889 resultados para high school, suicide prevention programs


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Introduction: Preeclampsia is the main complication of pregnancy in developing countries. Calcium starting at 14 weeks of pregnancy is indicated to prevent the disease. Recent advances in prevention of preeclampsia endorse the addition of conjugated linoleic acid. Objective: To estimate the protective effect from calcium alone, compared to calcium plus conjugated linoleic acid in nulliparous women at risk of preeclampsia. Methods: A case-control design nested in the cohort of nulliparous women attending antenatal care from 2010 to 2014. The clinical histories of 387 cases of preeclampsia were compared with 1,054 normotensive controls. The exposure was prescriptions for calcium alone, the first period, or calcium plus conjugated linoleic acid, the second period, from 12 to 16 weeks of gestational age to labor. Confounding variables were controlled, allowing only nulliparous women into the study and stratifying by age, education and ethnic group. Results: The average age was 26.4 yrs old (range= 13-45), 85% from mixed ethnic backgrounds and with high school education. There were no differences between women who received calcium carbonate and those who did not (OR= 0.96; 95% CI= 0.73–1.27). The group of adolescents (13 to 18 yrs old) in the calcium plus conjugated linoleic acid was protected for preeclampsia (OR= 0.00; 95% CI= 0.00–0.44) independent of the confounder variables. Conclusions: 1. Calcium supplementation during pregnancy did not have preventive effects on preeclampsia. 2. Calcium plus Conjugated Linoleic acid provided to adolescents was observed to have preventive effect on Preeclampsia.


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Introduction: Preeclampsia is the main complication of pregnancy in developing countries. Calcium starting at 14 weeks of pregnancy is indicated to prevent the disease. Recent advances in prevention of preeclampsia endorse the addition of conjugated linoleic acid. Objective: To estimate the protective effect from calcium alone, compared to calcium plus conjugated linoleic acid in nulliparous women at risk of preeclampsia. Methods: A case-control design nested in the cohort of nulliparous women attending antenatal care from 2010 to 2014. The clinical histories of 387 cases of preeclampsia were compared with 1,054 normotensive controls. The exposure was prescriptions for calcium alone, the first period, or calcium plus conjugated linoleic acid, the second period, from 12 to 16 weeks of gestational age to labor. Confounding variables were controlled, allowing only nulliparous women into the study and stratifying by age, education and ethnic group. Results: The average age was 26.4 yrs old (range= 13-45), 85% from mixed ethnic backgrounds and with high school education. There were no differences between women who received calcium carbonate and those who did not (OR= 0.96; 95% IC= 0.73–1.27). The group of adolescents (13 to 18 yrs old) in the calcium plus conjugated linoleic acid was protected for preeclampsia (OR= 0.00; 95% CI= 0.00–0.44) independent of the confounder variables. Conclusions: 1. Calcium supplementation during pregnancy did not have preventive effects on preeclampsia. 2. Calcium plus Conjugated Linoleic acid provided to adolescents was observed to have preventive effect on Preeclampsia.


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Objetivo: determinar los niveles de actividad física (AF) de niños y adolescentes entre 10 y 17 años durante los periodos de recreo escolar en un colegio distrital de Bogotá. Método: estudio de corte transversal en un colegio distrital de la localidad de Puente Aranda en Bogotá. Fueron observados a través del sistema de observación de juego y de actividad en el tiempo libre en jóvenes (SOPLAY) los niveles y tipos de AF de niños y adolescentes en los periodos de recreo durante tres semanas, utilizando una condición de observación diferente para cada semana. Adicionalmente, las condiciones del contexto de las áreas recreo deportivas fueron evaluadas. Resultados: las prevalencias de escolares sedentarios fueron de 52,4 %, 77,3 % y 64,9 % durante la 1ª, 2ª y 3ª semana respectivamente. El sexo femenino fue más sedentario con el masculino (57 %, 82 % y 73 % vs 45 %, 70 % y 54 %) para cada semana observada. Se obtuvieron diferencias significativas (p<0,05) en los niveles de AF de los escolares. Conclusión: niños y adolescentes presentan elevadas prevalencias de sedentarismo siendo las actividades más frecuentes estar sentado, de pie o acostado durante los periodos de recreo. El sexo masculino mostró porcentajes superiores de participación en AF moderadas vigorosas. Las áreas recreo deportivas no contaban con condiciones del contexto relacionadas con disponibilidad de equipamiento para realizar AF ni existencia de actividades organizadas. Son necesarios programas e intervenciones eficaces que promuevan la AF en niños y adolescentes durante el recreo de la jornada escolar.


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Introducción: El cáncer de pulmón es el tipo de cáncer más mortal a nivel mundial, al cual se atribuyen una de cada cinco muertes anualmente. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los efectos de una intervención educativa en la promoción de la actividad física, otros comportamientos saludables y los conocimientos para la prevención del cáncer de pulmón en jóvenes estudiantes de una institución educativa pública en Bogotá, Colombia. Métodos: Estudio experimental no controlado en 243 estudiantes de sexo femenino (Edad 14±1,5 años). La intervención educativa se desarrolló en tres momentos: una sesión educativa con una duración de 60 minutos acorde a la Guía para la Comunicación Educativa en el Marco del Control del Cáncer, en Colombia. Segundo, se enviaron tres correos electrónicos con información acerca del cáncer pulmonar; finalmente se desarrollaron actividades grupales. Para la toma de datos se utilizaron el cuestionario Cáncer Awareness Measure (CAM) y el Sistema de Vigilancia de Factores de Riesgo del Comportamiento (BRFSS). La evaluación se realizó en un período de seguimiento a 1, 3 y 6 meses post-intervención. Resultados: La intervención educativa incrementó significativamente los conocimientos de las jóvenes sobre los signos de alarma del cáncer pulmonar y los principales factores de riesgo modificables, tales como el consumo de cigarrillo, la exposición al humo del mismo y el sedentarismo, al sexto mes post-intervención. Las mejoras en el cambio comportamental no lograron significancia estadística. Conclusiones: Una intervención educativa mejora los conocimientos acerca de la detección temprana y la prevención del cáncer de pulmón, así como los comportamientos saludables en jóvenes estudiantes en Bogotá, Colombia. Se requiere de estudios controlados aleatorizados.


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Resumen: Objetivo: determinar la asociación entre el tipo de profesor (especialista y no especialista en educación física), con el nivel de actividad física, el contenido-contexto de la clase y el comportamiento del profesor. Método: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en un colegio distrital de Bogotá. Fueron evaluadas 57 clases de educación física, y dos docentes (uno con formación académica en Educación física), por medio del Sistema para la observación del tiempo de instrucción de la condición física (SOFIT). Las variables observadas fueron analizadas con estadística descriptiva en cantidades relativas a los minutos y proporción de la clase. Para establecer la asociación entre el género de los estudiantes y el tipo de profesor se usaron test t para muestras independientes y U de Mann-Witney. Resultados: La duración promedio de la clase fue 82,7 minutos, 69% del tiempo programado; los estudiantes pasaron la mayor parte del tiempo de pie 29% (25 minutos), el contenido predominante de la clase fue el de tipo general 21% (25 minutos) y los maestros ocuparon en promedio el 36% (29 minutos) de la clase observando. Los estudiantes pasaron 53% (44 minutos) en actividades físicas moderadas a vigorosas (AFMV). Los niños fueron más activos que las niñas (53.94% vs 50,83%). Se observó una asociación positiva entre el género y casi todos los niveles de actividad física de los estudiantes (p<0,05). Se identificó que existe una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p<0,05), para las categorías sentado y estar de pie de la variable Niveles de Actividad física tanto en los resultados expresados en minutos, como en la proporción del tiempo de la clase y para la categoría caminando expresada en tiempo de la clase. Para la variable contenido-contexto se determinó una asociación para la categoría conocimiento, tanto en la proporción como en el número de minutos, y para la categoría contenido general en los resultados expresados en proporción de la clase. Finalmente, para la variable comportamiento del profesor expresada tanto en minutos como en proporción de la clase tuvo significancia estadística en todas sus categorías a excepción de la categoría promover Conclusiones: hay una diferencia importante en la forma como los dos tipos de maestros desarrollan la clase y los niveles de actividad física en que involucran a los estudiantes. La educación física en la escuela debe ser impartida por profesionales formados en el área, que tengan las destrezas y habilidades necesarias para desarrollar una educación física de calidad.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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A adoção de novos processos seletivos para o acesso de alunos às universidades só foi possível com a promulgação da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional n. 9.394/96. O vestibular seriado é uma dessas propostas alternativas, que prevê uma avaliação sistemática dos alunos ao término de cada ano do ensino médio. O propósito deste estudo foi caracterizar o vestibular seriado, hoje presente em 22 instituições públicas, quanto ao seu objetivo, estilos de avaliação e conteúdos da disciplina de Biologia distribuídos nos módulos referentes às três séries do ensino médio. Averiguamos que os diferentes programas analisados não apresentam uniformidade em diversos aspectos, tais como número de vagas, estrutura de avaliação e conteúdo programático. Verificamos, ainda, a ausência de consenso sobre a sequência a ser adotada para o ensino de Biologia e a resultante restrição para que o aluno possa preparar-se para as provas seriadas em mais de uma instituição.


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Acidentes e violências são responsáveis por elevadas taxas de mortalidade e morbidade causadas pelas lesões deles decorrentes. Entre essas lesões, os traumas da coluna vertebral e, especificamente, aqueles com comprometimento da medula espinal apresentam-se como relevantes. Os acidentes de transporte em geral e os de trânsito, em especial, constituem-se, também, hoje, em um grave problema de Saúde Pública. Dados epidemiológicos sobre tais acidentes são fundamentais para que sejam feitos programas de prevenção, com a atuação de profissionais da saúde e da educação, em relação ao cumprimento de leis e normas. No caso de traumas de coluna ocasionados por acidentes de transporte, percebe-se um número elevado e preocupante. Do total de internações por traumas de coluna, 22,7 por cento no ano de 2005, foram decorrentes de acidentes de transporte. Destes, cerca de 29 por cento eram pedestres, 23 por cento ocupantes, 20 por cento não-especificados e 19,9 por cento motociclistas, quando classificados de acordo com a qualidade da vítima. É importante ressaltar que os pacientes internados por essas causas têm mortalidade hospitalar elevada e o número estimado de seqüelas é considerável


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Introduction: Cervical and breast cancer are the most common malignancies among women worldwide. Effective screening can facilitate early detection and dramatically reduce mortality rates. The interface between those screening patients and patients most needing screening is complex, and women in remote areas of rural counties face additional barriers that limit the effectiveness of cancer prevention programs. This study compared various methods to improve compliance with mass screening for breast and cervical cancer among women in a remote, rural region of Brazil. Methods: In 2003, a mobile unit was used to perform 10 156 mammograms and Papanicolaou smear tests for women living in the Barretos County region of Sao Paulo state, Brazil (consisting of 19 neighbouring cities). To reach the women, the following community outreach strategies were used: distribution of flyers and pamphlets; media broadcasts (via radio and car loudspeakers); and community healthcare agents (CHCAs) making home visits. Results: The most useful intervention appeared to be the home visits by healthcare agents or CHCAs. These agents of the Family Health Programme of the Brazilian Ministry of Health reached an average of 45.6% of those screened, with radio advertisements reaching a further 11.9%. The great majority of the screened women were illiterate or had elementary level schooling (80.9%) and were of 'poor' or 'very poor' socioeconomic class (67.2%). Conclusions: Use of a mobile screening unit is a useful strategy in developing countries where local health systems have inadequate facilities for cancer screening in underserved populations. A multimodal approach to community outreach strategies, especially using CHCAs and radio advertisements, can improve the uptake of mass screening in low-income, low-educational background female populations.


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This website is linked to UNESCO.org and is free to download for educational purposes. It contains a database of school science experiments and investigations in physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, geology, weather studies, agriculture projects for primary and secondary schools; and sexuality education and drugs education. It is based on a revision, updating and expansion of the "New UNESCO source book for science teaching", 1979 edition, UNESCO, Paris. It contains experiments from the "low cost" science teaching movement, simplified versions of classical experiments, experiments using locally available substances and kitchen chemicals, and environmental science. Some experiments anticipate experiments usually done in senior high school or college classes. The experiments should be "student-friendly" and "teacher-friendly" because there is no overwhelming technology. Enough theoretical background is included to remind teachers of the theoretical context of the experiment. Every experiment is based on materials listed in a modern commercial catalogue of chemicals and equipment for use by educational institutions. The procedures and safety standards are consistent with instructions issued by Education Queensland (Ministry of Education), State of Queensland, Australia.


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This article explores young children's and adolescents' views pertaining to: knowledge and awareness of alcohol and alcohol related issues; social situations in which. alcohol use is present; orientation to alcohol risk; perceived and actual alcohol use; social image and reputation; and short and long term health beliefs in relation to alcohol. Forty focus groups were conducted with 240 primary school students (118 males and 122 females) and 24 focus groups were conducted with 192 high school students (90 males and 102 females); the total being 64 focus groups comprising 432 school students. Participants ages ranged from five years three months to 16 years 10 months. The videotaped discussions revealed that approximately 75% of the primary school-aged children and almost all of the high school students reported that they had tasted alcohol. Parents were primarily responsible for providing the alcohol. Virtually all participants recognised and were able to correctly name a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, and levels of knowledge and awareness of the health and safety aspects of alcohol were relatively mixed. Presentation of bottles and cans was reported as being important in attracting young persons. These data suggest there is an urgent need for research addressed to the development of prevention/intervention education curriculum materials for use with primary school-aged children.


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Objective: This study examined the risk relationship between depressive symptomatology and suicidal ideation for young adolescent males and females. Method: A large cohort of students in their first year of high school completed the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) and the Adolescent Suicide Questionnaire. The risk relationship between depressive symptomatology and suicidal ideation was modelled using non-parametric kernel-smoothing techniques. Results: Suicidal ideation was more frequently reported by females compared with males which was partly explained by females having higher mean depression scores. At moderate levels of depression females also had a significantly higher risk of suicidal ideation compared with males and this increased risk contributed to the overall higher levels of female ideation. Conclusions: The risk relationship between depressive symptomatology and suicidal ideation is different for young adolescent males and females. The results indicate that moderate levels of depressive symptomatology can be associated with suicidal ideation (especially among young females) and that for these young people a suicide risk assessment is required.


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Objective To determine the association between rural undergraduate training, rural postgraduate training and medical school entry criteria favouring rural students, on likelihood of working in rural Australian general practice. Methods National case - control study of 2414 rural and urban general practitioners (GPs) sampled from the Health Insurance Commission database. Participants completed a questionnaire providing information on demographics, current practice location and rural undergraduate and postgraduate experience. Results Rural GPs were more likely to report having had any rural undergraduate training [ odds ratio ( OR) 1.61, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.32 - 1.95] than were urban GPs. Rural GPs were much more likely to report having had rural postgraduate training ( OR 3.14, 95% CI 2.57 - 3.83). As the duration of rural postgraduate training increased so did the likelihood of working as a rural GP: those reporting that more than half their postgraduate training was rural were most likely to be rural GPs ( OR 10.52, 95% CI 5.39 - 20.51). South Australians whose final high school year was rural were more likely to be rural GPs ( OR 3.18, 95% CI 0.99 - 10.22). Conclusions Undergraduate rural training, postgraduate training and medical school entry criteria favouring rural students, all are associated with an increased likelihood of being a rural GP. Longer rural postgraduate training is more strongly associated with rural practice. These findings argue for continuation of rural undergraduate training opportunities and rural entry schemes, and an expansion in postgraduate training opportunities for GPs.


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Objectives To compare carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) of children and adolescents with and without HIV infection and to determine associations among independent socio-demographic, clinical or cardiovascular variables and cIMT in HIV-infected children and adolescents. Patients and methods This is a matched case-control study comparing 83 HIV-infected and 83 healthy children and adolescents. Clinical and laboratorial parameters, cIMT and echocardiogram were measured. Results The cIMT was higher in HIV-infected individuals (median 480 mu m; interquartile range 463-518 mu m) compared with controls (426 mu m; range 415-453 mu m, P < 0.001). In addition, the HIV-infected group showed higher levels of high-sensitive C-reactive protein (medians 1.0 mg/l vs. 0.4 mg/l, P < 0.001), glycated hemoglobin (6.1 +/- 0.9 vs. 5.7 +/- 0.8%, P= 0.028) and triglycerides (medians 0.9 vs. 0.8 mmol/l, P= 0.031). Finally, this group showed lower levels of total and high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol. After multivariate analysis, increased cIMT was positively associated with stavudine use [odds ratio (OR): 18.9, P=0.005], left atrial/aorta index (OR: 15.6, P=0.019), suprailiac skinfold (OR: 7.9, P=0.019), tachypnea (OR: 5.9, P=0.031), CD8 lymphocyte count (OR: 5.7, P=0.033) and CD4 T-lymphocyte count (OR: 5.5, P=0.025). cIMT increment was negatively associated with total cholesterol (OR: 0.2, P=0.025) and with CD8 zenith (OR: 0.1, P=0.007). Conclusion In this sample of children and adolescents, having HIV infection was associated with increased cIMT and elevated prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors. These findings suggest that this group should be included in cardiovascular prevention programs.