root 2 X root 2)R45 degrees LEED pattern. The only previous quantitative LEED study of this system gave a simple overlayer model with a Pendry R-factor of 0.55. An exhaustive search has been made of possible structures, including a novel vacancy reconstruction, displacive reconstructions and underlayer adsorption. From this work a new overlayer structure is derived with an R(p) value of 0.22, displaying a considerable buckling of 0.27 +/- 0.05 Angstrom within the second W layer and consequently involving large changes in the interlayer spacings of the surface. The N adatom is pseudo-five-fold coordinated to the W surface, bonding to a second-layer W atom with a nearest-neighbour bond length of 2.13 Angstrom and with the four next-nearest-neighbour W atoms in the surface plane at 2.27 Angstrom. The structure does not resolve the work function anomaly observed on this surface.


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Deposition of 0.5 ML of Cu on W(100) leads to the formation of a sharp c(2 x 2) structure when the surface is annealed at 800 K. A LEED intensity analysis reveals that the Cu atoms are adsorbed displacively into W sites, forming an ordered 2D surface alloy. Due to the lattice mismatch between copper and tungsten, a substantial buckling of the first layer of the alloy is also observed. The clean, bulk terminated W(100) surface is only just stable relative to the c(2 x 2) vacancy covered W(100) surface. This relative stability of the vacancy structure explains the driving force behind the formation of this alloy.


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We present measurements of the complex ion structure of warm dense carbon close to the melting line at pressures around 100 GPa. High-pressure samples were created by laser-driven shock compression of graphite and probed by intense laser-generated x-ray sources with photon energies of 4.75 keV and 4.95 keV. High-efficiency crystal spectrometers allow for spectrally resolving the scattered radiation. Comparing the ratio of elastically and inelastically scattered radiation, we find evidence for a complex bonded liquid that is predicted by ab-initio quantum simulations showing the influence of chemical bonds under these conditions. Using graphite samples of different initial densities we demonstrate the capability of spectrally resolved x-ray scattering to monitor the carbon solid-liquid transition at relatively constant pressure of 150 GPa. Showing first single-pulse scattering spectra from cold graphite of unprecedented quality recorded at the Linac Coherent Light Source, we demonstrate the outstanding possibilities for future high-precision measurements at 4th Generation Light Sources.


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X-ray backscatter imaging can be used for a wide range of imaging applications, in particular for industrial inspection and portal security. Currently, the application of this imaging technique to the detection of landmines is limited due to the surrounding sand or soil strongly attenuating the 10s to 100s of keV X-rays required for backscatter imaging. Here, we introduce a new approach involving a 140 MeV short-pulse (< 100 fs) electron beam generated by laser wakefield acceleration to probe the sample, which produces Bremsstrahlung X-rays within the sample enabling greater depths to be imaged. A variety of detector and scintillator configurations are examined, with the best time response seen from an absorptive coated BaF2 scintillator with a bandpass filter to remove the slow scintillation emission components. An X-ray backscatter image of an array of different density and atomic number items is demonstrated. The use of a compact laser wakefield accelerator to generate the electron source, combined with the rapid development of more compact, efficient and higher repetition rate high power laser systems will make this system feasible for applications in the field.


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High resolution soft x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (SXPS) have been used to study the high temperature thermal stability of ultra-thin atomic layer deposited (ALD) HfO2 layers (∼1 nm) on sulphur passivated and hydrofluoric acid (HF) treated germanium surfaces. The interfacial oxides which are detected for both surface preparations following HfO2 deposition can be effectively removed by annealing upto 700 °C without any evidence of chemical interaction at the HfO2/Ge interface. The estimated valence and conduction band offsets for the HfO2/Ge abrupt interface indicated that effective barriers exist to inhibit carrier injection.


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In aquaculture, application of fish hybrids has increased. This technique permits improvement of the fish production by providing specimens showing better growth rate when compared to the parental species. Indeed, sterile individuals are highly demanded because quite frequently parental fish mature before they reach the market size, which impairs their growth and decrease their economic value. Throughout the last years, the commercial and scientific interest in salmonids has increased rapidly, among them, the brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) are species that can be crossed to produce hybrids that might by cultured in the fish farms. In the present thesis, we have assessed chromosome numbers and evaluate gonadal sex in the brook trout X Arctic charr hybrid progenies. In our populations, the karyotype of the brook trout comprises 84 chromosomes: 16 bi-armed chromosomes (meta-submetacentric) and 68 one-armed chromosomes (telo-acrocentrics) and the chromosome arm number, NF= 100. Arctic charr karyotype shows variation related to the chromosome number (2n= 81-82) and stable chromosome arm number (NF= 100). 2n= 81 chromosomes consisted of 19 bi-armed and 62 one-armed chromosomes, while 2n= 82 karyotype was organized into 18 meta-submetacentric and 64 acrocentrics. The cytogenetic and histological analysis of the brook trout X Arctic charr hybrids (sparctics) was carried out to asses chromosome and chromosome arm number and gonadal sex of the studied specimens. Diploid chromosome number in the hybrids varied from 81 to 84 and individuals with 83 and 84 chromosomes were predominant. Most of the fish had chromosome arm number equal to 100. Robertsonian fusion in the Arctic charr and chromosome behaviour in the hybrid fish cells might lead to the observed variation in chromosome numbers in the hybrids. Among studied fish, 12 were males, 3 were females and 9 had intersex gonads. No correlation between chromosome number and disturbances in the gonadal development was found. This might suggest that intersex gonads might have been developed as a consequence of disturbances in the genetic sex determination process. Genetic sex determination acts properly in the parental species but in the hybrids this may not be as efficient.


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Kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Leben und Wirken Erwin Ackerknechts.


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59217