983 resultados para therapeutic alliance
During the first two trimesters of intrauterine life, fetal sex steroid production is driven by maternal human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The HPG axis is activated around the third trimester and remains active for the first 6-months of neonatal life. This so-called mini-puberty is a developmental window that has profound effects on future potential for fertility. In early puberty, GnRH secretion is reactivated first at night and then night and day. Pulsatile GnRH stimulates both LH and FSH, which induce maturation of the seminiferous tubules and Leydig cells. Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) results from GnRH deficiency. Men with CHH lack the mini-pubertal and pubertal periods of Sertoli Cell proliferation and thus present with prepubertal testes (<4mL) and low inhibin serum levels --reflecting diminished SC numbers. To induce full maturation of the testes, GnRH-deficient patients can be treated with either pulsatile GnRH, hCG or combined gonadotropin therapy (FSH+hCG). Fertility outcomes with each of these regimens are highly variable. Recently, a randomized, open label treatment study (n=13) addressed the question of whether a sequential treatment with FSH alone prior to LH and FSH (via GnRH pump) could enhance fertility outcomes. All men receiving the sequential treatment developed sperm in the ejaculate, whereas 2/6 men in the other group remained azoospermic. A large, multicenter clinical trial is needed to definitively prove the optimal treatment approach for severe CHH.
Methadone is a 50:50 mixture of two enantiomers and (R)-methadone accounts for the majority of its opioid effect. The aim of this study was to determine whether a blood concentration of (R)-methadone can be associated with therapeutic response in addict patients in methadone maintenance treatment. Trough plasma concentrations of (R)-, (S)- and (R,S)-methadone were measured in 180 patients in maintenance treatment. Therapeutic response was defined by the absence of illicit opiate or cocaine in urine samples collected during a 2-month period prior to blood sampling. A large interindividual variability of (R)-methadone concentration-to-dose-to-weight ratios was found (mean, S.D., median, range: 112, 54, 100, 19-316 ng x kg/ml x mg). With regard to the consumption of illicit opiate (but not of cocaine), a therapeutic response was associated with (R)- (at 250 ng/ml) and (R,S)-methadone (at 400 ng/ml) but not with (S)-methadone concentrations. A higher specificity was calculated for (R)- than for (R,S)-methadone, as the number of non-responders above this threshold divided by the total number of non-responders was higher for (R,S)-methadone (19%) than for (R)-methadone (7%). The results support the use of therapeutic drug monitoring of (R)-methadone in cases of continued intake of illicit opiates. Due to the variability of methadone concentration-to-dose-to-weight ratios, theoretical doses of racemic methadone could be as small as 55 mg/day and as large as 921 mg/day to produce a plasma (R)-methadone concentration of 250 ng/ml in a 70-kg patient. This demonstrates the importance of individualizing methadone treatment.
Audit report on the Iowa County Treasurers Egovernment Alliance for the year ended June 30, 2014
Regulatory T cells control immune responses to self- and foreign-antigens and play a major role in maintaining the balance between immunity and tolerance. This article reviews recent key developments in the field of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T (TREG) cells. It presents their characteristics and describes their range of activity and mechanisms of action. Some models of diseases triggered by the imbalance between TREG cells and effector pathogenic T cells are described and their potential therapeutic applications in humans are outlined.
Despite decades of research, therapeutic advances in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) have progressed at a painstaking slow rate with few improvements in standard surgical resection for early stage disease and chemotherapy or radiotherapy for patients with advanced disease. In the past 18 months, however, we seemed to have reached an inflexion point: therapeutic advances that are centred on improvements in the understanding of patient selection, surgery that is undertaken through smaller incisions, identification of candidate mutations accompanied by the development of targeted anticancer treatments with a focus on personalised medicine, improvements to radiotherapy technology, emergence of radiofrequency ablation (RFA), and last but by no means least, the recognition of palliative care as a therapeutic modality in its own right. The contributors to this review are a distinguished international panel of experts who highlight recent advances in each of the major disciplines.
The prescription information (summary of product characteristics, SPC) is compiled by the pharmaceutical industry as required by the national regulatory authorities. They vary in their content about the properties of drugs and about the usefulness of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) in the blood of patients. Based on a previous study carried out in Germany, the degree of agreement of French SPC for 59 psychotropic drugs with the existing medico-scientific evidence in the area of TDM was examined using a recently developed instrument. A summary score of SPC content (SPCC) related to TDM (SPCC(TDM)) has been calculated and compared with the level of recommendation of TDM of the AGNP-TDM expert group consensus guidelines for TDM in psychiatry [AGNP: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Neuropsychopharmakologie und Pharmakopsychiatrie (Association for neuropsychopharmacology and pharmacopsychiatry)]. Among the antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquillizers/hypnotic agents and mood stabilizers, the highest SPCC(TDM) scores in the French SPC were reached for imipramine (16), haloperidol (6), clonazepam (8) and lithium (23), respectively. Results were similar to those obtained from the analysis of German SPC, and considerable disagreement was found between the information on TDM in SPC and existing medico-scientific evidence, albeit less in the case of mood stabilizers. Taking into account the recommendations of the AGNP-TDM expert group guidelines, there is a deficit in the French SPC concerning TDM-relevant information. An amelioration of this situation could help to improve the clinical practice of TDM of psychotropic drugs, as the SPC is a widely used tool.
In the cerebrospinal fluid of 26 drug-naive schizophrenics (DSM-III- R), we observed that the level of glutathione ([GSH]) and of its metabolite γ-Glu-Gln was decreased by 27% and 16% respectively. Using a new in-vivo method based on magnetic resonance spec- troscopy, [GSH] was measured in the medial prefrontal cortex of 18 schizophrenics and found to be 52 % lower than in controls (n = 20). This is consistent with the recently observed decreased mRNA levels in fibroblasts of patients (n=32) of the two GSH synthesizing en- zymes (glutathione synthetase (GSS), and glutamate-cysteine ligase M (GCLM) the modulatory subunit of glutamate-cysteine ligase). Moreover, the level of GCLM expression in fibroblasts correlates neg- atively with the psychopathology (positive, general and some nega- tive symptoms). Thus, the observed difference in gene expression is not only the cause of low brain [GSH], but is also related to the sever- ity of symptoms, suggesting that fibroblasts are adequate surrogate for brain tissue. A hypothesis was proposed, based on a central role of GSH in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. GSH is an important endogenous redox regulator and neuroactive substance. GSH is pro- tecting cells from damage by reactive oxygen species generated, among others, by the metabolism of dopamine. A GSH deficit-in- duced oxidative stress would lead to lipid peroxidation and micro-le- sions in the surrounding of catecholamine terminals, affecting the synaptic contacts on dendritic spines of cortical neurones, where ex- citatory glutamatergic terminals converge with dopaminergic ones. This would lead to spines degeneration and abnormal nervous con- nections or structural disconnectivity, possibly responsible for posi- tive, perceptive and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia. In addi- tion, a GSH deficit could also lead to a functional disconnectivity by depressing NMDA neurotransmission, in analogy to phencyclidine effects. Present experimental biochemical, cell biological and behav- ioral data are consistent with the proposed mechanism: decreasing pharmacologically [GSH] in experimental models, with or without blocking DA uptake (GBR12909), induces morphological and behav- ioral changes similar to those observed in patients. Dendritic spines: (a) In neuronal cultures, low [GSH] and DA induce decreased density of neural processes; (b) In developing rats (p5-p16), [GSH] deficit and GBR induce a decrease in normal spines in prefrontal pyramids and in GABA-parvalbumine but not of -calretinine immunoreactivity in anterior cingulate. NMDA-dependant synaptic plasticity: GSH deple- I/13 tion in hippocampal slices impairs long-term potentiation. Develop- ing rats with low [GSH] and GBR have deficit in olfactory integration and in object recognition which appears earlier in males than fe- males, in analogy to the delay of the psychosis onset between man and woman. In summary, a deficit of GSH and/or GSH-related enzymes during early development could constitute a major vulnerability fac- tor in schizophrenia.
S100A4, a member of the S100 calcium-binding protein family secreted by tumor and stromal cells, supports tumorigenesis by stimulating angiogenesis. We demonstrated that S100A4 synergizes with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), via the RAGE receptor, in promoting endothelial cell migration by increasing KDR expression and MMP-9 activity. In vivo overexpression of S100A4 led to a significant increase in tumor growth and vascularization in a human melanoma xenograft M21 model. Conversely, when silencing S100A4 by shRNA technology, a dramatic decrease in tumor development of the pancreatic MiaPACA-2 cell line was observed. Based on these results we developed 5C3, a neutralizing monoclonal antibody against S100A4. This antibody abolished endothelial cell migration, tumor growth and angiogenesis in immunodeficient mouse xenograft models of MiaPACA-2 and M21-S100A4 cells. It is concluded that extracellular S100A4 inhibition is an attractive approach for the treatment of human cancer.
The staphylococci are an ever-present threat in our world, capable of causing a wide range of infections, and are a persistent presence in the clinical environment. As the number of antimicrobial compounds effective against staphylococci decreases, because of the acquisition and spread of antibiotic resistance, there is a growing need for novel therapeutic molecules. Intra and inter-species communication (quorum sensing) is a biologically significant phenomenon that has been associated with virulence, intracellular survival, and biofilm formation. Quorum sensing molecules of staphylococci and other species (e.g. Pseudomonas aeruginosa) can inhibit virulence factor production and/or growth of staphylococci, leading to the possibility that interference with staphylococcal quorum-sensing systems could be a way of controlling the diverse infections caused by the staphylococci. In this article, we discuss the potential of quorum-sensing systems of staphylococci as therapeutic targets.
Poly(ortho esters) (POE) are hydrophobic and bioerodible polymers that have been investigated for pharmaceutical use since the early 1970s. Among the four described generations of POE, the third (POE III) and fourth (POE IV) are promising viscous and injectable materials which have been investigated in numerous biomedical applications. POE III has been extensively studied for ophthalmic drug delivery, it presents an excellent biocompatibility and is currently being investigated as a vehicle for sustained drug delivery to treat diseases of the posterior segment of the eye. POE IV is distinguishable by a highly reproducible and controlled synthesis, a higher hydrophobicity, and an excellent biocompatibility. It is currently under development for a variety of applications, such as ocular delivery, periodontal disease treatment and applications in veterinary medicine. This review will also focus on new perspectives for this promising family of polymers, such as guided tissue regeneration, treatment of osteoarthritis, as well as peptide and protein delivery.
Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM), i. e., the quantification of serum or plasma concentrations of medications for dose optimization, has proven a valuable tool for the patient-matched psychopharmacotherapy. Uncertain drug adherence, suboptimal tolerability, non-response at therapeutic doses, or pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions are typical situations when measurement of medication concentrations is helpful. Patient populations that may predominantly benefit from TDM in psychiatry are children, pregnant women, elderly patients, individuals with intelligence disabilities, forensic patients, patients with known or suspected genetically determined pharmacokinetic abnormalities or individuals with pharmacokinetically relevant comorbidities. However, the potential benefits of TDM for optimization of pharmacotherapy can only be obtained if the method is adequately integrated into the clinical treatment process. To promote an appropriate use of TDM, the TDM expert group of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Neuropsychopharmakologie und Pharmakopsychiatrie (AGNP) issued guidelines for TDM in psychiatry in 2004. Since then, knowledge has advanced significantly, and new psychopharmacologic agents have been introduced that are also candidates for TDM. Therefore the TDM consensus guidelines were updated and extended to 128 neuropsychiatric drugs. 4 levels of recommendation for using TDM were defined ranging from "strongly recommended" to "potentially useful". Evidence-based "therapeutic reference ranges" and "dose related reference ranges" were elaborated after an extensive literature search and a structured internal review process. A "laboratory alert level" was introduced, i. e., a plasma level at or above which the laboratory should immediately inform the treating physician. Supportive information such as cytochrome P450 substrate and inhibitor properties of medications, normal ranges of ratios of concentrations of drug metabolite to parent drug and recommendations for the interpretative services are given. Recommendations when to combine TDM with pharmacogenetic tests are also provided. Following the guidelines will help to improve the outcomes of psychopharmacotherapy of many patients especially in case of pharmacokinetic problems. Thereby, one should never forget that TDM is an interdisciplinary task that sometimes requires the respectful discussion of apparently discrepant data so that, ultimately, the patient can profit from such a joint eff ort.
Cells, including endothelial cells, continuously sense their surrounding environment and rapidly adapt to changes in order to assure tissues and organs homeostasis. The extracellular matrix (ECM) provides a physical scaffold for cell positioning and represents an instructive interface allowing cells to communicate over short distances. Cell surface receptors of the integrin family emerged through evolution as essential mediators and integrators of ECM-dependent communication. In preclinical studies, pharmacological inhibition of vascular integrins suppressed angiogenesis and inhibited tumor progression. alpha(V)beta(3) and alpha(V)beta(5) were the first integrins targeted to suppress tumor angiogenesis. Subsequently, additional integrins, in particular alpha(1)beta(1), alpha(2)beta(1), alpha(5)beta(1), and alpha(6)beta(4), emerged as potential therapeutic targets. Integrin inhibitors are currently tested in clinical trials for their safety and antiangiogenic/antitumor activity. In this chapter, we review the role of integrins in angiogenesis and present recent advances in the use of integrin antagonists as potential therapeutics in cancer and discuss future perspectives.