918 resultados para estado brasileiro


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The starting point of the present work consisted of investigating the development of biotechnology in the Northeast region of Brazil from the perspective of a Regional Innovation System (RIS). The theoretical framework adopted relied on the approaches and concepts presented by the Neo-Schumpeterian perspective. This framework was chosen because, by means of the Innovation System concept, this literature allows us to analyze the relationships and configurations of actors, as well as the role of the state and of social, science and technology, and economic policies in the studied region. The analysis considered four selected dimensions: physical infrastructure, human capital, scientific production, and funding. These variables were chosen because they allow us to verify the possibilities and limitations of developing a biotechnology RIS in the Northeast of Brazil, and these elements would help in answering the question behind this dissertation. The location of the physical infrastructure was determined by means of bibliographic and documental research and interviews with heads of institutions that do biotechnology research. Regarding human capital, the analysis focused on resource training in biotechnology, highlighting graduate courses and research groups in the area. To measure knowledge production, we delimited scientific collaboration among researchers in the field of biotechnology as the focus of this category. For the funding dimension, information was gathered from reports available at the websites of national and state funding agencies. The data was analyzed through method triangulation, involving quantitative and qualitative research stages. To back the analyses, we revisited the integration policies in the area of Science, Technology and Innovation. Our analysis has shown that these policies play a crucial role in the development of biotechnology in the region being studied. The data revealed that the physical infrastructure is concentrated in only three states (Bahia, Ceará, and Pernambuco). In this regard, the Northeast Biotechnology Network (Renorbio) stands out as a strategic actor, enabling states with poor infrastructure to develop research through partnerships with institutions located in another state. We have also verified that the practices involving human resource training and knowledge production are factors that enable the emergence of a regional system for biotechnology in the studied region. As limitations, we have verified the low immersion level of regional actors, the heterogeneity of socioeconomic indicators, the lack of financial resources, and a low innovation culture in the business sector. Overall, we have concluded that the development of a Regional Innovation System in Biotechnology, based on the current regional dynamics, depends on an effective change in the behavior of the social agents involved, both in the national and regional dimensions as well as in the public and private spheres


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The shrimp farming industry is the most profitable area of the aquaculture at Rio Grande do Norte (RN) state, which is one of the largest producers in Brazil. However the infections that affect the shrimp cause major economic losses. The infection is a result of the interaction between the shrimp, the environment and pathogen. The change of these factors may lead to a condition of stress and susceptibility to opportunistic infections. One of these infections caused by Infectious Hypodermal and Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHHNV) is widely distributed in several countries and affects a wide range of hosts. To optimize conditions for production of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp, the more species cultivated in Brazil, it is necessary to understand the effects of environmental factors in the susceptibility of this species to infections. The aim of this study was to determine the IHHNV prevalence and to investigate the influence of environmental factors as salinity, temperature, stocking density, dissolved oxygen and rainfall in the IHHNV incidence in L. vannamei grown in farms, in the RN state. To determine the IHHNV prevalence were used 1089 samples of L. vannamei collected in seven farms. To perform the study about the influence of environmental factors, 525 samples of L. vannamei shrimp were collected in eight farms located in regions of low (0-1 ), medium (21-30 ) and high (38-57 ) salinity, using extensive (≤15 shrimp/m2 ), semi-intensive (18-33 shrimp/m2) or intensive (>36 shrimp/m2) stocking density systems. The IHHNV infection was determined in pleopod and hemolymph using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The environmental factors were recorded during the collection of animals, using a refractometer to measure the salinity and a multi-parameter meter to measure the temperature and concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water. The IHHNV prevalence in RN was 43% (468 infected shrimp out of 1089), varying on different farms. On the seven farms studied, IHHNV prevalence ranged from 18.6% to 54.8%. The infection rates in the shrimp cultured in low, medium and high salinity were respectively 43.10% (125/290), 31.2% (15/48) and 24.6% (46/187) and was significantly higher in shrimp grown in low salinity (P<0.001). The infection rates in ponds of extensive, semi-intensive and intensive systems were respectively, 28.7%, 28.28% and 47.84%, and was significantly higher in high stocking densities (P<0.001). This study indicated a high IHHNV prevalence and a significant effect of salinity and stocking density, but not of the temperature, rainfall and dissolved oxygen on the IHHNV infection rate in the L. vannamei shrimp cultured in the northeastern Brazil


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As mucopolissacaridoses (MPS) são doenças genéticas raras decorrente da deficiência de enzimas lisossomais envolvidas no catabolismo de glicosaminoglicanos, resultando em um amplo espectro de manifestações clínicas, progressivas e multissistêmicas, exigindo tratamento por uma equipe multidisciplinar. Embora o Nordeste brasileiro seja uma região com grande taxa de consangüinidade e um efeito fundador envolvendo MPS, não há estudos caracterizando os pacientes dessa região. Nosso objetivo foi determinar o perfil epidemiológico, clínico e genético de casos não publicados com MPS provenientes do Ceará, identificando as diferenças entre outros estudos com MPS e possíveis problemas a serem enfrentados para a realização do diagnóstico precoce. O estudo foi seccional, descritivo, com amostra de pacientes com MPS em acompanhamento no Hospital Infantil Albert Sabin e Hospital Geral Cesar Cals no período de 2006-2013. Os dados foram obtidos a partir da avaliação clínica, revisão de prontuários médicos e entrevista com os pacientes e/ou familiares realizadas pelo investigador principal. Cinquenta e três pacientes foram incluídos no estudo (36 do sexo masculino), sendo 6 MPS I, 17 MPS II, 7 MPS III (3 MPSIII-A, 3 MPS III-B, 1 MPS III-C), 7 MPS IV-A, 16 de MPS VI. O óbito ocorreu em 16 casos (3 MPS I, MPS II 6, 1 MPS IIIA , IIIB 1MPS , 1 MPS IV , 4 MPS VI). A amostra foi composta principalmente por crianças. Houve elevada taxa de consangüinidade e recorrência familiar. Os tipos mais comuns foram MPS II e MPS VI. Exceto para macrossomia em MPS II, os dados de nascimento indicam que não houve risco para desenvolvimento de viii complicações perinatais. Os sintomas iniciaram em crianças com menos de 2 anos. As manifestações clínicas foram heterogêneas exceto para atraso no desenvolvimento neurológico em MPS III e manifestações esqueléticas em MPS IV. As principais características clínicas foram macrocefalia, baixa estatura, alterações odontológicas, respiratórias, cardíacas, hepatoesplenomegalia, hérnia umbilical, rigidez articular e anormalidades esqueléticas. A terapia de reposição enzimática foi instituída em 26 casos (4 MPS I, 10 MPS II, 12 MPS VI). Os problemas sócio-econômicos das famílias, o amplo espectro de sintomas e a gravidade da doença foram causas das dificuldades em realizar a avaliação periódica pela equipe multidisciplinar, além de exames complementares de maior custo para determinar as complicações da doença. Este foi o maior estudo transversal sobre MPS no Nordeste do Brasil. Em contraste com a maior incidência de MPS I na maioria das populações ocidentais, houve maior incidência de MPS II e VI. As alterações respiratórias foram um dos principais contribuintes para a mortalidade precoce, exceto nos casos de MPS I, em que a cardiomiopatia foi prevalente. A menor expectativa de vida ocorreu em MPS I. O envolvimento cognitivo foi comum em casos graves e o maior número de órgãos envolvidos representou maior risco de morrer. Para o diagnóstico precoce, deve-se buscar indivíduos afetados em famílias em que há parentes com MPS, além do maior reconhecimento de sinais e sintomas de MPS por profissionais de saúde


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O Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar tem como objetivo atender as necessidades nutricionais dos alunos durante sua permanência em sala de aula, contribuindo para o crescimento, o desenvolvimento, o rendimento escolar e a formação de hábitos alimentares saudáveis. Diante da relevância social e considerando os princípios do direito humano da alimentação adequada e da segurança alimentar, é fundamental o monitoramento da execução e consecução das metas nutricionais estabelecidas pelo programa. Desta forma, este estudo teve como objetivos analisar a qualidade nutricional dos cardápios ofertados em escolas públicas de um município rural do Nordeste brasileiro, quanto à composição nutricional, custo com gêneros alimentícios, nível de adesão dos escolares às refeições oferecidas e atendimento às recomendações nutricionais do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar. Foi desenvolvido estudo transversal, realizado com 473 escolares, em Nísia Floresta, município do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. A frequência de consumo semanal da alimentação escolar foi analisado segundo o padrão adotado por Sturion et al., que classifica o nível de adesão em: efetiva (quatro a cinco dias), média (dois a três dias) e baixa (um dia). Analisou-se 64 preparações da alimentação escolar, eleitas de forma aleatória por conglomerado, avaliadas quanto à energia, macronutrientes e micronutrientes (vitaminas A e C, ferro, zinco, magnésio e cálcio). Utilizaram-se como parâmetros as recomendações nutricionais estabelecidas pelo programa (2009), para atender 20% das necessidades nutricionais diárias, considerando as faixas etárias de 6 a 10, 11 a 15 e 16 a 18 anos. Calculou-se o custo das preparações servidas com base na licitação realizada no município. A associação entre adesão e extratos etários foi investigada utilizando a análise de correlação. A energia oferecida pelos cardápios foi inferior a recomendação em até 50%. As refeições atingiram, em média, 249,34 kcal (±64,43). Observaram-se preparações com inadequação dos macronutrientes e micronutrientes, exceto para proteínas (102,3%) e lipídios (100,1%), na faixa etária ix de 6 a 10 anos. O custo das preparações foi R$ 0,53 (±0,16), sendo provenientes 56,6% de recursos federais e 43,4% da contrapartida municipal, com essencialidade de recursos municipais no provimento do custo. Quanto à adesão, 93,9% dos escolares informaram consumir os lanches. Para o nível de adesão, obtiveram-se: 67,2% efetiva, 21,8% média e 4,9% baixa. Foi encontrada associação significativa entre as variáveis adesão e idade (χ2 = 89,36; GL=6; P < 0,001), sendo a baixa adesão encontrada, sobretudo, na faixa de 16 aos 18 anos. Os cardápios ofertados não atingem as metas do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar, favorecendo a insegurança alimentar, especialmente aos adolescentes. Portanto, há necessidade de reformulações, planejamento, e implantação de refeições diferenciadas e adequadas às distintas faixas e factíveis de execução


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O processo de envelhecimento da humanidade é um fenômeno mundial e nas últimas décadas a população brasileira tem acompanhado essa tendência. No entanto, este fenômeno somente pode ser considerado como uma real conquista em termos sócios demográficos na medida em que se agregue qualidade aos anos adicionais de vida para a população. Em populações idosas, a incapacidade funcional e os sintomas depressivos tornaram-se importantes conceitos tanto por suas consequências para a saúde pública, quanto pelo impacto na qualidade de vida dessas populações. Este estudo tem como objetivo verificar se há associação entre os sintomas depressivos e o desempenho funcional de idosos comunitários. Foram avaliados 313 idosos de um centro urbano do nordeste brasileiro através das baterias de testes; Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression CES-D e Short Physical Performance Battery - SPPB; além de variáveis relacionadas ao estado físico, condições crônicas, função cognitiva e características sócio demográficas. Foram utilizadas medidas de correlação e aplicado método de análise multivariada para construir um modelo explicativo da influência da sintomatologia depressiva no desempenho funcional. Os resultados revelaram que as mulheres apresentaram mais sintomas depressivos (p< 0.01) e pior desempenho funcional (p< 0.01) que os homens. Os indivíduos com sintomatologia depressiva apresentaram pior desempenho funcional, especialmente as mulheres. A idade, o sexo feminino, o estado de saúde percebido, o nível de função cognitiva e o Índice de massa corporal foram identificados como fatores associados ao desempenho funcional na amostra estudada. Os resultados deste estudo permitem inferir a relação de associação entre sintomas depressivos e desempenho funcional em uma população de idosos de um centro urbano no nordeste do Brasil. Estes resultados fornecem informações úteis para intervenções terapêuticas adequadas voltadas para a prevenção do declínio na mobilidade em idosos


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This dissertation focus, as main objective, to address the issue of fundamental rights and political freedoms of the individuals, guaranteed by the Constitution of 1988, with emphasis of study in the constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech, as well as in national related constitutional law institutions and its derivatives, and the connection with the historical and political affirmation of fundamental human rights and its importance for the construction, maintenance and consolidation of constitutional democracy in the Federative Republic of Brazil. This paper mainly deals with aspects of juspostive nature, focused mainly within its doctrinal aspect, making, for such, references both to the patrian doctrine and the foreign one, without forgetting the necessary jurisprudencial focus and analysis of the positive patrian planning with references to comparative law, in order to describe and analyze the emergence, evolution and dissemination of the institute, both in the major countries of the Western World and along the Brazilian constitutional history.


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The thesis, prepared with basis on deductive reasoning (through the utilization of general concepts of the fundamental rights theory) and on inductive logic (by means of the consideration of particular situations in which the theme has been approached) deals with the criminal investigation and the prohibition of anonymity in the Brazilian law system. The state criminal investigation activity presents not only a substantial constitutional basis, due to the objective dimension of fundamental rights (which imposes an obligation to protect these essential values), but also a formal constitutional basis, arising from the administrative principles of rule of law, morality and efficiency, referred to in article 37 of the Constitution. The criminal investigation, however, is not an unlimited pursuit, being restrained by the duty to consider fundamental rights that oppose to its realization. One of the limits of the state investigation activity, in the Brazilian law system, is the prohibition of anonymity, referred to in article 5°, IV, of the Constitution. This prohibition is a direct constitutional restriction to the freedom of expression that aims to ensure the credibility of the diffusion of ideas and prevent the abusive exercise of this fundamental right, which could harm both persons and the state, with no possibility of punishment to the offending party. Generally, based on this prohibition, it is affirmed that a criminal investigation cannot begin and progress founded on anonymous communication of crimes. Informations about crimes to the investigative authorities require the correct identification of the stakeholders. Therefore, it is sustained that the prohibition of anonymity also comprehends the prohibition of utilization of pseudonyms and heteronyms. The main purpose of this essay is to recognize the limits and possibilities in starting and conducting criminal investigations based on communication of crimes made by unidentified persons, behind the veil of anonymity or hidden by pseudonyms or heteronyms. Although the prohibition of article 5°, IV, of the Constitution is not submitted to direct or indirect constitutional restrictions, this impediment can be object of mitigation in certain cases, in attention to the constitutional values that support state investigation. The pertinence analysis of the restrictions to the constitutional anonymity prohibition must consider the proportionality, integrated by the partial elements of adequacy, necessity and strict sense proportionality. The criminal investigation is a means to achieve a purpose, the protection of fundamental rights, because the disclosure of facts, through the investigatory activity, gives rise to the accomplishment of measures in order to prevent or punish the violations eventually verified. So, the start and the development of the state criminal investigation activity, based on a crime communication carried out by an unidentified person, will depend on the demonstration that the setting up and continuity of an investigation procedure, in each case, are an adequate, necessary and (in a strict sense) proportional means to the protection of fundamental rights


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This work deals with considerations regarding common types of tax misuse that are present in the 1988 Brazilian Constitution. Thus, the work aims to unveil dogmatic features present in these practices that are considered illegal and are beset with vices such as power misusage. The research also aims to acknowledge the unconstitutionality issues regarding other guidance on behalf of goods that are responsible for the gradual positive approach realized by the 1988 Brazilian Federal Constitution. Thus, the work systematically used methodological procedures that aim to interpret the logical premises present as in the structure proposed by incidence rule matrix as in Ihering´s correction criteria considered as effective in itself. This is done also considering themes such as the Brazilian Public Tax legal matters. The work also performs a teleological debate of the Brazilian National Tax System as well as other related themes. It is understood that power misusage or any regards increase in aliquots. This can be observed in the quantitative criteria present in central aspects regarding taxes that are described in the constitutional regime either regulatory or induced nature, such as §1º, of the normative information present in article number 153 which is considered predominantly as tax raising such as pointed out in the 1988 Brazilian Constitution. On the other hand, it is seen that the type of misguidance with goods is understood as a practice that deviates as well as cuts connection with (rectius, unattaches) tax resources that are gathered and destined to specific constitutional purposes. At the end, the work deals with issues that aim to identify possible causes that lead to the use of norms and patterns that regulate such deviations. The research emphasizes ratio issues that are present in tax inspection proposals and invalidation that aim to restore the logical compatibility of these normative actions included in the Constitutional Tax Legal matters that was put forth by the 1988 Brazilian Federal Constitution


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Foram investigados a prevalência e os fatores de risco da leptospirose bovina no Estado do Maranhão. O Estado foi dividido em quatro circuitos amostrais com base em parâmetros de produção distintos que variam conforme os diferentes sistemas de produção, as práticas de manejo, a finalidade de exploração, o tamanho médio dos rebanhos e os sistemas de comercialização. Objetivou-se estudar as características epidemiológicas da leptospirose bovina no Estado do Maranhão, de modo a determinar a prevalência em bovinos e em rebanhos, detectar as sorovariedades de Leptospira spp. presentes, identificar os fatores de risco eventualmente associados à leptospirose em bovinos e diferenciar os circuitos pecuários entre si no que se refere à prevalência de leptospirose. A pesquisa foi realizada em 136 propriedades rurais pertencentes ao circuito I, no qual 841 fêmeas bovinas com idade igual ou superior a 24 meses foram analisadas; 238 do circuito II, com 2.582 fêmeas analisadas; 122 do circuito III, com 869 fêmeas analisadas; e 77 do circuito IV, com 540 fêmeas analisadas; no total, 573 propriedades e 4.832 fêmeas foram estudadas. A presença de anticorpos contra Leptospira spp. foi verificada pela técnica de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM). Das 4.832 fêmeas bovinas analisadas, 1.904 (35,94%; IC 95% = 33,01% - 38,98%) foram reagentes. Das 573 propriedades analisadas, 380 (64,81%; IC 95% = 61,10% - 68,35%) foram consideradas positivas. As sorovariedades Hardjo e Wolffi foram as mais frequentes em todo o Estado. O circuito III foi o que apresentou menor prevalência de leptospirose em todas as comparações. As variáveis identificadas como fatores de risco de leptospirose foram: presença de equinos (p = 0,000), presença de capivaras (p = 0,034) e rebanhos bovinos com 32 ou mais fêmeas adultas (p = 0,002).


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The transition of the liberal state to welfare state, globalization and the crisis of funding from the government spending on the multiple roles demanded an overhaul of the means of intervention in the economic domain and structure organizational of the Public Administration by enhancing the performance of regulatory functions. Therefore appear in Brazilian law independent regulatory agencies with legal administrative particular that gives autonomy increased, with fixed terms and stability of its leaders, police and competencies, normative and administrative judges. In this scenario, given the autonomy granted by the laws of the creation of regulatory agencies, the legislative competence becomes the most contentious issue, as not infrequently is innovation in the legal system. The main foundations of innovative extension producible by regulatory agencies, which diverges doctrine, are the constitutional attribution of own competence of the Public Administration and the discretionary power. Thus, it is necessary to delimit the constitutional and legal foundations of special legislative powers of these autarchies in our legal system, seeking ways to limit and control the production rules of those entities, for the purpose of position them before the powers constitutionally constituted. We note that with the constitutionalisation of administrative law regulatory agencies found limits to its performance in the normative constitutional principles, especially through the principles of efficiency, morality and proportionality, which has enabled a more effective control of their normative acts


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The increasing of pollution in aquatic ecosystems in the last decades has caused an expansion of eutrophication and loss of water quality for human consumption. The increase of frequency and intensity of cyanobacteria blooms have been recognized as a major problem connected to water quality and eutrophication. The knowledge of environmental factors controlling these blooms is a key step towards the management for recovering aquatic ecosystems from eutrophic conditions. Primary productivity in aquatic ecosystems is dependent on light and nutrients availability. In the present work we evaluated the relative importance of the concentration of major nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen, and light for phytoplankton growth in the main water reservoir of Rio Grande do Norte State, named Engenheiro Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves (EARG), which is an eutrophic system, dominated by potentially toxic cyanobacteria populations. Limitation of phytoplankton growth was evaluated through bioassays using differential enrichment of nutrients (N and/or P) under two light conditions (low light and high light) and monthly monitoring of chlorophyll-a and nutrients (total nitrogen and phosphorus) concentrations, and water transparency (Secchi depth) at the pelagic region. Our results confirm that EARG reservoir is an eutrophic system with a low water quality. Results of bioassays on the growth of phytoplankton limitation (N or P) were conflicting with the results predicted by the TN:TP ratios, which indicates that these ratios were not a good indicator of algal growth limitation. Nitrogen was the limiting nutrient, considering both frequency and magnitude. Light and hidrology affected phytoplankton response to nutrient enrichment. The extreme eutrophic conditions of this reservoir, dominated by cyanobacteria blooms, demand urgent managing strategies in order to guarantee the multiple uses for this system, including water supply for human population. Although nitrogen is the limiting nutrient, an effective management program must focus on the reduction of both phosphorus and nitrogen input


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It analyzes the magnitude, the nature and the direction of public revenues and the public expenses in oil and natural gas producing municipalities in the state of Rio Grande do Norte in the post-constituent period, and, more precisely, from the approval of Law 9.478/97, called Oil Law . It argues the fiscal federalism normative theory, the typology and the role of the intergovernamental transferences in the performance of the public finances of the local governments. Shows that the economy of Rio Grande do Norte went through deep social-economic changes in the last few decades, among which includes the discovery of the oil and the natural gas and its importance for the growth of the industrial and services sectors. It points out that the increase of the production and the international price of the oil contributed for the growth in revenues of royalties and the special participation in the beneficiary cities, what did not mean an automatic increase in the resources destined to the investment and in the quality on the provision of the goods and services come back toward the local development. On the contrary, the main conclusion of the work is that the trajectory of the oil producing municipalities is marked by paths and embezzlements in the performance of the public finances and in the provision of public goods and services. Paths, that lead to the improvement of the performance of the public finances and the quality of the public goods and services. Embezzlements, that lead to the inefficiency in the provision of goods and services and the capture of the public resources. That is, the fiscal decentralization is a necessary condition, however not enough to improve the amount and the quality of the public goods and services given by these municipalities. For that it is necessary to advance in the fiscal federalism normative theories, in search of optimum model of federalism in local governments where still predominated by patrimonialism, clientelism, fiscal illusion and the capture of the public resources in benefit of the private interests


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The work consists in a discussion of the evolution of formal employment in the industrial cities of Ceará state averages from 1990 to 2010, since this period was marked by important changes. It is emphasized that in order to achieve this aim, the present study was based on a survey of relevant literature on the subject, as well as the use of the Annual Report of Social Information (RAIS), published by the Ministry of Labour and Employment (MTE) and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The central question to be considered in this study is how we evolved formal employment industry in medium-sized cities (Juazeiro do Norte, Crato and Sobral) of Ceará? The assumption that guides this work is that given the economic policies of the 1990 and 2000 these policies encouraged the relocation, thus implying significant growth in the formal manufacturing employment in these cities. Regarding the results obtained in the survey, it was found that the industrial sector of these cities, showed considerable dynamism in what refers to the expansion of establishments. When observed in percentage terms medium-sized cities (345.5%) had the highest growth in number of establishments in the 1990s with rates higher than the Northeast region (285.9%) and Brazil (167.5%). The highlight was the city of Juazeiro, with the highest concentration of micro and small footwear companies in the state. Regarding the number of formal jobs created in medium-sized cities, it went from 6.596 in 1990 to 41.660 million formal jobs in 2010, with a growth rate of 532%. The sector contributed most to employment generation was the footwear. Although the levels of minimum wages, the 1990 recorded the lowest levels. In the 2000, there were real gains in levels of minimum wages in all cities, however, it may be noted that over the decades there has been significant momentum. However, this momentum was not enough to prevent the end of the study period CMs-Ceará present low wages


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Com o objetivo de verificar o papel da água utilizada durante a produção do leite como via de transmissão de Staphylococcus sp., fez-se a contagem de Staphylococcus coagulase negativa e Staphylococcus aureus nas amostras de água das fontes, dos reservatórios e dos estábulos de 30 propriedades leiteiras situadas na região Nordeste do Estado de São Paulo. As maiores ocorrências de isolamentos (10,0 e 16,6%) e os maiores valores médios (4,3×10(4) e 2,5×10(4)) de contagens desses microrganismos foram encontrados nas amostras de água dos estábulos utilizada na obtenção de leite. Estes resultados são importantes pois evidenciam a possibilidade de contaminação do leite ou dos animais por cepas patogênicas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)