949 resultados para heat demand


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Matalaenergiarakentaminen asettaa uudenlaisia haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia lämpöenergian tuotannolle. Lämmitysjärjestelmien mitoitustehot eivät laske samassa suhteessa kuin lämmitysenergiankulutus, mikä suosii alhaisia investointeja muuttuvien kulujen kustannuksella. Työssä tutkittiin viittä vaihtoehtoista tapaa tuottaa kohdealueen rakennuskannan vuotuinen lämpöenergiantarve. Kohdealue koostui pääasiallisesti matalaenergiakerrostaloista. Neljä vaihtoehtoa perustui kaukolämpöön ja yksi matalaenergiaverkkoon varustettuna kiinteistökohtaisilla lämpöpumpuilla. Lähialueen jätevedenpuhdistamolle sijoitettu keskitetty lämpöpumppuratkaisu muodostui kokonaiskustannuksiltaan edullisimmaksi vaihtoehdoksi tuottaa kohdealueen rakennuskannan lämpöenergiantarve. Haketta polttoaineenaan käyttävä pien-CHPlaitos omasi vastaavasti pienimmän hiilijalanjäljen, mutta oli kustannusrakenteeltaan epäedullinen. Kohdealue ja vaihtoehtoiset lämmitysjärjestelmät mallinnettiin GaBi 4.3 elinkaarimallinnusohjelmistolla vaihtoehtojen hiilijalanjälkien selvittämiseksi.


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Työn tarkoituksena on selvittää miten sähköistä kysynnän herättämistä voidaan hyödyntää Mantsinen Group Ltd Oy:ssä siten, että sillä pystytään tukemaan myyntiä. Lisäksi sähköisen kysynnän herättämisen tehokkuutta tutkitaan, jotta saadaan selville onko se kannattavaa ja kuinka hyvin se sopii yritykselle. Kysynnän herättämisjärjestelmän käyttö on määritelty kirjallisuuteen perustuen ja sen jälkeen järjestelmän käyttö on aloitettu. Sähköisen kysynnän herättämisen tehokkuus mitataan kolmen kuukauden tarkastelujakson todellisella datalla. Sähköisen kysynnän herättämisen sopivuutta arvioidaan perustuen sen kustannustehokkuuteen ja tuloksiin. Työn tulokset osoittavat, että sähköinen kysynnän herättäminen on kannattavaa ja se sopii yritykselle. Sillä voidaan parhaiten tukea myyntiä järjestelmän tuottaessa laadukkaita myyntimahdollisuuksia tasaisena virtana myynnille. Myös aiemmin manuaalisesti tehtyjä työtehtäviä voidaan automatisoida ja näin vähentää myyjien työtaakkaa.


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The purpose for the thesis was to study the thermo treatment of finger-jointed wood. The thesis concentrated on examining the tensile and bending strength of finger-jointed and thermo treated wood. The aim was to find out how different treatment temperature levels and adhesives influence the strength of wood that has been finger-jointed before heat treatment. Secondary objectives were to examine the influence of the treatment time at one temperature, determine differences in the strength between the joints in heartwood and sapwood, examine the visual appearance of the finger joints after the treatment and establish possibilities to reach a characteristic strength level corresponding to C14. Only minor differences in strength properties were measured between the finger-jointed wood treatments II and III. A greater difference was shown between these two treatment temperatures I, which lead to reduced strength. The average strength of joints glued with adhesive 2 was higher after treatments II and III compared to those glued with the adhesive 1. At the treatment temperature I, the adhesive 1 strength properties were at the same level compared to the adhesive 2 or better. There were not any significant differences.


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Tehoelektroniikkalaitteiden tehon kasvun myötä niiden hyötysuhteesta on tullut yksi niiden tärkeimmistä ominaisuuksista. Suurilla tehoilla prosentuaalisesti pienetkin tehohäviöt ovat merkittäviä ja aiheuttavat laitteen käyttäjälle ylimääräisiä energiakustannuksia ja tarvetta hukkalämmön poistolle. Näistä syistä asiakkaat vaativat hyvällä hyötysuhteella toimivia laitteita, joten laitevalmistajat pyrkivät tekemään niistä sellaisia. Simulaatiomallit ovat arvokkaita työkaluja laitesuunnittelussa. Hyötysuhdeoptimoinnin kannalta tehohäviöt tulisi pystyä mallintamaan, jotta komponenttivalintojen, ohjaustapojen ja pääpiiritopologioiden vaikutusta hyötysuhteeseen voitaisiin arvioida. Tässä työssä perehdytään eristehilabipolaaritransistorista (IGBT) tehtyihin simulaatiomalleihin ja arvioidaan niiden soveltuvuutta IGBT:ssä syntyvien tehohäviöiden mallintamiseen. Lisäksi verrataan mallia mittaukseen ja pohditaan, millaiset vaatimukset simulaatiomalliin todellisuudessa kohdistuvat.


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Systems biology is a new, emerging and rapidly developing, multidisciplinary research field that aims to study biochemical and biological systems from a holistic perspective, with the goal of providing a comprehensive, system- level understanding of cellular behaviour. In this way, it addresses one of the greatest challenges faced by contemporary biology, which is to compre- hend the function of complex biological systems. Systems biology combines various methods that originate from scientific disciplines such as molecu- lar biology, chemistry, engineering sciences, mathematics, computer science and systems theory. Systems biology, unlike “traditional” biology, focuses on high-level concepts such as: network, component, robustness, efficiency, control, regulation, hierarchical design, synchronization, concurrency, and many others. The very terminology of systems biology is “foreign” to “tra- ditional” biology, marks its drastic shift in the research paradigm and it indicates close linkage of systems biology to computer science. One of the basic tools utilized in systems biology is the mathematical modelling of life processes tightly linked to experimental practice. The stud- ies contained in this thesis revolve around a number of challenges commonly encountered in the computational modelling in systems biology. The re- search comprises of the development and application of a broad range of methods originating in the fields of computer science and mathematics for construction and analysis of computational models in systems biology. In particular, the performed research is setup in the context of two biolog- ical phenomena chosen as modelling case studies: 1) the eukaryotic heat shock response and 2) the in vitro self-assembly of intermediate filaments, one of the main constituents of the cytoskeleton. The range of presented approaches spans from heuristic, through numerical and statistical to ana- lytical methods applied in the effort to formally describe and analyse the two biological processes. We notice however, that although applied to cer- tain case studies, the presented methods are not limited to them and can be utilized in the analysis of other biological mechanisms as well as com- plex systems in general. The full range of developed and applied modelling techniques as well as model analysis methodologies constitutes a rich mod- elling framework. Moreover, the presentation of the developed methods, their application to the two case studies and the discussions concerning their potentials and limitations point to the difficulties and challenges one encounters in computational modelling of biological systems. The problems of model identifiability, model comparison, model refinement, model inte- gration and extension, choice of the proper modelling framework and level of abstraction, or the choice of the proper scope of the model run through this thesis.


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Protein homeostasis is essential for cells to prosper and survive. Various forms of stress, such as elevated temperatures, oxidative stress, heavy metals or bacterial infections cause protein damage, which might lead to improper folding and formation of toxic protein aggregates. Protein aggregation is associated with serious pathological conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s disease. The heat shock response is a defense mechanism that protects the cell against protein-damaging stress. Its ancient origin and high conservation among eukaryotes suggest that the response is crucial for survival. The main regulator of the heat shock response is the transcription factor heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), which induces transcription of genes encoding protective molecular chaperones. In vertebrates, a family of four HSFs exists (HSF1-4), with versatile functions not only in coping with acute stress, but also in development, longevity and cancer. Thus, knowledge of the HSFs will aid in our understanding on how cells survive suboptimal circumstances, but will also provide insights into normal physiological processes as well as diseaseassociated conditions. In this study, the function and regulation of HSF2 have been investigated. Earlier gene inactivation experiments in mice have revealed roles for HSF2 in development, particularly in corticogenesis and spermatogenesis. Here, we demonstrate that HSF2 holds a role also in the heat shock response and influences stress-induced expression of heat shock proteins. Intriguingly, DNA-binding activity of HSF2 upon stress was dependent on the presence of intact HSF1, suggesting functional interplay between HSF1 and HSF2. The underlying mechanism for this phenomenon could be configuration of heterotrimers between the two factors, a possibility that was experimentally verified. By changing the levels of HSF2, the expression of HSF1-HSF2 heterotrimer target genes was altered, implementing HSF2 as a modulator of HSF-mediated transcription. The results further indicate that HSF2 activity is dependent on its concentration, which led us to ask the question of how accurate HSF2 levels are achieved. Using mouse spermatogenesis as a model system, HSF2 was found to be under direct control of miR-18, a miRNA belonging to the miR-17~92 cluster/Oncomir-1 and whose physiological function had remained unclear. Investigations on spermatogenesis are severely hampered by the lack of cell systems that would mimic the complex differentiation processes that constitute male germ cell development. Therefore, to verify that HSF2 is regulated by miR-18 in spermatogenesis, a novel method named T-GIST (Transfection of Germ cells in Intact Seminiferous Tubules) was developed. Employing this method, the functional consequences of miR-18-mediated regulation in vivo were demonstrated; inhibition of miR- 18 led to increased expression of HSF2 and altered the expression of HSF2 target genes Ssty2 and Speer4a. Consequently, the results link miR-18 to HSF2-mediated processes such as germ cell maturation and quality control and provide miR-18 with a physiological role in gene expression during spermatogenesis.Taken together, this study presents compelling evidence that HSF2 is a transcriptional regulator in the heat shock response and establishes the concept of physical interplay between HSF2 and HSF1 and functional consequences thereof. This is also the first study describing miRNA-mediated regulation of an HSF.


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Novel biomaterials are needed to fill the demand of tailored bone substitutes required by an ever‐expanding array of surgical procedures and techniques. Wood, a natural fiber composite, modified with heat treatment to alter its composition, may provide a novel approach to the further development of hierarchically structured biomaterials. The suitability of wood as a model biomaterial as well as the effects of heat treatment on the osteoconductivity of wood was studied by placing untreated and heat‐treated (at 220 C , 200 degrees and 140 degrees for 2 h) birch implants (size 4 x 7mm) into drill cavities in the distal femur of rabbits. The follow‐up period was 4, 8 and 20 weeks in all in vivo experiments. The flexural properties of wood as well as dimensional changes and hydroxyl apatite formation on the surface of wood (untreated, 140 degrees C and 200 degrees C heat‐treated wood) were tested using 3‐point bending and compression tests and immersion in simulated body fluid. The effect of premeasurement grinding and the effect of heat treatment on the surface roughness and contour of wood were tested with contact stylus and non‐contact profilometry. The effects of heat treatment of wood on its interactions with biological fluids was assessed using two different test media and real human blood in liquid penetration tests. The results of the in vivo experiments showed implanted wood to be well tolerated, with no implants rejected due to foreign body reactions. Heat treatment had significant effects on the biocompatibility of wood, allowing host bone to grow into tight contact with the implant, with occasional bone ingrowth into the channels of the wood implant. The results of the liquid immersion experiments showed hydroxyl apatite formation only in the most extensively heat‐treated wood specimens, which supported the results of the in vivo experiments. Parallel conclusions could be drawn based on the results of the liquid penetration test where human blood had the most favorable interaction with the most extensively heat‐treated wood of the compared materials (untreated, 140 degrees C and 200 degrees C heat‐treated wood). The increasing biocompatibility was inferred to result mainly from changes in the chemical composition of wood induced by the heat treatment, namely the altered arrangement and concentrations of functional chemical groups. However, the influence of microscopic changes in the cell walls, surface roughness and contour cannot be totally excluded. The heat treatment was hypothesized to produce a functional change in the liquid distribution within wood, which could have biological relevance. It was concluded that the highly evolved hierarchical anatomy of wood could yield information for the future development of bulk bone substitutes according to the ideology of bioinspiration. Furthermore, the results of the biomechanical tests established that heat treatment alters various biologically relevant mechanical properties of wood, thus expanding the possibilities of wood as a model material, which could include e.g. scaffold applications, bulk bone applications and serving as a tool for both mechanical testing and for further development of synthetic fiber reinforced composites.


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Tämän työn päätavoitteena oli selvittää, onko Toikansuon kaatopaikkakaasun hyödyntäminen kaukolämmöntuotantoon Lappeenrannan Energialle taloudellisesti kannattavaa. Kaatopaikkakaasulla voitaisiin korvata kaukolämmöntuotannossa puuta ja maakaasua, mistä aiheutuisi säästöä. Kaukolämmöntuotantoa varten olisi hankittava lämpökeskus ja rakennettava tarvittava infrastruktuuri, mistä aiheutuisi taas toisaalta kustannuksia. Paroc hyödyntää nykyisin Toikansuon kaatopaikkakaasun. Paroc ei hyödynnä kaasua niin paljon kuin olisi mahdollista, ja tulevaisuudessa Paroc ei välttämättä pysty hyödyntämään kaasua ollenkaan. Työssä arvioitiin Toikansuon kaatopaikkakaasupotentiaali, jonka perusteella pyydettiin toimittajilta tarjous kohteeseen soveltuvasta lämpökeskuksesta. Lämpökeskukselle etsittiin lisäksi sijoituspaikka sekä arvioitiin tarvittavan infrastruktuurin rakentamisesta aiheutuvat kustannukset ja lämpökeskuksen käytönaikaiset kustannukset. Aiheutuvia kustannuksia verrattiin vaihtoehtoisten kaukolämmöntuotantotapojen polttoainekustannuksissa saavutettuun säästöön nykyarvomenetelmän avulla. Investoinnin nykyarvo esitettiin eri kaatopaikkakaasun hinnoilla, sillä kaatopaikkakaasusta maksettava hinta on Lappeenrannan Energian ja Lappeenrannan kaupungin välinen neuvottelukysymys. Työn tulosten perusteella Toikansuon kaatopaikkakaasua pystyttäisiin hyödyntämään kaukolämmöntuotantoon noin 15 vuotta. Investointi on Lappeenrannan Energialle kannattava, kunhan kaatopaikkakaasusta maksettava hinta on riittävän alhainen ja laskelmiin valitut lähtöarvot pitävät riittävän hyvin paikkansa. Investointiin sisältyy kuitenkin riskinsä, sillä laskelmat sisältävät useita tulevaisuudessa muuttuvia tekijöitä, joiden kehitystä on vaikea arvioida tarkasti. Investointia tulisi harkita, jos Paroc ei pysty tulevaisuudessa hyödyntämään kaasua ollenkaan tai tavoitteena on minimoida kasvihuonekaasupäästöt. Pelkkää taloudellisen tuoton tavoittelua ajatellen investointi on liian epävarma.


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli vertailla paikallisia energiantuotantovaihtoehtoja eri-tyisesti lämmöntuotantoon painottuen. Tarkastelu sovitettiin uuden matalaenergiarakentamista vastaavan kerrostaloasuinalueen tarpeisiin. Näkökulmana olivat sekä taloudellisuus että hiilidioksidipäästöt. Yksityiskohtaisemman tarkastelun kohteena olivat maalämpö, alueellinen biolämpölaitos sekö alueellinen pien-CHP-laitos. Perusvaihtoehtona tutkittiin kaukolämpöä. Kaikkiin vaihtoehtoihin kuului myös kapasiteetiltaan rajoitettu jäähdytys. Tulosten mukaan kokonaistaloudellisin vaihtoehto oli maalämpö yhdistettynä kaukolämpöön. Tässä vaihtoehdossa peruslämpö tuotetaan maalämmöllä, mutta huippu-lämpöön sekä käyttöveden lämmitykseen käytetään kaukolämpöä. Ratkaisulla saadaan aikaan myös päästövähennyksiä kaukolämpöön verrattuna. Tulosten mukaan pienimmät päästöt olivat pien-CHP-biovoimalaitoksella. Toisaalta nykyisillä sähkön myyntihinnoilla pienimuotoinen yhdistetty sähkön ja lämmön tuotanto ei pysty kilpailemaan kustannusrakenteensa puolesta muiden tutkittujen vaihtoehtojen kanssa.


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The numerous methods for calculating the potential or reference evapotranspiration (ETo or ETP) almost always do for a 24-hour period, including values of climatic parameters throughout the nocturnal period (daily averages). These results have a nil effect on transpiration, constituting the main evaporative demand process in cases of localized irrigation. The aim of the current manuscript was to come up with a model rather simplified for the calculation of diurnal daily ETo. It deals with an alternative approach based on the theoretical background of the Penman method without having to consider values of aerodynamic conductance of latent and sensible heat fluxes, as well as data of wind speed and relative humidity of the air. The comparison between the diurnal values of ETo measured in weighing lysimeters with elevated precision and estimated by either the Penman-Monteith method or the Simplified-Penman approach in study also points out a fairly consistent agreement among the potential demand calculation criteria. The Simplified-Penman approach was a feasible alternative to estimate ETo under the local meteorological conditions of two field trials. With the availability of the input data required, such a method could be employed in other climatic regions for scheduling irrigation.


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The purpose of this work was evaluating the energetic demand of a seeder-fertilizer machine as a function of the type and handling of vegetal covering culture and of the fertilizer deposition shank depth. A Valtra BM100 tractor was used implemented to pull a high precision seeder-fertilizer machine with four ranks of seeding, spaced 0.9 m for maize culture. Experiment was conducted with design in randomized blocks in factorial plots, in the Laboratory of Machines and Agricultural Mechanization experimental area (LAMMA) of UNESP-Jaboticabal, using two covering cultures (black-mucuna and crotalaria), three handlings of this covering, two mechanical (straw crusher and roller knife) and one chemical (pulverization of herbicide), performed 120 days after seeding of covering cultures and three depths of fertilizer deposition shank, completing 18 treatments, with four repetitions, totaling 72 observations. Parameters of displacement speed, gliding, force on traction bar, peak force, power on pulling bar and fuel consumption were evaluated. It was possible to conclude that force on traction bar was less for depths of 0.11 and 0.14 m of fertilizer plough shank, the same occurring for peak force, power on traction bar and volumetric consumption. The specific consumption was lower at a depth of 0.17 m of fertilizer plough shank. Covering cultures and their handlings did not interfere in the performance of machines under inquiry.


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The purpose of this paper was to observe the use of bedding (wood shavings) in physiological variables that indicate thermal stress in gestating sows. The experiment was conducted in order to evaluate the effect of two types of floor (concrete and wood shavings). Worse microclimatic conditions were observed in bedding systems (P<0.05), with an increase in temperature and enthalpy of 1.14 ºC and 2.37 kJ.kg dry air-1, respectively. The floor temperature at the dirty area was higher in the bedding presence in comparison to its absence. In spite of the worse microclimatic conditions in the bedding, the rectal temperature did not differ significantly (P>0.05) but the skin surface temperature was higher in the bedding systems. The same occurred with the respiratory rates. The physical characteristics of the floor material influenced the rate of heat loss by conductance. Estimated values were 35.04 and 7.99 W m-2 for the conductive heat loss between the animal and floor for treatments with or without bedding, respectively. The use of bedding in sow rearing has a negative impact on microclimatic conditions, what implies in thermoregulatory damages.


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Studies on the effects of temperature and time of incubation of wastewater samples for the estimation of biodegradable organic matter through the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), that nowadays are rare, considering that the results of the classic study of STREETER & PHELPS(1925) have been accepted as standard. However, there are still questions how could be possible to reduce the incubation time; whether the coefficient of temperature (θ) varies with the temperature and with the type of wastewater and if it approaches 1.047. Aiming the elucidation of these questions, wastewater samples of dairy, swine and sewage treated in septic tanks were incubated at temperatures of 20, 30 and 35 °C, respectively for 5, 3.16 and 2.5 days. From the parameter of deoxygenation coefficient at 20 °C (k20), θ30 and θ35 were calculated. The results indicated that θ values changes with the type of wastewater, however does not vary in the temperature range between 30 and 35 °C, and that the use of 1.047 value did not implied significant differences in obtaining k in a determined T temperature. Thus, it is observed that the value of θ can be used to estimate the required incubation time of the samples at different temperatures.


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After hatching, pullets are transported to brooding area and vaccinated. One day old chicks have not already developed thermoregulation ability; thus, brooding temperature variations may affect pullet quality leading to broiler meat production losses. This research aimed to calculate sensible heat loss in one day old pullets in hatching area and vaccination room. Ten one day old pullets were randomly selected from hatching area of a commercial hatchery. Infrared images were used to calculate bird surface temperature. Exposure areas for the two conditions were quantified, and both air temperature and wind speed was recorded. Total sensible heat loss was calculated as heat loss by radiation plus heat loss by convection. It was found that heat transfer occurs in different ways at different bird body parts. Total heat loss found for hatching baskets was equivalent to 0.81 J s-1 while for vaccination room was 1.16 J s-1. Pullet nutrition is based on energy loss from brooding to farm, and the overall pullet heat loss from hatchery to farm accepted is 13.95 J s-1. Thus, "starter feed" has relevant excess of energy input. These findings indicate that less energy can be used in initial feed, once heat loss is lower than assumed nowadays. Improved knowledge on these conditions may enhance broiler farm feeding strategies and economics during first rearing week.