968 resultados para flash-photolysis
Resumen basado en la publicaci??n. T??t. en los cr??ditos del CD: La vaca mimosa : programa de reeducaci??n de problemas de voz
Se plantea la aplicación didáctica multimedia en lengua inglesa de Clothes. Este programa permite un acercamiento al campo semántico de las ropas agrupado en torno a las estaciones del año, facilitando la adquisición del léxico tanto a nivel oral como escrito. Sus objetivos son: a) Incluir las TICs de manera real en el currículo; b) Motivar al alumnado en la elaboración de tareas y proyectos que se manejan utilizando el ordenador; c) Fomentar la desinhibición del alumnado a la hora de expresarse oralmente en lengua inglesa; d) Potenciar el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua como un hecho de disfrute y entretenimiento; e) Manejar las herramientas básicas de navegación del programa Flash; f) Reforzar la autoestima del alumnado en la elaboración de tareas cercanas y significativas; g) Favorecer el respeto hacia los trabajos y tareas realizados por los compañeros y compañeras en el ámbito del aula; h) Incidir en valores como el gusto por la tarea bien hecha y el esfuerzo y dedicación en los pequeños detalles. La aplicación está orientada fundamentalmente al alumnado de tercer ciclo pero puede ser utilizada y trabajada en segundo o primer ciclo si se estima conveniente.
Resumen basado en la publicación
This is a 5-minute narrated video that shows students how to assemble Dean and Stark distillation apparatus. It is in Flash Movie format and the ZIP file contains everything required - simply upload it to Blackboard as a package file, unpack it and use dean-and-stark.htm as the start page.
Multimedia Training Videos is a series of free learning videos to show anyone interested in learning packages like Flash, Director and Photoshop.
A set of podcasts made for physicians, by physicians and for patients, by patients. It aims to inform about the latest developments and insights into heart rhythm disorders cardiovascular diseases, their diagnosis and their treatment. The files are available to download as QuickTime or Flash movies, you can subscribe via iTunes, watch from the webpage or subscribe to email alerts.
This training video is intended to familiarise researchers and technicians working with Hazard Group 1 pathogens in Containment Level 1 animal facilities. It is in Flash video format which will require a free media player such as VLC Media Player (http://www.videolan.org/vlc/) to watch.
This training video is intended to familiarise researchers and technicians working with Hazard Group 3 pathogens in Containment Level 3 animal facilities. It is in Flash video format which will require a free media player such as VLC Media Player (http://www.videolan.org/vlc/) to watch.
This training video is intended to familiarise researchers and technicians working with Hazard Group 2 pathogens in Containment Level 2 animal facilities. It is in Flash video format which will require a free media player such as VLC Media Player (http://www.videolan.org/vlc/) to watch.
This is an interactive flash-based tutorial which attempts to teach the topic of legal concerns within HR departments. A quiz to test the user's knowledge is also provided.
Video of how to set up and SPSS document and enter data
Video of how to get data in an Excel spreadsheet into SPSS. It starts with how to ensure the data is set and formatted correctly.
Video on how to enter data into Excel. This includes setting up column headings, changing sheet names, using lists for categorical items, using validation on columns of data, plus how to check validation is operating correctly.
A video of how to check for invalid data where the data has already been entered into Excel
Step by step guide.