980 resultados para protein transduction domains
Protein kinase C (PKC) is a family of serine-threonine kinases that are activated by a wide variety of hormones, neurotransmitters and growth factors. A single cell type contains multiple isoforms that are translocated to distinct and different subcellular sites upon mitogenic stimulus. Many different cellular responses are attributed to PKC activity though relatively few substrates or binding proteins have been definitively characterized. We used the hinge and catalytic domain of PKC$\alpha$ (PKC7) in a yeast two-hybrid screen to clone proteins that interact with C-kinase (PICKs). One protein which we have termed PICK1 may be involved in PKC$\alpha$-specific function at the level of the nuclear membrane after activation. Binding of PICK1 to PKC$\alpha$ has been shown to be isoform specific as it does not bind to PKC$\beta$II or PKC$\alpha$ in the yeast two-hybrid system. PICK1 mRNA expression level is highest in testis and brain with lower levels of expression in skeletal muscle, heart, kidney, lung and liver. PICK1 protein contains five PKC consensus phosphorylation sites and serves as an in vitro substrate for PKC. The PICK1 protein also contains a P-Loop motif that has been shown to bind ATP or GTP in the Ras family of oncoproteins as well as the G-Protein family. Proteins which bind ATP or GTP using this motif all have some sort of catalytic function although none has been identified for PICK1 as yet. PICK1 contains a DHR/GLGF motif at the N-terminus of the protein. The DHR/GLGF motif is contained in a number of recently described proteins and has been shown to mediate protein-protein interactions at the level of membranes and cytoskeleton. When both PKC$\alpha$ and PICK1 are co-expressed in Cos1 cells the two proteins co-localize to the perinucleus in immunoflouresence studies and co-immunoprecipitate. The binding site for PKC7 has been localized to amino acids 1-358 on PICK1 which contains the DHR/GLGF motif. Binding of PICK1 to PKC$\alpha$ requires the hinge and C-terminal domains of PKC$\alpha$. In vitro, PICK1 binds to PKC$\alpha$ and inhibits its activity as assayed by myelin basic protein phosphorylation. PICK1 also binds to TIS21, a primary response gene that is expressed in response to phorbol ester and growth factor treatment. The Caenorhabditis elegans homologue of PICK1 has been cloned and sequenced revealing a high degree of conservation in the DHR/GLGF motif. A more C-terminal region also shows a high degree of conservation, and the C. elegans PICK1 homologue binds to PKC7 suggesting a conservation of function. Taken together these results suggest that PICK1 may be involved in a PKC$\alpha$-specific function at the level of the nuclear membrane. ^
Tumor necrosis factor receptor p75/80 ((TNF-R p75/80) is a 75 kDa type 1 transmembrane protein expressed predominately on cells of hematopoietic lineage. TNF-R p75/80 belongs to the TNF receptor superfamily characterized by cysteine-rich extracellular regions composed of three to six disulfide-linked domains. In the present report, we have characterized, for the first time, the complete gene structure for human TNF-R p75/80 which spans approximately 43 kbp. The gene consists of 10 exons (ranging from 34 bp to 2.5 kbp) and 9 introns (343 bp to 19 kbp). Consensus elements for transcription factors involved in T cell development and activation were noted in the 5$\sp\prime$ flanking region including TCF-1, Ikaros, AP-1, CK-2, IL-6RE, ISRE, GAS, NF-$\kappa$B and SP1, as well as an unusually high GC content and CpG frequency that appears characteristic of some TNF-R family members. The unusual (GATA)$\sb{\rm n}$ and (GAA)(GGA) repeats found within intron 1 may prove useful for further genome analysis within the 1p36 chromosomal locus. The human TNF-R p75/80 gene structure will permit further assessment of its involvement in normal hematopoietic cell development and function, autoimmune disease, and non-random translocations in hematopoietic malignancies. The region 1.8 kb 5$\sp\prime$ of the ATG was able to drive luciferase expression when transfected into cell lines expressing TNF-R p75/80. Further characterization of the 5$\sp\prime$-regulatory region will aid in determining factors and signal transduction pathways involved in regulating TNF-R p75/80 expression. ^
Growing cells are continuously processing signals of all varieties and responding to these signals by changes in cellular gene expression. One signal that cells in close proximity relay to each other is cell-cell contact. Non-transformed cells respond to cell-cell contact by arrest of growth and entry into G$\sb0,$ a process known as contact inhibition. Transformed cells do not respond to contact inhibition and continue to grow to high cell density, forming foci when in cell culture and tumors in the living organism. The events surrounding the generation, transduction, and response to cellular contact are poorly understood. In the present study, a novel gene product, drp, is shown to be expressed at high levels in cultured cells at high cell density. This density regulated protein, drp, has an apparent molecular weight of 70 kDa. Northern analysis shows drp to be highly expressed in cardiac and skeletal muscle and least abundant in lung and kidney tissues. By homology to two independently derived sequence tagged sites (STSs) used in the human genome project, drp or a closely related sequence maps to human chromosome 12. Density-dependent increases in drp expression have been demonstrated in six different cell lines including NIH 3T3, Hela and a human teratocarcinoma cell line, PA-1. Cells exhibit increased drp expression both when they are plated at increasing concentrations per unit area, or plated at low density and allowed to grow naturally to higher cell density. Cells at high density can exhibit several phenotypes including growth arrest, accumulation of soluble factors in the media, and increased numbers of cell contacts. Growth arrest by serum starvation or TGF-$\beta$ treatment fails to produce an increase in drp expression. Similarly, treatment of low density cells with conditioned media from high density cells fails to elicit drp expression. These results argue that neither soluble factors accumulated or expressed at high density nor simple exit from the cell cycle is sufficient to produce an increase in drp expression. The expression of drp appears to be uniquely regulated by cell density alone. ^
Two approaches were utilized to investigate the role of pp60c-src activation in growth control of model colon tumor cell lines. The first approach involved analysis of pp60c-src activity in response to growth factor treatment to determine if transient activation of the protein was associated with ligand induced mitogenic signal transduction as occurs in non-colonic cell types. Activation of pp60c-src was detected using colon tumor cell lysates after treatment with platelet derived growth factor (PDGF). Activation of pp60c-src was also detected in response to epidermal growth factor (EGF) treatment using cellular lysates and intact cells. In contrast, down-regulation of purified pp60c-src occurred after incubation with EGF-treated EGFr immune complexes in vitro suggesting additional cellular events were potentially required for the stimulatory response observed in intact cells. The results demonstrated activation of pp60c-src in colon tumor cells in response to PDGF and EGF which is consistent with the role of the protein in mitogenic signal transduction in non-colonic cell types.^ The second approach used to study the role of pp60c-src activation in colonic cell growth control focused on analysis of the role of constitutive activation of the protein, which occurs in approximately 80% of colon tumors and cell lines, in growth control. These studies involved analysis of the effects of the tyrosine kinase specific inhibitor Herbimycin A (HA) on monolayer growth and pp60c-src enzymatic activity using model colon tumor cell lines. HA induced dose-dependent growth inhibition of all colon tumor cell lines examined possessing elevated pp60c-src activity. In HT29 cells the dose-dependent growth inhibition induced by HA correlated with dose-dependent pp60c-src inactivation. Inactivation of pp60c-src was shown to be an early event in response to treatment with HA which preceded induction of HT29 colon tumor cell growth inhibition. The growth effects of HA towards the colon tumor cells examined did not appear to be associated with induction of differentiation or a cytotoxic mechanism of action as changes in morphology were not detected in treated cells and growth inhibition (and pp60c-src inactivation) were reversible upon release from treatment with the compound. The results suggested the constitutive activation of pp60c-src functioned as a proliferative signal in colon tumor cells. Correlation between pp60c-src inactivation and growth inhibition was also observed using HA chemical derivatives confirming the role of tyrosine kinase inactivation by these compounds in inhibition of mitogenic signalling. In contrast, in AS15 cells possessing specific antisense mRNA mediated inactivation of pp60c-src, HA-induced inactivation of the related pp62c-yes tyrosine kinase, which is also activated during colon tumor progression, was not associated with induction of monolayer growth inhibition. These results suggested a function for the constitutively activated pp62c-yes protein in colon tumor cell proliferation which was different from that of activated pp60c-src. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^
The molecular complex containing the seven transmembrane helix photoreceptor S&barbelow;ensory R&barbelow;hodopsin I&barbelow; (SRI) and transducer protein HtrI (H&barbelow;alobacterial Transducer for SRI&barbelow;) mediates color-sensitive phototaxis responses in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum. Orange light causes an attractant response by a one-photon reaction and white light (orange + UV light) a repellent response by a two-photon reaction. Three aspects of SRI-HtrI structure/function and the signal transduction pathway were explored. First, the coupling of HtrI to the photoactive site of SRI was analyzed by mutagenesis and kinetic spectroscopy. Second, SRI-HtrI mutations and suppressors were selected and characterized to elucidate the color-sensing mechanism. Third, the signal relay through the transducer-bound histidine kinase was analyzed using an in vitro reconstitution system with known and newly identified taxis components. ^ Twenty-one mutations on HtrI were introduced by site-directed mutagenesis. Several replacements of charged residues perturbed the photochemical kinetics of SRI which led to the finding of a cluster of residues at the membrane/cytoplasm interface in HtrI electrostatically coupled to the photoactive site of SRI. We found by laser-flash kinetic spectroscopy that the transducer and these residues have specific effects on the light-induced proton transfer between the retinal chromophore and the protein. ^ One of the mutations showed an unusual mutant phenotype we called “inverted” signaling, in which the cell produces a repellent response to normally attractant light. Therefore, this mutant (E56Q of HtrI) had lost the color-discrimination by the SRI-HtrI complex. We used suppressor analysis to better understand the phenotype. Certain suppressors resulted in return of attractant responses to orange light but with inversion of the normally repellent response to white light to an attractant response. To explain this and other results, we formulated the Conformational Shuttling model in which the HtrI-SRI complex is poised in a metastable equilibrium of two conformations shifted in opposite directions by orange and white light. We tested this model by behavioral analysis (computerized cell tracking and motion study) of double mutants of inverting and suppressing mutations and the results confirmed the equilibrium-shift explanation. ^ We developed an in vitro system for measuring the effect of purified transducer on the histidine-kinase CheAH that controls the flagellar motor switch. The rate of kinase autophosphorylation was stimulated >2 fold in the reconstitution of the complete signal transduction system from purified components from H. salinarum. The in vitro assay also showed that the kinase activity was reduced in the absence and in the presence of high levels of linker protein CheWH. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^
In Halobacterium salinarum phototaxis is mediated by the visual pigment-like photoreceptors sensory rhodopsin I (SRI) and II (SRII). SRI is a receptor for attractant orange and repellent UV-blue light, and SRII is a receptor for repellent blue-green light, and transmit signals through the membrane-bound transducer proteins HtrI and HtrII, respectively. ^ The primary sequences of HtrI and HtrII predict 2 transmembrane helices (TM1 and TM2) followed by a hydrophilic cytoplasmic domain. HtrII shows an additional large periplasmic domain for chemotactic ligand binding. The cytoplasmic regions are homologous to the adaptation and signaling domains of eubacterial chemotaxis receptors and, like their eubacterial homologs, modulate the transfer of phosphate groups from the histidine protein kinase CheA to the response regulator CheY that in turn controls flagellar motor rotation and the cell's swimming behavior. HtrII and Htrl are dimeric proteins which were predicted to contain carboxylmethylation sites in a 4-helix bundle in their cytoplasmic regions, like eubacterial chemotaxis receptors. ^ The phototaxis transducers of H. salinarum have provided a model for studying receptor/tranducer interaction, adaptation in sensory systems, and the role of membrane molecular complexes in signal transduction. ^ Interaction between the transducer HtrI and the photoreceptor SRI was explored by creating six deletion constructs of HtrI, with progressively shorter cytoplasmic domains. This study confirmed a putative chaperone-like function of HtrI, facilitating membrane insertion or stability of the SRI protein, a phenomenon previously observed in the laboratory, and identified the smallest HtrI fragment containing interaction sites for both the chaperone-like function and SRI photocycle control. The active fragment consisted of the N-terminal 147 residues of the 536-residue HtrI protein, a portion of the molecule predicted to contain the two transmembrane helices and the first ∼20% of the cytoplasmic portion of the protein. ^ Phototaxis and chemotaxis sensory systems adapt to stimuli, thereby signaling only in response to changes in environmental conditions. Observations made in our and in other laboratories and homologies between the halobacterial transducers with the chemoreceptors of enteric bacteria anticipated a role for methylation in adaptation to chemo- and photostimuli. By site directed mutagenesis we identified the methylation sites to be the glutamate pairs E265–E266 in HtrI and E513–E514 in HtrII. Cells containing the unmethylatable transducers are still able to perform phototaxis and adapt to light stimuli. By pulse-chase analysis we found that methanol production from carboxylmethyl group hydrolysis occurs upon specific photo stimulation of unmethylatable HtrI and HtrII and is due to turnover of methyl groups on other transducers. We demonstrated that the turnover in wild-type H. salinarum cells that follows a positive stimulus is CheY-dependent. The CheY-feedback pathway does not require the stimulated transducer to be methylatable and operates globally on other transducers present in the cell. ^ Assembly of signaling molecules into architecturally defined complexes is considered essential in transmission of the signals. The spectroscopic characteristics of SRI were exploited to study the stoichiometric composition in the phototaxis complex SRI-HtrI. A molar ratio of 2.1 HtrI: 1 SRI was obtained, suggesting that only 1 SRI binding site is occupied on the HtrI homodimer. We used gold-immunoelectron microscopy and light fluorescence microscopy to investigate the structural organization and the distribution of other halobacterial transducers. We detected clusters of transducers, usually near the cell's poles, providing a ultrastructural basis for the global effects and intertransducer communication we observe. ^
Thin and ultrathin cryosections of mouse cornea were labeled with affinity-purified antibodies directed against either laminin, its central segments (domain 1), the end of its long arm (domain 3), the end of one of its short arms (domain 4), nidogen, or low density heparan sulfate proteoglycan. All basement membrane proteins are detected by indirect immunofluorescence exclusively in the epithelial basement membrane, in Descemet's membrane, and in small amorphous plaques located in the stroma. Immunoelectron microscopy using the protein A-gold technique demonstrated laminin domain 1 and nidogen in a narrow segment of the lamina densa at the junction to the lamina lucida within the epithelial basement membrane. Domain 3 shows three preferred locations at both the cellular and stromal boundaries of the epithelial basement membrane and in its center. Domain 4 is located predominantly in the lamina lucida and the adjacent half of the lamina densa. The low density heparan sulfate proteoglycan is found all across the basement membrane showing a similar uniform distribution as with antibodies against the whole laminin molecule. In Descemet's membrane an even distribution was found with all these antibodies. It is concluded that within the epithelial basement membrane the center of the laminin molecule is located near the lamina densa/lamina lucida junction and that its long arm favors three major orientations. One is close to the cell surface indicating binding to a cell receptor, while the other two are directed to internal matrix structures. The apparent codistribution of laminin domain 1 and nidogen agrees with biochemical evidence that nidogen binds to this domain.
FUS/TLS (fused in sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma) is a ubiquitously expressed protein of the hnRNP family, that has been discovered as fused to transcription factors in several human sarcomas and found in protein aggregates in neurons of patients with an inherited form of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis [Vance C. et al., 2009]. FUS is a 53 kDa nuclear protein that contains structural domains, such as a RNA Recognition Motif (RRM) and a zinc finger motif, that give to FUS the ability to bind to both RNA and DNA sequences. It has been implicated in a variety of cellular processes, such as pre-mRNA splicing, miRNA processing, gene expression control and transcriptional regulation [Fiesel FC. and Kahle PJ., 2011]. Moreover, some evidences link FUS to genome stability control and DNA damage response: mice lacking FUS are hypersensitive to ionizing radiation (IR) and show high levels of chromosome instability and, in response to double-strand breaks, FUS is phosphorylated by the protein kinase ATM [Kuroda M. et al., 2000; Hicks GG. et al., 2000; Gardiner M. et al., 2008]. Furthermore, preliminary results of mass spectrometric identification of FUS interacting proteins in HEK293 cells, expressing a recombinant flag-tagged FUS protein, highlighted the interactions with proteins involved in DNA damage response, such as DNA-PK, XRCC-5/-6, and ERCC-6, raising the possibilities that FUS is involved in this pathway, even though its role still needs to be clarified. This study aims to investigate the biological roles of FUS in human cells and in particular the putative role in DNA damage response through the characterization of the proteomic profile of the neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y upon FUS inducible depletion, by a quantitative proteomic approach. The SH-SY5Y cell line that will be used in this study expresses, in presence of tetracycline, a shRNA that targets FUS mRNA, leading to FUS protein depletion (SH-SY5Y FUS iKD cells). To quantify changes in proteins expression levels a SILAC strategy (Stable Isotope Labeling by Amino acids in Cell culture) will be conducted on SH-SY5Y FUS iKD cells and a control SH-SY5Y cell line (that expresses a mock shRNA) and the relative changes in proteins levels will be evaluated after five and seven days upon FUS depletion, by nanoliquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (nLC-MS/MS) and bioinformatics analysis. Preliminary experiments demonstrated that the SH-SY5Y FUS iKD cells, when subjected to genotoxic stress (high dose of IR), upon inducible depletion of FUS, showed a increased phosphorylation of gH2AX with respect to control cells, suggesting an higher activation of the DNA damage response.
Plectin, a cytolinker of the plakin family, anchors the intermediate filament (IF) network formed by keratins 5 and 14 (K5/K14) to hemidesmosomes, junctional adhesion complexes in basal keratinocytes. Genetic alterations of these proteins cause epidermolysis bullosa simplex (EBS) characterized by disturbed cytoarchitecture and cell fragility. The mechanisms through which mutations located after the documented plectin IF-binding site, composed of the plakin-repeat domain (PRD) B5 and the linker, as well as mutations in K5 or K14, lead to EBS remain unclear. We investigated the interaction of plectin C terminus, encompassing four domains, the PRD B5, the linker, the PRD C, and the C extremity, with K5/K14 using different approaches, including a rapid and sensitive fluorescent protein-binding assay, based on enhanced green fluorescent protein-tagged proteins (FluoBACE). Our results demonstrate that all four plectin C-terminal domains contribute to its association with K5/K14 and act synergistically to ensure efficient IF binding. The plectin C terminus predominantly interacted with the K5/K14 coil 1 domain and bound more extensively to K5/K14 filaments compared with monomeric keratins or IF assembly intermediates. These findings indicate a multimodular association of plectin with K5/K14 filaments and give insights into the molecular basis of EBS associated with pathogenic mutations in plectin, K5, or K14 genes.Journal of Investigative Dermatology advance online publication, 10 July 2014; doi:10.1038/jid.2014.255.
BACKGROUND: Congenital afibrinogenemia is a rare inherited autosomal recessive disorder in which a mutation in one of three genes coding for the fibrinogen polypeptide chains Aα, Bβ and γ results in the absence of a functional coagulation protein. A patient with congenital afibrinogenemia, resulting from an FGA homozygous gene deletion, underwent an orthotopic liver transplant that resulted in complete restoration of normal hemostasis. The patient's explanted liver provided a unique opportunity to further investigate a potential novel treatment modality. OBJECTIVE: To explore a targeted gene therapy approach for patients with congenital afibrinogenemia. METHODS AND RESULTS: At the time of transplant, the patient's FGA-deficient hepatocytes were isolated and transduced with lentiviral vectors encoding the human fibrinogen Aα-chain. FGA-transduced hepatocytes produced fully functional fibrinogen in vitro. CONCLUSIONS: Orthotopic liver transplantation is a possible rescue treatment for failure of on-demand fibrinogen replacement therapy. In addition, we provide evidence that hepatocytes homozygous for a large FGA deletion can be genetically modified to restore Aα-chain protein expression and secrete a functional fibrinogen hexamer.
Mitochondrial protein import is essential for all eukaryotes and mediated by hetero-oligomeric protein translocases thought to be conserved within all eukaryotes. We have identified and analysed the function and architecture of the non-conventional outer membrane (OM) protein translocase in the early diverging eukaryote Trypanosoma brucei. It consists of six subunits that show no obvious homology to translocase components of other species. Two subunits are import receptors that have a unique topology and unique protein domains and thus evolved independently of the prototype receptors Tom20 and Tom70. Our study suggests that protein import receptors were recruited to the core of the OM translocase after the divergence of the major eukaryotic supergroups. Moreover, it links the evolutionary history of mitochondrial protein import receptors to the origin of the eukaryotic supergroups.
BACKGROUND Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is the major cause of viral encephalitis in Southeast Asia. Vaccination of domestic pigs has been suggested as a "one health" strategy to reduce viral disease transmission to humans. The efficiency of two lentiviral TRIP/JEV vectors expressing the JEV envelope prM and E glycoproteins at eliciting protective humoral response was assessed in a mouse model and piglets. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS A gene encoding the envelope proteins prM and E from a genotype 3 JEV strain was inserted into a lentiviral TRIP vector. Two lentiviral vectors TRIP/JEV were generated, each expressing the prM signal peptide followed by the prM protein and the E glycoprotein, the latter being expressed either in its native form or lacking its two C-terminal transmembrane domains. In vitro transduction of cells with the TRIP/JEV vector expressing the native prM and E resulted in the efficient secretion of virus-like particles of Japanese encephalitis virus. Immunization of BALB/c mice with TRIP/JEV vectors resulted in the production of IgGs against Japanese encephalitis virus, and the injection of a second dose one month after the prime injection greatly boosted antibody titers. The TRIP/JEV vectors elicited neutralizing antibodies against JEV strains belonging to genotypes 1, 3, and 5. Immunization of piglets with two doses of the lentiviral vector expressing JEV virus-like particles led to high titers of anti-JEV antibodies, that had efficient neutralizing activity regardless of the JEV genotype tested. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE Immunization of pigs with the lentiviral vector expressing JEV virus-like particles is particularly efficient to prime antigen-specific humoral immunity and trigger neutralizing antibody responses against JEV genotypes 1, 3, and 5. The titers of neutralizing antibodies elicited by the TRIP/JEV vector are sufficient to confer protection in domestic pigs against different genotypes of JEV and this could be of a great utility in endemic regions where more than one genotype is circulating.
Many intracellular signal transduction events involve the reversible shuttling of proteins between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Study of these processes requires imaging information on the protein localization in a given cell and a large number of measurements to obtain sufficient statistics on the protein localization in the whole population. The protocol describes method for quantitative imaging flow cytometry analysis of intracellular distribution of NF-kappaB in ARPE-19 cells stained with specific fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies. The described technique alone or in combination with standard flow cytometry methods can be applied to study any protein undergoing translocation from cytoplasm into the nucleus in a variety of cell lines as well as in heterogeneous primary cell populations
Protein-protein interactions are fundamental for most biological processes, such as the formation of cellular structures and enzymatic complexes or in signaling pathways. The identification and characterization of protein-protein interactions are therefore essential for understanding the mechanisms and regulation of biological systems. The organization and dynamics of the cytoskeleton, as well as its anchorage to specific sites in the plasma membrane and organelles, are regulated by the plakins. These structurally related proteins anchor different cytoskeletal networks to each other and/or to other cellular structures. The association of several plakins with intermediate filaments (IFs) is critical for maintenance of the cytoarchitecture. Pathogenic mutations in the genes encoding different plakins can lead to dramatic manifestations, occurring principally in the skin, striated muscle, and/or nervous system, due to cytoskeletal disorganization resulting in abnormal cell fragility. Nevertheless, it is still unclear how plakins bind to IFs, although some general rules are slowly emerging. We here describe in detail a recently developed protein-protein fluorescence binding assay, based on the production of recombinant proteins tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP) and their use as fluid-phase fluorescent ligands on immobilized IF proteins. Using this method, we have been able to assess the ability of C-terminal regions of GFP-tagged plakin proteins to bind to distinct IF proteins and IF domains. This simple and sensitive technique, which is expected to facilitate further studies in this area, can also be potentially employed for any kind of protein-protein interaction studies.
Androgens are essential for sexual development and reproduction. However, androgen regulation in health and disease is poorly understood. We showed that human adrenocortical H295R cells grown under starvation conditions acquire a hyperandrogenic steroid profile with changes in steroid metabolizing enzymes HSD3B2 and CYP17A1 essential for androgen production. Here we studied the regulatory mechanisms underlying androgen production in starved H295R cells. Microarray expression profiling of normal versus starved H295R cells revealed fourteen differentially expressed genes; HSD3B2, HSD3B1, CYP21A2, RARB, ASS1, CFI, ASCL1 and ENC1 play a role in steroid and energy metabolism and ANGPTL1, PLK2, DUSP6, DUSP10 and FREM2 are involved in signal transduction. We discovered two new gene networks around RARB and ANGPTL1, and show how they regulate androgen biosynthesis. Transcription factor RARB stimulated the promoters of genes involved in androgen production (StAR, CYP17A1 and HSD3B2) and enhanced androstenedione production. For HSD3B2 regulation RARB worked in cooperation with Nur77. Secretory protein ANGPTL1 modulated CYP17A1 and DUSP6 expression by inducing ERK1/2 phosphorylation. By contrast, our studies revealed no evidence for hormones or cell cycle involvement in regulating androgen biosynthesis. In summary, these studies establish a firm role for RARB and ANGPTL1 in the regulation of androgen production in H295R cells.