684 resultados para modifier


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The "sustainability" concept relates to the prolonging of human economic systems with as little detrimental impact on ecological systems as possible. Construction that exhibits good environmental stewardship and practices that conserve resources in a manner that allow growth and development to be sustained for the long-term without degrading the environment are indispensable in a developed society. Past, current and future advancements in asphalt as an environmentally sustainable paving material are especially important because the quantities of asphalt used annually in Europe as well as in the U.S. are large. The asphalt industry is still developing technological improvements that will reduce the environmental impact without affecting the final mechanical performance. Warm mix asphalt (WMA) is a type of asphalt mix requiring lower production temperatures compared to hot mix asphalt (HMA), while aiming to maintain the desired post construction properties of traditional HMA. Lowering the production temperature reduce the fuel usage and the production of emissions therefore and that improve conditions for workers and supports the sustainable development. Even the crumb-rubber modifier (CRM), with shredded automobile tires and used in the United States since the mid 1980s, has proven to be an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional asphalt pavement. Furthermore, the use of waste tires is not only relevant in an environmental aspect but also for the engineering properties of asphalt [Pennisi E., 1992]. This research project is aimed to demonstrate the dual value of these Asphalt Mixes in regards to the environmental and mechanical performance and to suggest a low environmental impact design procedure. In fact, the use of eco-friendly materials is the first phase towards an eco-compatible design but it cannot be the only step. The eco-compatible approach should be extended also to the design method and material characterization because only with these phases is it possible to exploit the maximum potential properties of the used materials. Appropriate asphalt concrete characterization is essential and vital for realistic performance prediction of asphalt concrete pavements. Volumetric (Mix design) and mechanical (Permanent deformation and Fatigue performance) properties are important factors to consider. Moreover, an advanced and efficient design method is necessary in order to correctly use the material. A design method such as a Mechanistic-Empirical approach, consisting of a structural model capable of predicting the state of stresses and strains within the pavement structure under the different traffic and environmental conditions, was the application of choice. In particular this study focus on the CalME and its Incremental-Recursive (I-R) procedure, based on damage models for fatigue and permanent shear strain related to the surface cracking and to the rutting respectively. It works in increments of time and, using the output from one increment, recursively, as input to the next increment, predicts the pavement conditions in terms of layer moduli, fatigue cracking, rutting and roughness. This software procedure was adopted in order to verify the mechanical properties of the study mixes and the reciprocal relationship between surface layer and pavement structure in terms of fatigue and permanent deformation with defined traffic and environmental conditions. The asphalt mixes studied were used in a pavement structure as surface layer of 60 mm thickness. The performance of the pavement was compared to the performance of the same pavement structure where different kinds of asphalt concrete were used as surface layer. In comparison to a conventional asphalt concrete, three eco-friendly materials, two warm mix asphalt and a rubberized asphalt concrete, were analyzed. The First Two Chapters summarize the necessary steps aimed to satisfy the sustainable pavement design procedure. In Chapter I the problem of asphalt pavement eco-compatible design was introduced. The low environmental impact materials such as the Warm Mix Asphalt and the Rubberized Asphalt Concrete were described in detail. In addition the value of a rational asphalt pavement design method was discussed. Chapter II underlines the importance of a deep laboratory characterization based on appropriate materials selection and performance evaluation. In Chapter III, CalME is introduced trough a specific explanation of the different equipped design approaches and specifically explaining the I-R procedure. In Chapter IV, the experimental program is presented with a explanation of test laboratory devices adopted. The Fatigue and Rutting performances of the study mixes are shown respectively in Chapter V and VI. Through these laboratory test data the CalME I-R models parameters for Master Curve, fatigue damage and permanent shear strain were evaluated. Lastly, in Chapter VII, the results of the asphalt pavement structures simulations with different surface layers were reported. For each pavement structure, the total surface cracking, the total rutting, the fatigue damage and the rutting depth in each bound layer were analyzed.


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Nature leads, we follow. But nanotechnologists are in hot pursuit, in designing controllable structures that can mimic naturally occurring and artificially synthesized materials on a common platform. The supramolecular chemistry concerns the investigation of nature principles to produce fascinating complexed and functional molecular assemblies, as well as the utilization of these principles to generate novel devices and materials, potentially useful for sensing, catalysis, transport and other applications in medical or engineering science. The work presented in this thesis is a compilation of different synthetic methods to achieve inorganic-organic hybrid nanomaterials. Silicatein, a protein enzyme, which acts both as a catalyst and template for the formation of silica needles in marine sponges, has been used for the biosynthesis of semiconductor metal oxides on surfaces. Silicatein was immobilized on gold (111) surfaces using alkane thiol, as well as on a novel self-assembly of NTA on top of a “cushion” of reactive ester polymer has been successfully employed to make functionalised surfaces. The immobilization of silicatein on surfaces was monitored by surface plasmon spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Surface bound silicatein retains its biocatalytic activity, which was demonstrated by monitoring its hydrocatalytic activity to catalyse the synthesis of biosilica, biotitania, and biozirconia. The synthesis of semiconductor metal oxides was characterized using scanning electron microscopy. This hydrolytic biocatalyst is used to synthesize the gold nanoparticles. The gold nanoparticles are formed by reduction of tetrachloroaurate, AuCl4-, by the action of sulfhydryl groups hidden below the surface groups of the protein. The resulting gold nanoparticles which are stabilized by surface bound silicatein further aggregate to form Au nanocrystals. The shape of the nanocrystals obtained by using recombinant silicatein is controlled through chiral induction by the protein during the nucleation of the nanocrystals. As an extension of this work, TiO2 nanowires were functionalized using polymeric ligand which incorporates the nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) linker in the back bone to immobilize His-tagged silicatein onto the TiO2 nanowires. The surface bound protein not only retains its original hydrolytic properties, but also acts as a reductant for AuCl4- in the synthesis of hybrid TiO2/silicatein/Au nanocomposites. Functionalized, monocrystalline rutile TiO2 nanorods were prepared from TiCl4 in aqueous solution in the presence of dopamine. The surface bound organic ligand controls the morphology as well as the crystallinity and the phase selection of TiO2. The surface amine groups can be tailored further with functional molecules such as dyes. As an example, this surface functionality is used for the covalent binding of a fluorescent dye,4-chloro-7- nitrobenzylurazene (NBD) to the TiO2 nanorods. The polymeric ligands have been used successfully for the in-situ and post-functionalization of TiO2 nanoparticles. Besides to chelating dopamine anchor group the multifunctional ligand system presented here incorporates a modifier molecule which allows the binding of functional molecules (here the dyes pyrene, NBD, and Texas Red) as well as additional entities which allow tailoring the solubility of inorganic nanocrystals in different solvents. A novel method for the surface functionalization of fullerene-type MoS2 nanoparticles and subsequently binding these nanoparticles onto TiO2 nanowires has been reported using polymeric ligands. The procedure involves the complexation of IF-MoS2 with a combination of Ni2+ via an umbrella-type nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) and anchoring them to the sidewalls of TiO2 nanowires utilizing the hydroxyl groups of dopamine present in the main contents of polymeric ligand. A convenient method for the synthesis of Au/CdS nanocomposites has been presented, which were achieved through the novel method of thiol functionalization of gold colloids. The thermodynamically most stable phase of ZrO2 (cubic) has been obtained at much lower temperature (180°C). These nanoparticles are highly blue fluorescent, with a high surface area.


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We report on a strategy to prepare metal oxides including binary oxide and mixed metal oxide (MMO) in form of nanometer-sized particles using polymer as precursor. Zinc oxide nanoparticles are prepared as an example. The obtained zinc polyacrylate precursor is amorphous as confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The conversion from polymer precursor to ZnO nanocrystals by thermal pyrolysis was investigated by means of XRD, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and electron microscopy. The as-synthesized ZnO consists of many individual particles with a diameter around 40 nm as shown by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The photoluminescence (PL) and electron paramagnetic (EPR) properties of the material are investigated, too. Employing this method, ZnO nanocrystalline films are fabricated via pyrolysis of a zinc polyacrylate precursor film on solid substrate like silicon and quartz glass. The results of XRD, absorption spectra as well as TEM prove that both the ZnO nanopowder and film undergo same evolution process. Comparing the PL properties of films fabricated in different gas atmosphere, it is assigned that the blue emission of the ZnO films is due to crystal defect of zinc vacancy and green emission from oxygen vacancy. Two kinds of ZnO-based mixed metal oxide (Zn1-xMgxO and Zn1-xCoxO) particles with very precise stoichiometry are prepared by controlled pyrolysis of the corresponding polymer precursor at 550 oC. The MMO crystal particles are typically 20-50 nm in diameter. Doping of Mg in ZnO lattice causes shrinkage of lattice parameter c, while it remains unchanged with Co incorporation. Effects of bandgap engineering are seen in the Mg:ZnO system. The photoluminescence in the visible is enhanced by incorporation of magnesium on zinc lattice sites, while the emission is suppressed in the Co:ZnO system. Magnetic property of cobalt doped-ZnO is checked too and ferromagnetic ordering was not found in our samples. An alternative way to prepare zinc oxide nanoparticles is presented upon calcination of zinc-loaded polymer precursors, which is synthesized via inverse miniemulsion polymerization of the mixture of the acrylic acid and zinc nitrate. The as-prepared ZnO product is compared with that obtained from polymer-salt complex method. The obtained ZnO nanoparticles undergo surface modification via a phosphate modifier applying ultrasonication. The morphology of the modified particles is checked by SEM. And stability of the ZnO nanoparticles in aqueous dispersion is enhanced as indicated by the zeta-potential results.


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Questa tesi descrive lo sviluppo di un elettrodo modificato con un polimero isolante per la determinazione indiretta del radicale OH. I polimeri testati sono stati polifenolo, polipirrolo e polipirrolo sovraoossidato ed il primo è risultato quello con le migliori prestazioni. Il film di modificante è stato depositato per elettropolimerizzazione del fenolo in ambiente acido, su un elettrodo di carbone vetroso (GC) ed è risultato isolante e perfettamente adeso al GC, impedendo il trasferimento di carica alle più comuni sonde redox. L’attacco dei radicali OH, generati dalla reazione di Fenton o dalla fotolisi di H2O2, rimuove parzialmente il polimero dal GC, ripristinando parzialmente il comportamento conduttore dell’elettrodo. L’entità della degradazione del film polifenolico è stata valutata sfruttando la corrente relativa alla sonda redox Ru(NH3)63+, che rappresenta il segnale analitico per la determinazione del radicale OH. L’elettrodo è stato impiegato per stimare le prestazioni di foto catalizzatori a base di nanoparticelle di TiO2, ottenendo risultati correlati a quelli ricavati da un metodo HPLC. Inoltre esso è stato usato per sviluppare una nuova procedura per la determinazione della capacità di scavenging verso i radicali OH, che è stata applicata all’analisi di composti puri e campioni reali. I risultati erano confrontabili con quelli determinati con metodiche standardizzate, comunemente impiegate per la determinazione della capacità antiossidante. Inoltre è stato condotto uno studio riguardante la modifica di un elettrodo di platino con un idrossido misto a strati a base di cobalto e alluminio (LDH). In particolare si sono valutati gli effetti di diversi pretrattamenti del Pt sulle caratteristiche e prestazioni elettrocatalitiche del film di LDH nei confronti dell’ossidazione di anilina, fenolo e acido salicilico. Questi composti possono essere impiegati come molecole sonda per la determinazione del radicale OH e rivestono interesse da un punto di vista elettroanalitico perché portano facilmente alla passivazione della superficie di Pt.


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L’idea da cui nasce questa tesi è quella di introdurre in Blender un Add-on in linguaggio Python che permetta di applicare alcune deformazioni di tipo surface-based a mesh poligonali. Questa tipologia di deformazioni rappresentano l’alternativa alle deformazioni di mesh poligonali tramite rigging ( cioè l’aggiunta di uno scheletro per controllare e per animare la mesh) e caging (cioè l’utilizzo di una struttura di controllo di tipo reticolare che propaga la sua deformazione su un oggetto in essa immerso), che di solito sono le prescelte in computer animation e in modellazione. Entrambe le deformazioni indicate sono già estremamente radicate in Blender, prova ne è il fatto che esiste più di un modificatore che le implementa, già integrato in codice nativo. Si introduce inizialmente la tecnica di deformazione di mesh poligonali tramite elasticità discreta, che è stata realizzata, quindi, presenteremo diverse metodologie di deformazione. Illustreremo poi come modellare, creare ed editare delle mesh in Blender. Non ci soffermeremo su dettagli puramente dettati dall’interfaccia utente, cercheremo invece di addentrarci nei concetti e nelle strutture teoriche, allo scopo di avere le basi logiche per definire una Add-on che risulti veramente efficace e utile all’interno del sistema di modellazione. Approfondiremo la struttura di due modificatori chiave per la deformazioni di mesh : Lattice Modifier e Mesh Deform Modifier che implementano una metodologia di tipo space-based. Infine ci concentreremo sulla parte di scripting Python in Blender. Daremo un’idea delle strutture dati, dei metodi e delle funzioni da utilizzare per interagire con l’ambiente circostante, con i singoli oggetti ed in particolare con le Mesh e daremo un esempio di script Python. Andremo infine a descrivere l’implementazione della deformazione elastica mediante add-on Python in Blender.


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L’analisi della risposta delle pavimentazioni flessibili alle sollecitazioni veicolari ed alle variazioni di temperatura non può prescindere dallo studio del legante bituminoso: è all’interno del film di bitume, infatti, che avviene la rottura per fatica alle basse temperature (alte frequenze di carico) e che si sviluppano le deformazioni con conseguente fenomeno dell’ormaiamento alle alte temperature di esercizio (basse frequenze di carico). Il deterioramento di queste pavimentazioni, dovuto a fenomeni di fessurazione da fatica o di ormaiamento, infatti, è divenuto nel settore infrastrutturale oggetto di studio ed approfondimento. Spesso tali ammaloramenti sono accelerati dall’azione dell’acqua che, in assenza di strati impermeabili, raggiunge gli strati inferiori della sovrastruttura indebolendo le proprietà coesive del legante e di adesione tra bitume ed aggregati. Se a queste problematiche si aggiunge l’impatto ambientale di un’infrastruttura viaria (emissione di fumi durante la stesa del conglomerato), risulta evidente l’interesse nel campo della ricerca circa lo studio di leganti bituminosi modificati e additivati, in grado di aumentare le prestazioni del pacchetto stradale, oltre che a ridurne gli effetti negativi sull’ambiente. Per queste motivazioni, la presente Tesi si concentra sullo studio dei leganti e dei mastici bituminosi ottenuti con l’aggiunta di “Powdered Rubber Modifier (PRM)” ovvero di “Polverino di Gomma” ottenuto mediante il riciclaggio di pneumatici usati, attraverso opportune lavorazioni di natura meccanica. In campo stradale sta assumendo sempre più importanza l’utilizzo di pneumatici riciclati, in grado di aumentare le prestazioni del pacchetto stradale e di ridurne gli effetti negativi sull’ambiente. Per studiare e testare questi leganti e mastici bituminosi si è scelto di utilizzare un approccio tradizionale, consistente nella simulazione della risposta meccanica macroscopica mediante modelli costitutivi basati sulla teoria del mezzo continuo: ciò significa che la miscela viene sottoposta a prove di tipo statico e dinamico in un ampio intervallo di condizioni inerenti all’intensità della forza, alla velocità di applicazione del carico ed alla temperatura. In particolare, i materiali sopra citati sono stati testati mediante Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR-UNI EN 14770); tale apparecchiatura è in grado, attraverso l’applicazione di una sollecitazione dinamica con andamento sinusoidale, di simulare le reali condizioni di carico cui è sottoposta una pavimentazione stradale durante la sua vita utile. I risultati reologici ottenuti sono stati confrontati per valutare il contributo prestazionale di ciascun materiale componente le miscele.


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CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ regulatorische T-Zellen (Treg) spielen eine essentielle Rolle bei der Unterdrückung von schädlichen Immunreaktionen. Da aktivierte CD4+ T-Helferzellen auch CD25 und FoxP3 exprimieren, können diese nicht als spezifische Marker zur Identifikation von Treg verwendet werden. Die Analyse der Membranproteinexpression beider Populationen führte zur Identifikation von GARP (glycoprotein A repetitions predominant) als spezifischer Marker auf aktivierten Treg. GARP bindet LAP und TGF-beta, welches für die Unterdrückung von entzündlichen T-Zellantworten von Bedeutung ist. Um die Funktion von GARP unabhängig von Treg zu untersuchen, wurde ein lösliches GARP Protein (sGARP) synthetisiert und sein Effekt auf die Aktivierung und Differenzierung von humanen T-Zellen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sGARP die Proliferation von naiven CD4+ T-Zellen supprimiert und zu einer Phosphorylierung von SMAD2/3 sowie zu der Induktion von FoxP3 führt. Zusätzlich inhibiert sGARP die Produktion von Effektorzytokinen wie IL-2 und IFN-gamma. Die Stimulation von naiven CD4+ T-Zellen mit sGARP induziert die Differenzierung zu Treg, welche in Kokultur die Aktivierung von T-Effektorzellen supprimieren. Die Wirkung war vergleichbar in naiven CD4+ und ruhenden CD4+CD45RA+ T-Zellen, konnte aber in differenzierten CD4+CD45RO+ T-Zellen nicht nachgewiesen werden. Die Induktion von FoxP3 und die Phosphorylierung von SMAD2/3 konnte durch eine Blockade des TGF-beta-Signalweges inhibiert werden. Dies lässt vermuten, dass die Funktion von sGARP zumindest teilweise von TGF-beta abhängig ist. Zusätzlich zu seiner passiven Rolle als TGF-beta-Transporter, induzierte sGARP die TGF-beta-Produktion in naiven T-Zellen und trägt so zum Mechanismus der infektiösen Toleranz bei. Des Weiteren fördert die Stimulation von sGARP in Anwesenheit von IL-6 und IL-23 die Differenzierung zu Th17 Zellen. rnNeben dem Einfluss von sGARP auf die Differenzierung von CD4+ T-Zellen, supprimiert sGARP die Proliferation und Granzyme B-Expression in CD8+ T-Zellen. rnFür die Analyse der immunmodulatorischen Funktion von sGARP in vivo wurde ein Modell einer xenogenen GvHD (graft-versus-host disease) verwendet. Der Transfer von humanen PBMC in neugeborene, immundefiziente Rag2-/-gamma-chain-/--Mäuse führt zu einer letalen GvHD, welche durch die Applikation von humanen Treg dosisabhängig unterdrückt werden kann. In diesem Modell konnte die repetitive Gabe von sGARP, ohne zusätzliche Zugabe von Treg, ebenfalls die GvHD unterdrücken. Dies lässt auf einen synergistischen Effekt von sGARP und Treg bei der Suppression inflammatorischer T-Zellantworten schließen. rnZusammengefasst lassen die Ergebnisse auf eine entscheidende Rolle von GARP in der Modulation der peripheren Toleranz folgern und zeigen sGARP als potentes Biological für die Behandlung von unerwünschten inflammatorischen Immunantworten.


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To identify the causative mutation leading to autosomal dominant macular dystrophy, cone dystrophy, and cone-rod dystrophy in a five-generation family and to explain the high intrafamilial phenotypic variation by identifying possible modifier genes.


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The D216H single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (rs1801968) in DYT1 exon 4 has been suggested to be a genetic modifier in primary dystonia.


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There is growing evidence that the great phenotypic variability in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) not only depends on the genotype, but apart from a combination of environmental and stochastic factors predominantly also on modifier gene effects. It has been proposed that genes interacting with CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) are potential modifiers. Therefore, we assessed the impact of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of several of these interacters on CF disease outcome. SNPs that potentially alter gene function were genotyped in 95 well-characterized p.Phe508del homozygous CF patients. Linear mixed-effect model analysis was used to assess the relationship between sequence variants and the repeated measurements of lung function parameters. In total, we genotyped 72 SNPs in 10 genes. Twenty-five SNPs were used for statistical analysis, where we found strong associations for one SNP in PPP2R4 with the lung clearance index (P ≤ 0.01), the specific effective airway resistance (P ≤ 0.005) and the forced expiratory volume in 1 s (P ≤ 0.005). In addition, we identified one SNP in SNAP23 to be significantly associated with three lung function parameters as well as one SNP in PPP2R1A and three in KRT19 to show a significant influence on one lung function parameter each. Our findings indicate that direct interacters with CFTR, such as SNAP23, PPP2R4 and PPP2R1A, may modify the residual function of p.Phe508del-CFTR while variants in KRT19 may modulate the amount of p.Phe508del-CFTR at the apical membrane and consequently modify CF disease.


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PURPOSE: To report a large, consanguineous Algerian family affected with Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) or early-onset retinal degeneration (EORD). METHODS: All accessible family members underwent a complete ophthalmic examination, and blood was obtained for DNA extraction. Homozygosity mapping was performed with markers flanking 12 loci associated with LCA. The 15 exons of TULP1 were sequenced. RESULTS: Seven of 30 examined family members were affected, including five with EORD and two with LCA. All patients had nystagmus, hemeralopia, mild myopia, and low visual acuity without photophobia. Fundus features were variable among EORD patients: typical spicular retinitis pigmentosa or clumped pigmented retinopathy with age-dependent macular involvement. A salt-and-pepper retinopathy with midperipheral retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) atrophy was present in the older patients with LCA, whereas the retina appeared virtually normal in the younger ones. Both scotopic and photopic electroretinograms were nondetectable. Fundus imaging revealed a perifoveal ring of increased fundus autofluorescence (FAF) in the proband, and optical coherence tomography disclosed a thinned retina, mainly due to photoreceptor loss. Linkage analysis identified a region of homozygosity on chromosome 6, region p21.3, and mutation screening revealed a novel 6-base in-frame duplication, in the TULP1 gene. CONCLUSIONS: Mutation in the TULP1 gene is a rare cause of LCA/EORD, with only 14 mutations reported so far. The observed intrafamilial phenotypic variability could be attributed to disease progression or possibly modifier alleles. This study provides the first description of FAF and quantitative reflectivity profiles in TULP1-related retinopathy.


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Currently photon Monte Carlo treatment planning (MCTP) for a patient stored in the patient database of a treatment planning system (TPS) can usually only be performed using a cumbersome multi-step procedure where many user interactions are needed. This means automation is needed for usage in clinical routine. In addition, because of the long computing time in MCTP, optimization of the MC calculations is essential. For these purposes a new graphical user interface (GUI)-based photon MC environment has been developed resulting in a very flexible framework. By this means appropriate MC transport methods are assigned to different geometric regions by still benefiting from the features included in the TPS. In order to provide a flexible MC environment, the MC particle transport has been divided into different parts: the source, beam modifiers and the patient. The source part includes the phase-space source, source models and full MC transport through the treatment head. The beam modifier part consists of one module for each beam modifier. To simulate the radiation transport through each individual beam modifier, one out of three full MC transport codes can be selected independently. Additionally, for each beam modifier a simple or an exact geometry can be chosen. Thereby, different complexity levels of radiation transport are applied during the simulation. For the patient dose calculation, two different MC codes are available. A special plug-in in Eclipse providing all necessary information by means of Dicom streams was used to start the developed MC GUI. The implementation of this framework separates the MC transport from the geometry and the modules pass the particles in memory; hence, no files are used as the interface. The implementation is realized for 6 and 15 MV beams of a Varian Clinac 2300 C/D. Several applications demonstrate the usefulness of the framework. Apart from applications dealing with the beam modifiers, two patient cases are shown. Thereby, comparisons are performed between MC calculated dose distributions and those calculated by a pencil beam or the AAA algorithm. Interfacing this flexible and efficient MC environment with Eclipse allows a widespread use for all kinds of investigations from timing and benchmarking studies to clinical patient studies. Additionally, it is possible to add modules keeping the system highly flexible and efficient.


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Overexpression of the transcription factor E2F-1 induces apoptosis in tumor cells. This apoptotic effect is partly mediated through the induction of the double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase (PKR). Here, we investigate if agents that upregulate PKR could enhance the apoptotic effect of E2F-1 overexpression in liver tumors. In human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells (Hep3B, HepG2, Huh7), adenovirus-mediated overexpression of E2F-1 (AdCMV-E2F) transcriptionally increased PKR mRNA. The subsequent increase of total and phosphorylated PKR protein was followed by induction of apoptosis. When AdCMV-E2F was combined with the PKR modifier interferon alpha (IFNalpha), PKR was additionally upregulated and both PKR activation and apoptosis were increased. Subcutaneous xenograft tumors were selectively targeted using an adenoviral vector expressing E2F-1 under the control of the human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) promoter (AdhTERT-E2F). Weekly systemic administration of AdhTERT-E2F inhibited tumor growth. The tumor suppressive effect of AdhTERT-E2F therapy was further enhanced in combination with IFNalpha.Our results demonstrate that PKR activating agents enhance the anti-tumor effect of E2F-1 overexpression in HCC in-vitro and in-vivo. Hence, modulation of PKR is a potential strategy to increase the efficacy of PKR-dependent anti-tumor therapies.


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The objective of this research is to develop sustainable wood-blend bioasphalt and characterize the atomic, molecular and bulk-scale behavior necessary to produce advanced asphalt paving mixtures. Bioasphalt was manufactured from Aspen, Basswood, Red Maple, Balsam, Maple, Pine, Beech and Magnolia wood via a 25 KWt fast-pyrolysis plant at 500 °C and refined into two distinct end forms - non-treated (5.54% moisture) and treated bioasphalt (1% moisture). Michigan petroleum-based asphalt, Performance Grade (PG) 58-28 was modified with 2, 5 and 10% of the bioasphalt by weight of base asphalt and characterized with the gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS), Fourier Transform Infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy and the automated flocculation titrimetry techniques. The GC-MS method was used to characterize the Carbon-Hydrogen-Nitrogen (CHN) elemental ratio whiles the FTIR and the AFT were used to characterize the oxidative aging performance and the solubility parameters, respectively. For rheological characterization, the rotational viscosity, dynamic shear modulus and flexural bending methods are used in evaluating the low, intermediate and high temperature performance of the bio-modified asphalt materials. 54 5E3 (maximum of 3 million expected equivalent standard axle traffic loads) asphalt paving mixes were then prepared and characterized to investigate their laboratory permanent deformation, dynamic mix stiffness, moisture susceptibility, workability and constructability performance. From the research investigations, it was concluded that: 1) levo, 2, 6 dimethoxyphenol, 2 methoxy 4 vinylphenol, 2 methyl 1-2 cyclopentandione and 4-allyl-2, 6 dimetoxyphenol are the dominant chemical functional groups; 2) bioasphalt increases the viscosity and dynamic shear modulus of traditional asphalt binders; 3) Bio-modified petroleum asphalt can provide low-temperature cracking resistance benefits at -18 °C but is susceptible to cracking at -24 °C; 3) Carbonyl and sulphoxide oxidation in petroleum-based asphalt increases with increasing bioasphalt modifiers; 4) bioasphalt causes the asphaltene fractions in petroleum-based asphalt to precipitate out of the solvent maltene fractions; 5) there is no definite improvement or decline in the dynamic mix behavior of bio-modified mixes at low temperatures; 6) bio-modified asphalt mixes exhibit better rutting performance than traditional asphalt mixes; 7) bio-modified asphalt mixes have lower susceptibility to moisture damage; 8) more field compaction energy is needed to compact bio-modified mixes.


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Simulations of forest stand dynamics in a modelling framework including Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) are diameter driven, thus the diameter or basal area increment model needs a special attention. This dissertation critically evaluates diameter or basal area increment models and modelling approaches in the context of the Great Lakes region of the United States and Canada. A set of related studies are presented that critically evaluate the sub-model for change in individual tree basal diameter used in the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS), a dominant forestry model in the Great Lakes region. Various historical implementations of the STEMS (Stand and Tree Evaluation and Modeling System) family of diameter increment models, including the current public release of the Lake States variant of FVS (LS-FVS), were tested for the 30 most common tree species using data from the Michigan Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program. The results showed that current public release of the LS-FVS diameter increment model over-predicts 10-year diameter increment by 17% on average. Also the study affirms that a simple adjustment factor as a function of a single predictor, dbh (diameter at breast height) used in the past versions, provides an inadequate correction of model prediction bias. In order to re-engineer the basal diameter increment model, the historical, conceptual and philosophical differences among the individual tree increment model families and their modelling approaches were analyzed and discussed. Two underlying conceptual approaches toward diameter or basal area increment modelling have been often used: the potential-modifier (POTMOD) and composite (COMP) approaches, which are exemplified by the STEMS/TWIGS and Prognosis models, respectively. It is argued that both approaches essentially use a similar base function and neither is conceptually different from a biological perspective, even though they look different in their model forms. No matter what modelling approach is used, the base function is the foundation of an increment model. Two base functions – gamma and Box-Lucas – were identified as candidate base functions for forestry applications. The results of a comparative analysis of empirical fits showed that quality of fit is essentially similar, and both are sufficiently detailed and flexible for forestry applications. The choice of either base function in order to model diameter or basal area increment is dependent upon personal preference; however, the gamma base function may be preferred over the Box-Lucas, as it fits the periodic increment data in both a linear and nonlinear composite model form. Finally, the utility of site index as a predictor variable has been criticized, as it has been widely used in models for complex, mixed species forest stands though not well suited for this purpose. An alternative to site index in an increment model was explored, using site index and a combination of climate variables and Forest Ecosystem Classification (FEC) ecosites and data from the Province of Ontario, Canada. The results showed that a combination of climate and FEC ecosites variables can replace site index in the diameter increment model.