993 resultados para single-state oxygen


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The antibunching and blinking from a single CdSe/ZnS nanocrystal with an emission wavelength of 655 nm were investigated under different excitation powers. The decay process of the photoluminescence from nanocrystal was fitted into a stretched exponential, and the small lifetime and the small stretching exponent under a high excitation power were explained by using nonradiative multi-channel model. The probability of distributions for off-times from photoluminescence intermittence was fitted into the power law, and the power exponents were explained by using a tunneling model. For higher excitation power, the Auger-assisted tunneling model takes effect, where the tunneling rate increases and the observed lifetime decreases. For weak excitation power, the electron directly tunnels between the nanocrystal and trapping state without Auger assistance. The correlation between antibunching and blinking from the same nanocrystal was analyzed.


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Ce-doped Bi12SiO20 (BSO) single crystal was grown on board of the Chinese Spacecraft-Shenzhou No. 3. A cylindrical crystal, 10 mm in diameter and 40 mm in length, was obtained. The morphology of crystals is significantly different for ground- and space-grown portions. The space- and ground-grown crystals have been characterized by Cc concentration distribution, X-ray rocking curve absorption spectrum and micro-Raman spectrum. The results show that the quality of Ce-doped BSO crystal grown in space is more homogeneous and more perfect than that of ground grown one. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Stochastic resonance (SR) induced by the signal modulation is investigated, by introducing the signal-modulated gain into a single-mode laser system. Using the linear approximation method, we detailedly calculate the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of a gain-noise model of the single-mode laser, taking the cross-correlation between the quantum noise and pump noise into account. We find that, SR appears in the dependence of the SNR on the intensities of the quantum and the pump noises when the correlation coefficient between both the noises is negative; moreover, when the cross-correlation between the two noises is strongly negative, SR exhibits a resonance and a suppression versus the gain coefficient, meanwhile, the single-peaked SR and multi-peaked SR occur in the behaviors of the SNR as functions of the loss coefficient and the deterministic steady-state intensity. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Double-state lasing phenomena are easily observed in self-assembled quantum dot (QD) lasers. The effect of inter-level relaxation rate and cavity length on the double-state lasing performance of QD lasers is investigated on the basis of a rate equation model. Calculated results show that, for a certain cavity length, the ground state (GS) lasing threshold current increases almost linearly with the inter-level relaxation lifetime. However, as the relaxation rate becomes slower, the ratio of excited state (ES) lasing threshold current over the GS one decreases, showing an evident exponential behavior. A relatively feasible method to estimate the inter-level relaxation lifetime, which is difficult to measure directly, is provided. In addition, fast inter-level relaxation is favorable for the GS single-mode lasing, and leads to lower wetting layer (WL) carrier occupation probability and higher QD GS capture efficiency and external differential quantum efficiency. Besides, the double-state lasing effect strongly depends on the cavity length. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Magneto-transport measurements have been carried out on double/single-barrier-doped In0.52Al0.48As/In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As quantum well samples from 1.5 to 60 K in an applied magnetic field up to 13 T. Beating Shubnikov-de Haas oscillation is observed for the symmetrically double-barrier-doped sample and demonstrated due to a symmetric state and an antisymmetric state confined in two coupled self-consistent potential wells in the single quantum well. The energy separation between the symmetric and the antisymmetric states for the double-barrier-doped sample is extracted from experimental data, which is consistent with calculation. For the single-barrier-doped sample, only beating related to magneto-intersubband scattering shows up. The pesudospin property of the symmetrically double-barrier-doped single quantum well shows that it is a good candidate for fabricating quantum transistors. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Single-crystalline alpha-Si3N4 nanowires are controlled to grow perpendicular to the wet-etched trenches in the SiO0.94 film on the plane of the Si substrate without metal catalysis. A detailed characterization is carried out by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The photoluminescence at 600 nm from alpha-Si3N4 nanowires is attributed to the recombination at the defect state formed by the Si dangling bond N3 equivalent to Si-center dot. The growth mechanism is considered to be related to the catalysis and nitridation of SiO nanoclusters preferably re-deposited around the inner corner of the trenches, as well as faster Si diffusion along the slanting side walls of the trenches. This simple direction-controlled growth method is compatible with the CMOS process, and could facilitate the fabrication of alpha-Si3N4 nanoelectronic or nanophotonic devices on the Si platform.


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The optical manipulation of electron spins is of great benefit to solid-state quantum information processing. In this letter, we provide a comparative study on the ultrafast optical manipulation of single electron spin in the doped and undoped quantum dots. The study indicates that the experimental breakthrough can be preliminarily made in the undoped quantum dots, because of the relatively less demand.


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We have obtained the parameter-phase diagram, which unambiguously defines the parameter region for the use of InAs/GaAs quantum dot as two-level quantum system in quantum computation in the framework of the effective-mass envelope function theory. Moreover, static electric field is found to efficiently prolong decoherence time. As a result, decoherence time may reach the order of magnitude of milli-seconds as external static electric field goes beyond 20 kV/cm if only vacuum fluctuation is taken as the main source for decoherence. Our calculated results are useful for guiding the solid-state implementation of quantum computing.


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The effect of the growth temperature on the properties of InAlAs/AlGaAs quantum dots grown on GaAs(100) substrates is investigated. The optical efficiency and structural uniformity are improved by increasing the growth temperature from 530 to 560 degreesC. The improvements of InAlAs/AlGaAs quantum-dot characteristics could be explained by suppressing the incorporation of oxygen and the formation of group-III vacancies. Furthermore, edge-emitting laser diodes with six quantum-dot layers grown at 560 degreesC have been fabricated. Lasing occurs via the ground state at 725 nm, with a room-temperature threshold current density of 3.9 kA/cm(2), significantly better than previously reported values for this quantum-dot systems. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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The time evolution of the quantum mechanical state of an electron is calculated in the framework of the effective-mass envelope function theory for an InAs/GaAs quantum dot. The results indicate that the superposition state electron density oscillates in the quantum dot, with a period on the order of femtoseconds. The interaction energy E-ij between two electrons located in different quantum dots is calculated for one electron in the ith pure quantum state and another in the jth pure quantum state. We find that E-11]E-12]E-22, and E-ij decreases as the distance between the two quantum dots increases. We present a parameter-phase diagram which defines the parameter region for the use of an InAs/GaAs quantum dot as a two-level quantum system in quantum computation. A static electric field is found to efficiently prolong the decoherence time. Our results should be useful for designing the solid-state implementation of quantum computing. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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The ground state of a double quantum-dot structure is studied by a simplified Anderson-type model. Numerical calculations reveal that the ground-state level of this artificial molecule increases with the increasing single particle level of the dot, and also increases with the decreasing transfer integrals. We show the staircase feature of the electron occupation and the properties of the ground-state eigenvector by varying the;single particle level of the dot.


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This paper proposes novel fast addition and multiplication circuits that are based on non-binary redundant number systems and single electron (SE) devices. The circuits consist of MOSFET-based single-electron (SE) turnstiles. We use the number of electrons to represent discrete multiple-valued logic states and we finish arithmetic operations by controlling the number of electrons transferred. We construct a compact PD2,3 adder and a 12x12bit multiplier using the PD2,3 adder. The speed of the adder can be as high as 600MHz with 400nW power dissipation. The speed of the adder is regardless of its operand length. The proposed circuits have much smaller transistors than conventional circuits.


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Single-electron devices (SEDs) have ultra-low power dissipation and high integration density, which make them promising candidates as basic circuit elements of the next generation VLSI circuits. In this paper, we propose two novel circuit single-electron architectures: the single-electron simulated annealing algorithm (SAA) circuit and the single-electron cellular neural network (CNN). We used the MOSFET-based single-electron turnstile [1] as the basic circuit element. The SAA circuit consists of the voltage-controlled single-electron random number generator [2] and the single-electron multiple-valued memories (SEMVs) [3]. The random-number generation and variable variations in SAA are easily achieved by transferring electrons using the single-electron turnstile. The CNN circuit used the floating-gate single-electron turnstile as the neural synapses, and the number of electrons is used to represent the cells states. These novel circuits are promising in future nanoscale integrated circuits.


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Hall effect, photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL), mass spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction have been used to study bulk ZnO single crystal grown by a closed seeded chemical vapor transport method. Enhancement of n-type electrical conduction and increase of nitrogen concentration are observed of the ZnO samples after high temperature annealing. The results suggest that vacancy is dominant native defect in the ZnO material. These phenomena are explained by a generation of shallow donor defect and suppression of deep level defects in ZnO after the annealing.


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The traditional monostable-bistable transition logic element (MOBILE) structure is usually composed of resonant tunneling diodes (RTD). This letter describes a new type MOBILE structure consisting of single-electron transistors (i.e. SET-MOBILE). The analytical model of single-electron transistors ( SET) has been considered three states (including an excited state) of the discrete quantum energy levels. The simulation results show negative differential conductance (NDC) characteristics in I-DS-V-DS curve. The SET-MOBILE utilizing NDC characteristics can successfully realize the basic logic functions as the RTD-MOBILE.