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The ability to predict the likely ecological impacts of invasive species in fresh waters is a pressing research requirement. Whilst comparisons of species traits and considerations of invasion history have some efficacy in this respect, we require robust methods that can compare the effects of native and invasive species. Here, we utilise comparative functional responses and prey selectivity experiments to understand and predict the ecological impact of an invader as compared to a native. We compared the predatory functional responses of an emerging invasive species in Europe, the 'killer shrimp', Dikerogammarus villosus, and an analogous native species, Gammarus pulex, towards three representative prey species: Asellus aquaticus, Daphnia magna and Chironomus sp. Furthermore, as ecological impact may be greater for invasive species with more indiscriminate feeding habits, we compared the selectivity for the three prey types between the invasive and native species. In both the presence and absence of experimental habitats, large D. villosus, and those matched for body size with G. pulex, generally showed higher (Type II) functional responses than G. pulex, with the invasive species exhibiting higher maximum feeding rates. Further, D. villosus exhibited significantly more indiscriminate prey selection compared with G. pulex, a trait that became more evident as the invader increased in size. Differences in functional responses and prey selectivity were prey species specific, with higher to lower predicted impacts in the order A. aquaticus, D. magna and Chironomus sp. This is in accord with the impact of this invasive species on macroinvertebrates in the field. We thus provide understanding of the known ecological impact of D. villosus and discuss the utility of the phenomenological use of comparative functional responses and resource use as a tool through which the potential ecological impacts of invasive species may be identified. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
The Community Arts sector in Australia has a history of resistance. It has challenged hegemonic culture through facilitating grassroots creative production, contesting notions of artistic processes, and the role of the artist in society. This paper examines this penchant for resistance through the lens of contemporary digital culture, to establish that the sector is continuing to challenge dominant forms of cultural control. It then proposes that this enthusiasm and activity lacks ethical direction, describing it as feral to encompass the potential of current practices, while highlighting how a level of taming is needed in order to develop ethical approaches.
A new regime of relativistic high-order harmonic generation has been discovered (Pirozhkov 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 135004). Multi-terawatt relativistic-irradiance (>1018 W cm−2) femtosecond (~30–50 fs) lasers focused to underdense (few × 1019 cm−3) plasma formed in gas jet targets produce comb-like spectra with hundreds of even and odd harmonic orders reaching the photon energy of 360 eV, including the 'water window' spectral range. Harmonics are generated either by linearly or circularly polarized pulses from the J-KAREN (KPSI, JAEA) and Astra Gemini (CLF, RAL, UK) lasers. The photon number scalability has been demonstrated with a 120 TW laser, producing 40 μJ sr−1 per harmonic at 120 eV. The experimental results are explained using particle-in-cell simulations and catastrophe theory. A new mechanism of harmonic generation by sharp, structurally stable, oscillating electron spikes at the joint of the boundaries of the wake and bow waves excited by a laser pulse is introduced. In this paper, detailed descriptions of the experiments, simulations and model are provided and new features are shown, including data obtained with a two-channel spectrograph, harmonic generation by circularly polarized laser pulses and angular distribution.
Best concrete research paper by a student - Research has shown that the cost of managing structures puts high strain on the infrastructure budget, with
estimates of over 50% of the European construction budget being dedicated to repair and maintenance. If reinforced concrete
structures are not suitably designed and adequately maintained, their service life is compromised, resulting in the full economic
value of the investment not realised. The issue is more prevalent in coastal structures as a result of combinations of aggressive
actions, such as those caused by chlorides, sulphates and cyclic freezing and thawing.
It is a common practice nowadays to ensure durability of reinforced concrete structures by specifying a concrete mix and a
nominal cover at the design stage to cater for the exposure environment. This in theory should produce the performance required
to achieve a specified service life. Although the European Standard EN 206-1 specifies variations in the exposure environment,
it does not take into account the macro and micro climates surrounding structures, which have a significant influence on their
performance and service life. Therefore, in order to construct structures which will perform satisfactorily in different exposure
environments, the following two aspects need to be developed: a performance based specification to supplement EN 206-1
which will outline the expected performance of the structure in a given environment; and a simple yet transferrable procedure
for assessing the performance of structures in service termed KPI Theory. This will allow the asset managers not only to design
structures for the intended service life, but also to take informed maintenance decisions should the performance in service fall
short of what was specified. This paper aims to discuss this further.
Introduction: Chitons (Polyplacophora) are molluscs considered to have a simple nervous system without cephalisation. The position of the class within Mollusca is the topic of extensive debate and neuroanatomical characters can provide new sources of phylogenetic data as well as insights into the fundamental biology of the organisms. We report a new discrete anterior sensory structure in chitons, occurring throughout Lepidopleurida, the order of living chitons that retains plesiomorphic characteristics.
Results: The novel "Schwabe organ" is clearly visible on living animals as a pair of streaks of brown or purplish pigment on the roof of the pallial cavity, lateral to or partly covered by the mouth lappets. We describe the histology and ultrastructure of the anterior nervous system, including the Schwabe organ, in two lepidopleuran chitons using light and electron microscopy. The oesophageal nerve ring is greatly enlarged and displays ganglionic structure, with the neuropil surrounded by neural somata. The Schwabe organ is innervated by the lateral nerve cord, and dense bundles of nerve fibres running through the Schwabe organ epithelium are frequently surrounded by the pigment granules which characterise the organ. Basal cells projecting to the epithelial surface and cells bearing a large number of ciliary structures may be indicative of sensory function. The Schwabe organ is present in all genera within Lepidopleurida (and absent throughout Chitonida) and represents a novel anatomical synapomorphy of the clade.
Conclusions: The Schwabe organ is a pigmented sensory organ, found on the ventral surface of deep-sea and shallow water chitons; although its anatomy is well understood, its function remains unknown. The anterior commissure of the chiton oesophagial nerve ring can be considered a brain. Our thorough review of the chiton central nervous system, and particularly the sensory organs of the pallial cavity, provides a context to interpret neuroanatomical homology and assess this new sense organ.
In this paper, we propose general-order transmit antenna selection to enhance the secrecy performance of multiple-input–multiple-output multieavesdropper channels with outdated channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter. To evaluate the effect of the outdated CSI on the secure transmission of the system, we investigate the secrecy performance for two practical scenarios, i.e., Scenarios I and II, where the eavesdropper's CSI is not available at the transmitter and is available at the transmitter, respectively. For Scenario I, we derive exact and asymptotic closed-form expressions for the secrecy outage probability in Nakagami- m fading channels. In addition, we also derive the probability of nonzero secrecy capacity and the \varepsilon -outage secrecy capacity, respectively. Simple asymptotic expressions for the secrecy outage probability reveal that the secrecy diversity order is reduced when the CSI is outdated at the transmitter, and it is independent of the number of antennas at each eavesdropper N_text\rm{E} , the fading parameter of the eavesdropper's channel m_text\rm{E} , and the number of eavesdroppers M . For Scenario II, we make a comprehensive analysis of the average secrecy capacity obtained by the system. Specifically, new closed-form expressions for the exact and asymptotic average secrecy capacity are derived, which are valid for general systems with an arbitrary number of antennas, number of eavesdroppers, and fading severity parameters. Resorting to these results, we also determine a high signal-to-noise ratio power offset to explicitly quantify the impact of the main c- annel and the eavesdropper's channel on the average secrecy capacity.
A Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) can be used to provide authentication of devices by producing die-unique responses. In PUFs based on ring oscillators (ROs), the responses are derived from the oscillation frequencies of the ROs. However, RO PUFs can be vulnerable to attack due to the frequency distribution characteristics of the RO arrays. In this paper, in order to improve the design of RO PUFs for FPGA devices, the frequencies of RO arrays implemented on a large number of FPGA chips are statistically analyzed. Three RO frequency distribution (ROFD) characteristics are observed and discussed. Based on these ROFD characteristics, two RO comparison strategies are proposed that can be used to improve the design of RO PUFs. It is found that the symmetrical RO comparison strategy has the highest entropy density.
In this paper, novel closed-form expressions for the level crossing rate and average fade duration of κ − μ shadowed fading channels are derived. The new equations provide the capability of modeling the correlation between the time derivative of the shadowed dominant and multipath components of the κ − μ shadowed fading envelope. Verification of the new equations is performed by reduction to a number of known special cases. It is shown that as the shadowing of the resultant dominant component decreases, the signal crosses lower threshold levels at a reduced rate. Furthermore, the impact of increasing correlation between the slope of the shadowed dominant and multipath components similarly acts to reduce crossings at lower signal levels. The new expressions for the second-order statistics are also compared with field measurements obtained for cellular device-to-device and body-centric communication channels, which are known to be susceptible to shadowed fading.
This case study deals with the role of time series analysis in sociology, and its relationship with the wider literature and methodology of comparative case study research. Time series analysis is now well-represented in top-ranked sociology journals, often in the form of ‘pooled time series’ research designs. These studies typically pool multiple countries together into a pooled time series cross-section panel, in order to provide a larger sample for more robust and comprehensive analysis. This approach is well suited to exploring trans-national phenomena, and for elaborating useful macro-level theories specific to social structures, national policies, and long-term historical processes. It is less suited however, to understanding how these global social processes work in different countries. As such, the complexities of individual countries - which often display very different or contradictory dynamics than those suggested in pooled studies – are subsumed. Meanwhile, a robust literature on comparative case-based methods exists in the social sciences, where researchers focus on differences between cases, and the complex ways in which they co-evolve or diverge over time. A good example of this is the inequality literature, where although panel studies suggest a general trend of rising inequality driven by the weakening power of labour, marketisation of welfare, and the rising power of capital, some countries have still managed to remain resilient. This case study takes a closer look at what can be learned by applying the insights of case-based comparative research to the method of time series analysis. Taking international income inequality as its point of departure, it argues that we have much to learn about the viability of different combinations of policy options by examining how they work in different countries over time. By taking representative cases from different welfare systems (liberal, social democratic, corporatist, or antipodean), we can better sharpen our theories of how policies can be more specifically engineered to offset rising inequality. This involves a fundamental realignment of the strategy of time series analysis, grounding it instead in a qualitative appreciation of the historical context of cases, as a basis for comparing effects between different countries.
Intergroup contact theory proposes that positive interactions between members of different social groups can improve intergroup relations. Contact should be especially effective in schools, where opportunities may exist to engage cooperatively with peers from different backgrounds and develop cross-group friendships. In turn, these friendships have numerous benefits for intergroup relations. However, there is evidence that children do not always engage in cross-group friendships, often choosing to spend time with same-group peers, even in diverse settings. We argue that in order to capitalize on the potential impact of contact in schools for promoting harmonious intergroup relations, a new model is needed that places confidence in contact at its heart. We present an empirically driven theoretical model of intergroup contact that outlines the conditions that help to make young people contact ready, preparing them for successful, sustained intergroup relationships by giving them the confidence that they can engage in contact successfully. After evaluating the traditional approach to intergroup contact in schools, we present our theoretical model which outlines predictors of cross-group friendships that enhance confidence in and readiness for contact. We then discuss theory-driven, empirically tested interventions that could potentially promote confidence in contact. Finally, we make specific recommendations for practitioners and policy makers striving to promote harmonious intergroup relations in the classroom.
A new heuristic based on Nawaz–Enscore–Ham (NEH) algorithm is proposed for solving permutation flowshop scheduling problem in this paper. A new priority rule is proposed by accounting for the average, mean absolute deviation, skewness and kurtosis, in order to fully describe the distribution style of processing times. A new tie-breaking rule is also introduced for achieving effective job insertion for the objective of minimizing both makespan and machine idle-time. Statistical tests illustrate better solution quality of the proposed algorithm, comparing to existing benchmark heuristics.
O presente trabalho teve como principal objectivo estudar a modificação química heterogénea controlada de fibras de celulose com diferentes reagentes de modo a alterar as suas propriedades de superfície, em especial em termos da criação de um carácter hidrofóbico e lipofóbico, preservando, sempre que possível, as suas propriedades mecânicas e, consequentemente, abrindo novas perspectivas de aplicação. O desenvolvimento do trabalho envolveu três abordagens principais, envolvendo, em cada caso, o estudo de diferentes condições reaccionais. Na primeira abordagem foram utilizados como reagentes de modificação compostos perfluorados, nomeadamente o anidrido trifluoroacético (TFAA), o cloreto de 2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzoílo (PFBz) e o cloreto de 3,3,3- trifluoropropanoílo (TFP), para promover a acilação heterogénea da superfície das fibras. A segunda estratégia usada consistiu na preparação de híbridos de celulose do tipo orgânico-inorgânico classe-II, através da modificação das fibras de celulose com o (3-isocianatopropil)trietoxissilano (ICPTEOS), um reagente organossilano bifuncional. A ligação às fibras de celulose foi efectuada através das funções isocianato e, posteriormente, os grupos etoxissilano foram sujeitos a tratamentos de hidrólise ácida, como tal ou na presença de outros siloxanos, nomeadamente o tetraetoxissilano (TEOS) e o 1H,1H,2H,2Hperfluorodeciltrietoxissilano (PFDTEOS). Finalmente, a última abordagem foi baseada na modificação das fibras com triclorometilssilano (TCMS), através de uma reacção gás-sólido, que dispensou assim o uso de solventes orgânicos. A ocorrência de modificação química foi em cada caso confirmada por Espectroscopia de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier e Reflectância Total Atenuada (FTIR-ATR), Análise Elementar (EA) e determinação de ângulos de contacto. Adicionalmente, e dependendo de cada caso específico, diversas outras técnicas foram empregues na caracterização aprofundada dos materiais preparados, nomeadamente Ressonância Magnética Nuclear CPMAS no Estado Sólido (RMN), Espectroscopia de Difracção de Raios-X (XRD), Análise Termogravimétrica (TGA), Espectrometria de Massa de Iões Secundários com Análise de Tempo de Vôo (ToF-SIMS), Espectroscopia Fotoelectrónica de Raios-X (XPS) e Microscopia Electrónica de Varrimento (SEM). Relativamente à acilação das fibras de celulose com reagentes perfluorados, o sucesso da reacção foi comprovado por FTIR-ATR, EA, XPS e ToF-SIMS. Neste contexto, obtiveram-se fibras modificadas possuindo graus de substituição (DS) compreendidos entre 0.006 e 0.39. Verificou-se por XRD que, em geral, mesmo para os valores de DS mais elevados, a cristalinidade das fibras não foi afectada, indicando que a modificação foi limitada às camadas mais superficiais das mesmas ou a regiões amorfas das suas camadas mais internas. Adicionalmente, observou-se por ToF-SIMS que a distribuição dos grupos perfluorados à superfície das fibras foi, de facto, bastante heterogénea. Todos os derivados de celulose perfluorados apresentaram elevada hidrofobicidade e lipofobicidade, tendo-se atingido ângulos de contacto com água e diiodometano de 126º e 104º, respectivamente. Um aspecto interessante relativo a estes materiais é que a elevada omnifobicidade foi observada mesmo para valores de DS muito reduzidos, não se mostrando significativamente afectada pelo aumento dos mesmos. Em consonância, verificou-se por XPS que a cobertura da superfície das fibras de celulose com grupos perfluorados aumentou apenas ligeiramente com o aumento do DS, apontando para a esterificação de camadas mais internas das fibras, associada, neste caso, predominantemente aos seus domínios amorfos. No que diz respeito à estabilidade hidrolítica destes derivados, obtiveram-se dois tipos distintos de comportamento. Por um lado, as fibras de celulose trifluoroacetiladas são facilmente hidrolisáveis em meio neutro, e, por outro, as fibras pentafluorobenzoiladas e trifluoropropanoiladas mostram-se bastante resistentes face a condições de hidrólise em meio neutro e ácido (pH 4), podendo, contudo, ser facilmente hidrolisadas em meio alcalino (pH 9 e 12, para derivados do PFBz e do TFP, respectivamente). Na segunda abordagem verificou-se a ocorrência de reacção por FTIR-ATR e EA. Em geral, a modificação química com ICPTEOS ocorre predominantemente nas zonas mais superficiais das fibras de celulose ou em regiões amorfas. Contudo, em condições reaccionais mais severas (maior quantidade de reagente e tempo de reacção), esta atingiu também regiões cristalinas, afectando, consequentemente, a estrutura cristalina das fibras, como verificado por XRD. Por RMN de 29Si observou-se que após reacção com o ICPTEOS já existiam indícios de alguma hidrólise dos grupos etoxissilano, e que a sua subsequente condensação parcial tinha levado à formação de uma película inorgânica em redor das fibras (verificado por SEM), constituída maioritariamente por estruturas lineares, com uma contribuição mais modesta de estruturas “diméricas” e outras mais ramificadas. Consequentemente, este revestimento inorgânico transformou as fibras de celulose em materiais híbridos com elevada hidrofobicidade (ângulos de contacto com água entre 103-129º). A hidrólise ácida dos restantes grupos etoxissilano, como tal ou na presença de TEOS, originou híbridos de celulose com elevada hidrofilicidade, sendo impossível medirem-se os ângulos de contacto com água dos produtos finais, devido à presença maioritária de grupos silanol (Si-OH) e ligações Si-O-Si à superfície, os quais contribuíram para o consequente aumento de energia de superfície. No entanto, quando a hidrólise foi realizada na presença de PFDTEOS, obtiveram-se materiais híbridos com elevada hidrofobicidade e lipofobicidade (ângulos de contacto com água e diiodometano de 140º e 134º, respectivamente), devido à combinação da presença de grupos perfluorados e micro- e nano-rugosidades na superfície das fibras de celulose, conforme confirmado por SEM. Finalmente, a última abordagem permitiu preparar materiais derivados de celulose altamente hidrofóbicos e lipofóbicos (ângulos de contacto com água e diiodometano de 136º e 109º, respectivamente) por um processo simples, envolvendo tempos de tratamento tão curtos como 0.5 min. Este comportamento omnifóbico foi gerado pelo efeito sinergético entre a diminuição de energia de superfície das fibras, devido à presença de grupos metilo dos resíduos de TCMS ligados a estas, e a condensação dos resíduos de TCMS na forma de micro- e nano-partículas inorgânicas, que levou à criação de um revestimento rugoso à superfície das fibras, conforme observado por RMN de 29Si e SEM, respectivamente. A pré-humidificação das fibras de celulose demonstrou desempenhar um importante papel de “acelerador” dos processos de hidrólise e condensação das moléculas de TCMS. Nestas condições, o tempo de tratamento foi um dos parâmetros mais relevantes, pois para tempos de tratamento muito curtos (0.5 min) os materiais resultantes não apresentaram quaisquer diferenças a nível de propriedades físico-químicas em relação ao substrato de partida (a humidade em excesso consumiu todo o TCMS antes que este conseguisse reagir com os grupos hidroxilo das fibras de celulose), possuindo, por exemplo, valores de ângulos de contacto com água idênticos. Para tempos de tratamento mais longos, como 30 min, os materiais finais apresentaram a maior quantidade de componentes inorgânicos, tal como verificado por EA e TGA. Assim, o controlo da humidade das fibras é imperativo para se poder moldar as propriedades finais dos produtos. Esta última abordagem é particularmente promissora uma vez que tem como base um sistema simples e “verde” que pode ser facilmente implementado. Em conclusão, este trabalho permitiu demonstrar que a modificação química heterogénea controlada das fibras de celulose representa uma iniciativa promissora para a preparação de novos materiais obtidos a partir de recursos renováveis, com propriedades interessantes e passíveis de ser potencialmente aplicados em diferentes áreas. Para além do mais, as estratégias de modificação estudadas podem também ser precursoras de novos estudos que possam vir a ser desenvolvidos dentro do mesmo âmbito.
Os mecanismos de biogénese, distribuição apical e secreção regulada de enzimas digestivas dos grânulos de zimogénio são, atualmente, pouco conhecidos. De modo a esclarecer e descrever estes processos de elevada importância biológica e clínica, é necessária uma melhor compreensão dos componentes da membrana granular e as funções e interações destes. Neste trabalho, através de uma abordagem proteómica, foi possível identificar novas proteínas granulares previamente associadas ao transporte vesicular sináptico. Para estudar as funções destas proteínas na génese e secreção de grânulos, foram realizados estudos de sobre-expressão, assim como estudos bioquímicos (1D, 2D, and LC-MS/MS) e morfológicos, utilizando céluas de mamífero. Entre as proteínas descobertas, cinco foram selecionadas e analisadas: RMCP-1, Piccolo, Synaptojanin-1, APP e ZG16p. Destas proteínas, confirmou-se a presença da RMCP-1 e APP nos grânulos de zimogénio. Interessantamente, o lectin ZG16p da secreção pâncreatico, encontra-se expressa no cérebro de rato, estando localizada nos terminais pós-sinápticos e em grânulos de RNA, indicando uma possível função desta proteína na formação das vesículas sinápticas. Finalmente, demonstrei que a formação de grânulos de zimogénio pode ser modulada, no modelo de células pancreáticas AR42J, pelas condições de cultura. Em contraste com as proteínas de carga neuroendocrinas, a sobreexpressão de proteínas de carga ou da membrana dos grânulos de zimogénio não foi suficiente para induzir a formação de grânulos ou de estruturas granulares em células constitutivamente secretoras, indicando diferenças na biogénese de grânulos neuroendócrinos e exócrinos.
Alzheimer’s disease is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative disease and is the most common form of dementia (estimated 50−60% of all cases), associated with loss of memory (in particular episodic memory), cognitive decline, and behavioural and physical disability, ultimately leading to death. Alzheimer’s disease is a complex disease, mostly occurring sporadically with no apparent inheritance and being the age the main risk factor. The production and accumulation of amyloid-beta peptide in the central nervous system is a key event in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. This project is devoted to the synthesis of amyloid-beta ligands, fluorophores and blood brain barrier-transporters for diagnosis and therapy of Alzheimer’s disease. Different amyloid-beta ligands will be synthesized and their ability to interact with amyloid-beta plaques will be studied with nuclear magnetic resonance techniques and a process of lead optimization will be performed. Many natural and synthetic compounds able to interact as amyloid-beta ligands have been identified. Among them, a set of small molecules in which aromatic moieties seem to play a key role to inhibit amyloid-beta aggregation, in particular heteroaromatic polycyclic compounds such as tetracyclines. Nevertheless tetracyclines suffer from chemical instability, low water solubility and possess, in this contest, undesired anti-bacterial activity. In order to overcome these limitations, one of our goals is to synthesize tetracyclines analogues bearing a polycyclic structure with improved chemical stability and water solubility, possibly lacking antibacterial activity but conserving the ability to interact with amyloid-beta peptides. Known tetracyclines have in common a fourth cycle without an aromatic character and with different functionalisations. We aim to synthesize derivatives in which this cycle is represented by a sugar moiety, thus bearing different derivatisable positions or create derivatives in which we will increase or decrease the number of fused rings. In order to generate a potential drug-tool candidate, these molecules should also possess the correct chemical-physical characteristics. The glycidic moiety, not being directly involved in the binding, it assures further possible derivatizations, such as conjugation to others molecular entities (nanoparticles, polymeric supports, etc.), and functionalization with chemical groups able to modulate the hydro/lipophilicity. In order to be useful such compounds should perform their action within the brain, therefore they have to be able to cross the blood brain barrier, and to be somehow detected for diagnostic purposes.
This is a research project by practice, which firstly develops a new material invention derived from natural fibres extracted from waste pineapple leaves; secondly it articulates the contemporary designer’s role in facilitating sustainable solutions through: Insights from my own material invention, PiñatexTM, which integrates the materiality of design with the immateriality of concepts and values Developing a visual model of mapping I began with these questions: ‘What are the challenges in seeking to make a new and sustainable material from the waste products of pineapple agriculture in the Philippines?’ and ‘How can a design practice link elements of materiality (artifacts) with immaterial elements (value systems) in order to improve sustainable social and economic development?’ Significant influences have been the work of Papanek1 (2003), Hawken2 (1999) and Abouleish3 (2008) and in particular the ethical business model initiated by McDonough and Braungart in Cradle to Cradle®4 (2002). My own research project is inspired by the Cradle to Cradle® model. It proposes the development of a new material, PiñatexTM which is derived from natural fibres extracted from waste pineapple leaves and could be used in a wide variety of products that are currently fabricated in leather or petroleum-based materials. The methods have comprised: Contextual reviews; case studies (SEKEM, Cradle to Cradle® and Gawad Kalinga); practical experiments in the field of natural fibres, chemistry, product development, manufacturing and prototyping, leading to an invention and a theoretical model of mapping. In addition, collaboration has taken place across scientific, technological, social, ecological, academic and business fields. The outcome is a new material based on the synchronicity between the pineapple fibres, polymers, resins and coatings specially formulated. The invention of the new material that I developed as a central part of this research by practice has a patent in the national phase (PCT/GB 2011/000802) and is in the first stages of manufacturing, commercial testing and further design input (Summer 2014). The contribution to knowledge is firstly the material, PiñatexTM, which exhibits certain key qualities, namely environmentally non-toxic, biodegradable, income-generating potential and marketability. This is alongside its intrinsic qualities as a textile product: aesthetic potential, durability and stability, which will make it suitable for the accessories, interiors and furnishing markets. The theoretical mapping system Upstream and Downstream forms a secondary contribution.