956 resultados para heat shock protein 90


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Background: Epsilon-protein kinase C (epsilon PKC) protects the heart from ischemic injury. However, the mechanism(s) of epsilon PKC cardioprotection is still unclear. Identification of the epsilon PKC targets may aid in elucidating the epsilon PKC-mediated cardioprotective mechanisms. Previous studies, using epsilon PKC transgenic mice and difference in gel electrophoresis, identified proteins involved in glucose metabolism, the expression of which was modified by epsilon PKC. Those studies were accompanied by metabolomic analysis, suggesting that increased glucose oxidation may be responsible for the cardioprotective effect of epsilon PKC. Whether these epsilon PKC-mediated alterations were because of differences in protein expression or phosphorylation was not determined. Methods and Results: In the present study, we used an epsilon PKC -specific activator peptide, psi epsilon RACK, combined with phosphoproteomics, to find epsilon PKC targets, and identified that the proteins whose phosphorylation was altered by selective activation of epsilon PKC were mostly mitochondrial proteins. Analysis of the mitochondrial phosphoproteome led to the identification of 55 spots, corresponding to 37 individual proteins, exclusively phosphorylated, in the presence of psi epsilon RACK. The majority of the proteins identified were involved in glucose and lipid metabolism, components of the respiratory chain as well as mitochondrial heat shock proteins. Conclusions: The protective effect of epsilon PKC during ischemia involves phosphorylation of several mitochondrial proteins involved in glucose and lipid metabolism and oxidative phosphorylation. Regulation of these metabolic pathways by epsilon PKC phosphorylation may lead to epsilon PKC-mediated cardioprotection induced by psi epsilon RACK. (Circ J 2012; 76: 1476-1485)


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Aspergillus fumigatus is a major opportunistic pathogen and allergen of mammals. Nutrient sensing and acquisition mechanisms, as well as the capability to cope with different stressing conditions, are essential for A. fumigatus virulence and survival in the mammalian host. This study characterized the A. fumigatus SebA transcription factor, which is the putative homologue of the factor encoded by Trichoderma atroviride seb1. The Delta sebA mutant demonstrated reduced growth in the presence of paraquat, hydrogen peroxide, CaCl2, and poor nutritional conditions, while viability associated with sebA was also affected by heat shock exposure. Accordingly, SebA:GFP (SebA:green fluorescent protein) was shown to accumulate in the nucleus upon exposure to oxidative stress and heat shock conditions. In addition, genes involved in either the oxidative stress or heat shock response had reduced transcription in the Delta sebA mutant. The A. fumigatus Delta sebA strain was attenuated in virulence in a murine model of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. Furthermore, killing of the Delta sebA mutant by murine alveolar macrophages was increased compared to killing of the wild-type strain. A. fumigatus SebA plays a complex role, contributing to several stress tolerance pathways and growth under poor nutritional conditions, and seems to be integrated into different stress responses.


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Anti-silencing factor 1 (ASF1) is a histone chaperone that contributes to the histone deposition during nucleosome assembly in newly replicated DNA. It is involved in chromatin disassembly, transcription activation and in the cellular response to DNA damage. In Leishmania major the ASF1 gene (LmASF1) is located in chromosome 20 and codes for a protein showing 67% of identity with the Trypanosoma brucei TbASF1a. Compared to orthologous proteins, LmASF1 conserves the main residues relevant for its various biological functions. To study ASF1 in Leishmania we generated a mutant overexpressing LmASF1 in L. major. We observed that the excess of LmASF1 impaired promastigotes growth rates and had no impact on cell cycle progress. Differently from yeast, ASF1 overproduction in Leishmania did not affect expression levels of genes located on telomeres, but led to an upregulation of proteins involved in chromatin remodelling and physiological stress, such as heat shock proteins, oxidoreductase activity and proteolysis. In addition, we observed that LmASF1 mutant is more susceptible to the DNA damaging agent, methyl methane sulphonate, than the control line. Therefore, our study suggests that ASF1 from Leishmania pertains to the chromatin remodelling machinery of the parasite and acts on its response to DNA damage.


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Das Glaukom stellt eine heterogene Gruppe von okularen Erkrankungen dar, deren Pathogenese sich durch einen langsamen, progradienten Untergang von retinalen Ganglienzellen und ihren Axonen auszeichnet. rnIn den letzten Jahren wurde im Kontext der Glaukompathogenese verstärkt die Beteiligung autoreaktiver Antikörper diskutiert. Ein Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit bestand in dem Vergleich solcher Autoantikörper-Reaktionen in den Serum- und Kammerwasserproben einzelner Glaukompatienten. Hierdurch sollte geklärt werden, inwieweit die Immunreaktivitäten dieser beiden Körperflüssigkeiten miteinander übereinstimmen und ob sich Hinweise auf eine lokale Antikörperproduktion im immunprivilegierten Auge finden lassen. Mittels eines etablierten Protein-Microarray-Verfahrens wurden die Immunreaktionen gegen 40 verschiedene Antigene, wie z.B. Hitzeschock-Proteine oder neuronale Strukturproteine, untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die detektierten Autoantikörper-Reaktionen gegen mehr als 80% der untersuchten Antigene in beiden Körperflüssigkeiten miteinander übereinstimmen. Verdeutlicht wird hierdurch, dass die Antikörper-basierenden immunologischen Vorgänge im Auge bzw. Kammerwasser, trotz dessen Abschottung vom Blutkreislauf durch die Blut-Retina-Schranke, denen des Serums stark ähneln. Nur vereinzelt lassen sich Hinweise auf eine lokale Antikörperproduktion im Auge finden, wodurch die Bedeutung der detektierten Serumantikörper-Reaktionen für die Glaukomerkrankung belegt wird. rnEin weiterer Schwerpunkt der Arbeit lag auf der Detektion möglicher veränderter Proteinexpressionen in den Retinae und Serumproben von Glaukompatienten, die potentiell zu den neurodegenerativen Prozessen der Glaukompathogenese beitragen. Um die Analyse spezifischer Proteinexpressionen zu ermöglichen, wurde das Verfahren des Antikörper-Microarrays etabliert und auf die Fragestellung angewendet. Untersucht wurden hierbei vor allem die Abundanzen von Komplementproteinen, Zytokinen und Hitzeschock-Proteinen, aber auch die von verschiedenen neuronalen Strukturproteinen. Als Probenmaterial dienten Serum- und Retinaproben von Glaukompatienten, die vergleichend denen von gesunden Probanden gegenübergestellt wurden. Die Analyse erbrachte die Erkenntnis, dass neben der verstärkten Expression von Komplementproteinen in der Retina (z.B. C3, C6) auch im Serum der Glaukompatienten eine erhöhte Konzentration dieser Proteine vorliegt, die im Rahmen der Glaukomerkrankung möglicherweise ebenfalls eine Rolle spielen. Ähnliches konnte für verschiedene Zytokine, wie z.B. TNF-α, IFN-γ oder IL1-β beobachtet werden, die in den untersuchten Retinae von Glaukomprobanden, teilweise auch in den Serumproben der Patienten, in verstärktem Maße detektiert werden konnten. Die erhöhte Produktion von Zytokinen in der Retina ist wahrscheinlich auf die Aktivierung von Gliazellen zurückzuführen, ein Ereignis für das in dieser Arbeit zahlreiche Hinweise gefunden werden konnten. Die Gliaaktivierung wird vermutlich durch apoptotische Prozesse in der Retina ausgelöst, eventuell aber auch durch eine erfolgte Komplementaktivierung. Darüber hinaus konnten mittels eines massenspektrometrischen Verfahrens weitere Expressionsunterschiede verschiedener retinaler Proteine bei Glaukompatienten festgestellt werden. Diese Veränderungen, wie z.B. geminderte Mengen von ROS-eliminierenden Proteinen, wie der Superoxid Dismutase und Peroxiredoxin-2, begünstigen bzw. verstärken sehr wahrscheinlich die neurodegenerativen Prozesse in der Retina von GlaukompatientenrnInwieweit die untersuchten Faktoren kausativ an den neurodegenerativen Prozessen beteiligt sind, bleibt ungeklärt, jedoch untermauert deren Vielzahl die Notwendigkeit, die Ursache der Glaukomerkrankung als komplexe Interaktion und Wechselwirkung verschiedener Komponenten zu betrachten und nicht als einen einzelnen fehlgesteuerten Mechanismus.rn


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In den vergangenen Jahren konnten zahlreiche Studien die Veränderung des natürlichen Autoantikörperrepertoirs bei Glaukompatienten aufzeigen. Zu den Antigenen zählen verschiedenen Hitzeschockproteinen, aber ebenso neuronal assoziierte Strukturproteine wie das Myelin basische Protein (MBP) oder das sauren Gliafaserprotein und einige neuropyhsiologische Proteine aus der Retina und dem Sehnerven. Da bei den Glaukompatienten nicht einzelne Antikörperreaktionen verändert sind, sondern vielmehr komplexe Autoantikörpermuster vorliegen, bestand das primäre Ziel der Dissertation zu zeigen, ob eine systemische Immunisierung mit MBP, Homogenaten opticus-assoziierter Antigene (ONA) und Antigenen der retinalen Ganglienzellschicht (RGA) den Verlust von retinalen Ganglienzellen (RGZ) in einem Experimentellen Autoimmunen Glaukom (EAG) Tiermodell auslösen können. Die systemische Injektion von MBP, ONA oder RGA induzierten ophthalmopathologische Veränderungen in der Retina, gekennzeichnet durch retinalen Ganglienzellverlust mitsamt Zerstörung der Axone im Sehnerv. Unter der Annahme, dass die Neurodegeneration durch Autoantiköper vermittelt ist, wurde ebenfalls untersucht, ob sich die Antikörperreaktivität gegen okulare Strukturen oder den Sehnerv im Verlauf der Studie verändern. Getestet wurde die Antikörperreaktivität gegen Gewebsschnitte gesunder Tiere mit dem Ergebnis einer signifikanten und zeitabhängigen Zunahme der Immunreaktivität. Darüber hinaus war es erstmals möglich die Ablagerung von IgG Autoantikörpern in der Retina und dem Sehnerv nachzuweisen sowie die Caspase mediierte Apoptose zu untersuchen. Ebenfalls konnte die Verteilung von aktivierten Mikroglia im optischen System evaluiert werden, wobei diese mehrmals in Kolokalisation mit den IgG-Autoantikörpern auftraten. Diese Beobachtungen lassen den Schluss zu, dass die Immunreaktionen von Autoantikörpern alleine und im Zusammenspiel mit der Mikroglia im Zusammenhang mit der Neurodegeneration der retinalen Ganglienzelle im EAG Modell stehen könnten.


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Die kumulative Habil.‐Schrift gründet sich auf 6 Originalpublikationen, die beschreiben: [Sass, H. (1982), Cell 28: 269‐278]. RNA polymerase B in polytene chromosomes: Immunofluorescent and autoradiographic analysis during stimulated and repressed RNA synthesis. Elektronenmikroskopie charakterisierte das C. tentans Balbianiring BR2‐Gen von Speicheldrüsenchromosomen als hoch aktives 5‐6 μm langes single‐copy Gen, das 33/μm RNAPolymerasen B (Pol II) transkribieren (Diss., Sass, H., 1978, Univ. Tübingen). Diese Immunfluoreszenzstudie ortet Pol II in allen Interbanden von Region IV‐3B10‐3B5 des nichtinduzierten BR2. Prominente Fluoreszenz im BR2‐Genort 3B9/10 zeigt, das BR2‐Gen ist präaktiv, wie erwartet. 3H‐Autoradiogramme beweisen, in allen fluoreszierenden BR2, BR1, BR3, Puffs, aufgelockerten Banden, Interbanden und Loci ohne Puffing, synthetisiert Pol II RNA. Die genomweite ständige Pol II‐Präsenz zeigt, dass, wie beim nichtinduzierten BR2‐Gen, bereits schon gebundene Pol II wohl auch andere Gene präaktiviert. So erfolgt die Regulation der Transkription mehr über die transkriptionelle Elongation. Auch durch α‐Amanitin, oder Actinomycin D, oder Hitzeschock in vivo kollabierte BR2, BR1, BR3 besitzen Pol II. [Sass, H. (1984), Chromosoma 90: 20‐25]. Gene identification in polytene chromosomes: some Balbiani ring 2 gene sequences are located in an interband‐like region of Chironomus tentans. Immunfluoreszenz und 3H‐Autoradiographie zeigen, dass Injektionen von DRB in Larven die Balbianiringe (BR) sowie andere Puffs und deren Pol II‐Konzentration dramatisch reduzieren. Trotzdem zeigen 3H‐Uridin markierte Speicheldrüsenchromosomen, dass RNA‐Synthese doch in nichtinduzierten BR2, BR1, BR3 erfolgt, aber nur auf reduziertem Level. Das widerspricht der von Egyházi E. (1975, PNAS 73:947‐950) propagierten „Inhibition of Balbiani ring RNA synthesis at the initiation level“ durch DRB. Vielmehr sieht es so aus, DRB wirkt bei der transkriptionellen Elongation inhibierend. Durch in situ‐Hybridisierung von Sequenzen klonierter BR2‐DNA wurde in Speicheldrüsenchromosom IV das BR2‐Gen in Region 3B9/10 direkt identifiziert. [Sass, H. and Pederson, T. (1984), J. Mol. Biol. 180: 911‐926]. Transcription‐dependent localization of U1 and U2 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins at major sites of gene activity in polytene chromosomes. Immunolokalisation von Sm‐, U1‐ und U2snRNP‐spezifischen Antigenen in Speicheldrüsenchromosomen von C. tentans hat zur Entdeckung der beim Spleißen von prä‐mRNA beteiligten U1/U2snRNPs in Balbianiringen BR2, BR1, BR3 sowie anderen Puffs und aufgelockerten Banden geführt. Die überraschenden BR‐Daten zeigen erstmals: (i) Der Spleiß‐Apparat ist in Genloci mit intensiver RNA‐Synthese schon vorhanden. (ii) Immunfluoreszenz reflektiert den Exon‐Intron‐Bau dieser BR‐Gene. (iii) Transkription und spleißosomales Ausschneiden von Introns sind koordiniert. [Sass, H. (1989), Nucleic Acids Research 17: 10508]. Hsp82‐neo transposition vectors to study insertional mutagenesis in Drosophila melanogaster and tissue culture cells; [Sass, H. (1990), Gene 89: 179‐186]. P‐transposable vectors expressing a constitutive and thermoinducible hsp82‐neo fusion gene for Drosophila germline transformation and tissue‐culture transfection. Beschrieben sind Design, Konstruktion und Expression der Genfusion hsp82‐neo als ein in vivo selektierbares Reporter‐/Markergen, die Transposons P{hsp82‐neo/Adh} sowie P{hsp82‐neo} und Transformations‐Vektoren pHS22, pHS24, pHS85, pHS103 und pHS104. Sie stellen das von der Fliege gebildete Enzym bakteriellen Ursprungs, Neomycin‐Phosphotransferase II, für die G418‐Selektion bereit, um die Position, Struktur, Expression und Funktion von Genen mittels hsp82‐neo‐Mutagenese zu erforschen. [Sass, H. and Meselson, M. (1991), Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88: 6795‐6799]. Dosage compensation of the Drosophila pseudoobscura Hsp82 gene and the D. melanogaster Adh gene at ectopic sites in D. melanogaster. Quantitative Unterschiede in der Dosiskompensation des X‐chromosomalen hsp82‐Gens von D. pseudoobscura und autosomalen Adh‐Gens von D. melanogaster wurden als Erhöhung der RNAMenge in D. melanogaster gemessen. Beide Transgene sind dosiskompensiert, sprang P{hsp82‐ neo/Adh} in euchromatische Regionen des D. melanogaster X‐Chromosoms. Beide Transgene sind nicht dosiskompensiert, insertierte P{hsp82‐neo/Adh} ins β‐Heterochromatin in Region 20 an der Basis des X. Keine der zehn autosomalen Insertionen ist dosiskompensiert. Die Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass X‐chromosomale regulatorische Sequenzen, die für die Verstärkung der Genaktivität um Faktor 2 in Männchen verantwortlich sind, gehäuft im X vorkommen, jedoch im β‐ Heterochromatin und den Autosomen fehlen. Das Kompensationsverhalten der transponierten Gene wird durch das neue chromosomale Milieu des Insertionsortes bestimmt.


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Latex glycoprotein (LGP) from Synadenium grantii latex was purified by the combination of heat precipitation and gel permeation chromatography. LGP is a heat stable protein even at 80 degrees C showed a sharp single band both in SDS-PAGE as well as in native (acidic) PAGE. LGP is a monomeric protein appears as single band under reducing condition. It is a less hydrophobic protein showed sharp single peak in RP-HPLC with retention time of 13.3 m. The relative molecular mass of LGP is 34.4 kDa. CD spectrum of LGP explains less content of alpha-helix (7%), and high content of beta-pleated sheets (48%) and random coils (46%). The N-terminal sequence of LGP is D-F-P-S-D-W-Y-A-Y-E-G-Y-V-I-D-R-P-F-S. Purified LGP is a fibrinogen degrading protease hydrolyses all the three subunits in the order of Aalpha, Bbeta and gamma. The hydrolytic pattern is totally different from plasmin as well as thrombin. LGP reduces recalcification time from 165 to 30 s with citrated human plasma but did not show thrombin like as well as factor Xa-like activity. Although LGP induces procoagulant activity, it hydrolyses partially cross-linked fibrin clot. It hydrolyses all the subunits of partially cross-linked fibrin clot (alpha- chains, beta-chain and gamma-gamma dimer). LGP is a serine protease, inhibited by PMSF. Other serine protease inhibitors, aprotinin and leupeptin did not inhibit the caseinolytic activity as well as fibrinogenolytic activity. We report purification and characterization of a glycoprotein from Synadenium grantii latex with human fibrino(geno)lytic activity.


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Recognition of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) by the innate immune system involves at least three receptor molecules: CD14, TLR4 and MD-2. Additional receptor components such as heat shock proteins, chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4), or CD55 have been suggested to be part of this activation cluster; possibly acting as additional LPS transfer molecules. Our group has previously identified CXCR4 as a component of the "LPS-sensing apparatus". In this study we aimed to elucidate the role that CXCR4 plays in innate immune responses to LPS. Here we demonstrate that CXCR4 transfection results in responsiveness to LPS. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy experiments further showed that LPS directly interacts with CXCR4. Our data suggest that CXCR4 is not only involved in LPS binding but is also responsible for triggering signalling, especially mitogen-activated protein kinases in response to LPS. Finally, co-clustering of CXCR4 with other LPS receptors seems to be crucial for LPS signalling, thus suggesting that CXCR4 is a functional part of the multimeric LPS "sensing apparatus".


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Cells must rapidly sense and respond to a wide variety of potentially cytotoxic external stressors to survive in a constantly changing environment. In a search for novel genes required for stress tolerance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we identified the uncharacterized open reading frame YER139C as a gene required for growth at 37 degrees C in the presence of the heat shock mimetic formamide. YER139C encodes the closest yeast homolog of the human RPAP2 protein, recently identified as a novel RNA polymerase II (RNAPII)-associated factor. Multiple lines of evidence support a role for this gene family in transcription, prompting us to rename YER139C RTR1 (regulator of transcription). The core RNAPII subunits RPB5, RPB7, and RPB9 were isolated as potent high-copy-number suppressors of the rtr1Delta temperature-sensitive growth phenotype, and deletion of the nonessential subunits RPB4 and RPB9 hypersensitized cells to RTR1 overexpression. Disruption of RTR1 resulted in mycophenolic acid sensitivity and synthetic genetic interactions with a number of genes involved in multiple phases of transcription. Consistently, rtr1Delta cells are defective in inducible transcription from the GAL1 promoter. Rtr1 constitutively shuttles between the cytoplasm and nucleus, where it physically associates with an active RNAPII transcriptional complex. Taken together, our data reveal a role for members of the RTR1/RPAP2 family as regulators of core RNAPII function.


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Cells use molecular chaperones and proteases to implement the essential quality control mechanism of proteins. The DegP (HtrA) protein, essential for the survival of Escherichia coli cells at elevated temperatures with homologues found in almost all organisms uniquely has both functions. Here we report a mechanism for DegP to activate both functions via formation of large cage-like 12- and 24-mers after binding to substrate proteins. Cryo-electron microscopic and biochemical studies revealed that both oligomers are consistently assembled by blocks of DegP trimers, via pairwise PDZ1-PDZ2 interactions between neighboring trimers. Such interactions simultaneously eliminate the inhibitory effects of the PDZ2 domain. Additionally, both DegP oligomers were also observed in extracts of E. coli cells, strongly implicating their physiological importance.


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SSE1 and SSE2 encode the essential yeast members of the Hsp70-related Hsp110 molecular chaperone family. Both mammalian Hsp110 and the Sse proteins functionally interact with cognate cytosolic Hsp70s as nucleotide exchange factors. We demonstrate here that Sse1 forms high-affinity (Kd approximately 10-8 M) heterodimeric complexes with both yeast Ssa and mammalian Hsp70 chaperones and that binding of ATP to Sse1 is required for binding to Hsp70s. Sse1.Hsp70 heterodimerization confers resistance to exogenously added protease, indicative of conformational changes in Sse1 resulting in a more compact structure. The nucleotide binding domains of both Sse1/2 and the Hsp70s dictate interaction specificity and are sufficient for mediating heterodimerization with no discernible contribution from the peptide binding domains. In support of a strongly conserved functional interaction between Hsp110 and Hsp70, Sse1 is shown to associate with and promote nucleotide exchange on human Hsp70. Nucleotide exchange activity by Sse1 is physiologically significant, as deletion of both SSE1 and the Ssa ATPase stimulatory protein YDJ1 is synthetically lethal. The Hsp110 family must therefore be considered an essential component of Hsp70 chaperone biology in the eukaryotic cell.


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Hsp70s mediate protein folding, translocation, and macromolecular complex remodeling reactions. Their activities are regulated by proteins that exchange ADP for ATP from the nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) of the Hsp70. These nucleotide exchange factors (NEFs) include the Hsp110s, which are themselves members of the Hsp70 family. We report the structure of an Hsp110:Hsc70 nucleotide exchange complex. The complex is characterized by extensive protein:protein interactions and symmetric bridging interactions between the nucleotides bound in each partner protein's NBD. An electropositive pore allows nucleotides to enter and exit the complex. The role of nucleotides in complex formation and dissociation, and the effects of the protein:protein interactions on nucleotide exchange, can be understood in terms of the coupled effects of the nucleotides and protein:protein interactions on the open-closed isomerization of the NBDs. The symmetrical interactions in the complex may model other Hsp70 family heterodimers in which two Hsp70s reciprocally act as NEFs.


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Divergent relatives of the Hsp70 protein chaperone such as the Hsp110 and Grp170 families have been recognized for some time, yet their biochemical roles remained elusive. Recent work has revealed that these "atypical" Hsp70s exist in stable complexes with classic Hsp70s where they exert a powerful nucleotide-exchange activity that synergizes with Hsp40/DnaJ-type cochaperones to dramatically accelerate Hsp70 nucleotide cycling. This represents a novel evolutionary transition from an independent protein-folding chaperone to what appears to be a dedicated cochaperone. Contributions of the atypical Hsp70s to established cellular roles for Hsp70 now must be deciphered.


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Helicobacter pylori, which colonizes the stomach and causes the most common chronic infection in man, is associated with peptic ulceration, gastric carcinoma and gastric lymphoma. Studies in animals demonstrated that mucosal immunization could induce immune response against H. pylori and prevent H. pylori infection only if powerful mucosal adjuvants such as cholera toxin (CT) or heat-labile toxin of E. coli (LT) were used along with an H. pylori protein antigen. Adjuvants such as CT or LT cannot be used for humans because of their toxicity. Finding non-toxic alternative adjuvants/immunomodulators or immunization strategies that eliminates the use of adjuvants is critical for the development of efficacious human Helicobacter vaccines. We investigated whether several new adjuvants such as Muramyl Tripeptide Phosphatidylethonolamine (MTP-PE), QS21 (a Quil A derivative), Monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL) or heat shock proteins (HSP) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis could be feasible to develop a safe and effective mucosal vaccine against H. pylori using a murine model. C57/BL6 mice were immunized with liposomes incorporating each adjuvant along with urease, a major antigenic protein of H. pylori, to test their mucosal effectiveness. Since DNA vaccination eliminates both the use of adjuvants and antigens we also investigated whether immunization with plasmid DNA encoding urease could induce protective immunity to H. pylori infection in the same murine model. We found that oral vaccination with liposomal MTP-PE (6.7 m g) and urease, (100 m g) induced antigen-specific systemic and mucosal immune response and protected mice against H. pylori challenge when compared to control groups. Parenteral and mucosal immunizations with as little as 20 m g naked or formulated DNA encoding urease induced systemic and mucosal immune response against urease and partially protected mice against H. pylori infection. DNA vaccination provided long-lasting immunity and serum anti-urease IgG antibodies were elevated for up to 12 months. No toxicity was detected after immunizations with either liposomal MTP-PE and urease or plasmid DNA and both were well tolerated. We conclude that immunization liposomes containing MTP-PE and urease is a promising strategy deserving further investigation and may be considered for humans. DNA vaccination could be used to prime immune response prior to oral protein vaccination and may reduce the dose of protein and adjuvant needed to achieve protective immunity. ^


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Abiotic stress is one of the most common causes of crop deficit and loss and hence an important area of study. Moreover, concerns regarding global climate change over past decades mean the study of different abiotic stresses appears to be essential if its effects are to be mitigated. The current review covers the effects of heat stress on crop performance, the response crops make when subjected to this stress and the development of tools designed to breed for stress tolerant crops. Distinct levels of the problem are considered, from the morphological/anatomical, through the physiological and to the biochemical/molecular. The study of heat shock proteins (HSPs), quantitative trait loci (QTLs) identification and the relationship between metabolomics (OMICS) and heat stress are given special consideration.