849 resultados para treinamento em Marketing
This study focuses on observing how Finnish companies execute their new product launch processes. The main objective was to find out how entry timing moderates the relationship between launch tactics (namely product innovativeness, price and emotional advertising) and new product performance (namely sales volume and customer profitability). The empirical analysis was based on data collected in Lappeenranta University of Technology. The sample consisted of Finnish companies representing different industries and innovation activities. Altogether 272 usable responses were received representing a response rate of 37.67%. The measures were first assessed by using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) in PASW Statistics 18 and then further verified with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) in LISREL 8.80. To test the hypotheses of the moderating effects of entry timing, hierarchical regression analysis was used in PASW Statistics 18. The results of the study revealed that the effect of product innovativeness on new product sales volume is dependent on entry timing. This implies that companies should carefully consider what would be the best time for entering the market when launching highly innovative new products. The results also depict a positive relationship between emotional advertising and new product sales volume. In addition, partial support was found for a positive relationship between pricing and new product customer profitability.
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as condições de trabalho, treinamento, saúde e segurança dos brigadistas de combate a incêndios florestais no Distrito Federal. A pesquisa foi realizada nas Unidades de Conservação da Fazenda Água Limpa, Reserva Ecológica do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística e Instituto Jardim Botânico de Brasília. A coleta de dados foi feita com a aplicação de um questionário em forma de entrevista individual. Participaram da avaliação todos os 53 brigadistas das Unidades de Conservação. De acordo com os resultados, a brigada do Jardim Botânico de Brasília tinha significativo porcentual de treinados (92,8%), todos com cursos de primeiros socorros, e um alto porcentual de trabalhadores com problemas de saúde (33,3%). Os brigadistas da Reserva Ecológica do IBGE exerciam, em sua grande maioria, o trabalho por gosto pela atividade (84,6%), eram bem treinados (92,3%) e todos participaram de cursos de primeiros socorros, sendo o porcentual de acidentes o mais baixo (7,7%). Na brigada da Fazenda Água Limpa foram encontrados os menores porcentuais de treinados (39,1%), maiores porcentuais de acidentes (17,4%), menores porcentuais de pessoas que exerciam a função por gosto pela atividade (30,4%) e menores porcentuais de pessoas com problemas de saúde (8,7%). A grande maioria dos brigadistas nas três Unidades de Conservação ressaltou a questão da necessidade de regulamentação das brigadas e atentou para a insatisfação quanto aos equipamentos de proteção individual utilizados e inadequada reposição.
Este trabalho consiste em um levantamento florístico das árvores e lianas pertencentes à Papilionoideae da Mata do Paraíso, importante fragmento de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual Submontana, no Município de Viçosa, Zona da Mata mineira. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada por meio de visitas à área de estudo, no período de julho/2004 a agosto/2005. Foram reconhecidos 12 táxons infra-específicos pertencentes a oito gêneros, sendo Machaerium Pers. (4 spp.) e Dalbergia L. f. (2 spp.) os mais representativos. São apresentados chaves de identificação, descrições, ilustrações e comentários sobre os táxons analisados. Dalbergia nigra (Vell.) Allemão ex Benth., espécie vulnerável, e Ormosia vicosana Rudd, endêmica da região, foram encontradas na EPTEA.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os potenciais ganhos de operadores de harvester no treinamento com uso de simuladores de realidade virtual. Foram coletados dados durante o treinamento de 39 operadores, avaliando-se os seus desempenhos nas variáveis: tempo de execução no corte da árvore, direção de queda, altura de corte, eficiência no processamento, eficiência no empilhamento e produtividade. Os resultados permitiram a conclusão de que o simulador de realidade virtual é uma ferramenta viável do ponto de vista técnico e essencial no apoio ao treinamento de operadores de máquinas florestais, possibilitando a obtenção de elevados ganhos de qualidade e produtividade. O melhor desempenho dos operadores ocorreu com a variável produtividade, cujo ganho médio foi de 41,3% em relação ao início do treinamento, seguido pelo tempo de execução, com 38,8%; e pela direção de queda, com ganho médio de 36,1%.
Markkinointisuunnitelmatutkimukset koostuvat pääosin tuotantoalalle tai suurille yrityksille tehdyistä markkinointisuunitelmista. Vaikuttaa siltä, että pienet yritykset tekevät suunnitelmansa ilman nimenomaisesti heille suunniteltua mallia, jos tekevät suunnitelmaa ollenkaan. Kuten sanottu, sovellukset palveluyrityksille ja pk-yrityksille puuttuvat markkinointisuunnitelmiin kohdistuvasta tutkimuksesta, mikä lisää tämän tutkimuksen arvoa keskittyen juuri kyseisiin markkinointisuunnitelman osa-alueisiin. Tutkimusta sovelletaan uuteen palvelukonseptiin, jota case-yritys Taksipalvelu MPS Oy on lanseeraamassa. Palvelu on kohdistettu venäläisille matkailijoille sekä Lappeenrannan alueella eläville venäläisille, ja se perustuu ennen kaikkea korkeaan laatuun. Tutkimus on tärkeä, sillä taksiala on hyvin säännelty, mutta säännöstelyn piirissä on todennäköisesti paljon potentiaalia palveluiden differentaatioon. Segmentointi ja palveluiden kohdistus tiettyihin asiakasryhmiin on taksialalla myös hyvin minimaalista. Tutkimalla kohdistetun palvelun kysyntää ja arvoa saadaan selville olisiko tällainen toiminta kannattavaa vai ei. Venäläisten asiakkaiden määrä on kasvanut Lappeenrannan alueella paljon, minkä potentiaalia ei ole ehkä vielä täysin hyödynnetty. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on luoda hyödyllinen markkinointisuunnitelma case-yritykselle kiinnittäen erityisesti huomiota toimialaan ja kohdeasiakasryhmään. Tarkoituksena on antaa suuntaviivoja kuinka lähestyä kohdeasiakkaita ja kuinka markkinoida palvelua oikein. Tavoitteena on myös selvittää onko valitulla asiakassegmentillä kysyntää vai tulisiko kohdistaminen tehdä toisia määritteitä käyttäen.
The purpose of the Thesis was to evaluate the business environment of electrical vehicle charging equipment (EVSE) in USA, find the key issues of entering the US EVSE markets and to form a marketing plan for possible market entry. The external market research analyzed the environment, customers, competitors and demand of EVSEs. In the internal analysis the focus was on resources and capabilities, offering, performance, business relations and US related issues. The research about the business environment was done using already available information from market studies and seminars. In external analysis there were also two semi-structured interviews from market experts used. The internal analysis was done mostly by interviews, but also company’s internal data sources were used. The interviews were semi-constructed and included eight interviewees from each part of EVSE value chain. The research findings were analyzed using SWOT analysis, which was converted to a so called TOWS matrix for extracting strategies. As a result of the Thesis, valuable information about the US markets and their requirements for EVSEs was gained. By matching the strengths of the case company and market requirements, customer segmentation and targeting were done and a marketing plan was constructed for the case company to help their management to evaluate the feasibility of possible market entry and investments to USA.
O estresse térmico em equinos aciona mecanismos termorregulatórios, como mudanças no fluxo sanguíneo periférico, para a manutenção da homeostase corporal. A termografia infravermelha permite detectar estas alterações, sendo uma ferramenta útil para avaliar o estresse em animais. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o uso da termografia infravermelha na termorregulação de equino em condição de treinamento. Foi utilizado um cavalo anglo-árabe, exercitado uma vez ao dia. Foram captadas imagens termográficas da axila, garupa, peito e virilha do cavalo e registrados os parâmetros fisiológicos antes e após exercício e 0; 5 e 10 minutos após o banho, durante 8 dias. A temperatura, a umidade relativa e a velocidade do ar foram monitoradas. A temperatura de superfície da garupa e do peito não diferiu entre os tratamentos, indicando baixa participação destas partes na termorregulação. Em contrapartida, a temperatura superficial da axila e da virilha aumentou após o exercício e diminuiu após o banho, sugerindo evidência dos mecanismos vasomotores para a troca térmica do cavalo. Comportamento semelhante foi observado para as variáveis fisiológicas, o que demonstra tentativas orgânicas do organismo para sair das condições de estresse térmico. Concluiu-se que a termografia infravermelha permitiu determinar com precisão a temperatura de superfície corporal do cavalo, sendo possível inferir sobre a termorregulação.
The theme of the research is the development of the domain of marketing knowledge in the design of agricultural machinery. It is developed throughout the design of agricultural machinery in order to identify the corporate and customers needs and to develop strategies to satisfy these needs. The central problem of the research questions which marketing tools to apply on pre-development process of farm machinery, in order to increase the market value of the products and of the company and, consequently, generate competitive advantage to the manufacturers of agricultural machinery. As methodology, it was developed bibliographical research and multicase study of the development process of agricultural machinery developed by small, medium and large companies and the academy. As a result, a marketing reference model was elaborated for the pre-development stage of agricultural machinery, which outlines the activities, tasks, mechanisms and controls that can be used in strategic planning and in products planning of agricultural machinery manufacturers, contributing to explain the explicit knowledge in the marketing field.
Researchers’ interest toward cross-functional relationships has increased over the last decades, indicating the importance of collaboration of different functions. However, marketing-sales relationship has started to interest researchers only recently, even though collaboration between these functions is critical for companies’ success and customer satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to examine how collaboration between marketing and sales can be enhanced, and thus explore marketing-sales relationship and factors influencing on the collaboration between these functions. Literature review of this study draws together relevant literature and research concerning the topic. Empirical part explores marketing-sales relationships in a b-to-b company. The empirical research was conducted through six semi-structured interviews. Interviewees represented three different departments - each department’s marketing and sales manager were interviewed. All the interviewees considered that marketing-sales collaboration within the company should be improved. In the analysis certain factors impeding as well as facilitating the collaboration were recognized. Based on these, and lack of facilitating factors, the marketing-sales relationships within the company were defined as aligned relationships. Consequently, marketing-sales collaboration should be enhanced in all the departments by strengthening the facilitative elements. This study provides an overall view on marketing-sales collaboration, its elements and relationship types. Based on this study one can understand factors influencing on the marketing-sales collaboration and recognize the types of marketing-sales relationship.
The study touches upon marketing-sales departments’ cooperation and investigates marketing-sales cooperative model within the case company. So that research increases understanding of linkages between Marketing and Sales departments with an illustrative example of Russian medium-sized oil company (LLC Neste St. Petersburg), the subsidiary of Finnish-based Neste Oil. The empirical study is done from marketing and sales perspectives. And for sales main attention was brought to direct sales, both B2B and B2C. Research considers all five domains of cooperation, and among others, study reveals the attitude towards external (market) and internal (product) knowledge, and its mutual use by marketing and sales managers. A qualitative research method, participant observations, and in-depth interviews with upper-management made it possible to explore all facets of joint work. Moreover, research responses the changes in a model of cooperation between marketing and sales when moving from medium size to large company.
This study is dedicated to search engine marketing (SEM). It aims for developing a business model of SEM firms and to provide explicit research of trustworthy practices of virtual marketing companies. Optimization is a general term that represents a variety of techniques and methods of the web pages promotion. The research addresses optimization as a business activity, and it explains its role for the online marketing. Additionally, it highlights issues of unethical techniques utilization by marketers which created relatively negative attitude to them on the Internet environment. Literature insight combines in the one place both technical and economical scientific findings in order to highlight technological and business attributes incorporated in SEM activities. Empirical data regarding search marketers was collected via e-mail questionnaires. 4 representatives of SEM companies were engaged in this study to accomplish the business model design. Additionally, the fifth respondent was a representative of the search engine portal, who provided insight on relations between search engines and marketers. Obtained information of the respondents was processed qualitatively. Movement of commercial organizations to the online market increases demand on promotional programs. SEM is the largest part of online marketing, and it is a prerogative of search engines portals. However, skilled users, or marketers, are able to implement long-term marketing programs by utilizing web page optimization techniques, key word consultancy or content optimization to increase web site visibility to search engines and, therefore, user’s attention to the customer pages. SEM firms are related to small knowledge-intensive businesses. On the basis of data analysis the business model was constructed. The SEM model includes generalized constructs, although they represent a wider amount of operational aspects. Constructing blocks of the model includes fundamental parts of SEM commercial activity: value creation, customer, infrastructure and financial segments. Also, approaches were provided on company’s differentiation and competitive advantages evaluation. It is assumed that search marketers should apply further attempts to differentiate own business out of the large number of similar service providing companies. Findings indicate that SEM companies are interested in the increasing their trustworthiness and the reputation building. Future of the search marketing is directly depending on search engines development.
OBJETIVO: Este trabalho tem como objetivo disponibilizar para qualquer instituição de ensino superior em Medicina um eficaz método de curva de aprendizagem e de desenvolvimento de habilidades nessa inovadora prática cirúrgica que necessita de aperfeiçoamento em virtude das inovações tecnológicas. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados materiais simples e de baixo custo para a confecção e a realização da colecistectomia videolaparoscópica em manequins plásticos como seria in vivo. RESULTADOS: Os resultados foram evidenciados por meio de fotos legendadas dos procedimentos cirúrgicos. CONCLUSÃO: A colecistectomia videolaparoscópica em manequins plásticos demonstrou ser um alternativo e viável método de treinamento para os estudantes de Medicina.
The objective of this study is to find out how email marketing is conducted towards existing customers in Company X. The first chapter of the study focuses on theoretical literature on direct marketing, especially on solicited and unsolicited email marketing, and on relationship marketing. The following relationship marketing areas: database marketing, customer retention, trust and commitment, loyalty, engagement and satisfaction are described and the possibilities to use email marketing within these entities of relationship marketing. The empirical second part of the study revealed that email marketing tactics to be used on relationship marketing in Company X are little used and there is potential for significant improvements in relationship marketing especially with marketing automation tools.