992 resultados para number fields


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In this paper, modes I and II crack tip fields in polycrystalline plastic solids are studied under plane strain, small scale yielding conditions. Two different initial textures of an Al–Mg alloy, viz., continuous cast AA5754 sheets in the recrystallized and cold rolled conditions, are considered. The former is nearly-isotropic, while the latter displays distinct anisotropy. Finite element simulations are performed by employing crystal plasticity constitutive equations along with a Taylor-type homogenization as well as by using the Hill quadratic yield theory. It is found that significant texture evolution occurs close to the notch tip which profoundly influences the stress and plastic strain distributions. Also, the cold rolling texture gives rise to higher magnitude of plastic strain near the tip.


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In this paper, modes I and II crack tip fields in polycrystalline plastic solids are studied under plane strain, small scale yielding conditions. Two different initial textures of an Al-Mg alloy, viz.,continuous cast AA5754 sheets in the recrystallized and cold rolled conditions, are considered. The former is nearly-isotropic, while the latter displays distinct anisotropy. Finite element simulations are performed by employing crystal plasticity constitutive equations along with a Taylor-type homogenization as well as by using the Hill quadratic yield theory. It is found that significant texture evolution occurs close to the notch tip which profoundly influences the stress and plastic strain distributions. Also, the cold rolling texture gives rise to higher magnitude of plastic strain near the tip. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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he growth of high-performance application in computer graphics, signal processing and scientific computing is a key driver for high performance, fixed latency; pipelined floating point dividers. Solutions available in the literature use large lookup table for double precision floating point operations.In this paper, we propose a cost effective, fixed latency pipelined divider using modified Taylor-series expansion for double precision floating point operations. We reduce chip area by using a smaller lookup table. We show that the latency of the proposed divider is 49.4 times the latency of a full-adder. The proposed divider reduces chip area by about 81% than the pipelined divider in [9] which is based on modified Taylor-series.


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Aerodynamic forces and fore-body convective surface heat transfer rates over a 60 degrees apex-angle blunt cone have been simultaneously measured at a nominal Mach number of 5.75 in the hypersonic shock tunnel HST2. An aluminum model incorporating a three-component accelerometer-based balance system for measuring the aerodynamic forces and an array of platinum thin-film gauges deposited on thermally insulating backing material flush mounted on the model surface is used for convective surface heat transfer measurement in the investigations. The measured value of the drag coefficient varies by about +/-6% from the theoretically estimated value based on the modified Newtonian theory, while the axi-symmetric Navier-Stokes computations overpredict the drag coefficient by about 9%. The normalized values of measured heat transfer rates at 0 degrees angle of attack are about 11% higher than the theoretically estimated values. The aerodynamic and the heat transfer data presented here are very valuable for the validation of CFD codes used for the numerical computation of How fields around hypersonic vehicles.


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In many problems of decision making under uncertainty the system has to acquire knowledge of its environment and learn the optimal decision through its experience. Such problems may also involve the system having to arrive at the globally optimal decision, when at each instant only a subset of the entire set of possible alternatives is available. These problems can be successfully modelled and analysed by learning automata. In this paper an estimator learning algorithm, which maintains estimates of the reward characteristics of the random environment, is presented for an automaton with changing number of actions. A learning automaton using the new scheme is shown to be e-optimal. The simulation results demonstrate the fast convergence properties of the new algorithm. The results of this study can be extended to the design of other types of estimator algorithms with good convergence properties.


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The problem of determining a minimal number of control inputs for converting a programmable logic array (PLA) with undetectable faults to crosspoint-irredundant PLA for testing has been formulated as a nonstandard set covering problem. By representing subsets of sets as cubes, this problem has been reformulated as familiar problems. It is noted that this result has significance because a crosspoint-irredundant PLA can be converted to a completely testable PLA in a straightforward fashion, thus achieving very good fault coverage and easy testability.


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An attempt is made to study the Einstein relation for the diffusivity-to-mobility ratio (DMR) under crossed fields' configuration in nonlinear optical materials on the basis of a newly formulated electron dispersion law by incorporating the crystal field in the Hamiltonian and including the anisotropies of the effective electron mass and the spin-orbit splitting constants within the framework of kp formalisms. The corresponding results for III-V, ternary and quaternary compounds form a special case of our generalized analysis. The DMR has also been investigated for II-VI and stressed materials on the basis of various appropriate dispersion relations. We have considered n-CdGeAs2, n-Hg1-xCdxTe, n-In1-xGaxAsyP1-y lattice matched to InP, p-CdS and stressed n-InSb materials as examples. The DMR also increases with increasing electric field and the natures of oscillations are totally band structure dependent with different numerical values. It has been observed that the DMR exhibits oscillatory dependences with inverse quantizing magnetic field and carrier degeneracy due to the Subhnikov-de Haas effect. An experimental method of determining the DMR for degenerate materials in the present case has been suggested. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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When there is a variation in the quality of males in a population, multiple mating can lead to an increase in the genetic fitness of a female by reducing the variance of the progeny number. The extent of selective advantage obtainable by this process is investigated for a population subdivided into structured demes. It is seen that for a wide range of model parameters (deme size, distribution of male quality, local resource level), multiple mating leads to a considerable increase in the fitness. Frequency-dependent selection or a stable coexistence between polyandry and monandry can also result when the possible costs involved in multiple mating are taken into account.


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General' objects, which are specially prepared to possess restricted spatial frequency spectra, have been used in the conventional Lau experiment to obtain experimental proof for the existence of lateral periodicity arising from axial periodicity, for a subclass of axially periodic wavefields in an incoherent situation.


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Nonlinear conduction in a single crystal of charge-ordered Pr0.63Ca0.37MnO3 has bren investigated in an applied magnetic field. In zero field, the nonlinear conduction, which starts at T< T-CO, can give rise to a region of negative differential resistance (NDR) which shows up below the Neel temperature. Application of a magnetic field Inhibits the appearance of NDR and makes the nonlinear conduction strongly hysteritic on cycling of the bias current. This is most severe in the temperature range where the charge-ordered state melts in an applied magnetic field. Our experiment strongly suggests that application of a magnetic field in the charge-ordering regime causes a coexistence of two phases.


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Mesoscale weather phenomena, such as the sea breeze circulation or lake effect snow bands, are typically too large to be observed at one point, yet too small to be caught in a traditional network of weather stations. Hence, the weather radar is one of the best tools for observing, analyzing and understanding their behavior and development. A weather radar network is a complex system, which has many structural and technical features to be tuned, from the location of each radar to the number of pulses averaged in the signal processing. These design parameters have no universal optimal values, but their selection depends on the nature of the weather phenomena to be monitored as well as on the applications for which the data will be used. The priorities and critical values are different for forest fire forecasting, aviation weather service or the planning of snow ploughing, to name a few radar-based applications. The main objective of the work performed within this thesis has been to combine knowledge of technical properties of the radar systems and our understanding of weather conditions in order to produce better applications able to efficiently support decision making in service duties for modern society related to weather and safety in northern conditions. When a new application is developed, it must be tested against ground truth . Two new verification approaches for radar-based hail estimates are introduced in this thesis. For mesoscale applications, finding the representative reference can be challenging since these phenomena are by definition difficult to catch with surface observations. Hence, almost any valuable information, which can be distilled from unconventional data sources such as newspapers and holiday shots is welcome. However, as important as getting data is to obtain estimates of data quality, and to judge to what extent the two disparate information sources can be compared. The presented new applications do not rely on radar data alone, but ingest information from auxiliary sources such as temperature fields. The author concludes that in the future the radar will continue to be a key source of data and information especially when used together in an effective way with other meteorological data.


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Markov random fields (MRF) are popular in image processing applications to describe spatial dependencies between image units. Here, we take a look at the theory and the models of MRFs with an application to improve forest inventory estimates. Typically, autocorrelation between study units is a nuisance in statistical inference, but we take an advantage of the dependencies to smooth noisy measurements by borrowing information from the neighbouring units. We build a stochastic spatial model, which we estimate with a Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation method. The smooth values are validated against another data set increasing our confidence that the estimates are more accurate than the originals.


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It is important to identify the ``correct'' number of topics in mechanisms like Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA) as they determine the quality of features that are presented as features for classifiers like SVM. In this work we propose a measure to identify the correct number of topics and offer empirical evidence in its favor in terms of classification accuracy and the number of topics that are naturally present in the corpus. We show the merit of the measure by applying it on real-world as well as synthetic data sets(both text and images). In proposing this measure, we view LDA as a matrix factorization mechanism, wherein a given corpus C is split into two matrix factors M-1 and M-2 as given by C-d*w = M1(d*t) x Q(t*w).Where d is the number of documents present in the corpus anti w is the size of the vocabulary. The quality of the split depends on ``t'', the right number of topics chosen. The measure is computed in terms of symmetric KL-Divergence of salient distributions that are derived from these matrix factors. We observe that the divergence values are higher for non-optimal number of topics - this is shown by a `dip' at the right value for `t'.


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Luonnonhoitopellot lisättiin uutena vapaaehtoisena toimenpiteenä maatalouden ympäristötukeen vuonna 2009. Luonnonhoitopeltoihin kuuluvat monivuotiset nurmipellot sekä niitty-, riista- ja maisemakasveilla kylvetyt pellot. Toimenpiteen avulla pyritään suojelemaan ja lisäämään maatalousympäristön luonnon monimuotoisuutta sekä muun muassa vähentämään maatalouden ravinnehuuhtoumia. Vuonna 2010 luonnonhoitopeltoja oli yli seitsemän prosenttia Suomen viljelyalasta. Luonnonhoitopeltojen ympäristövaikutusten arvioiminen ja toimenpiteen kehittäminen on tärkeää, jotta toimenpiteeseen käytettävät varat eivät valu hukkaan. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millainen merkitys luonnonhoitopelloilla on maatalousympäristön monimuotoisuuden kannalta; millaiset luonnonhoitopellot ovat monimuotoisuuden kannalta arvokkaimpia; ja kuinka toimenpidettä kannattaa kehittää. Kysymyksiin pyrittiin vastaamaan tutkimalla putkilokasvilajistoa, -lajirikkautta ja kasvillisuuden rakennetta erilaisilla luonnonhoitopelloilla, sekä vertaamalla luonnonhoitopeltojen kasvillisuutta pientareiden ja niittyjen kasvillisuuteen. Maastotyö luonnonhoitopelloilla tehtiin kesällä 2010 Uudenmaan ja Pohjois-Pohjanmaan ELY-keskusalueilla. Lisäksi tutkimuslohkoista kerättiin tietoja viljelijäkyselyn kautta. Niittypellot osoittautuivat tutkimuksessa lajirikkaimmaksi luonnonhoitopeltotyypiksi, mikä selittynee lähinnä sillä, että ne kylvetään heikosti kilpailukykyisellä siemenseoksella. Nurmi- ja niittypelloilla lohkon viljavuus korreloi negatiivisesti lajirikkauden kanssa. Lajikoostumukseltaan kaikki luonnonhoitopellot eroavat toisistaan sekä maatalousympäristön puoliluonnontilaisista elinympäristöistä, ja lisäävät siten monimuotoisuutta maisematasolla. Luonnonhoitopeltojen lajisto ei ole kuitenkaan suojelun kannalta erityisen arvokasta. Toimenpiteen maatalousympäristöä rikastuttavaa vaikutusta vähentää, että tällä hetkellä valtaosa luonnonhoitopelloista on monivuotisia nurmipeltoja. Luonnonhoitopeltojen siemenseoksia kehittämällä, perustamis- ja hoitomenetelmiä tutkimalla ja neuvontaan panostamalla voidaan lisätä luonnonhoitopeltojen arvoa niin luonnon, viljelijän kuin yhteiskunnankin kannalta.