966 resultados para irradiation uniformity of laser


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Luis A.J. Mur, I. Edi Santosa, Lucas J.J. Laarhoven, Nicholas J. Holton, Frans J.M. Harren and Aileen R. Smith (2005). Laser photoacoustic detection allows in planta detection of nitric oxide in tobacco following challenge with avirulent and virulent pseudomonas syringae pathovars. Plant Physiology, 138(3), 1247-1258. Sponsorship: BBSRC / EU RAE2008


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Variable geometry turbines provide an extra degree of flexibility in air management in turbocharged engines. The pivoting stator vanes used to achieve the variable turbine geometry necessitate the inclusion of stator vane endwall clearances. The consequent leakage flow through the endwall clearances impacts the flow in the stator vane passages and an understanding of the impact of the leakage flow on stator loss is required. A numerical model of a typical variable geometry turbine was developed using the commercial CFX-10 computational fluid dynamics software, and validated using laser doppler velocimetry and static pressure measurements from a variable geometry turbine with stator vane endwall clearance. Two different stator vane positions were investigated, each at three different operating conditions representing different vane loadings. The vane endwall leakage was found to have a significant impact on the stator loss and on the uniformity of flow entering the turbine rotor. The leakage flow changed considerably at different vane positions and flow incidence at vane inlet was found to have a significant impact.


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Protons accelerated by a picosecond laser pulse have been used to radiograph a 500 mu m diameter capsule, imploded with 300 J of laser light in 6 symmetrically incident beams of wavelength 1.054 mu m and pulse length 1 ns. Point projection proton backlighting was used to characterize the density gradients at discrete times through the implosion. Asymmetries were diagnosed both during the early and stagnation stages of the implosion. Comparison with analytic scattering theory and simple Monte Carlo simulations were consistent with a 3 +/- 1 g/cm(3) core with diameter 85 +/- 10 mu m. Scaling simulations show that protons > 50 MeV are required to diagnose asymmetry in ignition scale conditions.


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We have observed the variation in ion signal as a function of intensity within a focused laser spot. Using an aperture detector, the ion signals from narrow bands of the laser focus have been observed. By moving the laser focus along the direction of propagation, regions of different intensities are exposed to the detector. This has allowed detailed measurements to be made of ion signals as a function of laser intensity.


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The potential of laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy of atoms is reviewed with emphasis on the determination of absolute densities. Examples of experiments with single-photon and two-photon excitation are presented. Calibration methods applicable with the different schemes are discussed. A new method is presented that has the potential to allow absolute measurement in plasmas of elevated pressure where collisional depletion of the excited state is present.


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Recent experiments undertaken at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory to produce X-ray lasing over the 5-30 nm wavelength range are reviewed. The efficiency of lasing is optimized when the main pumping pulse interacts with a preformed plasma. Experiments using double 75-ps pulses and picosecond pulses superimposed on 300-ps background pulses are described. The use of travelling wave pumping with the approximately picosecond pulse experiments is necessary as the gain duration becomes comparable to the time for the X-ray laser pulse to propagate along the target length. Results from a model taking account of laser saturation and deviations from the speed of light c of the travelling wave and X-ray laser group velocity are presented. We show that X-ray laser pulses as short as 2-3 ps can be produced with optical pumping pulses of approximate to1-ps.


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The interaction of short (1-2 ps) laser pulses with solid targets at irradiances of over 1016 Wcm~2 , in the presence of a substantial prepulse has been investigated. High absorption of laser energy is found even at high angles of incidence, with evidence for a resonance absorption peak being found for S, P, and circular polarizations. It is considered that this may be a result of refraction and beam filamentation, which causes loss of distinct polarization. Measurements of hard X-ray emission (~ 100 keV) confirm a resonance absorption type peak at 45-50°, again for all three cases. Typically, 5-15% of the incident light is back-reflected by stimulated Brillouin scatter, with spatially resolved spectra showing evidence of beam hot-spots at high intensity. The possibility that filamentation and refraction of the beam can explain the lack of polarization dependence in the absorption and hard X-ray emission data is discussed.


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Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements in the solid state of the bis complex of tris(1-pyrazolyl)-methane with Fe(II), [Fe(tpm)2](ClO4)2, suggest the existence of singlet-quintet spin crossover with the singlet isomer largely favored at room temperature. In acetonitrile solution, measurement of the absorption spectrum as a function of temperature reveals a spin equilibrium with the quintet population varying from ca. 6% at 233 K to ca. 30% at 295 K. When the complex in solution is irradiated with a laser pulse at wavelengths within the ligand field absorption band of the singlet isomer, ground-state depletion occurs within the pulse duration followed by fast recovery to the original absorbance level with a time constant of 25 +/- 5ns. The recovery time is virtually independent of temperature over the range +23 to -43-degrees-C, but the signal:noise ratio of the transient signals increases with decreasing temperature. The effect was observable at several monitoring wavelengths spanning the LF and MLCT absorption regions of the complex but only when the irradiation wavelength fell within the LF absorption region. Irradiation within the MLCT band produced no effect other than that of laser pulse scatter. The observations are interpreted in terms of photoperturbation of the singlet-quintet spin state equilibrium, which in this case occurs solely through excitation in the ligand field absorption region of the complex and is the first reported instance of this type for a spin-crossover complex in solution.


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The use of strong-field (i.e. intensities in excess of 10(13) Wcm(-2)) few-cycle ultrafast (durations of 10 femtoseconds or less) laser pulses to create, manipulate and image vibrational wavepackets is investigated. Quasi-classical modelling of the initial superposition through tunnel ionization, wavepacket modification by nonadiabatically altering the nuclear environment via the transition dipole and the Stark effect, and measuring the control outcome by fragmenting the molecule is detailed. The influence of the laser intensity on strong-field ultrafast wavepacket control is discussed in detail: by modifying the distribution of laser intensities imaged, we show that focal conditions can be created that give preference to this three-pulse technique above processes induced by the pulses alone. An experimental demonstration is presented, and the nuclear dynamics inferred by the quasi-classical model discussed. Finally, we present the results of a systematic investigation of a dual-control pulse scheme, indicating that single vibrational states should be observable with high fidelity, and the populated state defined by varying the arrival time of the two control pulses. The relevance of such strong-field coherent control methods to the manipulation of electron localization and attosecond science is discussed.


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The temporal development of laser driven single mode perturbations in thin A1 foils has been measured using extreme ultraviolet (XUV) laser radiography. 15, 30, 70 and 90 mu m single modes were imprinted on 2 mu m thick A1 foils with an optical driver laser at 527 nm for intensities in the range 5 x 10(12) to 1.5 x 10(13) W cm(-2). The magnitude of the imprinted perturbation at the time of shock break out was determined by fitting to the data estimated curves of growth of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability after shock break out. The efficiency of imprinting is independent of perturbation wavelength in the parameter range of this experiment, suggesting little influence of thermal conduction smoothing. The results are of interest for directly driven inertially confined fusion. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics.


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The potential of a diagnostic technique to provide quantitative three-dimensional (3D) density distributions of species in a low temperature laser-produced plume is shown. An expanded, short pulse, tunable dye laser is used to probe the plume at a set time during the expansion. Simultaneous recording of two-dimensional in-line absorbance maps and orthogonal recording of laser induced fluorescence permits the 3D density mapping by scanning the dye laser frequency. Preliminary data, supported by a simple model, is presented for the case of Ba II ions in a YBCO plume heated by a KrF laser. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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We report spatially and temporally resolved measurements of self-generated multi-megagauss magnetic fields produced during ultrahigh intensity laser plasma interactions. Spatially resolved measurements of the magnetic fields show an asymmetry in the distribution of field with respect to the angle of laser incidence. Temporally resolved measurements of the self-generated third harmonic suggest that the strength of the magnetic field is proportional to the square root of laser intensity (i.e., the laser B-field) during the rise of the laser pulse. The experimental results are compared with numerical simulations using a particle-in-cell code which also shows clear asymmetry of the field profile and similar magnetic field growth rates and scalings.